EL DECAMERÓN-- -(Il Decameron)- (Italia- Francia- RFA, 1971) Dirección & Guion- Pier Paolo Pasolini Reparto- Franco Citti, Ninetto Davoli, Vincenzo Amato, Angela Luce, Giuseppe Zigaina, Maria Gabriella Maione, Vince

  • 2 days ago
00:00:00I don't know what to do with my life, I don't know what to do, I don't know what to do, I don't know what to do, I don't know what to do, I don't know what to do, I don't know what to do, I don't know what to do, I don't know what to do, I don't know what to do, I don't know what to do, I don't know what to do, I don't know what to do, I don't know what to do, I don't know what to do, I don't know what to do, I don't know what to do, I don't know what to do, I don't know what to do, I don't know what to do, I don't know what to do, I don't know what to do, I don't know what to do, I don't know what to do, I don't know what to do, I don't know what to do, I don't know what to do, I don't know
00:00:30what to do, I don't know what to do, I don't know what to do, I don't know what to do, I don't know what to do, I don't know what to do, I don't know what to do, I don't know what to do, I don't know what to do, I don't know what to do, I don't know what to do, I don't know what to do, I don't know what to do, I don't know what to do, I don't know what to do, I don't know what to do, I don't know what to do, I don't know what to do, I don't know what to do, I don't know what to do, I don't know what to do, I don't know what to do, I don't know what to do, I don't know what to do, I don't know what to do, I don't know what to do, I don't know what to do, I don't know what to do, I
00:01:00don't know what to do, I don't know what to do, I don't know what to do.
00:01:22I am rich, oh gardener, with flowers in the morning and in the evening,
00:01:52and in the cold of this morning, the matzahs burned.
00:01:55Vicenzella, Vicenzella, I want you as my wife.
00:02:08I want to be your husband when you are comfortable.
00:02:13And a bath will do you good, it will not make you uncomfortable.
00:02:18I want to be your husband when you are comfortable, it will not make you uncomfortable.
00:02:25I want to be your husband when you are comfortable, it will not make you uncomfortable.
00:02:48I want to be your husband when you are comfortable, it will not make you uncomfortable.
00:03:18I want to be your husband when you are comfortable, it will not make you uncomfortable.
00:03:48I want to be your husband when you are comfortable, it will not make you uncomfortable.
00:04:08I want to be your husband when you are comfortable, it will not make you uncomfortable.
00:04:18I want to be your husband when you are comfortable, it will not make you uncomfortable.
00:04:28I want to be your husband when you are comfortable, it will not make you uncomfortable.
00:04:58I want to be your husband when you are comfortable, it will not make you uncomfortable.
00:05:08I want to be your husband when you are comfortable, it will not make you uncomfortable.
00:05:18I want to be your husband when you are comfortable, it will not make you uncomfortable.
00:05:48I want to be your husband when you are comfortable, it will not make you uncomfortable.
00:06:08I want to be your husband when you are comfortable, it will not make you uncomfortable.
00:06:38I want to be your husband when you are comfortable, it will not make you uncomfortable.
00:06:48I want to be your husband when you are comfortable, it will not make you uncomfortable.
00:06:58I want to be your husband when you are comfortable, it will not make you uncomfortable.
00:07:08I want to be your husband when you are comfortable, it will not make you uncomfortable.
00:07:18I want to be your husband when you are comfortable, it will not make you uncomfortable.
00:07:28I want to be your husband when you are comfortable, it will not make you uncomfortable.
00:07:38I want to be your husband when you are comfortable, it will not make you uncomfortable.
00:08:08I want to be your husband when you are comfortable, it will not make you uncomfortable.
00:08:18I want to be your husband when you are comfortable, it will not make you uncomfortable.
00:08:28I want to be your husband when you are comfortable, it will not make you uncomfortable.
00:08:38I want to be your husband when you are comfortable, it will not make you uncomfortable.
00:08:48I want to be your husband when you are comfortable, it will not make you uncomfortable.
00:08:58I want to be your husband when you are comfortable, it will not make you uncomfortable.
00:09:08I want to be your husband when you are comfortable, it will not make you uncomfortable.
00:09:18I want to be your husband when you are comfortable, it will not make you uncomfortable.
00:09:28I want to be your husband when you are comfortable, it will not make you uncomfortable.
00:09:38I want to be your husband when you are comfortable, it will not make you uncomfortable.
00:09:48I want to be your husband when you are comfortable, it will not make you uncomfortable.
00:09:58I want to be your husband when you are comfortable, it will not make you uncomfortable.
00:10:08I didn't know you were so young.
00:10:18I understand, I came here to...
00:10:23Thank you, sister.
00:10:25Andre Ucho, come, let's celebrate this day.
00:10:31Sit down.
00:11:01I want to be your husband when you are comfortable, it will not make you uncomfortable.
00:11:11I want to be your husband when you are comfortable, it will not make you uncomfortable.
00:11:21I want to be your husband when you are comfortable, it will not make you uncomfortable.
00:11:31I want to be your husband when you are comfortable, it will not make you uncomfortable.
00:11:41Good night.
00:11:43Good night.
00:11:45Thank you, sister.
00:11:47Good night.
00:11:49Good night.
00:12:11Good night.
00:12:50Get me out of here!
00:13:05Help me!
00:13:54Soy Andre Ucho no me conoces Andre Ucho el hermano de la Siciliana
00:13:59Bueno, hombre, tú has bebido demasiado a la meta dormirla
00:14:03Yo nunca he oído hablar de ningún Andre Ucho vete vete pero como tampoco dura el parentesco en Sicilia
00:14:11Bueno, échame al menos mi ropa y la bolsa con el dinero. Bueno, hombre, me parece que está soñando
00:14:19Maldita sea la mierda
00:14:24Basta ya que escándalos este déjanos dormir en paz estas no son horas de gritar
00:14:30No ves que has despertado al niño
00:14:38Basta de charla y déjanos dormir si tienes algún asunto pendiente vuelve mañana
00:14:43Vamos hombre largate de una vez vete con viento fresco vete no nos corobes más
00:14:59Que buscas que haces aquí no ves que estás molestando a mi hermana por qué no te vas
00:15:06Larga de aquí larga de quítate de mi vista
00:16:21Bueno a mierda como nunca en toda mi vida es mierda
00:17:05Tienes yo Andre Ucho
00:17:10Soy forastero no soy Napolitano he venido a nápoles para comprar caballos y he conocido a una que me ha dicho que era mi hermana
00:17:16And he invited me to his house to eat.
00:17:18Then I felt like doing something,
00:17:20and I fell into the latrine.
00:17:22And here I am.
00:17:24And they have stolen all your things?
00:17:28Well, yes.
00:17:30We know the story.
00:17:36Thank the Virgin for having lost the money.
00:17:40Oh, yes.
00:17:41Because they are things of life.
00:17:44And thank God for having fallen into the shit.
00:17:48Give thanks.
00:17:50Give thanks!
00:17:51Thank you, sir.
00:17:53And give thanks again to God,
00:17:55who has brought you here by chance.
00:17:58You will have the fortune to earn as much money
00:18:02as there are stars in the sky.
00:18:07We feel great compassion for you, boy.
00:18:13If you want to take part in our plan,
00:18:16we assure you that the result of this coincidence
00:18:20will be greater than everything you have lost.
