Sony has finally confirmed the PlayStation 5 Pro! The system architect Mark Cerny gave us a very brief overview of the consoles GPU performance, ray tracing enhancements, and expected framerate improvements.
00:00Okay, here we are, PlayStation 5 Pro.
00:06Three minutes to go and last minute predictions, just predictions in general because this presentation
00:12we found out yesterday was only going to be about nine minutes long.
00:17I think they're maybe just trying to approach this in a more consumer facing way.
00:22So perhaps nine minutes will be a mix of some definitely Mark Cerny technical deep dives,
00:28which I like, but maybe they want to start avoiding these things that we used to expect
00:33throughout PlayStation history.
00:36You know, they always caught flack for these weird things where like they always did this
00:39every console generation, which would be like talking an hour about a new console, but never
00:43showing the hardware design or talking about price right away.
00:49Or in the case of Road to PS5, going into that that deep dive technical analysis and
00:54then everyone wondering what the hell was that, which it was clearly was not for consumers.
00:58So I imagine there may be trying to finally take that feedback in five consoles later
01:03and having more of a consumer facing show where it's really dressed up in a way where
01:08it's like this.
01:09It's a more tighter show.
01:10Nine minutes long.
01:11Probably going to see some demonstrations, Mark Cerny talking about PSSR.
01:18You know, I'm sure they'll show the hardware design.
01:21What I don't know is, are we going to see this thing like go up for pre-order right
01:26Are they going to talk about price?
01:27Is that already going to be like out the door in this nine minutes?
01:31Is all that stuff going to come after on the PlayStation blog?
01:34I don't know, but I would say that if we're going to see price today, I'm expecting $599
01:40at the lowest, $649 at the highest.
01:44I'm inclined to say there won't even be a disc console version.
01:47There's a Twitter account that popped up last minute that was, I think, implying that we
01:51would get two models.
01:53The only reason why I say we won't even get a disc console is simply because they can
01:57manufacture a digital edition and sell the disc drive separately.
02:01There'll always be the option to give this thing disc playability, but I don't know.
02:07I feel like they're going to want to make sure this MSRP is as low as possible and not
02:11have a console that's, in theory, like $699 just because the optics look bad, even though
02:17they would be offering a digital console.
02:20That's sort of where I sit on the whole thing, but we'll find out if I'm ... Excuse me,
02:24We'll find out if I'm right, because it's starting in 50 seconds.
02:28Hi, I'm Mark Cerny.
02:30I'm excited to be here to talk about the newest addition to our console lineup, PlayStation
02:355 Pro, and how it advances gaming technology.
02:38Right away.
02:39But first, I want to take just a minute to look at what we put in the original PlayStation
02:425 and how it delivers an exceptional gaming experience.
02:50When PS5 debuted in 2020, it brought a lot to the table.
02:558 Zen 2 CPU cores form the brains of PlayStation 5 and enable high-speed complex gameplay with
03:02character counts reaching into the hundreds and frame rates that can be as high as 120
03:09frames a second.
03:11PS5 has a powerful RDNA 2 GPU, which can render anything from intricate details to fantastic
03:18worlds with vast panoramas to explore.
03:22Ray tracing allows for dramatic visual improvements, including reflections off of water or glass,
03:28and the realism that comes from real-time global illumination.
03:32A custom SSD can load data at breathtaking speed, resulting in ultra-fast transitions
03:38between game worlds and data streaming rates so high that traversal speeds are essentially
03:52Tempest 3D audio tech brings an unparalleled sense of immersion to the sound of the games,
03:59with audio so real you may not even need to see the enemies to know exactly where they
04:05Finally, the DualSense controller has haptics that let you feel through your hands what
04:11your character is experiencing inside of the game.
04:16It's wonderful to see such variety and richness of game experiences.
04:20Creators have made amazing use of the hardware capabilities, but when I talk to them I do
04:24hear about their desire for more graphics performance.
04:28The dreams of the developers are bigger than can be supported at 60 frames per second,
04:32and that leads to an aspect of modern gaming that we're all familiar with, graphics modes.
04:38It can be a difficult choice for players.
04:42Fidelity modes emphasize the visuals, typically through higher resolution rendering.
04:47These modes might also have enhanced detail or use more ray tracing.
04:52But the games only run at 30 frames per second, the visuals can be choppier and the controls
04:58less responsive.
