Why all this in weddings? || Acharya Prashant, with IIT-Ropar (2023)

  • 4 days ago
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Video Information: 25.01.23, IIT-Ropar, Greater Noida

~ Big Fat Indian Wedding: What Is It?
~ Why is marriage such a big deal in India?
~ Why a wedding commemorates a consciousness that has been subjugated.
~ What is the celebration of a wedding?
~ Why is marriage such a big deal?
~ Why do Indian parents force for marriage?
~ What deserves to be celebrated?

Music Credits: Milind Date


00:00Hello. Namaskar, sir. Hello. Am I audible? Yes, you are. Yeah. Hi, sir. I am MTech alumna
00:16of IIT Ropar, WD department. And it's been a pleasure to meet you again. Last year, Guru
00:22Purnima also, I had an opportunity to discuss with you on climate change hypocrisy, where
00:29you've given us some real deep insights on the issue, and which really enriched us all.
00:38And so today, directly getting back to my question. Today, my question is related to
00:44Indian weddings. Since in the last two months, only November, December, we saw like, on every
00:50consecutive day, there were some, like what we say, wedding season, like there were some
00:56processions and a lot of noise. And even social media was flooded with the pics and videos of
01:04like royal luxurious weddings, and which has been followed not only by the film stars now,
01:11and that is being now followed by the masses as well. Like even the common middlemen,
01:16they are also making up those marriage ceremonies like that. And even because of this reason,
01:22even I stopped using Facebook. And whenever I open my account, I just see my feed flooded with
01:28like some marriage or some pre wedding shoot from some of my relatives, or some of my friends. So
01:35like, while I was like, looking at all these things, I read some results of some survey which
01:43were related to Indian, related to our country. So, which showed that about 60% of Indian families
01:53spent about their more than a year's annual earnings on the wedding ceremonies. Even more
02:01shocking was like about 20% of Indian families spend even like their lifelong earnings in the
02:09wedding ceremony. And among these people about like more than 60 or 70% people are those who
02:15actually borrowed money to finance these weddings. So I've been in a middle class family, I know like
02:22how hard it is for a common man to earn and like, he spends like all this, he do all this hustle to
02:31earn this much money. And then in the next side, I see that within two days, they just spend all
02:37that money just like in a fraction of seconds. So it is like very much shocking for me. And, and
02:44also, like, during this survey, I got to know that this was not the case, like about 30-40 years
02:52back. Previously, the scenario was like, about like, what would say 30-40 years back, people do
03:01have marriage ceremonies, but it was in small number with small budget. And even way back in
03:071975, even in some states, there are regulations that in a wedding ceremony, there should not be
03:14more than 25 people in that gathering, what even COVID forced us to do. So like, I just wanted to
03:22like, hear your views on this, like, how we like why we Indians are so much crazy about big fat
03:29Indian weddings. And, and you, you might have seen this trend as a like, few years ago, they started
03:36pre wedding shoot. Now, I think they're even starting this pre engagement shoot after this may
03:42not some pre pre what they will do. So I just wanted to hear your views on this, like, why we
03:49are so much like, crazy about this.
03:53This should not surprise you. A wedding is the utmost celebration of a subjugated consciousness.
04:08We are people of consciousness, right? Our species, the Homo sapiens, we have consciousness, we think,
04:21we formulate, we conceptualize. So, there is this consciousness. And this consciousness is subjugated
04:35to the body. That's our condition. Before you understand why weddings mean so much to us and why there is
04:48so much glamour and such a big flow of money, you'll have to understand who we are and therefore, what is
04:59this wedding thing in the first place. We are people with enslaved consciousness, a consciousness that is slave to the body.
05:16More politely, more classically, it is called a body identified consciousness.
05:22But that does not really expose the real state of consciousness, if so politely put.
05:39If you really want to understand how we are within, then the word subjugation is much more appropriate and revealing.