00:18:24Do you accept?
00:18:26Very well, I accept.
00:18:40Very well.
00:18:51The archbishop of Naples died yesterday.
00:18:54His name was Monsignor Minutolo.
00:18:58They buried him in there.
00:19:00With his rich clothes.
00:19:03And above all,
00:19:05a ruby on the finger that is worth more than 500 florins of gold.
00:19:10With what courage shall we open the lid of the grave?
00:19:49Who goes in there?
00:19:51I don't.
00:19:54Me neither.
00:19:56Let Andreuccio in.
00:19:58No, no, I don't go in. I'm afraid.
00:20:00What do you mean you don't go in?
00:20:02If you don't go in, I'll shoot you in the head
00:20:06until you drop dead.
00:20:08Go in.
00:20:09Go in.
00:20:10Go in.
00:20:11Go in.
00:20:12Go in.
00:20:13Go in.
00:20:14Go in.
00:20:15Go in.
00:20:16Go in.
00:20:17Go in.
00:20:18Go in.
00:20:19Go in.
00:20:20Go in.
00:20:21Go in.
00:20:27Mother of God, what a terrible death.
00:20:32Mother of God, what a terrible death.
00:21:03And the ring? Where is it?
00:21:05Where is the ring?
00:21:06What ring? There is no ring here.
00:21:08Where is the ring? Where is it?
00:21:10We want the ring. Where is the ring?
00:21:12There is no ring here.
00:21:14Are you sure?
00:21:16Of course I'm sure. There are no rings here.
00:21:19Why not?
00:21:21Because I'm the king.
00:21:23I'm the king.
00:21:25You're the king?
00:21:27You're the king.
00:21:29Of course I'm sure. There are no rings here.
00:21:31Why not?
00:21:41Stay there with the dead man and rot.
00:21:59Ah! Ah!
00:22:16Cheer up. Cheer up. Cheer up.
00:22:19Wake up. You're on lead.
00:22:22Start. Come on.
00:22:24Lift the lid.
00:22:29Lift the lid.
00:22:39I'm not going in.
00:22:40Me neither. I'm afraid.
00:22:42What? You're afraid?
00:22:43What kind of thieves are you?
00:22:45I've told you, there's a ruby worth a sack of coins.
00:22:47Besides, I'm not your sacristan.
00:22:49Trust me.
00:22:50What are you afraid of?
00:22:52Do you think the dead man will eat you?
00:22:54The dead don't eat anyone.
00:22:56I'll go in.
00:22:59Let's go.
00:23:29Mmm. Mmm. Mmm.
00:23:59It was a wonderful night.
00:24:01And now I'm going to tell you what happened inside that convent.
00:24:07The beautiful young woman wanted to live.
00:24:10She fell in love with a handsome young man.
00:24:13And she waited until nightfall to lock herself in his cell.
00:24:18But one night, the other jealous sisters realized
00:24:23and saw how the two were having fun.
00:24:26And you know what they decided to do?
00:24:28They decided to call the Mother Superior.
00:24:31The Mother Superior was in bed with the priest.
00:24:34And you'll see what she did.
00:24:36When they knocked on the door, she got scared and went to open it.
00:24:39And instead of putting the veil on her head,
00:24:41she put on the priest's underpants.
00:24:44When they all went to the young sister's cell and knocked on her door,
00:24:48this scared woman also came out and looked at the Mother Superior.
00:24:52And she said,
00:24:54I think you were also having fun in your cell.
00:24:58Because you had the priest's underpants on your head.
00:25:01And from that moment on, all the nuns had fun in the convent.
00:25:05The nuns were having fun in the convent.
00:25:21Yes, it's good to work, but to live, not to kill yourself.
00:25:25Do you know the nuns' convent up there in the mountains?
00:25:29Well, I used to work there at the service of those nuns.
00:25:32I had such a good time there.
00:25:34You can't even imagine.
00:25:36One of the nuns told me, take this.
00:25:38Another one told me, take that.
00:25:40Another one took my handkerchief and told me, dig here.
00:25:43And I dug, dug.
00:25:45And they were all very beautiful.
00:25:47And I didn't know how to contain myself.
00:25:50Yesterday, when I said goodbye, the poor priest told me,
00:25:53why don't you send me another one?
00:25:55Do me a favor, send me an old man like you.
00:25:58Because, of course, in the convent we can't employ a young man.
00:26:01And you know what I'm going to do?
00:26:03I'm not going to send anyone.
00:26:05No young man, no old man.
00:26:07Because there's no one in there who can take it.
00:26:10Where am I going to find another old man like me?
00:26:13And a young man like me, no way.
00:26:15The priest was right not to employ him.
00:26:18Because those nuns have the devil in their bodies.
00:26:22You did well to leave the convent.
00:26:24It's not a man's thing to be surrounded by women.
00:27:01Let's go.
00:27:25I am the economist of this convent.
00:27:28What do you want?
00:27:29Who are you?
00:27:30Say something.
00:27:31What do you want?
00:27:40You're mute.
00:27:44You're hungry.
00:27:49Wait, wait.
00:27:51Who's that?
00:27:53Mother, with all due respect.
00:27:55He's a poor mute.
00:27:57He doesn't speak.
00:27:59He says he's looking for a job.
00:28:02Mother, he could stay with us as a waitress.
00:28:06He's young.
00:28:08He's strong.
00:28:10And, besides, he's a fool.
00:28:14He's a fool.
00:28:16He's a fool.
00:28:18He's a fool.
00:28:20Yes, yes.
00:28:22Let's stay with him.
00:28:25Give him a pair of shoes.
00:28:27Any old clothes.
00:28:29Let him eat whatever he wants.
00:28:32And make sure he feels good.
00:28:39Who is it?
00:28:40He's a poor mute.
00:28:42He doesn't hear or speak.
00:28:44A man in the convent.
00:28:46And a young man, sister.
00:28:52He's deaf, but he's hungry.
00:28:55He's mute, but he can move his mouth.
00:28:59You're eating the soup these poor nuns give you.
00:29:49If you kept the secret from me,
00:29:51I'd trust you with a thought I've had many times.
00:29:55And maybe you'd like it too.
00:29:58Yes, yes.
00:29:59I won't tell anyone.
00:30:00I swear.
00:30:02To all the women who have come here,
00:30:05I've heard them say that there's nothing sweeter
00:30:09than what a woman does to a man.
00:30:24And for some time now,
00:30:26I've been wondering
00:30:28if it's true what the women say.
00:30:32With this boy, we can be at ease.
00:30:35You see?
00:30:36Besides, he's a fool.
00:30:38I'm sure he won't tell anyone.
00:30:41What do you think?
00:30:43Oh, my.
00:30:44What are you saying?
00:30:45Don't you know we've promised our virginity to God?
00:30:49We promise things every day,
00:30:51and then we forget to keep them.
00:30:53What if we got pregnant?
00:30:55What would happen?
00:30:56Why are you afraid of things that haven't happened yet?
00:30:59Even so, all evils have a remedy.
00:31:02All right.
00:31:03What do you suggest we do?
00:31:05It's three in the afternoon, sister.
00:31:07At this time, all the nuns are sleeping.
00:31:10So all we have to do is take him by the hand
00:31:13and take him with us into that little cabin.
00:31:16And while one of them does it,
00:31:18the other guards the other.
00:31:20Yes, yes, yes.
