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00:00:00© BF-WATCH TV 2021
00:00:30© BF-WATCH TV 2021
00:01:00© BF-WATCH TV 2021
00:01:30© BF-WATCH TV 2021
00:02:00© BF-WATCH TV 2021
00:02:19Do you have anything on the 1210?
00:02:20How many?
00:02:22Nothing on the 1210, I'm afraid,
00:02:24but I can put you on the Grand Canyon Airways at 1230,
00:02:26if you don't mind a local.
00:02:27Where's that to?
00:02:28Same place, Los Angeles.
00:02:29All right.
00:02:30Round trip?
00:02:31One way.
00:02:34Joseph H. Collins.
00:02:37Is it in yet?
00:02:38It's pulling in now.
00:02:39I want to make a phone call.
00:02:40On the other side of the newsstand.
00:02:58© BF-WATCH TV 2021
00:03:31David, where are you?
00:03:33I left a note there on the table,
00:03:35but it occurred to me
00:03:36you might think I'd gone off to do something foolish.
00:03:39It's nothing like that.
00:03:40It's just that I...
00:03:42Well, I couldn't stand it any longer.
00:03:45I'll have to figure out another way of living without you.
00:03:48That's all.
00:03:49Where are you, David?
00:03:53Just tell the kids that I was called away suddenly on a case.
00:03:56I'll work out some other explanation
00:03:58when I've had a chance to think things over.
00:04:01Just don't let them know yet.
00:04:04Where are you going?
00:04:06I'll let you know when I get there.
00:04:09Tell them it looked like a rather long case.
00:04:11Then they won't begin asking questions
00:04:13until we've got our story set.
00:04:15Will you do that?
00:04:18Oh, Dave, darling, please.
00:04:21Will you do it?
00:04:24Of course.
00:04:26But, David, don't go away.
00:04:29Please don't.
00:04:32Why not?
00:04:34You don't think you'll be lonely for long, do you?
00:04:38Dave, Dave.
00:04:40Haven't you ever made one mistake in your life?
00:04:45It's no use, Janie.
00:04:46I didn't call to argue the matter again,
00:04:48particularly over a public phone.
00:04:50Just look out for the kids, that's all.
00:04:52I'll let you hear from me in a day or so.
00:04:55Good night.
00:05:26Attention, please.
00:05:28Grand Canyon Airways,
00:05:30Flight 1011 for Los Angeles.
00:05:34Some trouble?
00:05:35Oh, no, just in late, that's all.
00:05:37Is it the weather?
00:05:38What's wrong with the weather?
00:05:39How should I know what's wrong with the weather?
00:05:41That's what I'm asking you.
00:05:42You come in late, you go out late.
00:05:46Do you think it's all right to fly in all this rain?
00:05:49No, I don't think the rain matters.
00:05:51Not even at night?
00:05:52No, I don't think so.
00:05:54But how do they keep them from bumping into each other?
00:05:57I don't know exactly,
00:05:59but they must have some way worked out.
00:06:03Well, I don't know.
00:06:05I don't know.
00:06:06I don't know.
00:06:07I don't know.
00:06:08I don't know.
00:06:09I don't know.
00:06:10I don't know.
00:06:11I don't know.
00:06:12I don't know.
00:06:13I don't know.
00:06:15You really think they know what they're doing?
00:06:18I'm sure they do.
00:06:19And if there's any danger, I'm sure they wouldn't send us out.
00:06:24I hope you're right.
00:06:26This will be my first time up.
00:06:28I certainly wouldn't want it to be my last.
00:06:50I'll just have a cup of coffee.
00:07:02You mind?
00:07:03No, not at all.
00:07:05I'll take your coat.
00:07:07Can I have a cup of coffee?
00:07:09Maybe some coffee will make me feel better.
00:07:12You're not really scared, are you?
00:07:14I'd be okay if I could only figure out one thing.
00:07:17What's that?
