
  • 2 days ago
00:00I want, I want.
00:28Today we have a special guest with us.
00:33Who is he?
00:35He is Sirasa Lakshapathi.
00:39Today we have a very special guest with us.
00:44We would like to welcome you all.
00:47Please be seated.
00:48We would like to welcome you all.
00:50All of you are here together.
00:52Sirasa, the question that Paul has for you is,
00:55what is this thing that is not used for distance learning?
00:58It is a toy.
00:59It is called a CRD.
01:00CRD stands for CRedible Remote Learning.
01:04If you remember,
01:05you can buy this toy for 12,000 rupees for 211 days
01:08from a child.
01:11So, today,
01:13we have six people with us from a very busy job.
01:18Let us find out who these six people are.
01:20Please welcome,
01:21Mr. Yashasree Ekenayake,
01:23Mr. Nadeethi Dinanga Nugegoda,
01:26Mr. Chamila Ekenayake,
01:28Mr. Kuruvita Damini Bandara Surunegala,
01:31Mr. Heran Suysa Meegamua,
01:34and Mr. Leela Nandini Mavathagama.
01:40each of you will take a hot seat.
01:44Fastest finger first.
01:50This is a cricket game.
01:51The time given to the best player is 90 seconds.
01:59Arjuna Rantunga,
02:01Bidimuth Karurathna,
02:02Sibandula Varnapura,
02:04D Mahela Jawad.
02:16Let us see what the answer is.
02:17Here is the answer.
02:21Sibandula Varnapura,
02:23Arjuna Rantunga,
02:25Mahela Jawad,
02:27and Bidimuth Karurathna.
02:29The winner is...
02:33Nadeethi Dinanga.
02:45How was it?
02:49Why are you scared?
02:52What is the problem?
02:54Are you happy?
02:56Are you very happy?
03:00Let us do this.
03:02After this break,
03:05we will talk to Nadeethi.
03:13Mr. Lakshapathi,
03:15we invite you
03:17to come to the hot seat
03:19and talk to us
03:20at 7788.
03:22That is your address.
03:25you can ask us questions.
03:28If you go to the Mindclick website
03:30and go to the website,
03:34you can ask us questions.
03:37Nadeethi Dinanga.
03:39Tell me,
03:41what do you know about Nadeethi?
03:43I am from Nugegodi.
03:46I was a teacher
03:48at Nugegodi Samudra Devibalika School.
03:52I teach at Nugegodanda School.
03:54I teach Mathematics.
03:56As far as I know,
03:58you are a farmer
04:00for seven years.
04:01What do you do?
04:02I make cakes.
04:03Beautiful cakes.
04:05Do you make cakes too?
04:08Before that,
04:10I didn't want to start a business.
04:13Before that,
04:14I started a business
04:16with small parties.
04:18Where did you get the idea?
04:20The idea,
04:21I thought of it at that time.
04:24I didn't plan to start a business.
04:27If a customer requests,
04:29I will make a cake.
04:31I made it
04:32because I thought of it at that time.
04:37people told me
04:38that I should start a business
04:40to earn money.
04:42A lot of people
04:44ask me to give them money
04:46to buy a bus ticket.
04:48I was happy.
04:49Some people asked me
04:51to give them money
04:53to buy a house.
04:55I gave them money that day.
04:57Look at her.
04:59You gave money to your father.
05:02I was very happy.
05:04I told my mother
05:05to give me money.
05:07After a while,
05:09I found a shop.
05:11I went there.
05:13I gave money to my mother.
05:15Your father?
05:17He has a phone
05:18in his cake.
05:20After his birthday?
05:23I thought
05:24the phone was hidden
05:25in the cake.
05:26When I opened the door,
05:28the cake fell down.
05:30When I was making the cake,
05:32Malli was making a video.
05:36She said,
05:38my cake fell down.
05:41I gave the cake to her.
05:43I set the cake
05:44in the kitchen.
05:45I wanted to surprise her.
05:47I was surprised.