05:00Performance modes emphasize frame rate and interactivity, typically choosing to run at
05:0460 frames per second.
05:10Mainly by reducing the graphical detail until those frame rates can be achieved.
05:16When asked to decide on a mode, players are choosing performance about three quarters
05:20of the time.
05:21Removing that decision, or at least narrowing that divide, is one of the key targets for
05:26PlayStation 5 Pro.
05:28We want to give players the graphics that the game creators aspire to, at the high frame
05:32rates that players typically prefer.
05:35To do that, PS5 Pro substantially improves over PlayStation 5 in three ways.
05:40Here's what we call the big three.
05:43First, we made the GPU much larger and increased the speed of the memory it uses.
05:49The result is rendering that's up to 45%.
05:53Second, we made major upgrades to the ray tracing, taking a streamlined and accelerated
05:59approach that allows calculation of the rays at double or even triple the speeds of PlayStation
06:05And finally, we added custom hardware for machine learning, and an AI library called
06:10PlayStation Spectral Resolution, or PSSR for short.
06:15PSSR analyzes the game images pixel by pixel, and can add an extraordinary amount of detail,
06:22which boosts the effective resolution of the games.
06:25Game creators are adding PS5 Pro support to new and existing titles, and with the big
06:30three involved, the results can be pretty amazing.
06:33With graphics showing something like fidelity levels of detail, but at double the frame
06:38Here's The Last of Us Part II running on PS5 Pro.
06:43It has huge amounts of detail and targets a super smooth 60 frames per second.
06:49Let's compare this to the fidelity mode on PS5, which is only running at 30 frames per
06:54second and is therefore much choppier.
06:59This goal of delivering almost fidelity-like graphics at performance frame rates has been
07:04achieved for a broad set of titles, including Marvel's Spider-Man 2, and Ratchet and Clank
07:11Rift Apart.
07:12We can see that PS5 Pro is close to doubling the power of PlayStation 5.
07:19Another way to compare the two consoles is to look at PS5 Pro versus performance mode
07:23on PS5, both of which target 60 frames per second.
07:28What we see here is a difference in detail.
07:31PS5 Pro is much sharper and crisper than PS5.
07:36For this, my favorite is the parade scene from Ratchet and Clank.
07:39Distant details are much clearer.
07:43And here we can see Marvel's Spider-Man 2 is noticeably higher resolution throughout
07:47the scene, including the trees and procedural cars.
07:53So overall, some remarkable improvement to the games.
07:56On PS5 Pro, we can see increased sharpness to the graphics or smoother and more responsive
08:03This is the big three showing their value.
08:06As you've been seeing, machine learning via the PSSR library is being used quite broadly
08:11to add pixel detail and boost frame rate.
08:14But there are as many approaches as there are game engines.
08:17The increase in raw GPU power is being especially effective for Horizon Forbidden West.
08:23Apart from the detail boost, that extra graphics power is allowing for improvements to lighting
08:28and visual effects, as well as to the hair and the skin in cinematics.
08:43Ray tracing is finding broad usage as well, particularly when the games are focused on
08:47higher frame rates.
08:48The faster hardware in PS5 Pro can make a real difference, allowing Gran Turismo 7 to
08:55add ray traced reflections between the cars in gameplay, while continuing to support their
09:00targeted 60 frames per second.
09:03That boost in ray tracing is also delivering big wins for Hogwarts Legacy, allowing not
09:09only for better reflection in a greater variety of reflective surfaces, but also for better
09:15I hope you've enjoyed this run-through of the technology behind PlayStation 5 Pro.
09:22Simply put, it's the most powerful console we've ever built, and a worthy addition to
09:27the PS5 family.
09:29Let me wrap this up by giving you a quick look at a number of games running on the new
09:36Hey, they're gonna do a design reveal.
09:40This is like beat for beat what I just outlined.
09:45Very consumer-focused.
09:46There it is, it's taller.
09:52And first party is gonna be exactly what they're going to show this thing off with.
09:57First party's always gonna be your big example, but nice to have some rebirth in there.
10:04So you wanna show the third parties as well.
10:08I'm sure rebirth will definitely benefit from it.
10:14Demon's Souls, okay.
10:17That's a game I could not play on Fidelity.
10:19I will play on Fidelity occasionally, it really depends on the game.
10:24Ratchet I had no problem doing that.
10:27Most other things I gotta do 60.
