
  • last week
00:00Tonight's episode of the blog deals with matters of mental health that some viewers may find distressing.
00:06If anything in this program raises concerns for you or someone you know,
00:10please contact Lifeline on 13 11 14 or
00:30I think it's going to be a really hard conversation.
00:42I tried so hard and got so far.
00:49But in the end, it doesn't even matter.
00:56How are you?
00:57Good mate, good.
00:58Good on you.
00:59Thank you very much.
01:03It's a very brave decision that you've made.
01:07And nothing is more important, not the blog, not building it, nothing is more important than your mental health.
01:13And it is a big decision and a brave one that you both made.
01:17I hope so.
01:19Yeah, I'm really sorry.
01:24We could get to this.
01:33You need to find some sort of compromise for me.
01:35I've been nothing but accommodating for you.
01:37I get that.
01:38Find it for me.
01:39I've been nothing but accommodating for you.
01:41Jessie and Paige have had a rough probably first month on the block.
01:44You know, you never know what's going on behind closed doors, I suppose.
01:47It's none of your business, really.
01:51What it is about the east side of this country.
01:55Everyone's just so emotional, man.
01:58She's not like that all the time, you know.
02:00Tiredness, fatigue.
02:02It turns you into someone different.
02:05Like, I don't want to sit in a circle and come by here and talk about my feelings when I don't have any.
02:10Sort of had one of those feelings where you knew something was up.
02:12Kind of wish they would have just come to us.
02:14Maybe we could have, I don't know, supported them.
02:17Just been there for them in that shitty time.
02:21You're, like, overwhelmed right now.
02:23I'm not overwhelmed.
02:25Don't you dare.
02:26Why do you have to carry on like this?
02:27You are being such a narcissist right now.
02:30I go zero to 100 really, really quick.
02:33But I also go from 100 to zero very quick.
02:35Because I don't want to just be consistently angry.
02:40I just don't even want to talk about it because I'm like you.
02:43I don't feel like embarrassing you all the time.
02:46I just need a minute from you.
02:49No worries.
02:50It's hard to say whether or not, I guess, whether they're coming together as a team or if they're drifting apart.
02:56Like, we hear things, but we don't talk about that.
02:59Just work on basic communication, Jesse.
03:02Work on some basic respect.
03:04I feel like you need to bring your brain back down to earth.
03:08I did go check up on him before Sunday.
03:12And yeah, I don't know.
03:14There was just something about Paige.
03:16I could see it in her eyes.
03:17I was like, are you all right?
03:18She's just like, yeah, I'm fine.
03:20But I don't know.
03:21And it's a way of self-talk that you go, it's OK, it's OK.
03:24But it's also damaging being like that.
03:27Because then you're just pretending everything's OK when it's probably really not OK.
03:33And pretty bad and ugly inside.
03:42I was annoyed because I just want you to listen to me about what I'm saying at times.
04:01Mate, you weren't saying anything.
04:02That's the problem.
04:03You're frustrated because you have someone that doesn't want to be here.
04:06So get rid of them.
04:07Because I just want you to—
04:08Want to be here.
04:09You want me to want to be here.
04:10That's what you want.
04:11No, I've told you what I'm going to do to try and help you engage the situation.
04:13You want me to want to be here and I don't.
04:15Then walk out, man!
04:18Why the f*** do you yell at me all the time?
04:20Because I'm just so sick.
04:21No one's yelling here.
04:22I'm just—
04:23You're the only person yelling.
04:24Because you don't understand how much pressure is being put on me.
04:26I felt it in the whole first f***ing week, Jesse.
04:28I understand the pressure.
04:30I didn't crack under it.
04:31You do.
04:34I'm not listening to a thing you said after you speak to me like that again.
04:37You speak to me like f*** like that as well.
04:39I never fell over with you like that.
04:42I've heard Jesse and Paige fighting a bit.
04:45Which I said to her—
04:46We hear it because they're obviously next door.
04:48And it's healthy to argue to an extent.
04:50But yeah, sometimes it's getting extreme on the wall.
04:57I don't want you to leave and I don't—
04:59That's great.
05:00I know you don't want me to leave, but I want me to leave.
05:02So we're at a stalemate.
05:03Walk out, man.
05:04What are you doing here?
05:05You haven't had a conversation with me.
05:07You think I'm going to walk out and get on a plane without talking to you?
05:11I'm literally nearly mentally checked out.
05:14Yes, that's just giving up.
05:15It's not giving up.
05:16How many times do you want to have this conversation?
05:20It takes a lot.
05:22It's been maybe rocky or maybe not—
05:27I don't think they're having the experience that the rest of us are having,
05:31which is really sad.
05:38I don't want to be here.
05:41Do I need to spell it out again?
05:43Okay, so what's next then?
05:44I'm doing what is best for me, not for you.
05:48What about what's best for us?
05:50There is no us.
05:51I'm not prepared to be selfless enough for us to compromise my mental health this much.
05:57But you don't know—
05:58You don't know that.
05:59Yes, I do, because I know myself.
06:01Because I know myself.
06:02You actually don't.
06:04I just think it's bullshit how I'm always the public enemy number one when this shit happens.
06:08You're not.
06:09Sorry that at this exact moment, I'm at my end of the tether with you.
06:15How do you think I feel as well, though?
06:16I don't give a f*** how you feel.
06:18Deal with it yourself.
06:19I have no resilience left in me.
06:23I've got nothing.
06:26With Jessie and Paige, I think being in the environment that we're in on the block,
06:30probably not the right environment to try and deal with any situation and get yourself in a right state.
06:38You've got to put your hand up and say, I need help,
06:40and then to let others know around you that you're going through that.
06:43It's okay not to be okay.
06:44Yeah, exactly right.
06:47With Paige and Jessie, they've tried so hard,
06:49but I think it's braver to realise that there's a problem
06:53and to be able to actually step away to get the help that they need.
