• last year
A quick learning for kids, along with lots of fun and joy. If you like the work please like and follow the channel. Your appreciations are much needed


00:06The Manic Panic!
00:20This is what your household looks like on most days.
00:30This is what it will look like the day the Internet stops working.
00:54What's wrong with the world?
00:57What's wrong with the Wi-Fi?
01:00Mommy will howl.
01:04It's down!
01:06Daddy will bellow.
01:10Good riddance!
01:12Nana will smirk.
01:17It will be kind of funny, I tell you.
01:27You, on the other hand, will be brimming with ideas and plans for things to do.
01:44Which will be of no use.
01:48But the Wi-Fi!
01:51They will whine.
02:00This is when you will lose it.
02:03You will flare your nostrils, fling your hair, and say what you must.
02:12Mommy! Daddy! Behave!
02:16It is not the end of the world.
02:19The Internet wasn't even around when you were my age.
02:27Their eyes will not blink for a million gazillion seconds.
02:36But that was then.
02:41They will finally whimper.
02:49Clearly, you will have to take charge.
02:56Do you see the big, wide world out there, waiting to be explored?
03:03You will ask.
03:15You will dig in your heels, flex your muscles, and stand firm.
03:29They will grumble.
03:42And fret.
03:47And fret.
03:58And protest.
03:59And protest.
04:12But you will knit your brows, roll your eyes, and not give in.
04:30Because you know what's good for them.
04:44What fun it will be!
04:52One last time, please!
04:54One last time, please!
04:57They will bleed as you make your way back home.
05:18The Wi-Fi will still be down.
05:20But now, they will have other things to think about.
05:29Like the clouds, and the breeze, and the trees.
05:51What a perfect day!
05:55You will sigh and go to your room, tired and happy.
06:10Then you will turn on your computer and freeze!
06:19Ah! My book report!
06:23You'll scream into the quiet night.
06:30Why is the Wi-Fi still down?
06:34You will demand from no one in particular.
06:37Ask me. I should know.
07:08If you don't have books, what are you waiting for?
07:11It's a kid-safe, ad-free library full of so many storybooks that are brought to life.
07:16Ask your grown-up and start exploring more fun stories like these.
07:21You have to go and ask for books.
07:24Enjoy the specialties of this app right here.
07:29You have to go and ask for books.
07:32Enjoy the specialties of this app right here.
07:37Go on!
07:38Come on!
07:39Go off!
07:42For more stories, try the Books app for free today!
