Discovery_Future Weapons S3_04of10_Israel

  • 2 days ago


00:00This is a future weapons special and I'm in a small country that's big on weapons.
00:16Breaking down doors made simple with Simon.
00:22Instantaneous key to any door.
00:26Like a bull in a china shop, the Matador takes building busting by the horns.
00:35In a rescue scenario, I take on the bad guys, save the hostages, and showcase the latest
00:46weapons technology from the promised land.
00:51I'm Mac, and this is future weapons from Israel.
01:11Israel is only as big as the state of New Jersey, but it's a land of amazing contrast.
01:20From the desert mountains in the north, to the Mediterranean coastline complete with
01:26thriving cities like Haifa and Tel Aviv.
01:32In the southwest is Jerusalem, a city that has seen conflict for thousands of years.
01:42The land that is now the state of Israel has always had strategic importance throughout
01:51Since its foundation in 1948, Israel has had to fight for its right to exist.
01:58In 2006, the war with Lebanon continued to bring home just how volatile this region of
02:07the world actually is.
02:11The land of Israel is one of the most hotly contested pieces of real estate in all of
02:14human history.
02:16Since its independence, it has been at war or preparing for war.
02:21As recently as July 2006, missiles were falling in Haifa, there, there, there, there, there.
02:31This is one country, they take their weapons seriously.
02:40On the Mediterranean coast, somewhere north of Haifa, is a classified proving ground.
02:49This is where they test the latest Israeli military firepower.
02:53It's a site littered with the remains of buildings and vehicles, past targets of newly developed
02:59weapons technology.
03:04This site is owned by Raphael, one of the largest arms manufacturers in Israel.
03:11Normally, this place is off limits to the outside world.
03:16But today, Future Weapons is here to see two pieces of devastating hardware.
03:27On the urban battlefield of today and tomorrow, quick, safe access to buildings is vital for
03:33troops on the ground.
03:40Breaching doors and using conventional explosives is risky business.
03:46There are important challenges that you must consider.
03:50What you choose can make the difference between life and death.
03:59Performing a dynamic entry and taking down a building is one of the most dangerous things
04:02you could do in urban warfare.
04:06Well, you have to handle the door.
04:08First, you've got to get your team up close and personal so the breacher can handle the
04:13He's going to have to place explosives onto the door, both of which could give away their
04:18And if you're talking about a reinforced door, well, you need more explosives.
04:21And if you need more explosives, you don't want to be near it when it goes off.
04:25What if you could handle this breaching threat from a safe distance?
04:31Simon says, open door.
04:35The Simon is an advanced, lightweight door breaching device.
04:41It attaches onto a conventional assault rifle like the M16.
04:45It can be fired up to 30 yards from the target.
04:50It can be fired with any bullet.
04:51You don't need to change magazine, you don't have to use any blanks here.
04:55You just aim it and fire it.
04:59Dr. Zev Rittman is head of breaching and urban warfare at Raphael.
05:05Take me through the explosive chain here.
05:08What you see here is the bullet trap mechanism in red.
05:11You see the mechanical impact fuse here.
05:14And this is the continuation of the detonation chain.
05:17And here is the main explosive.
05:19So once you fire it, the fuse is armed, ready to fire.
05:23Once it hits the target, here in the end of this standoff probe, the firing pin here
05:28will initiate the detonator inside the fuse.
05:30And that in turn will initiate the booster here, the detonating cord, and the main explosive.
05:35And then the door?
05:36And the door will blast out of danger.
05:39When the weapon is fired, the bullet is captured in the bullet trap, forcing the Simon and
05:44all of its energy toward the door.
05:50The fail-safe mechanism ensures that the Simon is only armed after it has traveled 15 yards
05:56downrange from the barrel of the rifle.
05:59But it's what happens when the standoff rod strikes the door that makes the Simon so successful.
06:06What we have here is a very special shape of the, shape charge of the explosive.