10:29I'm actually surprised he said a quarter of a, what'd he say, three quarters of people
10:35are picking performance mode.
10:37I would've assumed a little bit higher than that even.
10:40Oftentimes performance is the default option anyway.
10:44Just by sheer default settings most people are walking into performance mode nowadays.
10:50To go out of your way and pick Fidelity is not nearly as common.
10:57Will they talk about price?
10:59Will pre-orders go up right away?
11:03That's what I wanna know.
11:04They're only showing a digital edition.
11:09$699 without a disk drive.
11:12Oh god, that's brutal.
11:16That is brutal.
11:17That's why there's no disk console.
11:21That's what I was thinking, but man $699, that's up there.
11:25Oh boy, I thought worst case scenario we were looking at $649.
11:32That's gonna sting.
11:35But hot off the video, it just finished.
11:39It's an enthusiast console.
11:42I will say the same points I've been saying ever since this thing, the rumors started
11:46popping up.
11:47There's really not much to say about what we just saw.
11:49The console is beat for beat.
11:52Exactly what has been outlined thus far because the console has not been a secret.
11:55The developer documentation told us everything about that.
11:59It was more a matter of, I guess, how they were going to talk about this thing.
12:03It seems like they did approach it and my very quick predictions of like, it's gonna
12:08be a very tight consumer focused show.
12:10Let's explain all these things.
12:12Not necessarily a Mark Cerny deep dive, which I was still hoping they would end up doing.
12:17I'm sure stuff is gonna pop up on the PlayStation blog any second, but $699 is pretty brutal.
12:22I'm sure that's not gonna go over well with people at all.
12:26Although I expect the console will still probably sell out because it is an enthusiast machine.
12:30It's not meant to be super high volume.
12:32It's meant for very engaged PlayStation customers.
12:35So I know the immediate thing is like, do we need this thing?
12:39No, we don't.
12:40We don't need this.
12:41This thing's ridiculous.
12:42A lot of complaints about this generation and the games that we're getting and everything
12:44like that.
12:45And I can always sympathize with those remarks, but it's an enthusiast console.
12:50It's just like PS4 Pro.
12:52More so in this case, right?
12:53Because PS4 Pro came at a time where there was mass adoption of 4K televisions.
12:57In this case, I mean, they're really kind of getting into the minutiae of, okay, just
13:03higher frame rates, sustained resolutions, base resolution targets with PSSR.
13:10This thing is gonna be, I'm curious if they'll be able to, I guess, see the same return of
13:15like one out of every five PS5 consoles is gonna be a Pro model moving forward, right?
13:20That was the metric for PS4 Pro.
13:22Because selling at $700 without a disk drive is, that's a high average spend per box.
13:30So you're talking to very engaged customers that want to, these are people that buy multiple
13:36games a year.
13:37They're subscribed to Plus, they're your hardcore customers.
13:41That's what this thing is speaking to.
13:42So do you need it?
13:44No, of course you don't need it.
13:45You never needed it.
13:46You didn't need a PS4 Pro.
13:48But if you're a really engaged customer and you're willing to pay that cost, then I'm
13:53sure the machine's gonna perform reasonably well, especially with all those first party
14:00If anything, I'm surprised Ragnarok was not on there.
14:01I would have thought Ragnarok would also show up as well, but most of the heavy hitter PlayStation
14:06Studio games on PS5 so far from the internal studios did show up with the trailer, which
14:11is expected.
14:13That's my initial gut thought.
14:14I guess we'll wait to see if anything pops up on the PlayStation blog here.
14:21Twitter is having a field day already.
14:25It is a lot of money.
14:27I didn't think they'd go to $699.
14:31I really didn't.
14:32Because it's just, it's an optics thing.
14:34It looks so bad when it's $700 and it's no disk drive.
14:42That's why you can't even offer a console with a disk drive, because then that's going
14:45to be conceivably $749.99.
14:49You would have to do it that way, by the way, because the disk drive's already like $80
14:53So it's not going to be like a $100 price differential, but you know, if you're going
14:57to do two SKUs, or technically it's one actual model, but just a separate box that they're
15:03selling at retail.
15:04If you're going to do that that way, you're going to have two price points, $649 I would
15:08have thought, at the high end, and then not even offer a disk console, so you don't have
15:12to offer a machine that's $700.
15:14But that is wild.