05:49What are your
05:51future plans?
05:53I don't have one.
05:55I don't know
05:57about the cake business.
05:59I watch YouTube videos
06:01and learn.
06:03I want to learn many things.
06:05I want to learn about
06:09I want to play cricket.
06:11You want to play cricket?
06:13You are a newbie.
06:15You must be excited.
06:17I am not new to it.
06:19I want to be a Civil Engineer.
06:21I want to be a
06:27Let's move on to the question.
06:29I will give you
06:3115 questions.
06:35You will get
06:37We have received 3 million rupees.
06:42We have a new service,
06:44Call a friend, ask the audience, 50-50.
06:51You are very smart.
06:54We have another lifeline, after 2 lakhs, switch.
07:01Is it ok?
07:03This is Nadithi Dinanga Chuthi Dhonia's first question.
07:15What is the real colour of the lion?
07:19The answer is B-Akuru, C-Pata, D-Rupa.
07:33That's amazing.
07:34You are so good.
07:36The second question is,
07:39There are 6 rotis and 30 khellas.
07:42You are so smart.
07:43You have a 5-year-old.
07:45Is it right?
07:46There are 6 rotis and 30 khellas.
07:49For one khella, A is 1 in 5, B is 1 in 6, C is 1 in 7, D is 1 in 8.
08:00There are 6 rotis and 30 khellas.
08:03For one khella, A is 1 in 5, B is 1 in 6, C is 1 in 8.
08:10The answer is A, 5 in 1.
08:12So, the lion has to eat 5 rotis per day?
08:18If not, he has to eat a lot.
08:22He has to.
08:23He has to.
08:24He has to eat a lot.
08:26The answer is B-Akuru.
08:31It's good.
08:33Let's move on to the third question.
08:35The amount for the third question is Rs. 80.
08:38What's Facebook's reaction to the heading
08:40of the Instagram Like button?
08:45It's a heart.
08:46A, Sad.
08:49B, Wow.
08:51C, Haha.
08:53D, Love.
08:54There's a heart shape in Instagram Like button.
08:57Then, how does Facebook stand for love from the heart?
09:02Answer D.
09:04Answer D.
09:06Well done, well done, well done.
09:10A is correct.
09:12The fourth question in this round is worth Rs. 10,000.
09:17If you don't have an answer, who will you give it to?
09:20A, Hadrid.
09:22B, Dumbledore.
09:25C, Voldemort.
09:27D, Sirius Black.
09:30Harry Potter.
09:32Hadrid has a big beard.
09:35Dumbledore has a very long beard.
09:38Sirius Black has a beard.
09:40But Voldemort doesn't have a beard.
09:43C, Voldemort.
09:45He doesn't have a beard.
09:48He doesn't have a beard.
09:49Well done.
09:53Let's move on to the next question.
09:55The next question is worth Rs. 21,000.
09:58How do we get rid of V?
10:01We need to get rid of the Yaks.
10:05This question is from Kumananath.
10:08A, Rasa Saha Parasa.
10:11B, Elevageen Melvava.
10:14C, Makaraksha.
10:16D, Jasaya Salenchina.
10:19I don't watch Elevageen Melvava.
10:23I don't watch Makaraksha either.
10:26But I know Jasaya Salenchina is Rasa Saha Parasa.
10:30If I have to answer a question like this,
10:33I will do it.
10:36If you have to sing a song,
10:38you have to sing it.
10:40Okay, sing a song.
10:42Let's say,
10:44A, B, Elevageen Melvava.
10:46C, Makaraksha.
10:50A, B, Elevageen Melvava.
10:52D, Jasaya Salenchina.
10:55A, B, Elevageen Melvava.
10:58Elevageen Melvava.
11:01That's not right.
11:02That's Rasa Saha Parasa.
11:05I will answer.
11:07Rasa Saha Parasa.
11:13I will give you Rasa Saha Parasa.
11:19I will give you a chance.
11:21What is it?
11:27Anna Vedi.
11:29Anna Vedi.