07:07Hey, Paige.
07:08Josie's here to speak to us.
07:10Hi, guys.
07:12You're sounding like you guys were having a lot of trouble today.
07:17And I wanted to check in.
07:20Usually it's not the first sort of one-off night like this where you're having a bit of a tough time.
07:27I could hear a relationship that was sounding pretty bad.
07:33Your neighbours can hear you as well, you know?
07:37Paige, have you reached out to any of the counselling stuff that you've got?
07:40Because that's why we have that stuff in place,
07:42so that you don't have to voice all of your feelings to just Jessie.
07:49We really need to get some other people in to talk to you.
07:54Well, you guys need to make a big decision.
08:19Is there anywhere you want us first?
08:32You go wherever you want. We'll follow you, OK?
08:34Everyone's ready everywhere, so you...
08:42Does the crew know?
08:43Yeah, they know.
08:46Monday was a weird day on the block.
08:48We were about to go on our Winners and Grinners dinner a night away, and...
08:54And then Jessie and Paige came in.
08:58Oh, hello, hello.
09:00What's wrong?
09:01We just, like, wanted to come chat with you guys.
09:05Because we're not gonna keep going.
09:09What do you mean?
09:11When the decision was made, like, I even just felt relieved.
09:15I think, like, I just haven't been myself, like, at all.
09:19I've, like, really mentally struggled.
09:22Yeah, she's, um...
09:23I mean, she's been, like, probably a cry for help for the last maybe week.
09:27Yeah, I really have been.
09:28But I've chosen to ignore it because of how much I want to stay here.
09:31But I think it's come to the realisation that I need to put her first.
09:36Put her first.
09:37Aw, don't.
09:39You guys.
09:41Paige described it as she feels like she hasn't been herself,
09:45which is really concerning.
09:46You don't ever wanna feel like you're not being yourself.
09:51I just, like...
09:52It was just, like, a black hole in my head.
09:55Like, really bad.
09:59She just wants to feel...
10:02Normalcy again.
10:03And in order for her to do that, she has to leave and not be in this...
10:11Oh, you made me cry.
10:16It's so hard.
10:17We don't wanna leave here, but I think Paige has realised that.
10:20It's the right decision.
10:22I was so angry.
10:23I was so agitated.
10:24Like, I was just...
10:27I wasn't, like, myself at all.
10:30Because I'm not those things.
10:32Basically said that they weren't coping.
10:35With the pressure of the situation and the block.
10:37And I think it was more from Paige's point of view.
10:40And Jesse wanted to stay,
10:42but obviously he's gonna do the best thing for his fiancée.
10:45But we had a really...
10:46We had a bit of an argument on Friday night.
10:49And it's, like, we realised what we'd been doing wrong,
10:52where we needed to change.
10:53But I think it's just gone too far,
10:55where it's, like, forgot who we are as individuals.
11:00And, um...
11:01It's more me.
11:02I'm being very, like, mentally struggling.
11:04I haven't really been myself.
11:06Is there anything we can do?
11:08We've, like, a lot of...
11:09Out here?
11:10Yeah, a lot of considerations being given to this decision.
11:14Yeah, look, we've tried everything.
11:16Me staying on, Paige going home for a little bit.
11:19But, um, yeah, in the day, as much as I want to stay here
11:23and want to be a part of this, Paige comes first.
11:26The fact that they were, you know,
11:28they had enough guts to come out and say it on, you know, national TV,
11:32that they're dealing with some things
11:34and that they need to take care of them.
11:36They don't want to go, but they need to.
11:38Um, yeah, it took a lot of guts.
11:48You know, when you're in situations like this
11:50and we are all going through the same experience together,
11:53I feel like I should have been there more for Paige
11:56and maybe saw the signs that, you know, she wasn't quite OK,
12:00which makes me feel worse,
12:01because what kind of friend was I if I couldn't see
12:04how she was actually feeling?
12:11I was so angry all the time.
12:13I was so, like...
12:16I just wasn't acting like myself.
12:19That's the hard thing. You don't want to feel like you failed.
12:22You're the one that got yourself into this.
12:24Yeah, exactly.
12:25But, like, it's...
12:26It's, like, next level, hey?
12:28It's not the end.
12:29It's, like, outside of this is so much more important.
12:33Hey, hey, hey, how are you?
12:36Good on you.
12:37Thank you very much.
12:41Look, it's a very brave decision that you've made
12:45and nothing is more important, not the block, not building it,
12:48nothing is more important than your mental health.
12:51And it is a big decision and a brave one that you've both made.
12:54I think we probably all had to make that decision together.
12:58And, you know, I feel as though, you know,
13:00for people suffering with mental health issues,
13:03this is an inspiration for them to maybe make a decision as well.
13:07I hope so.
13:10You know, we feel as though you need to get to a place out of here
13:14that's, you know, where you can best take care of yourself.
13:22No, thank you so much, Scotty,
13:23for the opportunity and everything you've done.
13:25It's been such an experience.
13:26And you should be proud of what you've done so far, you know.
13:29We're all proud of you.
13:30Look at the, you know, your friendship that you've got here.
13:32Yeah, everyone's unreal.
13:34Good on you.
13:35It hurts.
13:36It's really tough to say goodbye.
13:37You know, you feel like you've known these people for a lifetime already.
13:49So sad to see you go, mate.
13:52Miss you.
13:53I'm sad.
13:54We'll have some more road trips, but we'll have some later.
13:56We'll have some girl road trips later.
13:58Yeah, without Girl Dad.
14:00It was definitely sad to see them say goodbye,
14:02but, yeah, we have a lot of respect for them to be able to do that.
14:06All the best, guys.
14:08Love you all.
14:09See you later.
14:11See you later.
14:12Thanks, Scotty.
14:13See you, Frankie.
14:14They'll have other opportunities in life
14:16and things that are more exciting in their eyes
14:18and, yeah, things that might not cause them as much, you know,
14:21stress and pressure and things like that.
