The Billionaire's Accidental Bride Episode 535-536 English audiobook pocketfmenglish

  • 4 days ago
The Billionaire's Accidental Bride Episode 535-536 English audiobook pocketfmenglish
#EnglishMovie #cdrama #drama #engsub #chinesedramaengsub #movieshortfull


00:00Before listening from episode 535 to episode 536, don't forget from today, everyone supporting
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00:25Episode 535 The Standoff
00:29Realizing that Emma was serious about what she wanted her to do, Jenna's entire body
00:33shook with anger.
00:37She pleaded, you can't be serious considering all the messes that we've had to clean up
00:42for you.
00:43Don't you think that a simple apology and a handshake is the least you can do to smooth
00:48this over?
00:49Emma asked her calm tone unfaltering.
00:53Let's be honest, if you weren't a member of this family, we would be calling the cops
00:58and having you arrested right now.
01:00Oh, please, Jenna responded.
01:04You would not, I would, and I still can.
01:07You assaulted someone.
01:09Either you apologize or you'll be leaving here in a few minutes.
01:14In a police car, Emma gestured to the people around her with so many witnesses who saw
01:19what happened.
01:20Do you really think you'll get away with it?
01:23Emma's words were so forceful that there was no mistaking how serious she was.
01:28Now I wish that I'd kept my mouth shut.
01:32Miss Baines thought as her eyes traveled from one sister to another.
01:36I feel like I'm caught in the middle of a family feud.
01:40Jenna's face turned red as she clenched her fists by her sides, but her anger eventually
01:45bubbled over into a laugh.
01:46Do you think I'm too stupid to see what you're doing here?
01:50You know, our grandfather plans to give his shares to my baby, so you just decided to
01:56use what's happening here against me, haven't you?
02:00Of course, Emma thought, rolling her eyes as Jenna triumphantly patted her bump.
02:05That's my sister for you.
02:07This child isn't even born yet, and she's determined to use it as a human shield to
02:13protect her from her own stupidity.
02:16The crowd was disgusted to see Jenna use her pregnancy in such a way, and many were
02:21openly wondering if she was going to get away with what she had done.
02:25Hearing the discussions around her, a devilish grin appeared on Jenna's face.
02:30She was certain that Emma wouldn't dare force her to do anything while she was pregnant.
02:36She certainly won't call the police on me.
02:39She thought she was about to turn and go, when her younger sibling suddenly grabbed
02:44onto her wrist.
02:45I don't think you should leave right now, she said.
02:49There's nothing you can say that will convince me to stay, her sister replied.
02:54Emma leaned forward and whispered in Jenny's ear, are you sure about that?
03:00I could tell everyone here how you tried to bribe a doctor to perform a hysterectomy on
03:05me, or I could let them all know that you conspired with my mother's secretary to have
03:09her kidnapped.
03:11Jenna began to tremble.
03:13There are witnesses who would be prepared to testify against you, and the evidence is
03:18in a safe place, Emma continued.
03:22Either admit that you were wrong and apologize right now, or I'll make sure you spend a long,
03:27long time in a prison cell.
03:29You wouldn't.
03:31Jenna said, her voice wavering, try me.
03:36Her sister responded, her sister responded, sensing that Emma was so frightened that her
03:42face turned pale.
03:44You're despicable, she said, I can't believe you would treat me like this.
03:50This is just what you deserve, Emma whispered back, finally pulling away from her sister
03:56and giving her the warmest smile she could muster.
03:59Fine, I'll apologize.
04:02Jenna announced, much to the surprise of the hundreds of people who had gathered around
04:07the trio.
04:08She had no choice.
04:10So she approached the heiress and said, I'm really sorry, Miss Baines.
04:14I was in the wrong here.
04:16And I hope you can forgive me.
04:19It's forgotten.
04:20The heiress stated casually, extending her hand for Jenna to shake, which she duly accepted.
04:27Well thought, Miss Baines.
04:30Everything they say about Emma's negotiating skills really is true.
04:34Is that enough?
04:36Jenna asked, removing herself from the handshake and turning to her sister, M. O. looked to
04:42the iris to verify that she was satisfied and met her nod with a polite smile.
04:47Go sit down, Jenna, Emma said, and do everyone a favor and watch where you're going from
04:53now on.
04:55Jenna was inwardly seething at being talked to like a naughty child, but she had to temper
05:00her anger or risk a very long stay in a prison cell.
05:04All she could do was return to her seat as everyone in the ballroom watched.
05:09I have no idea what she said to her sister, but it must have been dynamite.
05:14One employee in the crowd quickly commented to his girlfriend.
05:18She responded with a satisfied smile.
05:21All of the staff felt like cheering at how this situation had been resolved, but they
05:26settled for giving each other knowing looks.
05:30Even if Jenna had no sense of propriety, they weren't about to stoop to her level.
05:35No wonder your family's company is growing by the day.
05:39Miss Bain said, patting Emma on the shoulder as a subtle means of thanking her, I'm well
05:44and truly impressed after what I've seen tonight.
05:48You're being far too kind.
05:50I'm just sorry that you had to go through all of this.
05:54Emma responded, it's nothing.
05:57The iris waved her hand in the air.
05:59In fact, I would really like it if you and I could be friends going forward.
06:04I would like that too.
06:06Emma replied with a genuine smile.
06:09Seeing that the atmosphere had returned to normal, Jeff sighed in relief once again.
06:15Emma has shown just how capable she really is, he thought.