06:15Dr. Tami Yerom is in charge of research and development at Rafael.
06:21The explosive is shaped charge so that it provides a cone of blast.
06:26So this cone goes up to about one meter in diameter so that all this blast and pressure
06:33pushes the door in order to collapse the door.
06:38The warhead contains only five and a half ounces of explosive, but because of its shape
06:44it utilizes the energy from the blast very effectively, directing all of the force from
06:50the shockwave exactly where it's required.
06:53It doesn't depend much on the door type.
06:57It just has a lot of pressure on the door so whatever the door is, it just collapses
07:02inside with very little damage to the people inside and outside.
07:11In hostage rescue, this means blasting the door doesn't have to kill or injure innocent
07:16civilians on the other side.
07:20After I fire the Simon off, it's no difference for my M4.
07:23I can still fire.
07:24You are using the same magazine, you are using the same bullet, and you just continue to
07:29I think it's great.
07:30All I have to do to get this thing to fire is just place it right on the top, aim it,
07:34it's going to hit that door and knock it off, and once it's gone, back to my weapon, no
07:39Alright, let's go blow something up.
07:41Okay, let's do that.
07:43Coming up, I find out what happens when Simon comes knocking at the door.
08:01This is Future Weapons from Israel, a land of contrasting landscapes and home to an amazing
08:08variety of cultures and religions.
08:14Since 1948, arms manufacturers like Raphael have been developing special weapons tailored
08:19specifically for Israel's needs.
08:25The Simon is designed to take out doors from a safe distance.
08:31Now, at Raphael's test center, they've constructed a tough building with a tough door to breach.
08:42Because a standard wooden door wouldn't be any competition for the Simon, what we've
08:46got here is a steel Israeli door.
08:49It's a multi-lock.
08:50We've got one up here, one over here, one here, and one down here.
08:55Let's see how the Simon performs.
08:59For this test, I'll fire the Simon 25 yards from the door.
09:08Using the Simon is really as easy as having a loaded M4 that's ready to go.
09:13Just slide it right on the top, just like that.
09:17Determine at what you want to take out, and boom, instantaneous key to any door.
09:41Just like that, no problem.
09:43You can enter the building now.
09:44You've done the breaching from a safe distance, and I'll tell you what.
09:48If I need to keep firing with my weapon, no problem.
09:51Nothing is in the way.
10:05So, the Simon is a simple way of going through the door.
10:10It's light and compact, and causes minimal collateral damage.
10:23But what happens when you need to enter a building, and you can't go through the door?
10:30Or how about what happens when you need to enter a building through reinforced concrete?
10:36Wouldn't it be nice to use the same weapon to take out a light armored vehicle?
10:42Handling that much flexibility is a beast of a challenge.
10:47You need something like the Matador.
10:53This bad boy right here is the Matador, and with it, you don't have to take any bull.
10:57It comes in two modes.
10:59One, I can put a hole in.
11:01Two, I can take down the room.
11:06Dr. Zev Rittman is in charge of breaching and urban warfare at Raphael.
11:12First thing that you need to notice, there is a small switch here, which is very important.
11:16It actually determines the mode of operation.
11:22This switch alters the time interval between the detonation of the two charges contained in the Matador's warhead.
11:35The short interval mode ensures that the charge explodes inside the wall itself.
11:44Because the warhead is propelled by a rocket, it travels at a constant velocity,
11:50ensuring the distance between the two charges is always the same.
11:57But by increasing the time interval between the detonations,
12:01the second explosion now occurs inside the building.
12:06This is known as blast mode.
12:08Actually, by putting it in a blast mode, you choose the long time delay mode.
12:13So what happens when you fire this projectile and it hits the target,
12:16the breaking charge will open the way for the follow-through warhead to penetrate through the wall
12:21and detonate later on after this longer time delay inside the structure,
12:25detonating the explosive and actually demolish the building.
12:32Time for me to test the full power of the Matador.
