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▌懂来做莫 ▌#129 InilahKITA认识大马多元社群系列八 |他们是马来社会文化中,最独特的存在!他们有着强调女性为一家之主的“母系制度”(Adat Perpatih)!

主持 | @Celes美伶

#米南加保 #森美兰 #母系社会
#Minangkabau #AdatPerpatih
#InilahKITA #认识大马多元社群
#不懂没关系 #懂了也没用 #冷知识
#发射热点 #84hotspot #懂来做莫

更多新闻资讯看这里 ▹ https://xuan.com.my/hotspot


00:00Women have the right to inherit, and children follow their mothers.
00:02This community is known as the largest motherly society in the world.
00:06In addition to Indonesia, it has the largest population on the Malay Peninsula.
00:08Mrs. Rosmar is also the descendant of Mrs. Rosmar.
00:10She was even awarded the highest honor title by the Indonesian Minangkabau tribe.
00:15It doesn't matter if you don't understand, it's no use if you understand.
00:17What I just said is the Minangkabau people.
00:20The population in my country is close to 1 million.
00:22Lafayette, Kaili, Jawa Baba, and Laisiyatin are all representative figures.
00:25This is a tribe from the Middle East of Indonesia.
00:28In the Malay Dynasty, it began to move to Senegal and the Malay border.
00:32Nengning, Nanning, etc.
00:34This is where the Minangkabau dynasty was established.
00:36Now in Senegal, you can still see Minangkabau-style buildings with cowhide roofs.
00:40What's more special is that the Minangkabau people follow the motherly society.
00:44Women have a high family and social status.
00:46They can also inherit their family property, and their children follow their mothers.
00:49But this system of female supremacy is also changing with the times.
00:55For more UN videos visit www.un.org