00:31:21Come on.
00:31:23Come down.
00:31:24Come with us.
00:31:28Hurry up.
00:31:29Come down.
00:31:32Hey, boy.
00:31:34Come down.
00:31:37That's it.
00:31:44Come in.
00:31:55Come on.
00:31:59Get on me.
00:32:00Come on.
00:32:01Get on me.
00:32:06What are you waiting for?
00:32:08Don't you understand?
00:32:09Make love to me.
00:32:11Come on, beast.
00:32:16Get on me.
00:32:41It's paradise.
00:32:42It's paradise, sister.
00:32:43It's true what they say.
00:32:44Go, go, go.
00:32:45Try it.
00:32:46You too.
00:32:47Come in.
00:36:04Come here.
00:36:05Get on me.
00:36:07I said, stay aside.
00:36:08And here?
00:36:09Don't you get it, you moron.
00:36:11Come here, good boy.
00:36:17Show him.
00:36:18Get in there.
00:36:19Come inside.
00:36:21Come on in.
00:36:23Come inside.
00:36:24Show him.
00:36:25Come on.
00:36:26Come in.
00:36:27Isn't it nice?
00:36:29You've kept him warm.
00:36:30Give him his little crumb.
00:36:32Oh, please.
00:36:33Go on, go on, it's not over yet.
00:36:36Come here, don't go.
00:36:38Go on, go on.
00:36:39Ma'am, we all know that a rooster can have ten hens.
00:36:42But we also know that ten men can barely satisfy a woman.
00:36:47And I have to satisfy nine.
00:36:49So either you let me go, or we organize ourselves in another way.
00:36:52But what does this mean? I thought you were mute.
00:36:55No, I just pretended to be able to get in here and do what I did.
00:36:59But this is too much, ma'am.
00:37:01I never would have imagined it.
00:37:07But what does it say?
00:37:18Sisters, what a miracle!
00:37:30Do you hear that, sisters?
00:37:32What's going on?
00:37:33I don't know.
00:37:34Let's run, let's run.
00:37:39Don't worry.
00:37:40We'll fix everything.
00:37:42We'll find a way for you to stay in the convent forever.
00:37:46And you can fulfill all your wishes without dying of exhaustion.
00:37:49And you'll also become a saint.
00:37:54God, our Lord, has given speech to the orphan.
00:38:00Miracle, sisters!
00:38:41My love, my love.
00:38:53My mother!
00:38:55I'm your husband, Veronella!
00:38:58Damn it!
00:38:59My husband has arrived.
00:39:01I'm dead.
00:39:14Open, Veronella!
00:39:16I'm coming, my husband.
00:39:18I'm coming, I'm coming.
00:39:21You see how she always locks herself in when I go to work?
00:39:24She's doing her chores.
00:39:26Thank God I have such an honest wife.
00:39:30Hurry up.
00:39:32Oh, my God.
00:39:34I'm coming, I'm coming.
00:39:36I'm opening.
00:39:38Come on, let's go.
00:39:39Let's go quickly.
00:39:44I'm coming down, I'm coming down.
00:39:49Come on, run, hide in the drawer.
00:39:51My husband is terribly jealous.
00:39:53He'll kill me.
00:39:54Get in there and don't move.
00:39:56I'm going to see why he's back so soon this morning.
00:39:58Maybe he saw you when you came in.
00:40:00Veronella, open or not?
00:40:01I'm coming, I'm coming.
00:40:04Damn you.
00:40:05I was about to finish.
00:40:07I'm opening, I'm opening.
00:40:09I'm here, man.
00:40:10Can't you see I'm here?
00:40:13Look, look at this mess.
00:40:15It's time to go home.
00:40:17If you're not going to work, what are we going to eat?
00:40:20I'm fed up.
00:40:21I have nothing left to do.
00:40:23I spend all day sewing and scrubbing.
00:40:26I've broken all my nails.
00:40:27Can't you see?
00:40:29Husband, husband.
00:40:32I don't know what I'm going to make to eat.
00:40:34We don't have anything to eat.
00:40:37And you come back hand in hand.
00:40:39When would you have to be working?
00:40:42Poor me.
00:40:44My little virgin.
00:40:47Do you see what a beautiful woman I have?
00:40:49Veronella, don't be angry, woman.
00:40:52Today is the party of San Galeone and there is no work.
00:40:55That's why I'm back home.
00:40:57And I've come to sell this man the big tin.
00:41:00Laugh, laugh, my little woman.
00:41:02We'll have bread for more than a month,
00:41:04because I bought it for five dinars.
00:41:06Do you hear me?
00:41:07For five dinars.
00:41:08That's why I'm angry with you.
00:41:10You're a man and you go around the world.
00:41:12You've sold the tin for five dinars.
00:41:14And a poor woman like me, who never leaves home,
00:41:17has sold it for seven.
00:41:19To a good man who came just before you came back.
00:41:23And he got inside it to see what state it was in.
00:41:26Go away, my wife has sold it for seven.
00:41:29Let's go down and talk to him.
00:41:32My husband, we have to go to San Galeone.
00:41:36Hey, where are you, good woman?
00:41:38Here I am.
00:41:39Do you see how beautiful the tin is?
00:41:41I'm sorry, my friend.
00:41:43You paid me five and my wife sold it for seven.
00:41:48We're here.
00:41:51How are you?
00:41:52Who are you?
00:41:53I have to talk to the lady who wants to sell this tin.
00:41:57Talk to me, I'm her husband.
00:41:59The tin is in good condition.
00:42:01But inside it's full of dirt.
00:42:04There are two fingers of dirt here.
00:42:06And it's so stuck that it's not going to be easy to clean.
00:42:12And that's why we're not going to close the deal?
00:42:15Get out of there.
00:42:16My husband will get inside.
00:42:18And he'll leave it in a mess.
00:42:20Yes, of course.
00:42:28Take the scraper.
00:42:30You'll give it to me later.
00:42:37Come on, scrape, scrape.
00:42:40And laugh, my husband, laugh.
00:42:42You've done a good business.
00:42:45This good man is right.
00:42:48What filth comes out of this tin?
00:42:52Scrape, my husband, scrape.
00:42:54And let's do things as they should be done.
00:43:07That's it.
00:43:08That's good.
00:43:11Oh, it's very dirty.
00:43:14Don't be in a hurry.
00:43:17You can't let this deal slip away so easily.
00:43:20My love.
00:43:23Come on, come on.
00:43:25Keep rubbing, you're doing great.
00:43:29Where can I find a husband like that?
00:43:31Where can I find a husband like that?
00:43:35Things, dear Chapeleto, are not going very well for you.
00:43:39You can't do more heresies than you've done.
00:43:42You've forged as many documents as you could.
00:43:46You've killed.
00:43:48You've raped women.
00:43:51You've reneged on God and all the saints.
00:43:55And besides, you're a bit of a fag.
00:43:59Anyway, boy, you'd better get out of here for a while.
00:44:04Tell me if I'm wrong.
00:44:08Because of my business,
00:44:10I can't take care of a matter that interests me a lot.
00:44:14You know, I have to collect large loans in the north,
00:44:17which owe me certain debts.
00:44:20Evil people.
00:44:22And maybe only you can convince them.
00:44:26For the good or for the bad.
00:44:29Do you agree?
00:44:31Yes, I agree.
