• last year
00:00What's wrong with Dr. NiederbĂŒhler?
00:10You mean I don't know he was at your injection clinic?
00:14Just like Yvonne?
00:16Oh, you mean that.
00:17Why don't you find an investor for yourself?
00:20Or better yet, a partner?
00:21And what partner is that supposed to be?
00:25Well, FĂŒrstenhoff.
00:29Yes, Philip, let's wait and see what Dr. NiederbĂŒhl has to say.
00:32It could also be that Anna was simply released too early.
00:35If only he would finally talk to us.
00:37Due to the low blood supply, your spinal cord was massively damaged.
00:43But if my kidney doesn't work properly anymore, then...
00:47I'm sorry, but you need a new kidney.
00:51And as soon as possible.
00:57That's not true.
01:00I need a new kidney?
01:02Anna, we can help each other with a dialysis beforehand and clean your blood.
01:07But in the long run, a transplant is unavoidable.
01:17I'll put you on the waiting list for a transplant.
01:23But I've heard that it doesn't take years to find a suitable organ and you're even on the list.
01:28Yes, that's why kidney failure also requires a donation of life from relatives.
01:35So someone has to be willing to donate their kidneys to me.
01:39Exactly. And then we'll run a typification of the relatives' names to find out who's in question.
01:48But I don't have anyone...
01:51except my mother.
01:56Do you want me to talk to Nicole?
02:03No, I'd rather do it myself.
02:13I know this is a shock and a lot at once.
02:20But most people can live very well with just one kidney.
02:35Your friends are waiting outside.
02:38Would you like me to invite them in?
02:41Come in, please.
02:51Can you tell them, please?
02:54I think I need a moment alone.
02:58Of course.
03:12I'm sure this is a win-win situation, both for the FĂŒrstenhof and for the wine.
03:18So you're going to give me money so I can buy new vineyards?
03:22And so you can bridge the time until your next wine reading.
03:25But that's going to take two years before I make any money.
03:28Yes, I know that, but we're also involved in your sales.
03:34And you have to find an exclusive wine under the label FĂŒrstenhof.
03:40A FĂŒrstenhof wine?
03:42The name FĂŒrstenhof and the logo come from the label.
03:44And we can then offer this wine exclusively to our guests in the hotel.
03:49What do you think?
03:51Well, from my side, there's nothing wrong with that.
03:56That's a worthwhile investment for the FĂŒrstenhof.
03:58And you could stay true to your word and wouldn't take any help from me personally.
04:04Okay, I'll take that as an argument.
04:06But I'm just not sure if I want to make myself so dependent on the hotel.
04:09Yes, you don't have to commit yourself to eternity.
04:12If you've repaid the money, you can still think about whether the partnership makes sense to you.
04:19We just have to see if the other owners think the proposal is good.
04:23Yes, that will be a bit of persuasion work.
04:27I can call an extraordinary meeting.
04:30But until then, we should keep the economy in check.
04:34Let's try.
04:38And did Michael tell you the whole truth?
04:42Yes, of course.
04:44I still don't understand why he didn't admit it right away.
04:47I always have a complete understanding for things like this.
04:52It was a...
04:54It was a...
04:56It was a...
04:58It was a...
05:00It was a...
05:02It was an emergency, wasn't it?
05:04Yes, so to speak.
05:06You panicked because Yvonne Grete was drunk and almost suffocated.
05:13And you were on your way to the emergency room.
05:15Yes, because we were afraid.
05:17And of course, Dr. Michael NiederbĂŒhler can't get Grete out.
05:21I'm very surprised.
05:23Well, here's some alcohol.
05:26Did you all drink?
05:28Yes, we drank.
05:31Alcohol on the line.
05:33You could have gotten into a lot of trouble.
05:35Oh, that's why you didn't admit it right away.
05:38Yes, well, that's why.
05:39And because you had already called the police.
05:41So, alcohol on the line.
05:42We were a little dizzy.
05:45You should have called an ambulance.
05:47Yes, we should have.
05:48Afterwards, I thought it was a mistake.
05:50But luckily, Yvonne coughed Grete out on the way.