05:51So, we are people whose minds are full of bodily business.
06:02Our thoughts are all full of bodily business. At the same time, we aren't exactly animals.
06:11Though the moment we say that our minds, our lives in fact are full of bodily businesses,
06:18one is tempted to say that we are de facto animals then.
06:24Because it's animals that are characterized by being almost 100% body identified.
06:31An animal, its entire life is driven by its bodily imperatives.
06:38The body says, get up, the animal gets up, the body says, I am hungry, get me food, the animal starts running around.
06:45The body says, I am tired, let's sleep, the animal falls to sleep.
06:51The animal does not have to think, the animal does not have to decide.
06:56The body decides for the animal.
06:59Whatsoever the body says, the animal has to do.
07:03And you cannot make the animal do something that the body is not asking it to.
07:08We are very very close to the animals, unfortunately, in the sense that we too live lives that are very body centric.
07:25But we cannot openly declare that because we think we are not animals.
07:34If you openly declare that all you live for and live as is the body,
07:41it would be a thing of shame.
07:47Not so much internal shame, but much more social shame.
07:53We are subjugated to the body, we are also slaves to the society.
07:59So, even though we have to live as bodies and live for the body,
08:08we try to pretend as if we are higher beings living for nobler causes.
08:16That's just a pretense, but nevertheless we continue with that pretense.
08:22Now, the body, what does it want?
08:27What is its ultimate desire?
08:30The body's ultimate desire is to have pleasure and to avoid death.
08:38Have pleasure, avoid death.
08:43Have pleasure, avoid death.
08:46These are the two things that the body wants.
08:49And because we are body identified people, to ensure these two things,
08:56we have come up with the institution of marriage.
09:00Marriage ensures continuous supply of sexual pleasure
09:06and also the pleasure that comes from emotional and financial security.
09:15Also, marriage ensures reproduction and that's what the body wants,
09:23its own continuity in the form of other smaller beings of its own type.
09:34Are you getting it?
09:36Are you getting it?
09:38So, because marriage represents exactly what this animal body wants
09:46and we are very very bodily people, therefore we go bonkers on weddings.
09:54Do you understand?
09:56I am living as the body.
09:58I might not be declaring that because I pretend to be a higher being.
10:05If somebody tells me I am an animal, I feel offended.
10:09So, I will not openly declare that I am the body just like animals
10:14and I live just for the sake of bodily things.
10:17What are bodily things?
10:19Security, pleasure, reproduction and that's all.
10:26What else does the body want?
10:28So, if you look at the life of the ordinary man, which is pretty much everybody,
10:32we all are living just for the sake of these things.
10:36Are we not?
10:38We say happiness is the purpose of life.
10:40We say your life is incomplete if you don't have kids
10:44and by all means we want to have measures of security and armors all around us.
10:51We want to collect money so that we feel secure.
10:55We cultivate a network of relationships so that we feel secure.
10:58We try to have more and more knowledge so that we feel secure.
11:03All these are very animalistic things.
11:06These are things that even an animal wants.
11:10These are not really things that separate us from animals.
11:16In fact, the more you go after these things,
11:19pleasure, security, continuity,
11:22the more you are ascertaining that you are an animal.
11:28And now you see why the wedding has to be such a big thing.
11:34It is the biggest festival of the body and we are animal bodies.
11:40We are dogs and cats.
11:42We are dogs and cats that must pretend that they are not dogs and cats.
11:49We are dogs and cats with a social face.
11:54So dogs and cats can just go and mate anywhere.
12:00We are not allowed by the society to do that.
12:05Dogs and cats just mate and litter anywhere on the street and
12:12you don't identify a pup by its father, do you?
12:17Or a kitten by its father.
12:19But we say we are noble beings, we are respectable people.
12:24So we cannot just mate around like that.
12:28Hence, we organise a festival.
12:33A festival to grant us religious and social and legal licence.