11:32You said it wrong.
11:34No, no.
11:35That's not right.
11:36How is that not right?
11:37Why is it not right?
11:38It's not right.
11:39I don't think it's right.
11:44some people think it's not right.
11:48I think it's wrong.
11:51Do you know the story?
11:53I don't know the story.
11:54It's Anna.
11:57They have a daughter named Eloya.
12:01One of them comes from Eloya.
12:04That's right.
12:06One of them
12:09has a lot of money.
12:12He has a lot of money.
12:15He has a lot of money.
12:17He has a lot of money.
12:19He has a lot of money.
12:21Who is this Eloya?
12:25He doesn't even have insurance.
12:28He has a son.
12:31He has a son.
12:33He has a son.
12:40There's something unbelievable happening.
12:47What's unbelievably happening?
12:48It's something...
12:50Of something...
12:51Something that is not true, is it?
12:52Something that is not true, is it?
12:53It's perfectly...
12:54Perfectly that is a spring, right?
12:57It started off and ended on the second one.
13:00It started off and ended on the second one.
13:01A spring.
13:02So, you came and you know the story.
13:04And then?
13:06I don't remember the story.
13:08So, the time came.
13:10Yes, the time came.
13:12Gamamahage was going out.
13:14He came and saw that there was a
13:16camp outside the village.
13:18And then he
13:20looked up and said
13:24this man is looking for
13:26a monk.
13:28And then
13:30he asked
13:32the monk
13:34if he knew
13:36how to get to the village.
13:38And then
13:40he took a ring in his hand
13:42and went to the village.
13:44And then, I remember,
13:46he was completely drenched.
13:48And then
13:50he went to the temple.
13:52He went to the temple.
13:54And then
13:56he put
13:58the ring in his hand.
14:00And then he came back to the village.
14:02And then he asked
14:04if the camp was still being built.
14:06And then he asked
14:08if he could come and eat.
14:10He asked if he could come and eat.
14:12And then
14:14he came to the door.
14:16And then
14:18he asked
14:20if he could come and eat.
14:22And then
14:24he came and ate.
14:28the village is
14:30being built.
14:34This is a beautiful drama.
14:40This is a play called Puransina.
14:44What do you do for the A-Levels?
14:46I do a lot of charity.
14:50Do you have any targets?
14:52I want to raise the number of A-Levels.
14:54What do you want to do?
14:56I want to go to Murudu campus.
14:58That's the biggest dream I have.
15:02You want to become an engineer.
15:05Don't you want to do it in the future?
15:07I don't want to do it in the future.
15:09But you have a very good exam.
15:13The OLE exam.
15:15What kind of exam is it?
15:17A test only.
15:19The big one is for Singhalese.
15:23The day before the Singhalese exam,
15:25I went to the match.
15:27You watched the match?
15:30I watched the match.
15:32I didn't have time to study.
15:34I just slept.
15:36I didn't know what was going on.
15:38The Singhalese exam.
15:40Did you write it?
15:41Yes, I did.
15:42You wrote a B.
15:43Yes, I wrote a B.
15:44Let's move on to the next question.
15:46The next question is worth 30,000 rupees.
15:54Who was the king of Devapathiraja?
15:59A. Vijayabahu.
16:02B. Parakrambahu.
16:04C. Pandukabe.
16:06D. Sitavaka Rajasinghe.
16:09I remember Devapathiraja as Siriperakum.
16:13I remember him as Siriperakum.
16:18Siriperakum is in the film Parakrambahu.
16:23I remember him as Siriperakum.
16:33I will give you an answer.
16:35Answer B.
16:40What is the answer?
16:41Final answer.
16:42Answer B.
16:43Answer C.
16:50Why am I looking at you like that?
16:55I am calling you father.
16:57I don't know your father.
17:03What did you say?
17:04That's a sure answer.
17:05That's a sure answer?
17:07So, father is wrong?
17:08Yes, father always knows the answer.
17:11Very good.