05:55She was terrified of death.
05:56Me too.
06:00Under these circumstances, I don't want to make a big deal out of it.
06:03Werner, and I promise you one thing.
06:05Something like this will never happen again.
06:07A very nice move from you.
06:08You have something good with me.
06:09I'll notice.
06:10You can do that.
06:11Wait a minute.
06:15Yes, hello?
06:17A what?
06:20Yes, I understand.
06:22No, she's been sick for a while.
06:24But I'll find someone to take care of her.
06:26Stop, stop, stop.
06:27Stop, stop.
06:28I'll get back to you.
06:32So, my dear.
06:34What did you say?
06:36I have something good with you?
06:41Now we can only hope that we can find a donor as soon as possible.
06:51Does Anna's mother already know?
06:54She's still in La Gomera.
06:56Anna wanted to call her right away.
06:59Yes, but if her kidney doesn't work now ...
07:02First, we can help each other with a dialysis.
07:06We'll do anything for Anna.
07:08To make her life easier until the transplant.
07:12Can we go to her now?
07:13No, please don't.
07:14I know, I know.
07:15You just wanted to help her.
07:17But she explicitly asked me to be alone for a while.
07:22She has to process the diagnosis first.
07:27You can't really do much for her at the moment.
07:31I would advise you to go home.
07:34Maybe you can take a few things for Anna at home.
07:38She will stay here for a while.
07:41Sure, I'll do it.
07:44If you have any questions, you can always turn to me.
07:57Anna's kidney transplant
08:18What am I going to tell mom now?
08:20Hey, can you give me one of your kidneys?
08:24She gets a huge fright.
08:26You can't expect that from anyone.
08:30But maybe I should ask Michael to talk to her?
08:34He has experience with that.
08:37On the other hand, she's his girlfriend and that makes it more complicated.
08:44No, that's not possible.
08:46I have to talk to her myself.
08:54Anna's kidney transplant
08:57Anna, is there anything new?
09:01Hey mom.
09:03Anna, what's going on?
09:08I don't have any good news.
09:24Anna's kidney transplant
09:29You're incredibly fast at programming.
09:32That's just another test version.
09:34I'm sure there are still a few mistakes.
09:40You called her Maxi-Nutri-Doc?
09:44But it's just a job title.
09:46That's great.
09:48The name wasn't even given yet.
09:51Wow, the icons for the sports, I think that's really nice.
09:57You have to tell me what you're getting paid for.
10:00I want to at least try to pay you fairly.
10:03Well, there's still some time.
10:05You still have a few changes to make and I still have to work on things.
10:09I'd like to get on with it right away, but I have to move beds first.
10:14A waste of talent, if you ask me.
10:18Now that you know my studies so well, would you like to participate as a test subject yourself?
10:23No, sports is not really my thing.
10:25But there are also the control groups.
10:27I also need very important participants for that.
10:29Oh, well, if that's the case, I'd love to help.
10:32And don't forget to write me the bill.
10:34I will.
10:37You mean well with our employees.
10:39Just kidding.
10:40Well, if you do a good job, you should be paid for it.
10:44Good luck.
10:45How about you?
10:47Are you in, too?
10:49As a test subject?
10:51I don't think that's something for me.
10:53Yes, of course.
10:54You would not only do something good for your health, but also for science.
10:58Yes, yes, that may be, but I ...
11:00And in the long run, you also help sick people with it.
11:03Now you're talking to someone for sure.
11:06Okay, it's really not complicated either.
11:08Look, the app is totally intuitive, very user-friendly.
11:13Sign in here.
11:16Forget your handbags.
11:18Good trick.
11:20To forget them.
11:22We have a few more minutes.
11:25Sleep a little, yes.
11:27And listen to the doctor.
11:29I'll be back tonight.
11:31Your pulse ...
11:33What do you say?
11:35You can hardly let that go, can you?
11:40You don't give up anyway.
11:43I'm in.
11:45Welcome to my study.
11:58You're welcome.
12:06But then we've calculated it all.
12:09On the one hand, what it costs us to join you.