14:23They come across that excitement.
14:25But, yeah, it's...
14:27It was really sad.
14:32Love you all.
14:34See ya.
14:42As everyone said, from day one, you're part of the Bok family
14:45and you'll be part of the Bok family for life,
14:47so the same goes for them.
14:49That is for the best.
14:54We've got a block to build.
14:57We've got to move forward.
14:59Onward and upward.
15:15See ya.
15:16You're the closest to heaven that I'll ever be.
15:20Love you all.
15:21I don't want to go home right now.
15:25It's a sombre morning on the block
15:27as House One's Jessie and Paige have permanently left the competition
15:31and all the other couples are in shock.
15:34I just want you to know who I am.
15:39I know it's a lot to take in
15:41and it's very shocking news today.
15:44There's been some behaviour, you know, over the last couple of weeks
15:48that was concerning for us.
15:50We had to do the best thing for Jessie and Paige.
15:55And we also had to base it on the best advice that we could get.
16:00So I called in our psychologist, which we have on standby at all times,
16:04to come and have a chat with them over the weekend,
16:07last night, in fact,
16:09and I think Paige made that decision along with us.
16:13It was her call and I think she's quite relieved.
16:17They're flying back to Perth to be with their family
16:20and get the care that they need
16:22and I can tell you that, you know,
16:24they will be 100% supported by the Nine Network
16:28to make sure that that happens.
16:30We'll keep you informed and we'll let you know about how their progress is
16:34and keep you in touch in the loop for the rest of the series.
16:38I know it's tough, but we've got to move forward.
16:42What happens to their house now, Scotty?
16:44We're not too sure yet, but I'll let you know as soon as I know.
16:48But we've got a block to build, onward and upward.
16:51The show must go on, Scotty?
16:53The show must go on.
16:54Well, it doesn't have to, but it's up to you guys,
16:56but I think it should.
16:57It should go on.
16:59Well done for supporting them both so beautifully
17:02and, you know, I felt as though they left a little bit happier,
17:06you know, because of the support from you guys.
17:10All right, yo.
17:11See you later.
17:12I'll see you in tea.
17:19Yeah, it's only been four weeks, five weeks,
17:21but, like, you're with them every single day.
17:23It's just devastating.
17:29I just wish she would have said something to us.
17:31Like, I feel bad.
17:32Like, you know, we didn't know anything.
17:34When you're in that spiral, you can't come out of it.
17:43No, neither.
17:44Yeah, like Jessie said, he struggled in week one
17:46and then it's sort of Paige has struggled since then.
17:50I get where he's coming from.
17:51I think you'd be the same.
17:52If either of these guys didn't want to do it,
17:54I wouldn't do it.
17:55I know.
17:56But it's hard.
17:59Did you know that was coming?
18:00Not really.
18:01I didn't see that coming.
18:03Like, Jessie, Jessie's one of the happiest bikes
18:05and one of the nicest bikes she'll ever make.
18:08And so is Paige, to be fair.
18:10So, yeah, to see him upset like that,
18:13it was pretty heartbreaking.
18:15Like, you don't know what's going on inside,
18:18you know, across the road.
18:20You know, you don't know if someone's really struggling.
18:22It's, you know, it's really important, you know,
18:25that we ask that question, are you OK?
18:27You know?
18:28We just heard, like, a lot of arguing, to be honest,
18:30and I just...
18:32Especially the last few days.
18:34Yeah, see, we don't know where it's coming from.
18:36We can hear it, but we can't tell if it's...
18:37You can hear me laughing,
18:38and then I can always hear them arguing.
18:41Like, just recently.
18:42Like, I think it was just getting a lot.
18:44I mean, I get it.
18:45We're always arguing, too.
18:46Like, it's just...
18:47Yeah, high pressure.
18:49What are you going to do to process this for the rest of the day?
18:51God, I'm not sure.
18:55Maybe just try and stay busy.
18:57Can't imagine how hard that was for them to do, so...
19:00And just how hard this experience is going to be without them as well.
19:04We're all here for the same reasons.
19:07We're all just genuine people just trying to get our head a little.
19:10I think them looking after themselves was the right choice.
19:13Yeah, 100%.
19:14You know, a lot of people do have mental health issues.
19:17If you don't speak about it, you're not OK.
19:20Like, you need to get help and do something.
19:24Syke said that they need urgent care.
19:28It's actually scary.
19:30Just hope that they'll be OK now.
19:32It's just...
19:33Like, to know that that's the...
19:37That's where they're at, that's where they were at
19:40and how they've been feeling, that just, like...
19:42It just really upsets me.
19:44And we're a big block family.
19:46Like, we are so close.
19:47We all love each other a lot.
19:51But we 100% support them and their decision.
19:58It kind of just puts things into perspective as well.
20:01Like, you just get so caught up in your own house
20:04and your own s**t and...
20:07I don't know, I just wish, like, we could have done a bit more.
20:10You know, don't you feel guilty? A little bit bad?
20:12I feel sorry for them, yeah.
20:13Like, when they were arguing, like, I wish I kind of went over
20:16and just asked them.
20:21I 100% know they're doing the right thing.
20:23It's just heartbreaking,
20:24knowing that they're not going to be here with us to the end.
20:28You know, they produce amazing rooms.
20:30Like, they have...
20:31Finished in a high.
20:33It's a message to everyone.
20:34Like, everyone in Australia, everyone here, like, you just...
20:37Yeah, you never know what people are going through.
20:42Yeah, it's just be nice to people, be nice to everyone.
20:47We should have checked on them a bit more.
20:56Coming up...
20:58Three metres. It's like a... It's big.
21:00We've still got a block to build.
21:02You'd have to demolish part of that wall.
21:04Just leave that...
21:05What would Shaina do?
21:06Sick of changing and compromising.
21:08Me too.
21:11The weather rolls in.