06:19No matter what's thrown at her, she knows exactly how to steady the ship.
06:24Jeff moved away from his old friends and weaved his way through the crowd towards Emma and
06:29Eric, clearing his throat loudly.
06:32He also raised his hands in the air to attract everyone's attention.
06:36Quickly, the chatter in the ballroom died down and everyone turned toward him to listen.
06:43While I'm in the company of my esteemed colleagues, friends, and family, now seems like the perfect
06:48time to announce the decision that I've made after weeks of deliberation.
06:54Briefly, pausing to turn to Emma.
06:57He smiled broadly as she regarded him with a little confusion, effective immediately.
07:03I've decided to step down from my position as chairman and hand over the reins to my
07:07granddaughter, Emma.
07:09Episode 536
07:12Unhappy surprises, Jenna jumped up from her seat in shock.
07:17The rest of the staff looked at each other, unsure how to react.
07:21It wasn't until Eric began clapping that everyone started congratulating Emma.
07:26When the news had truly sunk in, they began cheering.
07:30They had dreaded the possibility of working for Jenna or a stranger, but Emma's actions
07:35had earned their confidence.
07:37Jeff faced Emma and asked,
07:39Do you still want to reject my offer?
07:42I don't expect you to focus all your energy on MillerCorp.
07:46I just want you to protect the family foundation and pass the company on to the next generation.
07:52She glanced at her grandfather and her husband.
07:55However, it was the enraged look on her sister's face that finally made her nod.
08:00I'll do the best I can.
08:03Jeff sighed in relief.
08:05His decades of worrying about the future of the company had finally ended.
08:09The festive mood that had bloomed in the wake of the announcement was disrupted when a woman
08:14screamed help.
08:16She's bleeding.
08:17While MillerCorp's annual celebration had been expected to be one of the biggest social
08:21events of the year, no one had expected how it would end.
08:26All the headlines the following day featured Emma's assent to CEO of MillerCorp and Jenner's
08:32miscarriage at the event MillerCorp undergoes changes.
08:38Emma takes over while her sister miscarries.
08:41Jenna throws a tantrum over getting kicked out of MillerCorp again and loses baby.
08:47Emma Miller tops the box office and becomes CISO at the same time.
08:52What all the headlines had gotten wrong was Jenny's miscarriage.
08:57While she had experienced some bleeding, she had not miscarried.
09:00When Jeff entered Jenny's private hospital room, he could see that she was pale.
09:05He stood at the edge of her bed while Susan and Jones lingered in the doorway.
09:10Jenna avoided looking at them.
09:12Grandfather, why do you prefer Emma?
09:15I'm your granddaughter too, but you haven't even left me a dime.
09:20She said as her eyes watered.
09:22Jeff rubbed the back of his neck tiredly and said, the most important thing you can do
09:27right now is take care of yourself.
09:30How could you do this to me?
09:32She asked again.
09:36Susan stepped forward, but Jeff raised a hand to stop her.
09:39Do you know why I seem so cruel to you now?
09:42He asked Jenna.
09:44She didn't respond.
09:45He continued out of guilt for how my son had behaved.
09:49I showed you favoritism for 20 years and pushed Emma out.
09:53And how did you repay me?
09:55She looked away guiltily.
09:57You tried to bribe a doctor to perform a hysterectomy on Emma, and despite Susan going out of her
10:02way to make you more comfortable, you tried to have her kidnapped.
10:07Jenny's eyes went wide.
10:09Did Emma tell you that?
10:11She asked.
10:12He shook his head in disappointment.
10:15I knew from the beginning.
10:17That's why I can't turn a blind eye to your behavior anymore.
10:21I'm too disappointed to feel any sympathy for you, he answered.
10:26She became angry at herself when she realized that her family hadn't been playing into her
10:30hands after all.
10:32She had been too self-centered to notice the act they had been putting on for her.
10:36You must all think I'm an idiot, she said as she glanced around the room.
10:41No one responded.
10:43No one responded.
10:44No wonder Emma became an actress.
10:46You're all so good at being fake.
10:49She screamed.
10:50Get out.
10:51I don't want to see any of you ever again.
10:55Every inch of her burned in humiliation.
10:57Jeff, Susan, and Jones left without another word on their way out.
11:02They waved down a nurse to check on Jenna.
11:04The nurse sighed when she saw Jenna's blood pressure.
11:08Mrs. Miller.
11:10You need to relax, she said.
11:12Her head perked up.
11:14Actually, I have some good news.
11:17I was looking at a magazine, and it looks like your sister is pregnant.
11:21The nurse announced, smiling as she showed her the magazine.
11:25What did you say?
11:26Joanna asked.
11:28She had been ignoring the nurse until that moment.
11:31The nurse didn't notice her angry expression and happily explained.
11:36It looks like she's trying to hide the pregnancy, but I would say she's a few months along.
11:42Emma's also pregnant.
11:44That's not possible.
11:46Jenna thought she snatched the magazine out of the nurse's hands to look at the tears
11:50herself in every shot.
11:52Emma was wearing loose clothes or had something in front of her stomach, so Jenna couldn't
11:57see a difference.
11:58But she can't get pregnant, the doctor said.
12:04She explained.
12:05The nurse gave her a critical look and said, I may be getting old, but I have over 20 years
12:11of experience.
12:13She's pregnant, whether or not you believe me.
12:17Thank you so much for watching.
12:19Don't forget to subscribe to my channel, comment, and like.
