Corey the Yellow Parrot_HD

  • 2 days ago
A quick learning for kids, along with lots of fun and joy. If you like the work please like and follow the channel. Your appreciations are much needed
00:00This is the story of a yellow parrot named Cory, who lived with his mother in a nest
00:15on the top of a tree.
00:18This is their nest, high and deep.
00:22This is baby Cory, sound asleep.
00:26When Cory was happy, he jiggled and wiggled and jumped high.
00:33He looked out his nest and said,
00:36Mummy, one day I too will fly.
00:41But there was one thing that made Cory very sad.
00:46He was yellow and not green.
00:49It made him feel bad.
00:54The parrots were all green, who came to Cory's nest.
01:00They asked why he was yellow and not green like the rest.
01:06Cory really didn't know what to say.
01:09He just hoped he would turn green one day.
01:14As the days passed, he worried more and more.
01:19Something so different made him feel sore.
01:25Mother, I really don't like my color, Cory cried out loud.
01:33You are a beautiful bright yellow, she replied, and I am proud.
01:41But Cory did not want to be yellow.
01:44He wanted to be green because he was different.
01:47He felt the other parrots were mean.
01:51They joked and poked fun and made Cory sad, until he said,
01:58My yellow color is bad.
02:07He rolled in green leaves, but they would not stay.
02:11When Cory moved, the green leaves blew away.
02:16When Cory no longer jiggled and wiggled and jumped high, he always felt sad and many times
02:23he would cry.
02:26His mother was worried, so she made a plan.
02:31Cory must learn he is beautiful as soon as he can.
02:36One day, when Cory's wings were strong, his mother told him,
02:43It's time for you to leave the nest.
02:47I'll fly with you and you'll learn the rest.
02:52One day you will learn to fly all alone and travel the world, which is your home.
02:59So off they flew into the sky.
03:02Cory and his mother went high.
03:05She asked him, How do you feel, my love, when you look at the world from above?
03:11A bit scared, said Cory, I don't know what's ahead.
03:20His mother told him not to worry.
03:22He would learn soon.
03:24There was no hurry.
03:31Cory and his mother landed at the zoo.
03:38Among other animals, parrots lived there too.
03:59They perched on a sign that said, Parrot Olympics Today, and arrow pointed to the entrance
04:06to show people the way.
04:09Inside people sat in rows, keen to watch the parrot shows.
04:15Cory flew in with his mother.
04:18The hall was full of colour.
04:22The parrots were red, yellow, orange, purple and green.
04:31So many different colours Cory had not seen.
04:35The show began and the parrots zipped and zapped.
04:39The people were happy and they clapped and clapped.
04:43Cory watched with excitement as he was amazed.
04:48The beautiful colours of the parrots made him feel dazed.
04:54His wings itched and twitched.
04:57To be with them is what he wished.
05:00And then the whistle blew and Cory flew through the hoop with a whoop and a swoop.
05:10The people clapped and cheered from far and wide.
05:14Cory the yellow parrot swelled with pride.
05:19What he did then was a surprise.
05:22His mother couldn't believe her eyes.
05:26He did a jiggle and a wiggle and jumped high.
05:30His mother knew he was happy as she saw him fly.
05:36People clapped and cheered as they saw Cory go.
05:41They really did enjoy this special part of the show.
05:46Cory and his mother flew back to their nest after a long day Cory needed to rest.
05:55He woke up happy that his colour was yellow, puffed up his feathers and said, I am a fine
06:02Now, when green parrots visit Cory, he jiggles and wiggles and jumps high.
06:09He greets them and says, I am a smart yellow parrot.
06:13Thanks for coming by.