00:44:34Very well, I'll give you the credentials for the king and justice.
00:44:38Once there, you will be a guest of two brothers with our citizens.
00:44:43Then I'll give you the address.
00:44:45They will treat you with all the honors,
00:44:48Pay attention to me.
00:44:50Not to you, boy.
00:44:52You can go quietly.
00:44:54Because nobody knows you there.
00:44:56Thank you for everything, Mr. Muchato.
00:44:58Don't let me down, Chapeletto.
00:45:01And come back with the money.
00:45:18THE END
00:45:48THE END
00:46:19My dear Chapeletto,
00:46:22I don't think spaghetti will be eaten here.
00:46:27It will be eaten by the Germans.
00:46:37Here you are.
00:46:40Can I have a glass of wine?
00:46:48To the face of those who love us badly.
00:46:54My dear Chapeletto,
00:46:56how many people will have to cry in this city?
00:47:00And you still ask?
00:47:02With the reputation you have?
00:47:04Poor debtors.
00:47:06You are better than me.
00:47:08What are you talking about?
00:47:10You are a scum.
00:47:12What are you saying?
00:47:14You are a scum.
00:47:16You are a scum.
00:47:18You are a scum.
00:47:22Be careful what you say.
00:47:24I'm kidding.
00:47:26You're kidding.
00:47:29I'm from Naples.
00:47:31You are from Naples.
00:47:33We are all brothers.
00:47:35In good and in evil.
00:47:37You're right.
00:47:39Naples is mine.
00:47:41Only those who lose you love you so much.
00:48:45What's wrong?
00:49:01What do we do now?
00:49:03We can't kick him out.
00:49:05Of course we can't kick him out.
00:49:07But the people will say
00:49:09that we should have welcomed him at home.
00:49:11With all the honors and all the attention.
00:49:13And now that he's dying,
00:49:15we can't kick him out.
00:49:17You're right, my brother.
00:49:19You're right.
00:49:21People would think he's a heartless man.
00:49:23He's a bad person.
00:49:25He never confessed or confessed.
00:49:27He never took any sacrament.
00:49:29You're right.
00:49:31People will end up in a grave like a dog.
00:49:34If he finally decided to confess,
00:49:36I don't even want to think about it.
00:49:38Because I'm sure
00:49:40that there's no confessor
00:49:42who can absolve his sins.
00:49:44And he'll end up in a grave
00:49:46like a dog.
00:49:50Comrades, come here.
00:49:56I don't want you to be upset
00:49:58because of me.
00:50:00I've heard everything you've said.
00:50:02And I'm convinced
00:50:04that exactly what you say
00:50:06will happen.
00:50:08But it won't be like that.
00:50:10I've offended God so many times
00:50:12in my life,
00:50:14that if I give him
00:50:16another death sentence,
00:50:18what else will happen?
00:50:22go find
00:50:24the holiest friar
00:50:26of the city
00:50:28and tell him to come
00:50:30and confess to me.
00:50:32Let me do it.
00:50:34Everything will be fine.
00:50:43Adel Convento!
00:50:45In the name of God!
00:50:47It's a death sentence!
00:50:49Go find the holiest friar
00:50:51of the city!
00:50:53We were eating
00:50:55peacefully, Father.
00:50:57There was wine and ham.
00:50:59There was everything.
00:51:02Only the Virgin knows
00:51:04how happy that poor man was.
00:51:06And we sang,
00:51:08the three of us.
00:51:14And suddenly,
00:51:16everything happened to us.
00:51:18Poor chap!
00:51:20He's in bed.
00:51:22He's a dead man.
00:51:31In the name of the Father,
00:51:33and of the Son,
00:51:35and of the Holy Spirit.
00:52:02You have committed
00:52:04the sin of greed.
00:52:06Father, don't judge me
00:52:08because I'm in the house
00:52:10of these whispers.
00:52:12He's a son of a bitch
00:52:14for the souls of his dead.
00:52:16As for me,
00:52:18my father left me
00:52:20a great inheritance,
00:52:22and I gave it all to the poor.
00:52:24And also the fruit
00:52:26of my labor.
00:52:28Half of it I gave to my needs,
00:52:30and the other half
00:52:32I gave to the poor.
00:52:36Then tell me, please,
00:52:38have you committed
00:52:40the sin of greed with any woman?
00:52:42If she's a whore.
00:52:46I'm a virgin.
00:52:48Like when I left my mother's body.
00:52:50God bless you!
00:52:52It's a sin of greed.
00:52:54Yes, yes, Father.
00:52:56Especially during the fasts.
00:52:58A little salad.
00:53:00A little salad?
00:53:02Well, my son,
00:53:04those are trivial sins
00:53:06that don't matter.
00:53:08Father, Father,
00:53:10I have many other sins
00:53:12that I haven't told you yet.
00:53:14Which ones?
00:53:16One day I spitted
00:53:18inside the house of God.
00:53:20My son, that's nothing.
00:53:22We priests
00:53:24spit every day.
00:53:26My son,
00:53:28I have a sin
00:53:30that I've never dared to confess.
00:53:32It's so shameful.
00:53:34My son, what are you saying?
00:53:36And I cry every time I think about it.
00:53:38How am I crying now?
00:53:42Because I'm sure
00:53:44God will never forgive me, Father.
00:53:46There's no sin in the world
00:53:48that God won't forgive
00:53:50when repentance is as sincere
00:53:52as yours.
00:53:54My son,
00:53:56I have a great sin
00:53:58and you're very good
00:54:00at making me believe
00:54:02that God will forgive me.
00:54:04But say it
00:54:06and we'll pray to God together.
00:54:08I can't.
00:54:10Speak, my son, be brave.
00:54:12I can't, Father.
00:54:14But my son,
00:54:16make an effort.
00:54:20In the name of God.
00:54:24All right.
00:54:26If you promise to pray for me,
00:54:28I'll tell you.
00:54:30You know, when I was little,
00:54:32I cursed my mother
00:54:34for a little milk.
00:54:38My mother.
00:54:40But he's dying
00:54:42and he's doing all this for us.
00:54:44Then he's really a saint.
00:54:48My dear,
00:54:50even if you were
00:54:52one of those who nailed him
00:54:54to the cross,
00:54:56your contrition is so deep
00:54:58that he would forgive you.
00:55:02What are you saying, Father?
00:55:04My sweet mother
00:55:06who carried me
00:55:08in her womb for nine months.
00:55:12Day and night.
00:55:14For nine months
00:55:16she carried me
00:55:18on her feet.
00:55:40In the name of the Father,
00:55:42and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit.
00:55:46I have seen that this man,
00:55:48even though he understands
00:55:50that our pastor and his priest
00:55:52are determined to reduce to nothing
00:55:54and to sweep the Christian religion
00:55:56from the world,
00:55:58has remained faithful to his faith.
00:56:00And you, damn you,
00:56:02if a lamb gets entangled
00:56:04between your feet,
00:56:06blaspheme against God,
00:56:08against the Virgin,
00:56:10and against the entire celestial court.
00:56:12And now enter.
00:57:42Come in, lawyer, come in.
00:57:47Hey, Gennarino.
00:57:49Tell me, Gennarino.
00:57:50You asked the Lord to make it rain, eh?
00:57:53You must be happy now.
00:57:55The Lord never says no to me.
00:57:58Hey, Gennarino, let me introduce you to the Master.