12:37The warhead will have to penetrate 8 inches of double-reinforced concrete before it enters the structure.
13:01This is a good challenge for a shoulder-launched missile system.
13:20With the high-speed camera, you can see the rocket in flight towards the building.
13:27I've set the Matador to blast mode.
13:31The first blast makes the hole.
13:34Then a millisecond later, the second blast takes out the room.
13:46You can see right there where the Matador snuck itself in.
13:51Now, this may be deceptive, but it went through about 12 inches of concrete right there.
14:01The Matador's second explosion has done serious damage to this building.
14:07There's no doubt you would not want to be in there.
14:19The Simon and Matador are just two of the latest weapons from Rafael in dynamic defense.
14:25They're designed for safe, fast access to buildings when you need to keep a little distance.
14:35Coming up, I test out the all-new Micro Devor.
14:40Can Israel's latest compact assault rifle handle a big mission?
14:55I'm on a mission to explore some of the latest Israeli military technology.
15:02At the Denny High Tactical Training Center, Future Weapons brings you a taste of things to come.
15:24For this mission into enemy territory, I have selected a weapon designed for extreme environments.
15:32This is the latest evolution of IWI's Devor assault rifle, standard issue now for Israel Defense Forces.
15:42This new weapon is the Micro Devor.
15:45It's crafted to be ergonomic and ultra-compact.
15:49It's perfect for the needs of special operations.
15:55Our mission, infiltrate an enemy base and free diplomatic captives.
16:12With the Micro Devor at the ready, I can see the level of security is high.
16:17Somewhere inside the compound we know are the hostages.
16:20Our mission is to find out where they are without attracting any attention.
16:25The name of the game is stealth.
16:33Part of my crack team includes Gil Weyman, IWI weapons specialist and expert with the Micro Devor.
16:41Now, from my experience, the Devor I have the most familiarity with is a little bit longer.
16:47Not much, but a little bit longer.
16:49Why did you guys decide, I'm going to make it even shorter?
16:52Our special units, they were looking for a new assault rifle which is the most compact as possible.
17:00This is an assault rifle, a full-size assault rifle.
17:02The Micro Devor is available as a 5.56mm and 9mm platform.
17:07The two weapons are so similar that once guys are trained on one caliber,
17:12they can easily adapt to the other with no need for further instruction.
17:17Let me see something.
17:19This is the Micro Devor.
17:21This is the Micro Devor.
17:23This is the Micro Devor.
17:25This is the Micro Devor.
17:27This is the Micro Devor.
17:29This is the Micro Devor.
17:31Let me see something.
17:33I just want to check something out real quick.
17:35See, look at that. It just naturally goes right into your arm, doesn't it?
17:38It feels natural for you, doesn't it?
17:40Everything's nice and tight and compact.
17:42Everything's right there.
17:44And the vast majority of the weight is in the rear, so I don't have to carry any weight up front.
17:49So now everything's tight, compact.
17:51I know exactly where I'm going.
17:53I don't have to lift up the front of the barrel.
17:55It doesn't require a lot of muscle.
17:57The bullpup design of the Micro Devor allows the barrel to be shortened without compromising its effectiveness.
18:05As a result, you have an accurate 13-inch barrel on a weapon that's less than two feet long.
18:15You can use an optical sight.
18:18You can extend your ability to hit your target in a longer distance.
18:24Well, because that's magnified then.
18:26It is an X3 magnifier.
18:28Just click it on.
18:30Just like that.
18:32You don't need to zero it, and you're ready to go.
18:34All I have to do is increase the magnification.
18:36Now I can use this in a sharpshooter capacity.
18:44In its 9mm form, the Micro Devor can be fitted with a compact suppressor.
18:50Perfect for operations where you need a weapon that's quiet and deadly.
18:57The last thing you want at a moment like this is a full-on firefight.
19:03One curious guard could compromise the whole mission.
19:13The 9mm suppressor keeps our operation stealthy.