17:12So, father knows the answer to Pandukabe Rajyuru.
17:14No, I don't like Pandukabe Rajyuru.
17:17I have studied about him for 12-13 years.
17:20I know how to scare him.
17:27That's the answer.
17:34Very good.
17:35Let's move on to the 7th question.
17:36The 7th question is worth Rs. 50.
17:40The 7th question is worth Rs. 50.
17:43Who do you think is responsible for the loss of the prime minister?
17:53A. Katha Nayak.
17:56B. Janadipati Lekham.
17:58C. Agravinishakara.
18:01D. Neethipathi.
18:04I am the most influential person in this country.
18:08That's not true.
18:10Do you know that a philosopher once said...
18:14A person who controls the country is very...
18:23That's a different country.
18:26That's not true.
18:27That's not true.
18:28That's not true.
18:29A person who controls the country is very...
18:33He likes to control the weak leaders.
18:39So does a person not like to control his own leaders?
18:48But he likes to control the leaders of a poor family.
18:58I don't know if a poor family doesn't know.
19:01I am the ruler of the people.
19:05So, the rule of the nation means
19:07that people come together
19:09and form communities to elect a leader.
19:13A leader is formed in a community,
19:15and then he becomes a dictator,
19:17and then he becomes someone else,
19:19and now he is at a certain place.
19:21There is nothing to do.
19:22A leader is elected by the people.
19:25That is what we have now.
19:27So, if a leader is elected,
19:29we have to elect at least one of them.
19:36Because if not,
19:38we don't have a leader.
19:40So, we need a leader.
19:42Now, it is up to you to elect our leader.
19:45There is a force.
19:47It is not an easy task.
19:49It is a good force.
19:52Actually, I don't remember this.
19:55Have you ever been elected by the people?
19:57Yes, I have.
19:59I remember that I was elected by Mr. Ruhani.
20:01I don't remember who I was elected by.
20:03You don't remember who you were elected by?
20:05I don't remember.
20:09I think the audience doesn't know the answer.
20:13I will ask the audience.
20:15Are you sure?
20:16I am sure.
20:17The audience will give us the answer.
20:20If you know the answer,
20:22please answer the following question.
20:38Please look at the answer.
20:52There are 66 agravinshkaras.
20:57There are 200 leaders.
21:01There are 10 kathanayaks.
21:04If I had to give an answer like Panditji, it would be at home.
21:07What would you like to answer?
21:09The kathanayak.
21:10Is that what you want to say?
21:14I will trust the audience and give the answer.
21:17The answer is C.
21:18Is that it?
21:19Yes, the final answer.
21:21The final answer is C.
21:28The final answer is B.
21:32I don't think you will be scared.
21:42That's it.
21:44You have passed the test.
21:52Sirasa Lakshapathi.
21:55We have a question for you.
21:57You can win Rs. 200,000.
21:59But before you give the answer,
22:01you have to tell the children the answer.
22:03And remember,
22:05Sirasa Lakshapathi,
22:06look at the children.
22:08To the young women like Naditi,
22:15and to you,
22:17to the 77-year-old children.
22:24you said this is a difficult question.
22:27I don't know.
22:28The audience asked me.
22:29I don't know.
22:30If you don't know,
22:31there's nothing to do.
22:32There's nothing to do.
22:33There's nothing to do.
22:34You don't have any idea, do you?
22:37There's something like this.
22:39When the people's leader is elected,
22:41the people's leader is elected by the kathanayak,
22:43the people's leader is elected by the leadership.
22:45What is the main task of the people's leader?
22:48The answer is...
22:52The main task of the people's leader.
22:58There's something like this.
23:00When the people's leader is elected,
23:03he can be the head of the people's leader.
23:09The head of the people's leader.
23:12The head of the people's leader.
23:14The head of the people's leader.
23:16The head of the people's leader.
23:18When the people's leader is elected,
23:20the people's leader is elected by the leaders.
23:23That's what you mean, right?
23:26the people's leader is not the head of the people.
