1960s Post cereal TV commercial - Hans Conreid & Danny Thomas

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1960s Post cereal TV commercial - Hans Conreid & Danny Thomas


00:00Oh, I write in the new menu for the nightclubs.
00:02Oh, well, speaking of menus, this is a good time to tell the folks about post-grape-nuts.
00:07That's the breakfast food that gives you 30% more protein per spoonful.
00:12And it deserves a place in everybody's menu because the crunchy golden brown nuggets
00:16with their unusual nut-like flavor are the delicious way to help you keep trim and fit.
00:22You know, post-grape-nuts, my friends, are the proud product...
00:26Of one of my ancestors.
00:27Of one of my ancestors. No!
00:30What have my ancestors got to do with the General Foods kitchen?
00:33One of my ancestors.
00:35Your ancestors. Don't you remember? The brave soldier, your ancestor.
00:39Abu Ibn Fawud.
00:41What about him?
00:42He was a brave captain. Captain Fawud.
00:45So brave, they make him Major, then... You don't remember Colonel Fawud?
00:49Then they make him General.
00:51General Fawud?
00:53You see, you remember.
00:59Try them, folks. You'll love them. And good night, General.