12:11On the other hand, the expected income.
12:14Yes, you're still just under zero.
12:18Yes, well, in the first few years.
12:21But for the prince's call, it's primarily about the prestige gain.
12:25Then let's hope that Christoph Saalfeld sees it the same way.
12:28He's still pretty angry with me.
12:30Well, you know ...
12:32First and foremost, it's important that Werner Saalfeld and Alexander agree.
12:36Because then we have the majority.
12:38And then we need good arguments to convince them.
12:43Tell me ...
12:45How about ...
12:49How about we offer the hotel guests an extra bonus program?
12:55What do you mean?
12:56A butter ride to the wine shop?
12:59Well, I wouldn't have called it a butter ride.
13:02But I actually thought in that direction.
13:07A day trip to the enchanting vineyards.
13:10Including a hike and a property tour.
13:13And then the wine tasting.
13:14Framed by a lunch package put together by Mrs. Bergmann.
13:18And on top of that, every guest gets a bottle of FĂŒrstenhoff Riesling.
13:21From the particularly drunk 20, 25-year-olds.
13:26I'm really starting to feel like taking part in a tour like this myself.
13:30And let the charming winemaker show me her wine.
13:43Okay, so if you agree, then I will call in my extraordinary own collection.
13:49But talk to Werner first.
13:51Yes, I will.
13:53But I think we will convince him the most.
14:07Oh, Schnitzi.
14:11And? What did Werner say?
14:14Michael was there by now and had already sedated Werner.
14:17That's good.
14:18No, it's not good because I didn't know anything about it.
14:20And what does that mean?
14:21Well, I was a little overwhelmed when Werner suddenly confronted me with Michael's alternative facts.
14:28Yes, but what exactly does that mean?
14:30Actually, only that Werner should confront you with these alternative facts.
14:34You would have to confirm that we ate fish that evening and you talked too much.
14:38You had a gill in your throat and you already had one in here.
14:42And then we tried to get to the emergency room with a shuttle.
14:45And Michael still tried to get the gill out, but it didn't work.
14:48And then you coughed and then it came out.
14:51That you only know all this now.
14:55Do you think I'm talking too much?
14:58Not at all, no.
15:00But do you know that we were in our gills?
15:04We did that with the shuttle. That's not to be topped anymore.
15:07Well, as you can see.
15:09What do you mean by that?
15:10What do I mean by what?
15:11How long have you been interested in fish gills?
15:15I thought you were disgusted by them.
15:17No, not at all.
15:19And I got an extremely important task from Werner.
15:23Mrs. Hohenlohe is going on a hike with her cousin twice a day.
15:26And I'm taking care of her tarantula.
15:29The woman took a spider with her on vacation.
15:32She's crazy.
15:33She's totally into her tarantula.
15:35And that's exactly why I have to watch out for her.
15:38Do you sometimes have to stroke her hairy back?
15:42It makes me completely cold.
15:43But you have to be careful that she doesn't jump into your face.
15:46They don't jump.
15:48They jump.
15:50Your face, you have bums.
15:52It was just a joke.
15:53I just heard that there are people who are afraid of spiders.
15:57It's probably a very natural instinct.
15:59So you can guess.
16:01Well, I'm not afraid of spiders at all.
16:03What I don't like are white mice with such disgustingly red eyes.
16:08I find them disgusting.
16:09It also makes me completely cold.
16:12But spiders are useful animals.
16:14Also the big ones.
16:15Because they catch mosquitos.
16:17And they make such beautiful nets.
16:18They look like works of art.
16:19Works of art.
16:20So, let's go to the zoo.
16:22What do you want there?
16:23A can of spiders.
16:25No, we're going to buy the scarecrow.
16:27And I'm going with you to the store.
16:29And afterwards I'm going to watch out for the spiders with you.
16:32But first I have to do something.
16:50Hey, Philipp.
17:02Did you spoil your appetite?
17:07You didn't.
17:11I'm so out of it.
17:15I canceled all my appointments.
17:20Is it just like that with you?
17:23There were no urgent cases.
17:27What can I get you?