12:42That's called a wedding.
12:46A wedding is the occasion where it becomes absolutely open
12:54that the biggest thing for you is pleasure and continuity and security.
13:03Otherwise, why would you be found celebrating so much?
13:08What exactly are you celebrating?
13:12You celebrate so much in a wedding, right?
13:16What exactly are you celebrating?
13:18You are celebrating pleasure, you are celebrating security,
13:21you are celebrating continuity by way of reproduction.
13:26That's what you are celebrating.
13:29Because wedding is the biggest celebration,
13:33we all know that by our everyday empirical experience
13:40and you two shared some data ascertaining that.
13:45And because marriage is the biggest celebration that we have,
13:49that just proves that bodily pleasure is the biggest thing in our lives
13:56and security and continuity.
13:58Otherwise, why would you celebrate so much?
14:00What's there to celebrate?
14:02Think of it.
14:04What's there to celebrate?
14:06Yes, we are celebrating sex.
14:11We are celebrating the body.
14:15A male body, a female body coming together
14:21and we have gone bazooka.
14:26The entire society is dancing.
14:28And if you just ask them a very objective question,
14:31exactly why are you dancing?
14:33What is this celebration all about? Nothing.
14:35Male cells and female cells coming together,
14:38that's the name of that celebration.
14:45And if you call it out
14:52in an obvious and flat way, very directly,
14:57everybody would be offended and they are offended
15:00just because they have never bothered to look at the mirror.
15:06They do not know who they are and why they are indulging in stuff.
15:15You become better as a human being.
15:27Does the society bother?
15:30Do they come and garland you?
15:33Do you invite 2000 people and spend 70 lakh rupees?
15:40But now you are ready to meet a girl,
15:44have sexual union and produce kids.
15:47And everybody wants to dance.
15:50Is that not obscene actually?
15:53Is that not obscene?
15:56I used to think since I was a kid.
16:00I mean, on that stage there is that man and that woman sitting.
16:05And why are they being displayed and paraded this way?
16:10I could never bring myself to accept that probably such a thing,
16:20the same thing is going to happen with me one day.
16:24I was very clear. No.
16:27Because the whole thing is obviously vulgar.
16:31These two are going to have sex now
16:34and everybody is jumping and hopping and shrieking
16:37and partying.
16:41I mean, seriously.
16:45Is sex such a big thing?
16:48First question. Secondly,
16:51what do you have to do with the intimate affairs of those two people?
16:57Had we been a society that valued something higher than the body,
17:20then the topic and the context of our celebrations would have been very different.
17:33It would sound weird when I say so.
17:38But you would have celebrated finishing a great book
17:42and you would have invited people to come over and dance.
17:49With great sincerity,
17:52I just completed my first run of the Srimad Bhagavad Gita
18:01and now that's really something to celebrate.
18:04Come over everyone.
18:12And not necessarily something religious.
18:14It could be something from Marx or Dostoevsky.
18:20From the philosophy side, from the literature side, anywhere.
18:24I am a better human being. Now that's something to celebrate.
18:29Two people are going to have sex now.
18:32How is that something to celebrate?
18:35And if you celebrate that, you are an animal.
18:39Because it's only animals that have nothing better and higher than sex to indulge in.
18:47Human beings are supposed to be targeting higher things.
18:53How can we say that my entire life savings have been reserved for a wedding celebration?
19:03But we do that.
19:04And when we do that, we do not even know what we have declared ourselves to be.
19:11Animals, animals.
19:13We have declared ourselves to be animals.
19:18If we are so fascinated with weddings.
19:21The kid just cracked a difficult problem in mathematics.
19:41Now that's what would make me throw a party.
19:48Not his birthday.
19:52I'll organize a great party. Why?
19:59Because my kid just cracked a great problem in mathematics.
20:03And that's something of an elevated consciousness.
20:07That's something animals cannot do.
20:09So that's something to be joyous about.