00:58:01Well, the truth is that the Master doesn't like to be called that.
00:58:04The Lord is a great painter from Northern Italy.
00:58:08He is the best disciple of the Kyoto.
00:58:11And he comes to Naples to paint our city.
00:58:15Very honoured, Master.
00:58:17Hey, Gennarino.
00:58:19Can you give us something to make up for the rain?
00:58:23We would like to get to Naples before it gets dark.
00:58:26Do you have anything?
00:58:28Lawyer, I only have four andrajos.
00:58:30But if you want to take advantage of them...
00:58:32Thank you, Gennarino.
00:58:36Oh, I'm so thirsty.
00:58:41Oh, my God, it's still raining.
00:58:43Yes, lawyer.
00:58:44Good night, Gennarino.
00:58:45My respects.
00:58:46Good night, Gennarino.
00:58:47Thank you.
00:58:48Thank you.
00:59:09Do you think that if we met a stranger who didn't know you...
00:59:14...and he gave you that chalk...
00:59:19...he could imagine that you are one of the best painters in the world?
00:59:36Master, where are you going?
00:59:59These are the representatives of the congregation of Santa Clara...
01:00:02...who have entrusted you with the work.
01:00:04These are the nuns of the monastery.
01:00:06Come in, come in, Master.
01:00:36Thank you.
01:00:59Thank you.
01:01:27Thank you.
01:01:56Try it, it's the best grape in the country.
01:01:58Try it.
01:02:27Thank you.
01:02:48Thank you.
01:03:18To your health, Ricardo.
01:03:20To yours, Mr. Lizzi.
01:03:38To your health, Mr. Lizzi.
01:04:03To your health, Mr. Lizzi.
01:04:04To your health, Mr. Lizzi.
01:04:05To your health, Mr. Lizzi.
01:04:06To your health, Mr. Lizzi.
01:04:07To your health, Mr. Lizzi.
01:04:08To your health, Mr. Lizzi.
01:04:09To your health, Mr. Lizzi.
01:04:10To your health, Mr. Lizzi.
01:04:11To your health, Mr. Lizzi.
01:04:12To your health, Mr. Lizzi.
01:04:13To your health, Mr. Lizzi.
01:04:14To your health, Mr. Lizzi.
01:04:15To your health, Mr. Lizzi.
01:04:16To your health, Mr. Lizzi.
01:04:17To your health, Mr. Lizzi.
01:04:18To your health, Mr. Lizzi.
01:04:19To your health, Mr. Lizzi.
01:04:20To your health, Mr. Lizzi.
01:04:21To your health, Mr. Lizzi.
01:04:22To your health, Mr. Lizzi.
01:04:23To your health, Mr. Lizzi.
01:04:24To your health, Mr. Lizzi.
01:04:25To your health, Mr. Lizzi.
01:04:26To your health, Mr. Lizzi.
01:04:27To your health, Mr. Lizzi.
01:04:28To your health, Mr. Lizzi.
01:04:29To your health, Mr. Lizzi.
01:04:30To your health, Mr. Lizzi.
01:04:31To your health, Mr. Lizzi.
01:04:32To your health, Mr. Lizzi.
01:04:33To your health, Mr. Lizzi.
01:04:34To your health, Mr. Lizzi.
01:04:35To your health, Mr. Lizzi.
01:04:36To your health, Mr. Lizzi.
01:04:37To your health, Mr. Lizzi.
01:04:38To your health, Mr. Lizzi.
01:04:40To your health, Mr. Lizzi.
01:04:41To your health, Mr. Lizzi.
01:04:42To your health, Mr. Lizzi.
01:04:43To your health, Mr. Lizzi.
01:04:44To your health, Mr. Lizzi.
01:04:45To your health, Mr. Lizzi.
01:04:46To your health, Mr. Lizzi.
01:04:47To your health, Mr. Lizzi.
01:04:48To your health, Mr. Lizzi.
01:04:49To your health, Mr. Lizzi.
01:04:50To your health, Mr. Lizzi.
01:04:51To your health, Mr. Lizzi.
01:04:52To your health, Mr. Lizzi.
01:04:53To your health, Mr. Lizzi.
01:04:54To your health, Mr. Lizzi.
01:04:55To your health, Mr. Lizzi.
01:04:56To your health, Mr. Lizzi.
01:04:57To your health, Mr. Lizzi.
01:04:59Oh, it's so hot.
01:05:02It's so hot.
01:05:06Mom, do you know that last night I couldn't sleep?
01:05:10Where is all that heat you're talking about?
01:05:13It's almost cool.
01:05:14Oh, Mom.
01:05:15But you have to think that we young people are more ardent than you old people.
01:05:21Oh, that's true, my daughter.
01:05:24But what can I do?
01:05:25If Dad and you feel like it, I can make myself a bed up on the terrace over the garden and I can sleep there.
01:05:34And in the open air, feeling the breeze, with the cool air, I'll sleep much better than in your bed.
01:05:44All right, my daughter.
01:05:45I'll tell your father and we'll see what he decides.
01:06:09Caterina, I'm here.
01:06:19Caterina, my love.
01:06:42Give me a kiss.
01:06:43I've never tried it.
01:06:45Later, later.
01:06:59Ah, Caterina mia.
01:07:19Ricardo, my love.
01:07:20Let's do it again.
01:07:48Let's sleep a little.
01:07:50Ricardo, my love.
01:08:45Let's see how our Caterina slept last night with her husband.
01:09:13Giacomina, Giacomina.
01:09:14Get up.
01:09:15Go see your daughter Caterina.
01:09:16She's caught a nightingale and she's holding it in her hand.
01:09:19How can that be?
01:09:20Come on, come with me.
01:09:22What are you saying, my husband?
01:09:24Come, come and you'll see.
01:09:37Shh, shut up.
01:09:39Because if she's caught it, it'll be hers.
01:09:41Ricardo is a great boy and he has a good family.
01:09:43He has a great heritage.
01:09:45And with him, we can establish a good relationship.
01:09:48In the house, there are armed servants.
01:09:50And if he intends to leave safe and sound,
01:09:52first he must marry her and that he doesn't make up stories.
01:09:55That way, he'll have put his nightingale in his cage and not in someone else's cage.
01:10:01Wake up.
01:10:02Get up, you bastards.
01:10:03Very good, Ricardo.
01:10:04Very good, Caterina.
01:10:05And now, before I'm forced to call my men,
01:10:08let's see how we solve this issue.
01:10:10In the name of God, I ask your forgiveness.
01:10:12Sir, I know that I've been evil and that I deserve death.
01:10:16It's been my fault.
01:10:17Therefore, I do what you think is right, for your honor.
01:10:20But I beg you, if you can forgive me, don't kill me.
01:10:24Ricardo, you didn't deserve the affection that I gave you
01:10:28and the trust that I gave you.
01:10:30But since youth has driven you to make such a serious mistake,
01:10:34to avoid you death and me the shame
01:10:37that I couldn't wash you any other way than with blood,
01:10:40I demand that you take Caterina as your legitimate wife.
01:10:44Yes, of course I'll take her.
01:10:45Of course, I'll take her as my wife.
01:10:48Yes, yes, and you as my father-in-law.
01:10:50And your wife as my mother-in-law.
01:10:51Yes, yes, of course.
01:10:53Giacomina, give me the ring.