17:29A black coffee, please.
17:31With pleasure.
17:40I'm thinking about getting tested.
17:44And I'm thinking of your donations.
17:49Usually the donor is a close relative.
17:51Then Nicole comes first.
17:55But what if she doesn't have the right blood type?
17:58Then we'll actually look for another relative.
18:02She doesn't have one anymore.
18:05So it makes sense that I still make myself available.
18:09Yes, but even then, an ethics commission would have to decide if that's even possible.
18:14Okay, if you say so. What do you want to know?
18:18Philipp, think about it later.
18:21It probably won't get that far.
18:30It feels good...
18:32...to not be alone all the time.
18:39I'm really glad you're here right now.
18:44But no hug, okay?
18:53Oh, man.
18:55It's a good thing she only had a little back pain.
18:57And now something so bad is supposed to have happened?
18:59Yeah, no one would have expected that.
19:02Hopefully she'll get better soon.
19:05She'll get an organ donation. It'll take a while for her to get better.
19:09Yeah, it's definitely great that she has such a great friend like you.
19:18If you like, I can go to the hospital right away and we can cheer her up together. What do you think?
19:24I'll just bring her things from home.
19:26She didn't want to see anyone earlier either.
19:30Oh, my homework about fasting and yoga.
19:32I have to hand it in tomorrow and I haven't started yet.
19:34It's totally clear that you don't have a head at all.
19:37No head at all.
19:38I hope you don't get angry.
19:40Yeah, and if I get a six, there's something more important, right?
19:44Yeah, but isn't the grade really important for your graduation?
19:49Maybe I can explain the situation to you and then write it down.
19:54I don't know.
19:55Maybe I can explain the situation to you and then write it down.
20:00I'll go get my things now.
20:31Is that a mobile game?
20:33It's an app that Mr. Licht developed.
20:36Funny for Maxine Neubach's studies, isn't it?
20:40Say, you're in on it now, too.
20:42I was very charmingly persuaded.
20:44So I can check if I'm eating right, if I have to do more sports, if I'm awake.
20:49But that's not an app.
20:52You should take part in it, too.
20:54Maybe it'll improve your mood.
20:57That's as far as it goes.
20:59I go jogging when I'm in a good mood.
21:02But it's not about the app, it's about Maxine Neubach, isn't it?
21:06What do you have against her?
21:07Do you really want to take her hostage because she's the daughter of her mother?
21:10She's annoying.
21:11Oh, yes, and why?
21:13Because, for example, she's rummaging through her stuff everywhere.
21:16She's annoying.
21:17Oh, yes, and why?
21:18Because, for example, she's rummaging through her stuff everywhere.
21:22Yes, that looks really catastrophic.
21:24Yes, and when I politely point it out to her, she just ignores me.
21:28Ah, she ignores your authority.
21:31That's a cheek.
21:34I don't know what's so funny about it.
21:37Oh, come on.
21:38She's young and a little chaotic.
21:40But she'll get rid of that with her charm.
21:43Her charm has probably escaped me so far.
21:46But you seem to have eaten a real fool out of her.
21:50It's just...
21:52She reminds me so much of Vroni.
21:57Well, then.
22:02Mr. Saalfeld, it's good to have you here.
22:05I have good news.
22:07Katja is now finally ready to let you help her.
22:10So you want to borrow money from Anna Alves now?
22:13No, no, Anna Alves is unfortunately in the hospital again.
22:17Of course, Katja doesn't want to burden you with her financial problems.
22:20I only knew that she was sick.
22:22What's wrong with her?
22:24Something with the kidney, but I can't tell you anything more about it.
22:27I'll look into it.
22:29But that means that you will now lend Katja the money?
22:32No, I can't do that easily.
22:35But I have another suggestion.
22:38Namely, a business partnership between Katja's Weingut and the FĂŒrstenhof.
22:48We would invest in Katja's Weingut,
22:51and for that we would not only get a profit,
22:54but a lot of other benefits that would have a positive effect on our prestige.
23:00I can hardly believe that I, Christoph, will accept this deal.
23:04Yes, well, that may be.