21:13What are we going to do?
21:14I'm going to sort it out.
21:16There's a whole heap of rain coming.
21:19And with Block Royalty Ronnie and George are in town
21:22for our Winners are Grinners dinner,
21:24I put them to work over in House 1.
21:26Now it's game time.
21:28Buttering us up before they slaughter us.
21:31But is it all too much for some?
21:33If they come on, I'm leaving.
21:35I'm done.
21:37You reckon they're going to get an opportunity to win, Kash?
21:39Of course they are.
21:40No, seriously, if I come out.
21:42While each house comes to terms with losing Jesse and Paige,
21:45moving forward is the right thing to do.
21:48So they're taking the opportunity to plan this week's rooms
21:52and get their heads back in the game.
21:54Thanks for watching.
21:58At last night's judging,
22:00the team in House 2 came in third place
22:02while the team in House 1 came in second.
22:05And the winner of this week's dinner is...
22:08At last night's judging,
22:09the team in House 2 came in third place on 27 points.
22:13We'll learn from the judges. Yeah.
22:15Depending on what their feedback is.
22:17The majority of the time, like, it's constructive
22:19and then we'll try and put that into the next room.
22:21Because today is a public holiday,
22:23no building is allowed
22:25and each house can only plan for the week ahead
22:28using the domain in the know website.
22:31That's the main bedroom.
22:33Would you like to take a look?
22:35Hi, Granny. Granny. Wow!
22:38This week, I've suggested Granny and all the other contestants
22:42use $16,000 from their ComBank budget
22:45to complete their main bedroom and walk-in robes.
22:48What is a main bedroom? Why has it changed from master?
22:51Because there is no masters anymore.
22:53No, main is a bit more inclusive
22:55and it's just the main area of the house.
22:58To sleep.
23:00I found the most amazing bed from Create Estate,
23:04which is available at the block shop.
23:06It's beautiful. It has, like, this olive ruched fabric.
23:10It's a big statement.
23:12This week, House 2's main bedroom
23:15will have a mortar timber feature wall,
23:17sitting area, curved plaster in all the corners
23:20and in their hallway ceiling.
23:22But their hero piece will be their olive green bed frame.
23:27What we want to do is an archway through the hallway.
23:30Monday's always tough.
23:31We also have this massive shock of it being main bedroom
23:34in such a short week.
23:35I do get in my own head a little bit where I'm like,
23:37oh, should I do this and should I do that?
23:39The judges are going to like that,
23:40what are they going to say about this?
23:41And then sometimes I overthink.
23:42So if we did do an arch, right,
23:44can you have a door, like a sliding cavity door,
23:47in the arch or no?
23:48What have we got?
23:49You've already got this built, right?
23:51Yeah. Can't do it.
23:52So you'd have to demolish part of that wall...
23:54Yeah, not too much. order to get your slider into it?
23:57I think just leave that one.
23:58What would Shaina do?
23:59That's what I need to think.
24:03Someone who cares less about what the judges think
24:06is Carly in house four.
24:08Who came in second place last night by only half a point
24:12and would have won if they'd used their bonus point penguin.
24:15Oh, I love coming second.
24:18But I don't love the fact that they love my room.
24:23Let's talk about the elephant in the room,
24:25or penguin, as it were.
24:28They've done it.
24:29This is where they need to be.
24:31I think the colour palette, the textures, this is phenomenal.
24:36They're building a really appealing house.
24:39Carly and Pratt, decision time.
24:42You're not?
24:44You sure?
24:45You don't want to play it?
24:47No, thank you.
24:48In a weird way, I didn't play the penguin
24:51because I didn't love my room.
24:54So I didn't want to try and use it and win on a room
24:57that I'm like, eh, I just did it because I was told to type thing.
25:00I'm also just the average person that likes a particular style
25:04and there's a lot more of me in the world
25:07than there is of expert advice people.
25:10So look at him, he's like cringing.
25:13He's like, oh, f***.
25:14Which is true, though.
25:15I'm just an average person on an average wage
25:19making an honest living and...
25:21Average house.
25:24Well, this week's room will be far from average
25:27as it will be the largest room they've built so far.
25:32Do you want that white?
25:34Yeah, yeah.
25:35Or sugi-ban?
25:37Needs to be the shu-sugi-ban.
25:41Ah, the return of sho-sugi-ban,
25:44a Japanese term meaning charred timber cladding,
25:47which got high praise from the judges in their ensuite.
25:50Sho-sugi-ban, we're having that all the way across our back wall.
25:54Our spore's main bedroom will consist of their black sho-sugi-ban
25:58feature wall with recessed up-lighting,
26:01hanging pendants and a king-size bed.
26:03But that's not all.
26:05Well, Grafico, I've been speaking with Damien
26:07about doing sort of more of a metallic gold...
26:11..coffer ceiling?
26:13Coffer ceiling?
26:20I think coffered.
26:22No, no, not a coffin.
26:23Coffered, meaning recessed ceiling,
26:25will be inlaid with a golden Grafico finish,
26:28which will also be applied to the ceiling of their walk-in row.
26:32God, I hope I'm sticking to this design.
26:34I just know the judges will be off it this week again.
26:37I'm sick of changing and compromising.
26:39Me too. Yeah.
26:41Another team who have been searching for a winning style
26:44are the boys in House 3,
26:46who tied for last place at judging with 26.5 points.
26:50Yeah, we won the win desperately this week,
26:52so we got some really good positive feedback
26:54that we're heading in the right direction
26:56and we even got our own personal style.
26:59I believe it was Shana who has called our style Holiday Resort.
27:03That is their look and feel now.
27:05I think it should be Holiday Resort.
27:07It's theirs. Run with it.
27:08For me, as long as you're doing better than what you were last week,
27:12yeah, a win's always going to be around the corner.
27:14House 3's main bedroom will consist of a porter timber feature wall
27:18sitting below their palm tree wallpaper,
27:21with light and white textures across their bedding and flooring.
