Superman meets Our Doctor Funkenstein

  • last month


00:00Superman was used to defying the impossible. He'd faced down world-ending threats, cosmic entities,
00:06and even the wrath of gods. But here, in the sterile, white confines of a hospital room,
00:12he felt as vulnerable as any mortal. A shard of green crystal, a piece of kryptonite,
00:17had found its way into his body. The doctors, baffled by his accelerated healing and alien
00:23physiology, had been unable to remove it. And so, the Man of Steel lay in a hospital bed,
00:29his body slowly succumbing to the insidious poison. His vision was blurred, his strength waning.
00:36The world outside, with its crises and catastrophes, seemed distant and unreal.
00:41Here, in this quiet room, the weight of his invulnerability was lifted, replaced by a raw,
00:46human fragility. Lois Lane sat by his side, her hand gently holding his. She was his anchor,
00:54his connection to the world he was slowly drifting away from.
00:57Kal-El, she whispered, her voice soft and reassuring. He managed a weak smile.
01:03Lo-Lo. You'll be okay, she promised, her voice firm. He squeezed her hand.
01:08I know. Hours turned into days. The hospital became his universe. The rhythmic beep of the
01:14heart monitor was the only constant in his fading world. Yet, even in this weakened state,
01:20his mind was sharp. He thought of Metropolis, of his friends, of the world that depended on him.
01:26He thought of the promise he had made to his parents, to protect the innocent.
01:31As his vision faded, he saw his salvation. Dr. Muscles with help from above.
01:36Dr. Muscles had the legendary bop gun from our Dr. Funkenstein. With one shot,
01:42Superman was able to purge the kryptonite and the placebo syndrome from his body.
01:47And in that spark, the promise of a return, of a renewed fight, was born.
01:52For even a Superman can be broken, but not defeated.