20:14Now the kid was born this day.
20:17So I'm calling everybody, you come over and we'll cut the cake and we'll have meals and such things.
20:24What stupidity.
20:26Even animals give birth.
20:28You and your wife in one moment of animalistic fetish had sex and gave birth.
20:37And you are celebrating that day since 20 years.
20:42Are you mad?
20:44Even if you are not mad, you are just vulgar.
20:47You are telling everybody, you know, this was the day when we decided to fuck.
20:53So please come over and dance.
20:56Why should anybody dance?
21:01Why should anybody clap?
21:03What great achievement.
21:06What have you done?
21:08That which you have done is happening all over the place.
21:11The entire jungle is nothing but a huge mating ground.
21:24And God forbid, if the husband forgets the anniversary.
21:30You know, this was the day we got licensed to have sex.
21:36How can you forget this day?
21:42And I know,
21:47lot of romantics would say, you know, this man can only see sex wherever he looks.
21:58Marriage is actually the union of two souls.
22:04Sex and all is incidental.
22:06Alright, let's conduct a small experiment.
22:11Let's tell the two souls that sex will not be a part of their union.
22:17Let's see whether the union still happens.
22:22Both of them will run away.
22:25Tell the husband, you can have the wife without sex.
22:30Tell the wife, the husband you will get, but no sex.
22:34And then let's see whether any marriages happen.
22:37The conclusion is obvious.
22:40The two are getting together only for sex.
22:44Just that they want to pretend as if the matter is nobler, higher, more virtuous, more respectable.
22:54So you create a whole tamasha around the thing and you call the priest and you spend five crores.
23:05And you want to display that you are better than dogs and cats, which you are not.
23:19Exercise your imagination.
23:23Think of a more conscious society.
23:26Think of the occasions that such a society would celebrate.
23:33They would celebrate a man fighting his physical limitations.
23:44The doctors had declared somebody to be so badly impaired that he would never be able to walk again.
23:54But this person, this man or woman just by way of willpower kept trying, trying, exercising
24:04and today he has been able to not just walk but actually run.
24:09Now that's something we should celebrate in the town hall.
24:13Let's call this man the entire city.
24:21Let's have a gala feast.
24:25This is something to celebrate.
24:28The literacy rates in the city have raised 100%.
24:34Now we will celebrate that.
24:37Somebody in the family had been wanting to write a small book of short stories,
24:49but he never felt inspired enough or free enough or daring enough
24:57to attempt that or complete that.
25:01Today the book has been published.
25:05Finally he could challenge his barriers,
25:12complete the work and get it in print.
25:17Let's celebrate. These are things to celebrate.
25:21One boy, one girl running around the fire.
25:29By the sound of verses they don't comprehend at all.
25:39Verses uttered by a priest who in all probability himself does not comprehend the verses.
25:49What's there to be so happy about?
25:56In a conservative city there emerges a girl who wins a medal
26:13in a state level athletics competition.
26:20We will celebrate that.
26:23Even if she does not win a medal, she just manages to participate.
26:30We will celebrate even that.
26:33That is something that deserves our respect.
26:39What is meant by a celebration?
26:42You do not celebrate your meanness.
26:46You do not celebrate your fall.
26:50You do not celebrate being an animal.
26:53You celebrate when you rise, don't you?
26:56That's the very definition.
26:58You celebrate your rise, you celebrate your ascension.
27:01You celebrate when you overcome a hard challenge
27:08and a worthy challenge.
27:10That's what you celebrate.
27:12Those things must be celebrated.
27:14Instead, all the money is going towards weddings.
27:17With the result that just this month
27:23it's almost becoming certain that India is already the most populous country in the world.
27:29Don't you see that level of population?
27:33Don't you see that level of population directly corresponds to our fascination with weddings?
27:39What is the purpose of life?
27:43Go wed.
27:46Go wed, that's the purpose of life.