23:06But in the end, in the end, we only need the majority.
23:09And if you support us, then the majority would be achievable.
23:14Mr. Saalfeld, just forget that you don't like me.
23:18This is about Katja's professional existence, and we all want to help her.
23:23And the way I see it,
23:25this cooperation would be the last way out of your precarious situation.
23:33Then explain your plan to me in more detail.
23:36I would recommend the SpÀtburgunder or the Beaujolais for lamb ragout.
23:40Great, then we'll do it.
23:44Has my daughter already recruited you?
23:46For her studies?
23:49I'm in the control group.
23:52No desire for sport?
23:56Okay, no, but I just don't have time.
24:01Schauer, would you like to go for a walk?
24:05Too bad.
24:08I was hoping to find a great training partner in you.
24:11I'll find someone else.
24:14Tell me, Katja.
24:17What about your wine?
24:20Maybe there's a solution.
24:23Markus really wants FĂŒrstenhofer to become an investor.
24:28Yes, I know.
24:30As far as Markus is concerned, I'm not very consistent right now.
24:34But his idea is good.
24:36And maybe it's the only way to save the wine.
24:39He seems to be really into it.
24:42He wants to do something good for me again.
24:45Without a second thought?
24:49Maybe he hopes that he can spend more time with me.
24:53But I won't let him do that.
24:57Still, you still have feelings for him.
25:00You told me yourself.
25:02Yes, there is still this attraction.
25:32Knock, knock.
25:40Come in for a second.
25:42I've packed a few things for you.
25:48How are you today?
25:51It was better before.
25:54Then I'll put your things away.
25:56You look around, enjoy the view.
25:59And tell me if something counts, okay?
26:05I think that should be enough.
26:12Hey, were Vincent and Philipp actually angry that I didn't want to see them?
26:18Of course not. They have an understanding.
26:22I just needed a little time for myself.
26:25But it was still nice that you were there.
26:28Have you already talked to your mother?
26:33She reacted totally cool.
26:35I just hinted that I might need a new kidney.
26:39And she immediately introduced herself as a donor.
26:43Your mother loves you above all.
26:45It's obvious that she helps you.
26:48I was really afraid to ask her.
26:53I don't even know if I can accept that.
26:55Of course you can accept that. You even have to accept it.
26:59You have to get healthy.
27:01Lale and Theo need you at home.
27:08Can I make you feel better?
27:21So basically you can say that his cooperation with the vineyard
27:24would have a lot of attractive advantages for the prince's court.
27:27Thank you very much for the presentation, Mr. Schwarzbach.
27:29Do you have any opinion on that?
27:31We all know that it's more about the welfare of the prince's court
27:35than about a rescue operation for Mrs. Saalfeld.
27:38But one doesn't have to exclude the other, Christoph.
27:41Such cooperation is a good thing.
27:45The days at our vineyard could be a real attraction for our guests.
27:50Besides, a prince's court label with its own wine.
27:54Sounds very attractive, doesn't it?
27:57And for such a game, you want to pump half a million into a bankrupt vineyard?
28:01Mr. Katja's vineyard is not bankrupt.
28:03It only needs a financial injection for the bridge until the next wine reading.
28:07Mrs. Saalfeld has already proven that she has no entrepreneurial know-how.
28:12Excuse me, but to sell a vineyard completely in such a short time,
28:16you have to be able to do that first.
28:18Katja doesn't like the weather.
28:20She can't stand the fact that we froze the grapevines.
28:24Besides, according to your calculations, the vineyard will be profitable in two years at the earliest.
28:27Until then, it's just money.
28:29For the machines, for the employees...
28:30It will be profitable.
28:32To get involved with someone like Katja Saalfeld
28:34in a long-term business partnership is an incalculable risk.
28:40Please don't exaggerate, Christoph.
28:43Katja also belongs to the family.
28:46Besides, as an abstainer, you don't seem to be aware
28:50that Prestige is bringing its own wine with a Prussian air label.
28:54Oh, so you think you have to be drunk
28:56to be able to appreciate Markus' ideas?
28:58Stubborn as a donkey.