01:10:57Caterina, in the name of God, I will marry you.
01:11:05And now, rest.
01:11:07Without a doubt, you need to rest more than to get up.
01:11:54But, well, he doesn't come to eat.
01:11:57Ah, these artists.
01:12:09Excuse me.
01:12:55Excuse me, brothers, excuse me.
01:13:21Boys, get to work.
01:13:23Come on, come on.
01:13:37Come on, come on, boys.
01:13:39Come on, come on, hurry up.
01:14:25Stay a little longer.
01:14:27Elisabetta, it's already daytime. I have to go.
01:14:33Stay, my Lorenzo.
01:14:35What more could I wish for?
01:15:15Goodbye, Lorenzo. See you tomorrow.
01:16:49Listen, are you sure of what you're saying?
01:16:51Like I have eyes in my face, brother.
01:16:53Let's shut up and pretend we don't know anything.
01:16:56If we make a scene now, we'll get ourselves in trouble.
01:16:59And everyone will find out about our dishonor.
01:17:02We'll wait for the right moment, and without anyone suspecting anything,
01:17:05we'll take the opportunity to avenge this dishonor.
01:17:45Buongiorno, miss.
01:17:54Enough work, boy.
01:17:56Yes, let's get some fresh air.
01:17:58Today is a great day.
01:18:00Let's go for a walk.
01:18:17Sister, today is a great day. Let's go for a walk.
01:18:56Lorenzo, come with us.
01:18:59Let's see who gets further. Come on.
01:19:02Maybe our boy will beat us.
01:19:05Come on, boy.
01:19:07But, Lorenzo, did you think we weren't human beings?
01:19:10What are you saying?
01:19:12You're wrong.
01:19:14We're men.
01:19:16We're men.
01:19:18Can't you see we're men?
01:19:20Hey, look how Lorenzo's running.
01:19:23Look how he's running.
01:19:25Wait for us, Lorenzo.
01:19:27Where are you going? Why are you running so fast?
01:19:30Here we are, Lorenzo.
01:19:32We've got you, Lorenzo.
01:19:34We've got you.
01:19:36Wait for us.
01:19:38Don't run away, Lorenzo.
01:19:40Don't run away.
01:19:45Let's rest.
01:19:47Let's sit there.
01:19:54This is the freshest place in our country.
01:19:57Come on, sit down, Lorenzo.
01:20:00Today we didn't raise any lambs.
01:20:12Here, wash your eyes.
01:20:14Come on.
01:20:15Refresh your mouth.
01:20:17Like this.
01:20:22Like this.
01:20:27Like this.
01:20:43Come on, jump.
01:20:45What are you waiting for?
01:20:47Keep running.
01:20:49Jump, Lorenzo.
01:20:51Come on.
01:20:53Let's have another race.
01:20:55What are you waiting for?
01:20:57Come on, jump.
01:20:59Run that way.
01:21:11Come on, Lorenzo.
01:21:13Let's have another race.
01:21:15Run that way.
01:21:17Come on, Lorenzo.
01:21:19What's wrong with you?
01:21:21Run that way.
01:21:25Come on.
01:21:55Come on.
01:22:25Don't run away, Lorenzo.
01:22:27Don't run away.
01:22:29Come on, Lorenzo.
01:22:31Don't run away.
01:22:33Come on, Lorenzo.
01:22:35Don't run away.
01:22:37Come on, Lorenzo.
01:22:39Don't run away.
01:22:41Come on, Lorenzo.
01:22:43Don't run away.
01:22:45Come on, Lorenzo.
01:22:47Don't run away.
01:22:49Come on, Lorenzo.
01:22:51Don't run away.
01:22:53Don't run away.
01:22:55Don't run away.
01:23:09Brothers, I am sorry for the delay.
01:23:13I want to know if Lorenzo is back.
01:23:15I told you he hasn't returned.
01:23:17We've sent him back to Palermo for a few things.
01:23:19If you ask him again we'll give the answer.
01:23:21you deserve.
01:23:22Elisabetta, go back home and leave alone when we give you permission, as usual.
01:23:29Get out, get out!
01:23:32And poor you if you disobey us again.
01:23:51Elisabetta, you call me all the time and you grieve for my long absence, and with your
01:24:04tears you accuse me painfully.
01:24:07I must tell you that I can no longer return, because that last day you saw me, your brothers
01:24:14killed me and buried me down there in the garden.
01:24:21Therefore, do not wait for me or call me again.
01:24:44Brothers, I have been locked up at home for a long time.
01:24:50Do you want to give me permission to go for a walk with our maid?
01:24:54Of course, and get distracted.
01:24:57Go, go, have fun, but come back soon.
01:25:01And smile, smile, we like to see you happy.
01:25:50I would like to take you all with me, my love, but I can not.
01:29:14Quanto Camino hemos recorrido juntos compadre de mercado en mercado para poder ganarnos un pedazo de pan
01:29:24Yo diría que estamos ya muy cerca de tu casa verdad
01:29:27Lo digo por la descripción que me has hecho tantas veces
01:29:31Así por fin podré corresponder a vuestra hospitalidad on Gianni
01:29:36Te lo agradezco compadre Pietro, pero no esperéis encontrar una casa tan hermosa como la vuestra
01:29:43Solo tengo un lugar que es alcoba para mí para quien mata y para mi pobre astro
01:29:48sin embargo en compensación tienes una hermosa mujer
01:29:52gracias gracias si tengo una hermosa y bella mujer bien hecha pero sin embargo
01:29:58Nos arreglaremos compadre Pietro, nos arreglaremos
01:30:02si si yo y mi mujer ya lo hemos hecho otras veces ella se va a dormir a casa de Sita Carapresa
01:30:09una vecina nuestra que la recibe de mil amores
01:30:13así que vos don Gianni dormireis en nuestro camastro conmigo
01:30:53Madre mía
01:31:02Pero que ha pasado
01:31:05ha pasado la desgracia Pietro mío
01:31:07que vamos a hacer ahora
01:31:10Sita Carapresa se ha casado
01:31:12y ahora está celebrando la fiesta en su casa
01:31:15esa desgraciada tenía que casarse precisamente hoy
01:31:18como vamos a hospedar al cura esta noche yo ya no puedo ir a dormir a su casa porque ahora estar allí ese tonto con el
01:31:24que se ha casado
01:31:25Don Gianni, os presento a mi mujer
01:31:33Lo adosea Jesucristo
01:31:35Pero no te atribules por mi comadre Yenmata, que en esta vida todo tiene arreglo
01:31:41Has de saber que cuando me place yo convierto con un sencillo encantamiento
01:31:47a esta yegua en una bella muchacha y duermo con ella
01:31:52Y luego cuando ya no quiero la convierto de nuevo en yegua y la empleo otra vez para mi trabajo
01:31:59por eso en ningún caso
01:32:01me separaría nunca de ella
01:32:52Todo el cornudo
01:33:11Hey, hey, Pietro, Pietro
01:33:14¿Pero qué quieres?
01:33:15Si el cura es amigo tuyo, como dice
01:33:17I've been thinking, why don't I teach you how to cast a spell that I haven't told you before?
01:33:24So if I became a mare, you could carry the donkey and the mare,
01:33:29and I would be transformed by the spell.
01:33:34I would be a good and obedient mare,
01:33:37and we would earn twice as much.
01:33:39And when I came back home, you would turn me into a woman again.