19:17We have one place to go, and there's only one guard in the way.
19:27Now he's not in the way.
19:29Intelligence tells us there's an entrance to a network of tunnels under the base.
19:35The next challenge is to navigate the labyrinth in total darkness.
19:40The great thing about Devor is if you need to see in the dark,
19:44as simple as plug and play.
19:47The night vision sight enables you to switch from day to night optics without re-zeroing.
19:53In the field, every second counts, and you don't have time to recalibrate your weapon.
20:03Coming up.
20:05Deep underground with no way out.
20:08It's time to burst through barriers and pump up the pressure.
20:12Nothing can stop us.
20:15We're in the middle of our future weapons Israeli special,
20:19and my team is in the heart of an enemy base.
20:22We are here to rescue diplomatic hostages.
20:26With my six-man unit carrying the new micro-Devor,
20:30we've managed to gain access under the cover of darkness without being compromised.
20:36We're in the middle of our future weapons Israeli special,
20:40and my team is in the heart of an enemy base.
20:42Without being compromised,
20:44we've navigated our way through a network of passages under the compound.
20:51Now, a new day is dawning.
20:55The huge scale of the kidnapper's base becomes apparent.
21:01So far, we've penetrated their security without detection.
21:05Now, using the element of surprise in the early hours,
21:09it's time to move above ground.
21:13The guards believe these passages are sealed,
21:17but we've come equipped to handle any kind of obstacle.
21:21We need to break through the steel grill quickly and silently.
21:26I don't think that hot entry is always the best solution.
21:30Shai Yermiyahu markets Hydronoa.
21:34It's a company that specializes in advanced hydraulic breaching equipment.
21:38You have to keep in mind that right now, if you're fighting in an urban area,
21:43you cannot always use explosives.
21:45Sometimes comes a minute when you must do it quietly,
21:49when you must do it without explosives,
21:51because you don't want to make a big effect on the area,
21:55such as sound, noise.
21:57You don't want to injure someone.
22:00The Hydronoa barbuster can apply one and a half tons of force
22:04to easily spread iron bars widely.
22:07Most of the equipment is working on hydraulic pressure.
22:11We are trying to keep everything very, very small
22:14in order to keep it easy for the operator on the field
22:18to carry it, to be mobile with it,
22:21and then to perform with the equipment.
22:24With this compact barbuster, we're through the grill in a few seconds
22:28and now ready for the next stage of our mission.
22:34The compact Chiron kit is designed to get you through the difficult terrain.
22:39It's a very simple and easy-to-use barbuster.
22:42It's a very simple and easy-to-use barbuster.
22:45It's a very simple and easy-to-use barbuster.
22:48It's a very simple and easy-to-use barbuster.
22:50The compact Chiron kit is designed to get you through just about anything.
22:56It includes a chain cutter, a spreader, and the barbuster,
23:01all driven by a silent portable pump delivering a massive amount of pressure.
23:06Perfect for an operation where stealthy access is key.
23:13But what if you need to get through something tougher than a steel grill?
23:17In Israel, security is a big deal.
23:19In Israel, security is a big deal.
23:2398% of all doors are made of steel, even in residential areas.
23:2798% of all doors are made of steel, even in residential areas.
23:29So forcing your way into a locked building is never going to be easy.
23:32So forcing your way into a locked building is never going to be easy.
23:37Now these doors, they definitely present a specific challenge, don't they?
23:40They're not like any other wooden door.
23:42They're not like any other wooden door.
23:44The reason that they are a special challenge is because of the fact that they have bolts all over.
23:49You have one bolt upwards.
23:51You have four bolts over here.
23:53One down here.
23:54And the other one is over there.
23:56So basically the door is closed from all directions.
23:58It's a very sturdy door.
24:00It's a massive door.
24:01Alright, let's go do it. Let's knock this door down.
24:09We've already seen how effective a Simon can be if you want to blast your way in.
24:15If you want to go in with stealth, Hydronoa has a solution.
