I'd rather be with you.

  • 2 weeks ago


00:00William and Patty had just finished a romantic dinner, celebrating their fifth wedding anniversary.
00:05As they were about to share a dessert, William's communicator buzzed.
00:10He hesitated, then answered, listening intently.
00:13I have to go, William said, his voice low and serious.
00:17It's the Academy. I've been called to a secret meeting.
00:21Patty's eyes widened in surprise.
00:23What's going on? Can I come with you?
00:26William shook his head. I'm sorry, it's classified.
00:30I'll be back as soon as I can.
00:32William, being the serious statesman that he is, told Patty that this meeting was unexpected.
00:37William, with a look of confidence, said,
00:40Even though I have dedicated my life to the Afro-Knot Academy,
00:44I'd rather be with you tonight until the early morn.
00:47If I'm away from you too long, then life's no fun.
00:51With a quick kiss, William disappeared into the night, leaving Patty worried and alone.
00:56She tried to distract herself, but her mind raced with questions.
01:00What was William involved in? Would he be safe?
01:03Days turned into weeks, and Patty heard nothing from William.
01:07She tried to contact him, but his communicator was dead.
01:11The Academy's silence only fueled her anxiety.
01:14Finally, William returned, his eyes haunted by secrets.
01:18I'm sorry I had to leave like that, he said, holding Patty tight.
01:22I promise to tell you everything when I can.
01:25Patty knew that their love was strong enough to withstand secrets,
01:29but she couldn't shake the feeling that their lives would never be the same.