29:02Alex, you haven't said anything yet.
29:05Well, I don't have anything against Katja Saalfeld
29:08and I think you should help her.
29:10However, Christoph is also right.
29:12A business partnership that is only going to last for years
29:14has to be very well thought out.
29:16I totally agree with you.
29:18I have summarized all the data of the deal
29:20including the first calculations.
29:22So if you like, I'll give you a chance
29:24and let it go through your head.
29:26An exception.
29:28Well, then the decision is made.
29:38The meeting should be over soon.
29:43I think it's great that you accepted the help.
29:47And you haven't even lost a penny yet.
29:51To be honest, I'm glad
29:53that I don't have to deal with my problems on my own anymore.
29:57And Mr. Schwarzbach will hopefully do a good job for you.
30:00He doesn't have an easy time with Christoph Saalfeld.
30:03But he will vote for you one way or another, won't he?
30:06But we have Werner on our side quickly.
30:08First of all, it depends on Mrs. Schwarzbach.
30:11She will definitely vote for you.
30:13I'm not so sure about that.
30:16I just don't get it.
30:18Mrs. Schwarzbach wants such a nice woman
30:20from such a guy.
30:24Don't get mad.
30:26It'll all work out.
30:32This reminds me of the old days.
30:34You know, when I had a lot of exams,
30:36you used to talk to me nicely.
30:38Now we only have a bit of an exchanged role.
30:51How did it go?
30:57Don't you seriously think about
30:59giving your consent for Katja Saalfeld
31:01after this rescue operation?
31:03When you were on the phone earlier,
31:05I went through the folder
31:07Markus gave me.
31:13Of course, there is a certain risk
31:15to invest half a million in a wine product
31:17that won't make a profit in the next two years.
31:19Of course.
31:21On the other hand, I'm sure
31:23that Mrs. Saalfeld will pay us back
31:25when she's back on her feet.
31:27If that ever happens.
31:29The prince's court
31:31would then have its own wine brand.
31:33What old wine connoisseurs like Werner
31:35are most excited about.
31:37That would be good PR for us.
31:39It's a waste.
31:41Lexi, we're just writing
31:44black numbers again after our last disaster.
31:46Which also reminds us
31:48that Markus broke in.
31:50Hand on heart.
31:52If this bankrupt wine product
31:54didn't belong to Katja Saalfeld,
31:56would we ever
31:58deal with such a stupid idea?
32:04That's a good point.
32:26Look in that glass thing.
32:28It's in there.
32:30Hello, Mrs. Spinner.
32:32We brought you something.
32:36And? Anyone home?
32:40Eric, nothing's happening.
32:43What do you mean, nothing's happening?
32:45I don't see anything.
32:47The one with the bird?
32:54I don't think anyone's home.
32:56And not in that wooden thing?
33:00Tell me.
33:06Was it like this all the time
33:08when we came in?
33:12Could it be that she's gone?
33:14No, because of the bird,
33:16I never ask her to tear my head off.
33:18But you just have to catch her again.
33:22What do I do if she jumps on me?
33:24The poison of tarantulas
33:26is usually not life-threatening.
33:28And do they really have hair?
33:30Yes. And they are much more
33:32afraid of us than we are of them.
33:34Yes, I read that when I was a child.
33:36What are you up to now?
33:42I always had to catch her
33:44with a glass.
33:48You think that glass is big enough?
33:50Can you please stop it, Yvonne?
33:54Do they hear spiders on their names?
33:56They have a name?
33:58Jacqueline, she said.
34:06I'll look over there.
34:19By the way, you shouldn't
34:21get your hopes up too high.
34:23Excuse me?
34:25Well, the prince won't go for this
34:27windy deal with you.
34:29Oh, really?
34:31Markus just told me something completely different.
34:33He said that Mrs. Schwarzbach
34:35is still considering her decision.
34:38She is now convinced
34:40that this business partnership
34:42with you can't be
34:44in our best interest.
34:48You have done a great job
34:50of convincing her.
34:52I just don't feel like spending half a million
34:54on a few bottles of wine.