24:23Instead of an explosive hot entry, Shai's answer is the Hydronoa Manny D4 heavy-duty door buster.
24:32What it does, basically it sets itself on the frame and then all you have to do is press this valve and that's it.
24:42Because all the pressure is already generated from there.
24:44The pressure is generated by air, by regular compressed air, which is translated to hydraulic pressure.
24:50That's it.
24:55This device has two hydraulic rams.
24:58One, to grip the frame.
25:03The other, to push against the door.
25:07Once it's firmly locked in place, the Hydronoa can apply up to five tons of pressure to burst the door right open.
25:25Ready? Three, two, one.
25:28Just like that.
25:33We're in.
25:36Quiet, stealthy, boom. Hydronoa.
25:42Coming up.
25:43The search for the hostages continues.
25:46With guards everywhere, we scope the base with a robotic spy.
25:51I'm in the heart of a long, long, long time,
25:55the last floor of the Moscow Detention Center.
26:01I'm not sure if it's safe to go down there,
26:04but I'm sure there is nothing to hide here.
26:06I'm in the heart of a large enemy base to rescue hostages.
26:26In the next stage of our operation we need to gather as much information as possible
26:30about their location.
26:33Through aerial reconnaissance we've got some knowledge of the geography of the site.
26:40But when you're on a mission in dangerous unknown territory, you need to gather information
26:45on the ground.
26:51Using manpower to do this can be very risky.
26:54Now thanks to LBIT systems, there's a new way to gain that information without risking
26:59a human life.
27:02The secret, robotics.
27:06With the way clear, now it's time to deploy the Viper.
27:17If you want it to provide you with information from the scene without being exposed to the
27:21scene, you can send it.
27:23Tal Yespila is marketing director of LBIT systems, creator of the versatile, intelligent,
27:29portable robot.
27:32Better known as Viper.
27:35Everything is controlled through this joystick, very intuitive, controls all the functions.
27:40So it's definitely like a joystick that I'm used to for playing any kind of video game.
27:43I don't know about you, but your child probably.
27:47That's great.
27:48And the other thing that you need is of course a screen.
27:50In this case, this version is in the glasses, eyepiece.
27:54Okay, you see here, this is a small screen, and it screens all the information needed
27:59in order to operate it.
28:01And also it screens the video that comes from the different cameras that the platform is
28:06That's fantastic.
28:07So with this, I can easily see right now everything in front of me, no problem.
28:12And you can as well operate it because you get all the information needed from the platform
28:17as well.
28:18That's fantastic.
28:19That's fantastic.
28:20So I always see whatever the robot's seeing.
28:25The Viper is bristling with an array of technology.
28:28It has infrared cameras and lights in the front and rear.
28:32Sensitive microphones can pick up and relay audio back to troops in the field.
28:38In its reconnaissance configuration, it carries an additional camera which can pan, tilt,
28:44and zoom for detailed views of the environment day or night.
28:48If you've ever played with a computer game, you can operate the Viper.
28:53It's remarkably easy.
28:55Very intuitive.
28:57And I'll tell you what, it's a lot better being here, safe, and over there, exposed.
29:06The challenge was finding the right balance between the weight and the maneuverability.
29:10I need a lighter robot, right?
29:12The basic weight of the platform is 20 pounds.
29:17When on the move, it travels on two wheels for speed, but a reconnaissance robot needs
29:22to be able to tackle all kinds of difficult obstacles.
29:27The solution?
29:30A set of wheels that transforms into a track vehicle.
29:35How do you go from this really fast version with the wheels looking like a wheel to a
29:40version that can actually climb stairs?
29:42All you have to do is push the button.
29:44You see now it's a wheel.
29:46And here.
29:47That's really cool.
29:49Here it's a track, you see.
29:51And now, in this version, it has a huge mobility and much more stable.
29:58We've targeted this particular building for surveillance, hoping to single out a potential
30:04Someone who might know the exact location of the hostages.