27:25And this morning,
27:26the pair are currently discussing wardrobe layout with foreman Dan.
27:30What's on this wall?
27:31All cabinetry.
27:32That's going to be cabinetry the whole way.
27:34Yep. And cabinetry on that wall too.
27:36So we've added these pull-out mirrors.
27:38I wonder if you buy a full-length mirror
27:40that just stands against the wall.
27:41A full-length mirror is a must.
27:43A full-length mirror,
27:44not just because we were going to put a desk in,
27:47like a make-up desk,
27:48because they like to look at the whole outfit.
27:50That's me at the gym too.
27:51When you're at the gym.
27:52I don't want to just see the top part.
27:54You don't want to see it all.
27:55I want to see quads, calves, ankles.
27:57So when you're doing squats in here,
27:59you need to go out into the full-length mirror.
28:07Over at House 5,
28:08Christian and Mimi are hoping
28:09to continue their hot streak this week
28:11after their third win at Sunday night's judging.
28:14They scored 28 points,
28:16which also saw them win a $10,000 Hayflea wardrobe upgrade.
28:21Wow, wait, where's our walk-in robe start?
28:23Our walk-in robe is here.
28:28So from there, we've got like one, two,
28:31it's like three metres.
28:32It's big.
28:34Unlike the other houses,
28:36Christian and Mimi's main bedroom
28:37is upstairs on their first floor.
28:39Our prize this week was a $10,000 Hayflea wardrobe upgrade.
28:45This means that in addition to their cabinetry,
28:48their walk-in robe will have some very nice additions,
28:51including leather finishes on their bench seat,
28:54on their coat hangers, valued at $300 each,
28:57and the inlaid inside their accessory drawers,
29:00making the space feel very luxurious.
29:03Massive, a massive walk-in wardrobe,
29:05and we're making it open as well,
29:07so it kind of opens up the whole space
29:09into the main bedroom.
29:11We have so much port-a-timber to...
29:13Get upstairs, I know.
29:16Our secret weapon this week is the port-a-timber.
29:19Floor to ceiling!
29:22Because of their raked ceiling,
29:24it means their port-a-timber
29:25will need to stretch 4.2 metres high,
29:28making it the tallest feature wall on the block.
29:31I think the main bedroom can potentially sell the house,
29:35because... Oh, it can definitely sell the house.
29:37It's really grand, it looks really luxe,
29:39and I think that's the thing that's going to set us apart.
29:42Are you forgetting the other thing you won
29:44that is luxe and could set you apart?
29:47The winner of week four on the block,
29:50and taking home the Gucci dress and earrings,
29:54Christian and Mimi!
29:56LA, LA, LA, LA, LA, LA
29:59I need you, LA, LA, LA, LA
30:02I need you, LA, LA, LA, LA, LA
30:05I need you, LA, LA, LA, LA
30:16But we're very proud of ourselves.
30:17We're very proud.
30:18It's a very rewarding feeling.
30:20I just want to get these earrings off,
30:21because they're hurting my ears.
30:23I need to get this dress off before I ruin it.
30:31Just like the blockheads,
30:32why not head to Domains in the Know Hub
30:34for exclusive details on this week's rooms.
30:37Every week, there'll be expert advice,
30:39floor plans and much more,
30:41helping contestants navigate another huge week of renovations.
30:51It was a public holiday with no power tools.
30:56But just down the road, are they breaking the rules?
31:04The rule is you can't be ordering the following week's materials
31:08the week prior to site.
31:09There's no way to store it, and it's just a straight no-no.
31:13So you can't do that.
31:14It seems like they might be breaking a block commandment.
31:17Thou shall not build nor have materials delivered
31:21on a public holiday.
31:22So we've decided that we're going to get it dropped
31:26to Dunk's house.
31:30We're definitely not here to break any rules.
31:33We definitely want to know where the line is.
31:36And just like Dunk said to us last week,
31:38it's important to know where the line is,
31:40not to cross it,
31:41but just work in and around that line.
31:47The rules clearly state I asked Dan,
31:49and he said you can't get timber delivered to the block.
31:52So we didn't.
31:53We had it delivered here.
31:54So, all fair.
31:56We only need, obviously, one strap.
31:58Yeah, OK.
32:00Oh, you can call it cheeky, but it's within the rules.
32:02We're pretty excited.
32:03We reckon, despite losing a day,
32:05that we can deliver three rooms this week,
32:07so we can't wait to get in.
32:08That's right, three rooms.
32:10Not only will the boys be tackling their bedroom
32:12and walk-in robe,
32:14but they'll also be trying to finish off
32:16their infamous A&O suite as well.
32:19What the **** is this?
32:22Yeah, we want this bathroom behind us,
32:25the waterproof bathroom, no matter.
32:27So, if we can get this done,
32:29like, we have a lot to do today,
32:31but if we can get this done,
32:32the boys are a red-hot chance for a win.
32:34Good stuff.
32:36Thanks, boys.
32:37Good work over the weekend.
32:38We'll see how this...
32:39You too, you too.
32:40We'll see how this goes down
32:41when we're delivering timber down the...
32:42I'm looking forward to what you say.
32:45I am dying to see if a contestant sees them driving in.
32:48That would be amusing.
32:50You'll also...
32:51If anyone's angry,
32:52I think it's going to be because they didn't think of it.
32:55The other contestants may not know yet.
32:57I think there's going to be some shock.
32:59And maybe some questions asked
33:01whether we are playing within the rules or not.
33:04Technically, they are in the clear
33:06and haven't broken any rules.
33:16I'd be very surprised
33:18if someone didn't ask for some clarification.
33:22Which we will definitely enjoy giving.
33:27Got some timber?
33:29Yeah, they had it delivered down the road.
33:31I'll be using that next public holiday, mate.
33:37Very smart.