15:15You know what's interesting is that also this news just came in of refurbished PS5 Slim
15:20consoles showing up on PlayStation Direct, and that is, those are starting at like $349,
15:26which is like super cheap for a standard base console nowadays, if you don't mind refurbished.
15:31Which refurbished also will have a warranty, so that's actually a pretty big deal.
15:35Okay, so from the PlayStation blog, here are some extra details about the console.
15:40It is going to have the PS5 Game Boost option, so that's going to apply to all games, including
15:44the quote 8,500 PS4 games that are backwards compatible on the console.
15:49There's also going to be enhanced image quality for select PS4 games to improve resolution
15:52on those games.
15:53I assume they're talking about games with a sort of dynamic res, so it'll hopefully
15:58sustain the higher end of that dynamic resolution.
16:01Wi-Fi 7 is standard in the console.
16:04VRR and 8K gaming is going to be supported as well, and we all know that's still probably
16:08a pipe dream, but they are still talking about 8K gaming.
16:12Don't know if we'll have many examples of that ever showing up.
16:15There are going to be free patches for the following games so far.
16:17Alan Wake 2, Assassin's Creed Shadows, Demon's Souls, Dragon's Dogma 2, Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth,
16:22Gran Turismo 7, Hogwarts Legacy, Horizon Forbidden West, Marvel's Spider-Man 2, Ratchet and Clank
16:27Rift Apart, The Crew Motorfest, The First Descendant, The Last of Us Part II Remastered,
16:31and more.
16:32The height is the same as the original PS5, so this thing sounds about the same profile
16:37and footprint of that console.
16:40Players can add a disk drive, the one that's currently on the market right now, or they
16:44can swap out console covers when they become available, and that's the language they used.
16:49So it sounds like this thing might be wider, and therefore the current console covers that
16:54are available for the PlayStation 5 Slim might not fit on this thing.
16:59So that would have made sense when we were theorizing that based on the sketch that came
17:02out, but the language here is implying that there's going to be another separate lineup
17:06of covers that you'll have to buy for this console.
17:09But they are saying that the existing disk drive that you do have, that can go in, or
17:13the one that you can buy right now.
17:15But in theory if you're looking to upgrade from a PS5 Slim with a disk drive right now,
17:19you could in theory just hold on to the one you have and therefore you'll be good to go.
17:25But then you'll have to sell a console without a proper cover on the end of it.
17:28So not sure how that would look.
17:31Two terabyte SSD is standard.
17:33Not going to be a full usable two terabytes, but probably 1.8 something.
17:38Pre-orders begin September 26th, and PS Direct Retail, that's where you can pre-order the
17:43console, releasing on November 7th.
17:46So that's where we're at.
17:48PlayStation 5 Pro.
17:49Quite frankly, it's the price.
17:53It's a lot, even for an enthusiast machine.
17:57I'm already seeing people have a field day with that price.
18:00PlayStation 3 is $599.
18:02That's been blown out of the water.
18:04Now we're $100 more in 2024.
18:07Now of course inflation is, it's a different story nowadays.
18:10PS3 back in 2006, that was still an absolutely nutty price point.
18:15And the context here is clearly different because they offer consoles that are cheaper.
18:21But I'm sure this thing will still reasonably do well.
18:24It's meant to be for really engaged customers.
18:26I still think we could have went this entire console cycle without PlayStation 5 Pro.
18:31That's not even so much a knock at it.
18:32Obviously I'll get one and do coverage for the channel, and I am a very engaged customer,
18:36so this is a console that I would be into.
18:39But it's a lot of money, and it sucks.
18:42If anything, I think we could have went another four years without it, and then that sort
18:47of expected graphics leap that we don't necessarily have nowadays because we have diminishing
18:54Any sort of expected hardware jump that we could have between generations, now there's
18:59another half step.
19:00But we're in a different environment nowadays where consumers are a lot more mindful of
19:04just improving their games, having them look pretty.
19:06I mean it's still such a baffling thing nowadays that like 20 something years ago, frame rate
19:12was like, the vast majority of people didn't know about it, didn't care about it.
19:16Well console gamers, mind you.
19:18And nowadays it's like a very big marketable thing.
19:21So that's why PlayStation 5 Pro I think does exist in this marketplace.
19:26But I'm going to leave it there.
19:27If there's any other details that we missed, we'll cover it on Let's Talk PlayStation this
19:31coming Friday.
19:32Thank you all for watching, and I'll see you all in my next video.
19:35You take it easy.