23:29The head of the people is the parliament.
23:34we're going to the 8th question.
23:37The 8th question is worth 70 rupees.
23:43In the international cricket match,
23:45in a single match,
23:47if you score 30 goals,
23:49who is the winner?
23:51A. Chris Gayle
23:53B. Shahid Afridi
23:55C. Virat Kohli
23:57D. Yoraj Singh
23:59It's not Afridi.
24:01It's not Virat Kohli.
24:04It's all about the power hitters.
24:08It's all about the power hitters.
24:11In a single match,
24:13I scored 30 goals.
24:15That means I scored 6 out of 6 goals.
24:18I think it's Chris Gayle.
24:21I remember him.
24:23I don't remember Afridi.
24:26Yoraj Singh.
24:28Yoraj Singh.
24:29He scored 6 out of 6 goals.
24:31I don't remember him.
24:33I don't remember Kohli either.
24:36But I remember Chris Gayle.
24:41I want to get Chris Gayle.
24:48I want him to score 50-50.
24:51I want him to score 50-50.
24:58It's him.
25:00It's him.
25:02It's him.
25:04It's him.
25:08It's him.
25:10It's him.
25:12I don't remember him.
25:14I remember Yoraj Singh.
25:16He scored 6 out of 6 goals.
25:18He was wearing a helmet.
25:20I don't remember him.
25:22It's okay.
25:24I'll give you an answer.
25:26Yoraj Singh.
25:29Your answer is Yoraj Singh.
25:31Answer D.
25:33Yoraj Singh.
25:38He didn't go to war.
25:41He was a post-coach.
25:51We have a habit...
25:53When we get angry...
25:56We have to remember...
25:58When we get angry...
26:00We have to remember...
26:02When we get angry...
26:04We have to remember...
26:06That's how it is with the other parts.
26:08They don't want to change it.
26:10They don't want to change it.
26:13They want to make it a habit.
26:16I don't know.
26:17We have a tradition that goes back 70-10 years.
26:20We have a tradition that goes back 70-10 years.
26:23Homosapiens are the first to do so.
26:26The world has not changed its way of life.
26:29We are still stuck in that.
26:31We are still stuck in that.
26:33People think that we should go out to eat.
26:36We should smoke after 7pm.
26:38We should smoke and die.
26:40We should get rid of the prostitution.
26:42We should get rid of the brothels.
26:44We should get rid of the prostitutes.
26:47We should do the public service.
26:49That's what they want.
26:51That's what they want.
26:54They don't have any other desires.
26:56They don't have to come to a luxury hotel like we do.
26:59They should have the same kind of pleasure we have.
27:03They should solve those issues.
27:05That's all they need to do.
27:07That's all they need to do.
27:09That's all they need to do.
27:11That's why they are quietly involved.
27:14They don't come to the camp.
27:17They don't come to the Alia Pena village.
27:20They don't come to anything like this.
27:22We have to make quick decisions.
27:24We have to make quick decisions.
27:26But when it comes to this,
27:28don't get confused,
27:30don't get confused,
27:32don't get confused,
27:34don't get confused,
27:36don't get confused,
27:38don't get confused,
27:40don't get confused,
27:42don't get confused,
27:44don't get confused,
27:46don't get confused,
27:48don't get confused,
27:50when you face that,
27:52you can earn mindplay
27:54you can earn mindplay
27:56by doing something yourself.
27:58To earn the mind,
28:00we have to challenge ourselves.
28:02Let's go deeper into the crisis.
28:04The Ninth thing is
28:12In order to participate in
28:14in the 2024 Paris Olympics,
28:16you have to
28:18Which team should travel the shortest distance?
28:22A. Germany
28:25B. Finland
28:27C. China
28:29D. Brazil
28:36France is in the lead
28:38China is not
28:40Brazil is not
28:44In World War II, Germany lost to Brazil
28:51It's Germany
28:53The answer is A. Germany
29:07Now you are ready
29:10Do you think I'm scared now?