27:49Still in small town India and rural India,
27:54the day a daughter is born,
27:57at least the financial purpose of the father's life is decided.
28:03Cast in stone.
28:06Now I have a daughter.
28:09So, all I am doing is saving for her wedding.
28:17And the expenses that you quoted,
28:21do not go merely towards celebration.
28:25A lot of that is actually towards dowry.
28:29So, what is the poor father doing for the next 25 years since the girl is born?
28:36Just saving, saving and saving.
28:40And if by chance happens that the girl is born,
28:46and if he by chance happens to have three girls,
28:53think of his predicament.
28:56And now do you see that this fat wedding business is also directly related to female infanticide and foeticide?
29:04Because if a daughter is born,
29:07you'll have to arrange that kind of wedding and dowry.
29:11And you already have two daughters.
29:14And your means do not permit you that kind of expenditure the third time over.
29:20So, the moment you know that a third girl is about to arrive,
29:26you kill her in the foetus, in the womb.
29:35Do you see this?
29:38Do you also see how the wedding thing
29:43is actually very derogatory to both the groom and the bride, especially the bride?
29:53Do you see how it promotes all kinds of wasteful industries,
29:59cosmetics, gems and jewelry,
30:01the entire wedding industry including event management and what not.
30:07And these are all very wasteful industries that provide zero value addition to the society.
30:15Still they exist. Not only do they exist, they prosper.
30:19And banquet halls,
30:21even the best of hotels have turned into de facto banquet halls.
30:28You go anywhere,
30:31what you find is a wedding.
30:36You just go to some proper good hotel
30:40and you sit in their restaurant.
30:42You want to have a quiet cup of tea.
30:45And you cannot have that quietness.
30:51Because just next to the cafe,
30:54there would be a huge wedding.
30:57Being organized in the premises of the hotel.
31:01And then you call up the manager,
31:04the senior most manager you call up and you say,
31:07Sir, Sir, I come to you because I love the silence and the solitude you provide.
31:15Why are you harassing me with this dhol tamasha?
31:20And it is happening continuously.
31:22You know what he says apologetically?
31:25He says, Sir, we can't help it.
31:28The kind of money these weddings provide us with
31:34is irresistible.
31:37We cannot deny that money.
31:40And when weddings take place, they book the entire hotel.
31:44100% occupancy is guaranteed.
31:47100% occupancy is guaranteed.
31:53If we deny these weddings,
31:57they'll go to another hotel,
32:00our competitor,
32:02and he will get a competitive edge.
32:05So we have to have these.
32:07Because the entire money is being spent on the weddings.
32:12How can the hotels now deny the wedding?
32:14So the whole atmosphere is polluted.
32:19The silliest kind of vulgar songs
32:25at the highest volume
32:32and you have to tolerate all that.
32:36Because two beasts
32:39are coming together physically
32:41and they are just so happy about it.
32:44They can't get over it.
32:56If there is one thing that very loudly tells of the cancer
33:06we as a society are suffering from,
33:08it is these obnoxious wedding celebrations.
33:12I'll go to the extent of saying
33:17a man who is fond of attending weddings
33:21is someone you should stay away from,
33:24a man or a woman.
33:28If there is someone who actually manages to enjoy being in a wedding,
33:34it's a dangerous man.
33:38Avoid this person.
33:39Avoid this person.
33:44Any sane person,
33:46anybody with even dimly lit consciousness
33:50would clearly see the horror, the vulgarity and the absurdity
33:56of the whole wedding tamasha.
33:59He'll feel very misplaced, very misfit.
34:03If he is there in that celebration,
34:07he'll want to run away.
34:10The horror
34:16of that cumulative action.
34:24So many people have come together
34:27and somebody is doing this, somebody is doing that
34:29and there is a photographer and a videographer,
34:32many of them actually are running after you.
34:34Every single thing is simply obscene.
34:39Obscene, obscene, obscene.
