• last year
00:00LOVED BY GOD Dear friends, since God so loved us, we also
00:06ought to love one another.
00:08First John 4.11
00:10His name was David, but most just called him the violin guy.
00:15David was a scruffy, older man who was often seen wandering about in our city center, playing
00:21his violin to those passing by.
00:24Listeners would sometimes drop coins in his open violin case.
00:28David would smile and nod his head in thanks as he continued to play.
00:32When David died recently and an article about his life was printed in a local paper, I read
00:38that he spoke several languages, was a university graduate, and had even run for political office
00:44years ago.
00:45Many of us were surprised at the things he'd done with his life.
00:49Until we read about him, we'd just judged him by his scruffy clothes.
00:54The Bible tells us that God created mankind in his own image.
00:59Genesis 1 verse 27
01:02This means we are all incredibly valuable, no matter how we look, what we have done,
01:07or what others think of us.
01:09Even when we didn't know God for ourselves, he loved and valued us so much that he sent
01:15Jesus to die for us and bring us into his family forever.
01:19We are loved by God.
01:21All around us are people who still don't know that love for themselves.
01:25May we help them see how valuable to God they are by living out his love.
01:31James Bank
01:32To Pray About
01:33Heavenly Father, thank you for your wonderful love for me.
01:37I pray that others may see your love in my words and actions today.
01:42God's love is meant to be seen and shared.