• 2 months ago
पटना: आरजेडी ने अमेरिका दौरे पर राहुल गांधी के बयानों का समर्थन किया है। पार्टी प्रवक्ता शक्ति सिंह यादव के मुताबिक राहुल गांधी जो बातें देश में कहते हैं, वही विदेश में भी कहते हैं। हमारा देश सर्वोपरि है। बीजेपी संविधान को खत्म करना चाहती है। राहुल गांधी ने वही बात दोहराई है। बीजेपी की कूटनीति हर बार मार खा रही है।
#RahulGandhi #Rss #RJD #ShaktiSinghYadav #America #Dallas #Congress #BJP


00:00In foreign countries, when Rahul Gandhi goes to fulfill a constitutional duty, what he says in the country, he says the same thing outside.
00:14Our country is on all sides.
00:18The Bharatiya Janta Party wants to implement the Bunch of Thoughts, the Nagpur Law, the Constitution, the Manvasmriti.
00:30If Rahul Gandhi says this, then what is the need for the truth today?
00:38They want to change the law.
00:40The RSS has spoken.
00:42And the Bharatiya Janta Party implements the policies of the RSS.
00:46It distributes the law and order to the society.
00:49If Rahul Gandhi has repeated the same thing, then why is there a problem?
00:57You spoil relations with neighboring countries.
01:00You spoil relations with neighboring countries.
01:07The foreign ministry is being beaten up.
01:11You have to take responsibility.
01:13For that, you will say Giriraj Ji.
01:16Change the ministry of Giriraj Ji.
01:19Change the ministry of Unmadi Bhasa.
