• last year
इंडियन सोसाइटी ऑफ ट्रांसप्लांट सर्जन्स (आईएसटीएस) द्वारा दिल्ली एम्स में ट्रांसप्लांट को लेकर कार्यक्रम आयोजित किया गया. इस दौरान नीति आयोग के सदस्य डॉ. वीके पाल, एम्स के डॉयरेक्टर डॉ एम श्रीनिवास व अन्य डॉक्टर भी शामिल हुए.


00:00We have created a new society, Indian Society for Transplant Surgeons,
00:05which will have all the transplants, kidneys, liver, pancreas, heart, lungs, all the transplants.
00:11The main purpose of this society is to promote the transplant program in India.
00:18At this time, as you might have heard in the morning's speech,
00:22the number of transplants in the government sector in India is very low.
00:26There are only 70 medical institutions in which there are some facilities for transplantation.
00:31Out of those 70, maybe only 20-25 are being transplanted actively.
00:34So, by increasing this number, how can we increase the number of 70 transplant centers and do 200 transplants?
00:43How can more transplants be increased in the private sector?
00:45How can more transplant surgeons be trained?
00:47That is the main purpose of this society.
00:49How many such doctors will be involved in this society?
00:52In this society, there are all kinds of transplant surgeons,
00:56whether they are in the private sector, whether they are in the government sector,
00:59whether they are doing liver transplant, whether they are doing kidney transplant,
01:02from all over India, from all over India, from all over the place.
01:05This society has been built.
01:06How many transplants are going to increase in the coming time?
01:10We are trying.
01:12For example, there are 18,000 kidney transplants, 4,000 liver transplants.
01:17If we are able to double this number in the next 5 years,
01:20then maybe there will be some contribution.
01:22There are more transplants in the private sector.
01:25Why are there less in the government sector?
01:27What is the reason?
01:28There are two or three reasons why there are less in the government sector.
01:31One is that in many medical colleges, the facilities for transplantation are not available.
01:36In the government sector, transplant surgeons are not available to work.
01:41They do not have any training and so many transplant surgeons are not available.
01:44There are only 5-6 centres in the government where transplant surgeons are being trained.
01:50There is a lot of need to increase the training base.
01:53That is the biggest reason why there are no transplants.
01:56Although the government supports this a lot.