33:46Phillip Island is not only a beach town,
33:48but it also boasts beautiful farmland.
33:51And that's just where Christian and Mimi
33:54are heading in their Ford Ranger.
33:59Tonight, the couple will be staying 10 minutes down the road
34:02at Five Acres Luxury Farmstay
34:04and having a winner's or grinner's dinner
34:06with me and some block royalty.
34:09As I drove in, I turned
34:10and then I saw the back of their heads
34:12and lost my mind.
34:14Ah! Ah!
34:16Who is it?
34:18Who is it?
34:19Oh, my God, I swear to God!
34:20Who is it?
34:21Which is not very safe when I'm behind the wheel.
34:24So next time when we go to these things, you should drive.
34:28Hey, guys.
34:30Lonnie and Georgia meet Mimi and Christian.
34:33Winners, winners!
34:37Lonnie and Georgia were exactly how they are on TV.
34:43Just exactly the same.
34:45How you see them on TV, that's how they are in real life.
34:48All-stars Lonnie and Georgia appeared on both Elston Week
34:51and Hampton Seasons of the Block
34:53and hold the title for the most weekly room wins
34:56of any contestant in the show's history.
35:01Now, we've got a beautiful dinner planned
35:04and we've got the chat with Block Royalty.
35:07Oh, absolutely.
35:10It almost kills me to say that.
35:12Yes, got it.
35:13Oh, my God.
35:14It's actually royalty.
35:15Now, why don't you guys go to your cabin
35:17and freshen up and get ready
35:19and then meet us in here in about ten minutes.
35:21All right, sounds good.
35:22Beautiful, sounds good.
35:23We were at Five Acres,
35:24which is a beautiful cabins, little cabins.
35:30Are you kidding?
35:31Oh, my God!
35:38Oh, my God.
35:40Five stars.
35:41It is such a beautiful property.
35:43I'm very blessed to be here right now.
35:45We needed this.
35:53Hey, cow!
35:59Five star.
36:00Three star.
36:01Five kilos of mince.
36:05We love shopping at Odie,
36:07but shopping to cook up a chump dinner
36:09is not something we want to be frequent to.
36:11This will be our last chump shop trip.
36:14We've said that before.
36:15Next time we shop as champs
36:17because champs do the eating,
36:19chumps do the shopping.
36:22Cheers to you guys.
36:26In 2017, we came third.
36:29And in 2021, we came last.
36:31I was livid.
36:35I was so annoyed.
36:39As we said, Block Royalty,
36:41done it a couple of times before,
36:43like, they've won,
36:44they've got the record for the most rooms won.
36:46Rightio, ask some questions.
36:49You've got an opportunity.
36:51Do you feel like organisation is key
36:54and pre-planning, like, pretty much your whole house?
36:57I feel like, um, by Wednesday,
36:59I'm not shopping anymore
37:00because I already know what my room's done.
37:03Been on two blocks.
37:04They know the ins and outs.
37:05They know how to wheel and deal
37:07and they're just experienced.
37:11What have you got to offer, Ronnie and Georgia?
37:13Well, funny you say that, Scotty.
37:16This is enough.
37:18Four weeks free painting.
37:21I mean, you're off to a flying start.
37:23Four weeks in, you've won free.
37:25And guys, cash is king.
37:27And on that note...
37:28There you go.
37:33There you go.
37:34$10,000 from four.
37:38What else would you want to be doing on a Monday night, guys?
37:40Better being here than on the block.
37:45Tools down.
37:46Where are they?
37:47I don't know how we find the time to do all this.
37:49Resident chefs.
37:50There's only one way to get out of being a chump
37:52and that's cooking a champ dinner.
37:54And we've whipped up one of the great Aussie classics.
37:57I'm pretty sure this is...
37:59Aussie's invented spag bol.
38:01Go with it.
38:02Oh, for sure.
38:03So this is an Aussie nays.
38:04Corkage with your B-white.
38:05Enjoy it.
38:06OK, good.
38:09Oh, the chump's chomped down.
38:10Service with a smile.
38:12I love it.
38:14It's not long before they're all discussing
38:16who will be moving into house one.
38:18You know, he said,
38:19do you care if an ex-contestant comes in?
38:21The kitchen's already been chosen.
38:23So many things have already been chosen.
38:25How do you come in and...
38:26You can't be a fresh face delivering someone else's style.
38:29It'll have to be Scotty or an all-star or an ex-contestant
38:32or someone like that.
38:34There's a whole heap of rain coming.
38:36This is only the beginning.
38:38I reckon in about...
38:40probably in about an hour,
38:42there'll be 20ml of water in here
38:44and then all of this water,
38:46cos there's a grate in the slab that's going back that way
38:49and we're just watching the water just make its way
38:52underneath our completed rooms
38:54and towards where we're going to be moving into house one.
38:57It's going to be a lot of work.
38:59It's going to make its way underneath our completed rooms
39:02and towards where we're working alone.
39:12We have, like, dripping down.
39:15I see it.
39:17Is the block hard?
39:19Is the block hard?
39:21Now, you remember,
39:22they're going to cut straight to when you said
39:24this is going to be a holiday, eh?
39:26It would be like a holiday.
39:28It would.
39:32Imagine what's happening to our whole roof right now.
39:35But you guys are from Queensland.
39:37You're no stranger to a downpour.
39:39No, we're used to a lot of rain.
39:41And if it gets into the light, it'll trip the power
39:43and we won't have anything.
39:45What are we going to do?
39:48I'm going to sort it out.
39:50Well, everyone seemed to blow up about 40ml.
39:55It's just a shower in cans, like it really is.
39:59What a waste of time.
40:08Mission accomplished.
40:10Yeah, that'll stop it.
40:26Oh, we stayed away.
40:28Did you have power?
40:32We lost power.
40:34Have a great day.
40:40Last night was one of the best nights
40:42because even the rain was beautiful last night.
40:44It was loud.
40:46Any damage here?