34:56But if Markus really wants to help you,
34:58he can do it with his private money.
35:02I think it's a shame
35:04that you agreed to this
35:07because you don't know
35:09what chances you have
35:11for the prince.
35:13I'm sure
35:15we wouldn't have seen a cent
35:17from our investment.
35:19But there would have been contracts.
35:21And I would have agreed
35:23to give you your money back.
35:25I don't doubt your goodwill either.
35:27What's your problem then?
35:29That you are completely unaware
35:31of business matters.
35:33Excuse me?
35:35Do you know how long it took
35:37until you broke the wine
35:39after taking over?
35:41That's unfair!
35:43That was more violence.
35:45And besides, I had two jobs
35:47here at the prince's court
35:49and couldn't take care
35:51of my wine enough.
35:53Maybe you can tell Markus
35:55because he's giving you
35:57new hope.
35:59Or do you think
36:01he's supporting you
36:04because you're not?
36:28I have something for you.
36:30Can I come in?
36:33What's this?
36:35Read the title.
36:37The effect of yin yoga
36:39on the fascia.
36:41Homework by Lalit Jeylan.
36:43I hope you're not angry
36:45that I gave you a cheat sheet.
36:47I mean, I wanted to try
36:49if I could get through it
36:51and then I didn't find it so difficult
36:53and just wrote it down.
36:55That's not possible.
36:57You can read it again
36:59and see if you have to correct something.
37:01That reads really well!
37:03Yes? Then you can give it up tomorrow
37:05and get at least no money.
37:07Oh my God, you're the best!
37:09I mean, you have to be there
37:11for Anna right now
37:13and I didn't want to leave you hanging.
37:15Oh, thank you!
37:17In difficult times,
37:19friends have to stick together.
37:21Did he really say that to you?
37:23That's an absolute
37:27Katja, you can't let that happen to you.
37:30Christoph Saalfeld can't stand me.
37:32I didn't expect anything else
37:34from him.
37:36And maybe
37:38he's a little bit right about that.
37:40What? No!
37:44He just wanted to
37:46get you down.
37:48What would you have done
37:50with this sudden
37:52cold break-in?
37:54Yes, I should have
37:56instructed my manager
37:59to meet with me before the break-in
38:01and to close an insurance.
38:03That would have been enough for the damage.
38:05But it all happened so fast,
38:07I didn't even realize it.
38:09Which is totally understandable.
38:11Yes, but
38:13the bankruptcy is also my fault.
38:23I just overestimated myself.
38:25You were just
38:27so unlucky.
38:33You are a strong woman.
38:35Don't let Christoph Saalfeld
38:37tell you anything else, okay?
38:55There's really nothing in there.
38:57Yes, I have everywhere.
38:59Take it out!
39:01Look behind you!
39:03No, there's nothing.
39:07We also made a bed, didn't we?
39:09No, I didn't.
39:15Eric? Yes?
39:17And if Mrs. Hohenlohe
39:19is stabbed in her bed,
39:21do you really want
39:24to do that?
39:30Get out of the way, Yvonne.
39:41Yes, no, it's okay.
39:43And under the blanket?
39:54Yes, catch her now!
39:56She's not running away.
39:58You don't have to be afraid of me.
40:00Is she dead?
40:02Or is it just skin?
40:06Yes, I once heard that they shed their skin
40:08and then they lie up there
40:10like a serving proposal.
40:16Is this the eskimo?
40:18Sorry, Eric,
40:20but when I was sitting on the sofa,
40:22I thought you were a bit...
40:24I find it impossible
40:26to see Mrs. Hohenlohe
40:28with the feelings you have
40:30at my expense.
40:32Listen to me.
40:34You know, spiders
40:36only come out in the dark.
40:38And look at her.
40:40She's sitting in her living room.
40:42And if you look closely,
40:44you'll see her little black eyes.
41:17Is Christoph Seifert here?
41:19Not that I know of.
41:21What do you want from him?
41:23Tell him my opinion.
41:25What did he do now?
41:27It's bad enough that he
41:29sabotaged the aid section for my mother,
41:31but now he insults her
41:33and tells her
41:35she's an incompetent businesswoman.