01:33:43What do you say, Pietro?
01:33:46What do you say?
01:33:48Yes, yes, yes.
01:34:13Don Gianni. Don Gianni.
01:34:31Don Gianni, why don't you teach us the spell to turn my wife into a mare,
01:34:37and then turn her into a woman again?
01:34:39Eh, eh, eh.
01:34:42Don Gianni.
01:34:44No, no.
01:34:46I beg you, for the love of God.
01:34:48Don Gianni.
01:34:50Don't you see how poor we are?
01:34:52Teach us this spell.
01:34:53If you're such a good friend.
01:34:55What's it to you?
01:34:57What's it to you to do it?
01:35:18But do you believe in that?
01:35:21Yes, yes, I believe it.
01:35:23Yes, yes.
01:35:25If you want, I'll show you how it's done,
01:35:28early in the morning, when we get up.
01:35:32But the most difficult part of all this, as you will see,
01:35:37is putting the tail.
01:35:45Come on, let's dance.
01:35:49Come, come.
01:35:50Dance, dance.
01:35:52I don't want to.
01:35:53We don't want to either.
01:35:54Come on, let's dance.
01:35:55Come on, let's dance.
01:36:23Come on, let's dance.
01:36:51Come on, let's dance.
01:36:52Come on, let's dance.
01:36:53Come on, let's dance.
01:36:54Come on, let's dance.
01:36:55Come on, let's dance.
01:36:56Come on, let's dance.
01:36:57Come on, let's dance.
01:36:58Come on, let's dance.
01:36:59Come on, let's dance.
01:37:00Come on, let's dance.
01:37:01Come on, let's dance.
01:37:02Come on, let's dance.
01:37:03Come on, let's dance.
01:37:04Come on, let's dance.
01:37:05Come on, let's dance.
01:37:06Come on, let's dance.
01:37:07Come on, let's dance.
01:37:08Come on, let's dance.
01:37:09Come on, let's dance.
01:37:10Come on, let's dance.
01:37:11Come on, let's dance.
01:37:12Come on, let's dance.
01:37:13Come on, let's dance.
01:37:14Come on, let's dance.
01:37:15Come on, let's dance.
01:37:16Come on, let's dance.
01:37:17Come on, let's dance.
01:37:18Come on, let's dance.
01:37:19Come on, let's dance.
01:37:20Come on, let's dance.
01:37:21Come on, let's dance.
01:37:22Come on, let's dance.
01:37:23Come on, let's dance.
01:37:24Come on, let's dance.
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01:37:26Come on, let's dance.
01:37:27Come on, let's dance.
01:37:28Come on, let's dance.
01:37:29Come on, let's dance.
01:37:30Come on, let's dance.
01:37:31Come on, let's dance.
01:37:32Come on, let's dance.
01:37:33Come on, let's dance.
01:37:34Come on, let's dance.
01:37:35Come on, let's dance.
01:37:36Come on, let's dance.
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01:37:41Come on, let's dance.
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01:37:43Come on, let's dance.
01:37:44Come on, let's dance.
01:37:45Come on, let's dance.
01:37:46Come on, let's dance.
01:37:47Come on, let's dance.
01:37:48Come on, let's dance.
01:37:49Come on, let's dance.
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01:37:52Come on, let's dance.
01:37:53Come on, let's dance.
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01:37:55Come on, let's dance.
01:37:56Come on, let's dance.
01:37:57Come on, let's dance.
01:37:58Come on, let's dance.
01:37:59Come on, let's dance.
01:38:00Come on, let's dance.
01:38:01Come on, let's dance.
01:38:02Come on, let's dance.
01:38:04Come on, let's dance.
01:38:05Come on, let's dance.
01:38:06Come on, let's dance.
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01:38:09Come on, let's dance.
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01:38:12Come on, let's dance.
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01:38:15Come on, let's dance.
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01:38:17Come on, let's dance.
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01:38:23Come on, let's dance.
01:38:24Come on, let's dance.
01:38:25Come on, let's dance.
01:38:26Come on, let's dance.
01:38:27Come on, let's dance.
01:38:28Come on, let's dance.
01:38:29Come on, let's dance.
01:38:30Come on, let's dance.
01:38:31Come on, let's dance.
01:38:32Come on, let's dance.
01:38:33Come on, let's dance.
01:38:34Come on, let's dance.
01:38:35Come on, let's dance.
01:38:36Come on, let's dance.
01:38:37Come on, let's dance.
01:38:38Come on, let's dance.
01:38:39Come on, let's dance.
01:38:40Come on, let's dance.
01:38:41Come on, let's dance.
01:38:42Come on, let's dance.
01:38:43Come on, let's dance.
01:38:44Come on, let's dance.
01:38:45Come on, let's dance.
01:38:46Come on, let's dance.
01:38:47Come on, let's dance.
01:38:48Come on, let's dance.
01:38:49Come on, let's dance.
01:38:50Come on, let's dance.
01:38:51Come on, let's dance.
01:38:52Come on, let's dance.
01:38:53Come on, let's dance.
01:38:54Come on, let's dance.
01:38:55Come on, let's dance.
01:38:56Come on, let's dance.
01:38:57Come on, let's dance.
01:38:58Come on, let's dance.
01:38:59Come on, let's dance.
01:39:00Come on, let's dance.
01:39:01Come on, let's dance.
01:39:02Come on, let's dance.
01:39:03Come on, let's dance.
01:39:04Come on, let's dance.
01:39:05Come on, let's dance.
01:39:06Come on, let's dance.
01:39:07Come on, let's dance.
01:39:08Come on, let's dance.
01:39:09Come on, let's dance.
01:39:10Come on, let's dance.
01:39:11Come on, let's dance.
01:39:12Come on, let's dance.
01:39:13Come on, let's dance.
01:39:14Come on, let's dance.
01:39:15Come on, let's dance.
01:39:17Come on, let's dance.
01:39:18Come on, let's dance.
01:39:19Come on, let's dance.
01:39:20Come on, let's dance.
01:39:21Come on, let's dance.
01:39:22Come on, let's dance.
01:39:23Come on, let's dance.
01:39:24Come on, let's dance.
01:39:25Come on, let's dance.
01:39:26Come on, let's dance.
01:39:27Come on, let's dance.
01:39:28Come on, let's dance.
01:39:29Come on, let's dance.
01:39:30Come on, let's dance.
01:39:31Come on, let's dance.
01:39:32Come on, let's dance.
01:39:33Come on, let's dance.
01:39:34Come on, let's dance.
01:39:35Come on, let's dance.
01:39:36Come on, let's dance.
01:39:37Come on, let's dance.
01:39:38Come on, let's dance.
01:39:39Come on, let's dance.
01:39:40Come on, let's dance.
01:39:41I don't know.
01:40:11Melones y santias!
01:40:17Mirad que tomates tengo!
01:40:23Que hermosos tomates!
01:40:26Clientela! Tomates colorados!
01:40:30Son hermosos y frescos!
01:40:33Hermosos y frescos tomates!
01:40:37Tomates frescos!
01:40:39Melones y santias!
01:40:47Tomates hermosos y frescos!
01:40:50Guay de aquel que muere en pecado mortal!
01:40:53Mirad que tomates tengo!
01:40:55Se dice que en trance de muerte quien se arrepiente se salva.