40:48Not that I know of.
40:49I don't think there's any damage.
40:51I don't know.
40:52Looks good to me.
40:55Someone who isn't in a rush to inspect his site is Ricky.
40:59What's for breakfast?
41:01I had a light and easy shredded corned beef cheese
41:05and shallot omelette mix.
41:13Better than shallittles.
41:15Well, there was shallotta rain last night.
41:20Better get in and assess the damage.
41:22Woke up, site was flooded.
41:24It's gone from a dust bowl to a mud pit and absolute chaos.
41:31I think we copped, what was the last time?
41:3470 mil of rain.
41:35We had some things that were in great danger.
41:37This is our new landscaping structure.
41:40Lawn ornament.
41:42Yeah, it's called art.
41:44It's a similar story in House 4
41:46as Brad's efforts last night to cover his roof
41:49have not stopped his slab from flooding.
41:53Yeah, I'm used to rain, but I don't normally build a pool
41:56right up my back step, so...
41:59Our whole slab is a swimming pool with a 150 mil hob.
42:04And the drain hole is at the high end, so...
42:07Nowhere for it to go.
42:08Don't know who picked that.
42:09But, yeah, I've got some sheets of gyprock
42:11that we plan on using for the week to come,
42:14so I'm trying to make sure that they're in some kind of usable state
42:18by the time it comes to it,
42:20which is not going to happen if the slab fills up with water.
42:32Over in House 5,
42:34Krisha Damini's attentions are solely on finding out
42:37who will be filling the vacancy in House 1.
42:40I'm really nervous about this new house.
42:44What if it's Steph and John?
42:47What if it's Ronnie and George?
42:48What if it's...
42:56Hey, guys, thank you so much for coming back for the whole show.
43:01Don't worry, Scotty.
43:02Is this third time lucky?
43:06This is Mimi and Christian, House 5.
43:08Double story.
43:09Double story.
43:10This is...
43:11This is House 1.
43:12This is where you're going to be.
43:15All right.
43:16What if it's Ronnie and George?
43:20What is going on?
43:23They're going to take over House 1.
43:25And they spend, like, an hour and a half in there.
43:27And they spend, like, the whole time in there.
43:28I was like, why aren't you looking at the other houses?
43:31I just wanted to get an answer.
43:35The main... Your main builder here is Zach.
43:38His off-sider is Nathan.
43:40How are you, mate?
43:41How are you, mate?
43:42Buddy, I'd like you to meet your new contestants.
43:44New contestants.
43:45Ronnie and George are...
43:47How's it going?
43:48How are you, mate?
43:49Good, yourself?
43:50Amazing, mate.
43:52And do you know who these guys are?
43:53No idea.
43:54Oh, you do!
43:55That's fantastic.
43:56Love it.
43:57Love it.
43:58I've got a few other things to do.
44:00On your knees.
44:01Well done, mate.
44:02I love it.
44:03You didn't know that.
44:04It's always best to get off on the right foot with the build team.
44:07You guys want some morning tea?
44:10Banana breads, coffee.
44:11Let's do it.
44:12But being all-stars,
44:13Ronnie and George know they've got a huge task ahead of them
44:16to finish their room by Sunday.
44:18That's, um, this week, master bedroom with our walk-in robe here.
44:23That's where we're at.
44:27I'm spiralling finding out that they're the new contestants
44:31because of their experience.
44:33Talking to them, like, the night before,
44:36they said they've flipped 18 homes.
44:40Just stop talking.
44:41They know the ins and outs.
44:42They have these relationships.
44:44But, Damien, like, I feel like, you know, we go way back.
44:47So I feel like you could just chuck us a little bit extra
44:50because, like, we're going to win this race.
44:52And for you, George, it's...
44:53Yeah, yeah, thanks, Damien.
44:54What a legend.
44:55They know how to wheel and deal and...
44:58Yep, no, go for it.
44:59No, I'm just on Globe West.
45:01I'm just, like, saying the Chloe Arc bedside table is really lovely.
45:05They're just experienced, and that's pretty intimidating.
45:08That's mine, baby.
45:09There we go.
45:11Let's win!
45:12We're on the egg!
45:13Last night was just, like, a fun dinner.
45:16Now it's game time.
45:17Buttering us up before they slaughter us.
45:22Dam, did you hear?
45:25I haven't heard. What's up?
45:28They're the new contestants.
45:31Ronnie and Jordan.
45:32Are they?
45:34For house one?
45:36Well, they haven't won a block yet, so I wouldn't be too worried.
45:38But they win rooms.
45:40Although I think both options have been disastrous for them.
45:45Don't want to be too stressed.
45:47I spiralled.
45:49I went and told Kylie.
45:51Kylie spiralled.
45:53Even more.
45:55Kylie looks rapt.
45:58You look stoked.
45:59It's not that bad, mate. Don't worry.
46:01I'm leaving.
46:02You're leaving?
46:05If they come on, I'm leaving.
46:06I'm done.
46:07Hayden, Mimi and myself were off to 40 winks.
46:12As we were coming to leave,
46:14Georgia came up and introduced herself
46:16and announced that her and Ronnie were taking over house one.
46:22I'm Georgia.
46:23I know.
46:24Oh, nice to meet you.
46:25What's your name?
46:27Are we friends or are we not friends?
46:29No, we're not friends. No. No.
46:31My guard went up and I did not want to deal with it.
46:34What's going on?
46:35I'm not happy.
46:36You're not happy about what?
46:37It's a competition.
46:38You guys.
46:39What's... It's not...
46:40I mean, we've only done it twice before.
46:42I definitely was not...
46:45not a happy camper that day.
46:47They're dropping me to the airport.
46:50I'm getting out.
46:51Hey, hey, hey.
46:52You were like, we'll talk later.
46:53Welcome to the vlog.
46:54See ya.