30:11So which one of these men is going to regret being involved in this?
30:22Now I've got a doorway.
30:24I've got to be very, very careful and quiet.
30:32As the wheels transform into tracks, the Viper can take on large obstacles with ease.
30:44I can even zoom in the camera and see exactly who the threats are.
30:49From the Viper's pictures, we're able to identify a guard room.
30:52But not everyone in the room is armed.
30:56Someone like this cook could be our perfect candidate.
31:00He's unarmed and he's likely to know where the hostages are being held.
31:06I definitely don't want to go in that room.
31:08I'll back it up.
31:10The key to pulling this off?
31:13We need to find a place where the chef is alone so we can grab him and interrogate him.
31:19In this kind of mission, scoping out a location could take hours or even days.
31:26It's risky and tiring.
31:28The perfect job for a robot.
31:31Now what I'm looking for is where our little chef hides.
31:36He uses that room right there.
31:39I want to check this hallway, make sure it's nice and clear.
31:42All right, so far, good.
31:44I'll go into the room.
31:48I think I found the perfect spot.
31:54Now, all we have to do is get him.
31:58We're now entering a critical phase of our operation.
32:02We need to concentrate on our next move.
32:06No problem for the Viper.
32:08It will automatically return to its start position.
32:13In the future, Elbit plans to adapt the Viper to carry out missions all by itself.
32:21The latest version that we are currently developing, the payload consists of a weapon, a small rifle.
32:28And if we succeed, then you have not just the ability to gain information, but also the ability to execute real missions.
32:41Back at the house, our cook is about to step into some hot water.
32:58It doesn't take me long to get the information I need.
33:04Coming up, the final part of our mission.
33:07Time is running out for the hostages as we hit the enemy head-on.
33:14We'll be using weapons designed to covertly reach the enemy.
33:18We'll be using weapons designed to covertly reach the enemy.
33:21We'll be using weapons designed to covertly reach the enemy.
33:24We'll be using weapons designed to covertly reach out and strike before they know what hit them.
33:42For the final phase of the operation, my unit closes in on the hostages.
33:48Armed with information extracted from the captured cook,
33:52we know the exact location of the hostages and must act before they're moved.
34:00They are under heavy guard in the heart of the compound.
34:05This part of the mission is going to be tough.
34:08Our adversaries have some serious hardware.
34:12We have to move in fast.
34:15We have to move in fast.
34:17It won't be long before somebody raises the alarm.
34:22To complete this final stage of the mission,
34:24we're going to need weapons that will enable us to remain invisible
34:27and hold on to the element of surprise for as long as possible.
34:32I've still got my 9mm micro-devore fitted with the suppressor.
34:40It's perfect for a covert infiltration.
34:44It's compact, rugged, and versatile.
34:50But you can't see around corners with it.
34:52For that, you need something else.
34:57The cutting-edge corner shot.
35:00We think that the corner shot gives you the time to take decisions, not to be under pressure.
35:06Amos Golan is the man who designed the corner shot.
35:11When I met him in the first series of future weapons,
35:14he gave me a chance to try out several configurations of this fan-favorite weapon.
35:24Since then, he's been very busy.
35:30Good to see you again.
35:31Thank you. Thank you for coming.
35:32My pleasure.
35:33Okay, what we start with the idea of to be able to observe
35:36and then to react fast around the corner.
35:39Intelligence and then the decision.
35:41Later on, we say, okay, the range of the 9mm, it's about 100 meters.
35:45Then we said, okay, let's go to another caliber.
35:47So we can shoot further and more lethal.
35:50Then we come to the M16.
35:52And then we have the corner shot AK-47 or AKM.
35:57Of course, in the end, we have the same version of 40mm
36:01that if somebody is really behaving not in the right way,
36:04you can use it and shoot around the corner.
36:09Now corner shot has evolved even further.
36:12And we're using the latest configuration of the weapon.