41:37What did he say to her?
41:39Mom is totally done.
41:41So, now he's really gone too far.
41:43Someone has to show him his limits.
41:45Where do you want to go now?
41:47To look for him and talk to him.
41:49I don't think that's a good idea.
41:51Why not?
41:53Because you're way too emotional right now.
41:55If you talk to him now,
41:57you'll lose your temper
41:59and possibly hurt your mother.
42:01He won't take you seriously
42:03if you're so angry.
42:05You're probably right.
42:07But it can't go on like this.
42:09No, it can't.
42:12That's why I'm going to talk to him.
42:14And you think he'll listen to you?
42:16Believe me,
42:18Christoph and I have known each other
42:20since we were young
42:22and I've been through a lot with him.
42:24If someone really knows
42:26how to deal with him,
42:28then it's me.
42:30Who knows?
42:32Maybe I can do something for your mother.
42:34I have to go.
42:54Little bunny, did you want to come to dinner today?
42:56Your aunt is making you a meal.
42:58Oh yes, that sounds delicious. I'd love to.
43:00Okay, then take your sweet heart with you.
43:02Of course.
43:04I'm so glad it worked out with you guys.
43:08I didn't even believe it myself
43:11Are you three happy now?
43:15Just what I've always dreamed of.
43:17A small,
43:21real family.
43:33Come in.
43:39Sorry, did I wake you up?
43:41It's okay.
43:43Is there anything new?
43:45I just talked to your mother.
43:47She's on her way to the ferry
43:49and she'll take you to Tenerife.
43:51The plane will be with you soon.
43:55I'm so lucky to have such a great mother.
43:59How are you?
44:05I'm worried about the kidney and everything,
44:10I just had such a beautiful dream
44:12and now
44:14I have the feeling
44:16that maybe
44:18everything is still going well.
44:39Hey, tell me.
44:45are you so against this
44:47collaboration with Katja?
44:49Do you still feel bad
44:51that you called the police?
44:53I just want to prevent
44:55us from committing a business suicide.
44:57Oh, come on.
44:59Do I really have to
45:01tell you all the prejudices
45:03that this deal would have for the prince's court?
45:05No, no, not necessary.
45:07The concept is clear to me.
45:09To stay in the business, a barrel without a bottom.
45:11Oh, Christoph.
45:15we just made it back
45:17to the top 500.
45:19We can't just
45:21rest on it now.
45:23Do you seriously think
45:25your own wine label guarantees us
45:27a top position?
45:29No, no, no, but
45:31it would be another
45:34as well as the daily tours
45:36and all the other ideas.
45:38I am absolutely sure
45:40that this collaboration
45:42will have a positive impact
45:44on our image.
45:48you know me as a businessman.
45:52Do you really think I would suggest
45:54something that won't have a positive impact
45:56on us in the end?
45:58However, I think
46:00you are confusing our business interests
46:03with your private ones.
46:07What do you mean?
46:09Oh, come on, Markus.
46:11We all know what you really care about.
46:13Ah, yes.
46:15Then I'll stick to it.
46:21Good, plain text.
46:23I don't feel like throwing money out
46:25just because Katja Saalfeld
46:27turned her head so that you
46:29invest in her bankruptcy project.
46:32You will take it back immediately.
46:38He just wants to go back to bed with you.
46:56I just can't live with a stranger.
46:58Where do you want to sleep then?
47:00Here for now and we'll see tomorrow.
47:04Hey, Vincent, come here, please.
47:06I was about to give him food,
47:08but he doesn't want to eat anything.
47:10Mrs. Schwarzbach is a very successful
47:12and rational businesswoman.
47:14And you can see for yourself
47:16that Christoph is not objective.
47:18To stand against your own partner
47:20is something else.
47:22It would be best if he didn't
47:24show up at the meeting at all.
47:26You should apologize.
47:29Your accusations were completely wrong.
47:31We can continue where we left off yesterday
47:33and solve this in a different way.
47:35Now stop it.
47:37No fighting in the early morning.