29:16No, I'm not scared
29:18I don't have any fear in my face
29:21Where is Finland?
29:25I really don't remember Finland
29:28That's true
29:29It doesn't matter
29:31I know you are scared
29:33No, no, no
29:35I want to know where Finland is
29:38I really don't remember
29:40Where is Germany?
29:42Germany is in France
29:44Where is Paris?
29:46Paris is in France
29:48If it's in France, where is Paris?
29:50How far is Paris from the German border?
29:53How far is Paris from Finland?
29:57I don't think it's a matter of time
30:00It's a matter of millions of rupees
30:05That's true
30:07Who is going to take us that far?
30:10It's in Paris
30:12That's why you are asking me to go abroad
30:16That's why I'm asking you to go abroad
30:19You don't understand
30:21I just said this
30:23No, it's Germany
30:26I told you to think about it
30:30No, it's Germany
30:32The answer is
30:41Very good
30:43Germany is the answer
30:46Look at him
30:48He is laughing
30:50Nadithi, let's move on to the next question
30:54The next question is worth millions of rupees
31:01You can't go to Colombia
31:05I don't have a license
31:07You don't have a license?
31:09You can't go
31:11Why can't I go?
31:13It's been two days
31:15It's been two days?
31:17The question is
31:19Which of these two countries do you like the most?
31:23A. Lushan Bulat Singhal
31:26B. Jailat Manoratna
31:30C. Jagat Shamila
31:33D. Dayadev Edris
31:35I don't know how to answer this
31:38It's Jailat Manoratna
31:41He is not a driver
31:44He is not
31:48He asked me to take a photo with him
31:51He asked me to take a photo with him
31:53He asked me to take a photo with him
31:55That's Jailat Manoratna
32:00The answer is B. Jailat Manoratna
32:03The final answer
32:05The final answer
32:08He is Justin
32:12He is a murderer
32:16Who is the principal?
32:18The principal?
32:21I don't know
32:23You don't know?
32:25You don't know his name?
32:28Justin Jailat Manoratna?
32:36Sirasa Lakshapathi
32:38You are here to talk about this beautiful moment
32:43Today is Ram 7788
32:46Who doesn't feel this happiness?
32:50Come, let's talk about Ram 7788
32:54You can win Rs. 20,000 for answering our questions
33:00Watch Lakshapathi with kids
33:03Nadithi Ninanga
33:13What should I say?
33:25Very good
33:27Jailat Manoratna is a murderer
33:31I think we can't talk about this
33:36I laughed a lot
33:38It's okay
33:40You didn't have to laugh
33:42He is a great storyteller
33:46Have you watched Andarela?
33:51We have a story of Andarela
33:55The story of Andarela
33:57The life of the people
33:59The reality of the people
34:01How much they suffer
34:03Andarela is a story of laughter
34:05A person laughs
34:07But at the end of the story
34:09He is the one who has to stop laughing
34:13But he can't stop laughing
34:15And he is still there
34:17He is still laughing
34:19I think his story is special
34:23Very special
34:25That's why it's called Rangadare
34:27That's why he is still alive
34:29What do you think?
34:31I'm happy
34:33Who is the villain in this story?
34:38The villain is my mother and father
34:40They are all villains
34:42The rest are like this
34:44They don't have a heart
34:47But I have spent most of my time with my father
34:52Because my father has taken care of the society
34:56My mother has taken care of how a woman should live
35:01What do you mean by taking care of the society?
35:04We live in Colombia
35:06Everyone in the country knows that
35:10But we don't know how to treat people
35:14We know that
35:16When we go to the bank
35:18We are a customer
35:20We have to go to the bank
35:22And ask how it is
35:24When we go to the shop
35:26We have to ask how it is
35:28We don't know how to talk to people without fear
35:33I was thinking about the future
35:37I was thinking about the future
35:39I was told to go to the shop
35:41I thought I had a job
35:43I thought I had a job
35:45Now I have a job
35:47Now I can go to the shop even if it is in Colombia
35:51You have six children
35:53Yes, six
35:55Who is your father now?