36:16They call it Scorpion.
36:20It extends up to nearly 10 feet.
36:24The gun on the top is controlled by a cable from the grip below.
36:31The Scorpion is designed to hold and fire most popular handguns
36:35weighing up to three and a half pounds.
36:37Here, it's using the 9mm Glock 17.
36:45Let me borrow this for a second. Let's go over here real quick.
36:49Now try to also to look from up there.
36:52Even it will be a little bit heavy.
36:54Try to look at the top.
36:56I can actually come right down on top. No problem.
36:58Just tuck it underneath my armpit.
37:00And now I can come along this and I can see everything behind those walls.
37:03No problem.
37:08Just makes it really hard for somebody to hide.
37:20Back in the terrorist camp, the Scorpion is ready to strike.
37:29It may seem this kind of surveillance is a little over the top,
37:33but in this case, it's exactly what we need.
37:37We check out each building, above and below, making sure the way is clear.
37:50And when it comes time to reach out and make our move,
37:53the Scorpion can deliver quite a sting.
38:00Shoot! Shoot!
38:28We still want to hang on to the element of surprise.
38:32For this, we use a new accessory from CornerShot.
38:38For a covert weapon, this is the Cat's Meow.
38:46It's the double take that gets you killed every time.
38:59It's so cute, so cuddly, so deadly.
39:04Meet Kitty CornerShot.
39:07The Cat CornerShot
39:14Now, what we have here, it's a Kitty CornerShot.
39:18You can cock the kitty here.
39:25Are you kidding?
39:27We need one second of surprise.
39:30We need one second of surprise.
39:32Because we want the enemy to not understand what he sees.
39:36Then give us the chance to observe, to see, and to decide what to do.
39:40As I show you, one cock.
39:43Wow, so worst case scenario, you're talking about a stuffed animal, right?
39:47Just sitting there by the corner, right?
39:49That's the worst case scenario.
39:51Best case scenario is they buy in, right?
39:53So you're sitting there, you're in a good position down here.
39:55You're watching, you're watching.
39:57Like, I can clearly see your foot.
39:59Matter of fact, do me a favor, back up about 15 feet.
40:07That's great. Right there, perfect.
40:09If I see you look at me, right, it catches you by surprise, boom.
40:12This is what I need. This one second, what I need.
40:16This is definitely...
40:18You don't see this every day, I'll tell you that.
40:21I hope so that you don't have cats like this in your neighborhood.
40:24Yeah, I don't want a cat that can actually blow my head off.
40:28All right, fantastic.
40:30Good cat.
40:31You're always trying to think of new ways to be able to save the soldier's life, right?
40:34This is exactly what we have to do.
40:36To take our experience, to take future technology,
40:39and to try to make a solution to help the good guys that are working now.
40:44And it's all about gaining the advantage of surprise, right?
40:47Always, always. Ask the kitty.
40:51Oh, good kitty, good kitty.
40:55The kitty can be used on 9mm, 5.56mm, and 7.62mm AK corner shot variants.
41:04The cat's back legs cover up the weapon's bipod.
41:09The inspiration came from an actual Israeli special operations mission.
41:13I think we've demonstrated just how effective it can be.
41:19The kitty holds the guard's attention for just long enough to freeze him in our sights.
41:31The covert bit of our mission is over.
41:33It's time to beat feet.
41:35We need transport, something big, bad and bulletproof.
41:38Thankfully, the bad guys have just the thing.
41:42Time to take their wheels.
41:51We use the Tavors to put down suppressive fire until we're out of range.
42:03Time to get to our rendezvous point and link up with the evac healer.
42:33With an array of new Israeli weapons and technology,
42:36we've managed to covertly infiltrate an enemy base.
42:44They might have had more guys and guns,
42:46but our future weapons enabled us to save the day and whisk the hostages to freedom.
42:53There's nothing quite like rescuing damsels in distress.
42:56Our story in Israel ends, but the future weapons mission is never over.