46:56We've all come in on an equal playing field
46:59and then all of a sudden they're coming in
47:01who already have how many years' experience
47:03under their belt at renovating?
47:06Kylie's the best.
47:07No, seriously.
47:08Like, I'm out.
47:09Like, I'm not even kidding.
47:10No, you're not.
47:15I'm over this.
47:16I was over it weeks ago.
47:17No, you're not.
47:22I'm a new soul.
47:24I came to this strange world
47:26hoping I could learn a bit about how to give and take.
47:30There have been plenty of ups and downs
47:32over the last two days on the block.
47:34Art over in house two.
47:36It's nothing but good news
47:38as Courtney and Grant's new build team have started today.
47:41We don't have a backup, Len.
47:43We don't have a builder.
47:44I'll figure that part out.
47:46I'm calling it from now.
47:47Don't come back on Thursday.
47:48I don't need yous.
47:49It's all good.
47:50I'm done, thanks for everything.
47:52But I'm not having you on site.
47:53You're a snake.
47:54We've got our new builders building under construction
47:57which is actually their name.
47:59I don't want to push you guys.
48:00Obviously, you want to finish a room.
48:01That's all right.
48:02Don't worry about cracking the whip.
48:03That's all good.
48:05It's already a different vibe around our site anyway.
48:09They work at a completely different pace
48:11to what we've seen in the past.
48:13We'll stay back too.
48:14We're happy to work back a little bit
48:15whenever we can work till tonight.
48:16So we'll do whatever you guys need.
48:18Let's do it?
48:19Let's do it.
48:21No worries.
48:22We've got a lot to do.
48:23Just another day.
48:25Art is the new block royalty contestants
48:27and have got one person all riled up.
48:31I see you're pissed off about the Ronnie and George thing.
48:33100% I am.
48:34Oh, OK.
48:35I told you last night it's going to be an all-star.
48:37It's not going to be someone that's going to be random
48:39new people coming in with that same design.
48:41No, it's fine.
48:42Why should they get another opportunity?
48:45You reckon they're going to get an opportunity to win cash?
48:47Of course they are.
48:49We're already five weeks in
48:51and then all of a sudden they're like,
48:53oh, by the way, here's an all-star team
48:55to take over the rest of the house
48:58and now you have to go up against them.
49:01And now that they've done this...
49:03They've done nothing.
49:04Nah, I'm done.
49:06I told you I'm not going to be nice to people.
49:08Sounds like Kylie needs to scream into a pillow.
49:11Luckily, the trio have arrived at 40 Winks
49:14to check out the in-store bed match system.
49:17Sitting on the 40 Winks bed, getting my bed match made.
49:21This is a wild experience.
49:24How a bed massages you
49:27is the perfect sleeping position for this dance.
49:41You all right, mate?
49:46Brad wants us to take you back.
49:47We've got someone to pick you up.
49:50Get a f***ing taxi to the airport.
49:53Don't do that.
49:54Oh, don't go.
50:03What's going on?
50:04I'm your missus.
50:05How's she going?
50:06She's going to the airport, right?
50:08Because you're here.
50:09So our prank has backfired.
50:11Oh, no!
50:13They're only here for a day.
50:15He was worried I was going to call a body corporate at 12.30.
50:19So the prank's over.
50:20It's over.
50:21All right.
50:22What a day.
50:24I'll tell you what.
50:25Come on the block, they said.
50:26Come help out.
50:27Well, that sounds a bit fun.
50:28Today, our objective was to give the new team,
50:31whoever they are,
50:32give them a leg up
50:33and give them the best start to the week
50:35and see what happens.
50:36And then drama ensues,
50:38which is, you know, very much like sport.
50:40Just another day on the block.
50:48Is it Mimi?
50:52Is Kylie there?
50:53Yeah, she doesn't want to speak.
50:55Can she hear me?
50:57She's walked away.
51:01Well, can you go and get her?
51:02She needs to talk to me.
51:08Kylie, are you there?
51:10Kylie, just calm down.
51:12I'm relaxed.
51:13You're going to get on a plane and leave us, are you?
51:15Yeah, I'm going to leave, yeah.
51:18Ronnie is a bit of a prankster and so am I.
51:21I'm a bit of a prankster as well.
51:23Ronnie and Georgia, and this is the honest truth,
51:25are here for one day only
51:28and then they're going home this afternoon.
51:30And I'm extremely busy,
51:32well, I'm not right now because I'm talking to you,
51:34but I'm extremely busy ringing around
51:37trying to find new contestants that are not ex-contestants
51:40to take their place.
51:43Do you get it?
51:45Yeah, I get that.
51:46Are you all right?
51:48Are you happy with me now?
51:50All right.
51:51All right.
51:52I'll see you later.
51:53I'll see you back here.
51:55All right.
51:57She's not happy with me.
52:06Tomorrow night...
52:07Today is not going to be fun.
52:09It, like, scares me.
52:10..the nerves are high.
52:16With the arrival of real contestants,
52:18he'll take over house one.
52:20Everyone was like,
52:21ooh, what is happening here?
52:22Something big's about to happen.
52:24Fresh blood.
52:25Is there new contestants?
52:26We have new neighbours.
52:28Yeah, they seem so nice.
52:31But not everyone is on the warm welcome bandwagon.
52:36Can you just play nice?
52:38They did come into it.
52:39I don't care.
52:41I want Paige and Jessie back.
52:51Next time...
52:52Today is not going to be fun.
52:54It, like, scares me.
52:55..the nerves are high.
53:01With the arrival of real contestants,
53:03he'll take over house one.
53:05Everyone was like,
53:06ooh, what is happening here?
53:07Something big's about to happen.
53:09Fresh blood.
53:10Is there new contestants?
53:11We have new neighbours.
53:13Yeah, they seem so nice.
53:16But not everyone is on the warm welcome bandwagon.
53:20Can you just play nice?
53:23They did come into it.
53:24I don't care.
53:26I want Paige and Jessie back.