35:57He is my father
35:59My father has his own business
36:02How does he earn money?
36:05How does he work?
36:07How does he make me happy?
36:10I have seen these things since I was a child
36:13I have been talking to my father's employees
36:16I have been thinking about these things
36:19Chandana Mahatmya
36:21How do you find time in your childhood
36:24How do you find time in your childhood
36:27To create a sense of freedom
36:29To create a sense of freedom
36:31And to teach?
36:33I don't think so
36:35I don't think so
36:37I don't think so
36:39How do you do it?
36:41I have to start from within
36:43I have to start from within
36:45No one can stop me
36:47No one can stop me
36:49Everyone who is around me
36:51Everyone who is around me
36:53Helps me
36:55Helps me
36:57Helps me
36:59Helps me
37:01Helps me
37:03Helps me
37:05Helps me
37:08Helps me
37:12Now we are going to the next question
37:17Sunil has mentioned this quote before
37:20Sunil has mentioned this quote before
37:25If you color the lines and
37:30If you color the lines and
37:32measurement has been done
37:34measurement has been done
37:36A is thanks to the balance of these 2 lines
37:39B is due to the same width of 2 lines
37:42C is because there is more width between the 2 lines
37:46D is higher than the lowest level of the Kabbalah.
37:49If you have the same Kabbalah, you will be in harmony with the Guru's center.
38:03If you don't have the same Kabbalah, you will be on the same level as the Kabbalah.
38:08But if you have the same Kabbalah, you will not be in harmony.
38:14The answer to this question is that I don't have the same Kabbalah.
38:19If you have the same Kabbalah, you will be on the same level as the Kabbalah.
38:27If you have the same Kabbalah, you will be on the same level as the Kabbalah.
38:32In order to complete the Kabbalah, we have to increase the length of the Kabbalah.
38:47In order to complete the Kabbalah, we have to increase the length of the Kabbalah.
38:55If you have the same Kabbalah, you will be on the same level as the Kabbalah.
39:02If you have the same Kabbalah, you will be on the same level as the Kabbalah.
39:08If you have the same Kabbalah, you will be on the same level as the Kabbalah.
39:19If you have the same Kabbalah, you will be on the same level as the Kabbalah.
39:26If you have the same Kabbalah, you will be on the same level as the Kabbalah.
39:32Final answer.
39:40I know this one.
39:45I won't say.
39:47I won't say.
39:49We have to understand this.
39:53There is a line on this circle.
39:58This line is balanced on both sides.
40:05You are saying that there is a short line here.
40:09You are saying that we have to increase the length of that short line.
40:13Is that possible?
40:16Because it is balanced on both sides.
40:18He is saying that the length of the Kabbalah is balanced on both sides.
40:29Is that possible?
40:31I don't think so.
40:33We have to mention that it is balanced.
40:36You are saying that the question is wrong.
40:38The question is not wrong.
40:40The question is simple.
40:42If you have the same Kabbalah, you will be on the same level as the Kabbalah.
40:49You are saying that we have to increase the length of that short line.
40:56Thank you!
41:08How did you do that?
41:11We told her that there is a theory in science.
41:15It's similar to the theory of the Vahama and Dakshina.
41:19The theory is that the strong man,
41:22So, I applied for a job as a security guard at the police station in Lambadurai.
41:27I got the job because of him.
41:29I applied for the job because of him.
41:33I can remember only a few examples.
41:44Okay, that means we have time, son.
41:47Now, we have four more questions.
41:49There are two lifelines.
41:52We will come back the next day
41:54and play this game properly.
41:57Now, let's see how far Nadithi Dinanga,
42:01who has come to the hot seat of Adah
42:05will go.
42:09Let's see.
42:10I think it's Rs. 3 million.
42:13What do you think?
42:16Let's see.
42:17Also, keep in mind,
42:19what do you have to say to the 77 people
42:21who have come here today?
42:24Good luck to you all.