01:41:00Y como sera el lugar a donde iremos despues de muertos?
01:41:04Tu que crees?
01:41:05Meucho eso quien lo sabe.
01:41:07El infierno y el paraiso como sera Antingoyo? Que dices?
01:41:12Ah no vuelvas a empezar es que quieres verme muerto?
01:41:15Bueno quien sabe? Puedo morirme antes yo.
01:41:18Estamos todos en las manos de Dios.
01:41:25Oye Meucho.
01:41:26Que quieres?
01:41:28Nos hacemos una promesa.
01:41:30El primero que muera hara saber al que todavia viva como se esta despues de muerto.
01:41:37Si, si lo prometo.
01:41:40Te lo juro.
01:41:41Yo tambien te lo juro.
01:42:00Tengo ocho, tengo ocho.
01:42:28Por culpa tuya estoy en grave pecado mortal.
01:42:30Y yo por culpa tuya.
01:42:33Porque si yo me acuesto contigo, tu te acuestas conmigo.
01:42:36Y si una mujer comete pecado mortal acostandose con el que no es su marido,
01:42:41un hombre comete pecado mortal acostandose con la que no es su mujer.
01:42:45Virgencita mia, virgencita mia perdonanos.
01:42:54Sabes que te digo?
01:42:55Pecado mas, pecado menos.
01:42:57Hagamoslo otra vez.
01:43:27Estas blanco, blanco.
01:43:41Pareces un muerto.
01:43:42Y tu estas majareta.
01:43:44Si, si.
01:43:45Alla tu.
01:43:46Si continuas asi con tu comadre, veras como acabaras.
01:43:49Muy mal acabaras.
01:43:51Te lo dice este majareta.
01:43:53Si por lo menos pensaras un poco en tu salud.
01:43:55No, eso ni se te ha pasado por la cabeza.
01:43:58Pero que te crees?
01:44:00A mi tambien me gustaria traginarme a mi comadre.
01:44:03Y tambien ella se prestaria si yo quisiera.
01:44:05Pero no lo hago porque pienso en la salvacion de mi alma.
01:44:08Que despues de la muerte, se presentara sin pecado delante de Dios.
01:44:53Y despues de la muerte, se presentara sin pecado delante de Dios.
01:44:56Y despues de la muerte, se presentara sin pecado delante de Dios.
01:44:59Y despues de la muerte, se presentara sin pecado delante de Dios.
01:45:02Y despues de la muerte, se presentara sin pecado delante de Dios.
01:45:05Y despues de la muerte, se presentara sin pecado delante de Dios.
01:45:08Y despues de la muerte, se presentara sin pecado delante de Dios.
01:45:11Y despues de la muerte, se presentara sin pecado delante de Dios.
01:45:14Y despues de la muerte, se presentara sin pecado delante de Dios.
01:45:17Y despues de la muerte, se presentara sin pecado delante de Dios.
01:45:20Y despues de la muerte, se presentara sin pecado delante de Dios.
01:45:23Y despues de la muerte, se presentara sin pecado delante de Dios.
01:45:26Y despues de la muerte, se presentara sin pecado delante de Dios.
01:45:29Y despues de la muerte, se presentara sin pecado delante de Dios.
01:45:32Y despues de la muerte, se presentara sin pecado delante de Dios.
01:45:35Y despues de la muerte, se presentara sin pecado delante de Dios.
01:45:38Y despues de la muerte, se presentara sin pecado delante de Dios.
01:45:41Y despues de la muerte, se presentara sin pecado delante de Dios.
01:45:44Y despues de la muerte, se presentara sin pecado delante de Dios.
01:45:48Y despues de la muerte, se presentara sin pecado delante de Dios.
01:45:52Y despues de la muerte, se presentara sin pecado delante de Dios.
01:45:56¡Qué dolor, qué dolor!
01:46:02¡Qué injustición tenía!
01:46:06¿Cómo sufrió un hombre como yo?
01:46:11I à
01:46:15He never stopped. Poor Tingocho, and there you have him, you see?
01:46:45Meucho! Meucho! Hey, Meucho!
01:46:48Who is it?
01:46:50It's me, Tingocho.
01:46:52According to the promise we made, I've come to bring you news from the other world.
01:46:56I know. Welcome, my brother.
01:46:58But tell me, have you been saved, or have you been lost?
01:47:01Eh, lost things can't be found.
01:47:03I've been lost? How could I be here?
01:47:05I've been lost.
01:47:07I've been lost.
01:47:09I've been lost.
01:47:11Eh, lost things can't be found.
01:47:13I've been lost? How could I be here?
01:47:15I've been lost.
01:47:17Well, I didn't mean to say that.
01:47:19I just wanted to know,
01:47:21if you're among the souls condemned to the eternal fire of hell.
01:47:25Not to that extent,
01:47:27but for the grave sins I've committed,
01:47:29I'm suffering a great pain, and I suffer a lot, damn it.
01:47:32But are the pains the same for everyone?
01:47:35No, some burn in the fire,
01:47:37others are in boiling water,
01:47:39some are in ice,
01:47:41others are in shit.
01:47:43But tell me, Tingocho,
01:47:45can I be of any use to you here on Earth?
01:47:48Of course.
01:47:50Pray for me.
01:47:52Pray for me.
01:47:54Pray for me.
01:47:56Pray for me.
01:47:58Pray for me.
01:48:00Pray for me.
01:48:02Pray for me.
01:48:10Pray for me.
01:48:12Pray for me.
01:48:14Well, Allah, let you have a good time.
01:48:19Can I ask you a question?
01:48:21Tell me, Tingocho,
01:48:23about your cousin.
01:48:25How sorry he is?
01:48:27What do you want me to say?
01:48:29When I went there I met someone who knew all my sins one by one.
01:48:33But I,
01:48:35thinking about my sins against my cousin,
01:48:37and that's why the sorrow would be greater,
01:48:39he was lying in a corner, trembling with fear.
01:48:42And someone asked me,
01:48:44Why are you so afraid?
01:48:46And I answered,
01:48:48Oh, I did a great sin with my comadre,
01:48:52and I did it so fat, so fat,
01:48:56that I am here.
01:48:59And then he, laughing at me, said to me,
01:49:01Don't be afraid, idiot,
01:49:03that here that of the comadres is not taken into account.
01:49:07Well, Meucho, we've seen each other.
01:49:09I can't stay, have a good time.
01:49:13Ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha!
01:49:34Comadre! Eh, comadre!
01:49:37Comadre, comadre!
01:49:42It's not a sin, it's not a sin, comadre!
01:49:47It's not a sin, it's not a sin, it's not a sin, comadre!
01:49:51It's not a sin, it's not a sin, comadre!
01:50:11Come on, bring the wine!
01:50:14Here's the wine, here's the wine, here's the wine!
01:50:19Very good, descendants! Let's all get drunk!
01:50:22The wine, the wine, the wine!
01:50:28Cheers to everyone!
01:50:32Cheers, maestro!
01:50:35Let's drink to the health of the maestro who has made a great work for our city!
01:50:40And thanks, friends, to your health!
01:50:42Good luck, maestro, with your next work!
01:50:44Good luck!
01:50:47This wine is pure and fresh, demon!
01:50:51But I wonder...
01:50:53This wine is a panacea, and whoever drinks it is happy!
01:50:59Why make a work when it is much more beautiful to dream of it only?