00:07:18What holds it up there?
00:07:20What do you care?
00:07:21That's their business.
00:07:22They can't blame you no matter what happens.
00:07:25I don't care.
00:07:26I don't care.
00:07:27I don't care.
00:07:28I don't care.
00:07:29I don't care.
00:07:30I don't care no matter what happens.
00:07:32You mean, they can't sue me even if it falls?
00:07:34They can't.
00:07:35And I'm a lawyer, too.
00:07:37What am I worried about?
00:07:39Let's have a wedge of pie with that coffee.
00:07:45Would you people mind if the gentleman sat at this table, too?
00:07:48Oh, go ahead.
00:07:49Oi, oi, oi, oi, oi, oi!
00:07:53I beg your pardon.
00:07:54Don't mind me, lady.
00:07:55I'm just practicing.
00:07:56I'm an ex-wolf.
00:07:57Coffee for me, dollbaby.
00:07:58You just come in on flight 101-1?
00:08:01I'll say, like we was on a rollie coaster.
00:08:04What do you mean?
00:08:05The last 50 miles, upside down.
00:08:07Is he kidding?
00:08:09It was a little bumpy.
00:08:11A little bumpy?
00:08:12Get this.
00:08:13Just outside of Chicago, we hit an air pocket.
00:08:15We must have dropped 1,000 feet.
00:08:17Now, we're all strapped in to see what the hostess ain't.
00:08:19Well, she hits the ceiling with the top of her permanent.
00:08:21She must have hung there for five minutes.
00:08:23I could see the papers tomorrow already.
00:08:25Among those identified.
00:08:27You'll pardon me for asking, but is that supposed to be funny?
00:08:30No, not very.
00:08:31I'm afraid I don't think it's funny at all.
00:08:33Joking about people might get killed.
00:08:35This is this young lady's first flight.
00:08:37Oh, I didn't mean to scare you, lady.
00:08:39I was just clowning around a little, that's all.
00:08:41Yeah, well, let's not clown about this one till we get there.
00:08:43Oh, we'll get there.
00:08:44The pilot's a personal friend of mine.
00:08:45This guy hates his wife so much,
00:08:47he's not gonna take that airplane two feet off the ground.
00:08:49If he thinks there's any chance of her collecting the money,
00:08:51he's gonna get it.
00:08:53If he thinks there's any chance of her collecting his insurance.
00:08:57Telephone call for Mr. Trask.
00:09:00Will Mr. David Trask please report to ticket counter for telephone call?
00:09:07You're a traveling salesman, aren't you?
00:09:09How did you guess?
00:09:11I don't know.
00:09:12I guess the way you kid around, maybe.
00:09:14Salesmen always kid a lot.
00:09:17I bet I can guess what you are, too.
00:09:21A doctor?
00:09:23That's right.
00:09:24Hey, what about him?
00:09:26He told me already, he's a lawyer.
00:09:27You don't waste any time, huh, Jack?
00:09:31Hey, how do you do it?
00:09:32I don't know.
00:09:33Just sort of a knack, I guess.
00:09:36I like to figure out about people.
00:09:38You wanna know something else?
00:09:40You're all married.
00:09:42Does it show from here?
00:09:44Aren't you?
00:09:46I am.
00:09:48I'm good and married.
00:09:50Aren't you?
00:09:52I knew it.
00:09:53I can pick a married man from as far as I can see him.
00:09:58You want me to guess what you are?
00:10:01I don't know whether I do or not.
00:10:03You're an actress, aren't you?
00:10:05Thank you, Doc.
00:10:06You scared me there for a minute.
00:10:08Musical comedy?
00:10:09Musical comedy and nightclubs.
00:10:11Hey, no kidding.
00:10:12What do you do, sing and dance?
00:10:14Did any of you happen to see Let's Go?
00:10:15That was a show in New York.
00:10:17I saw it about a year ago, wasn't it?
00:10:18Were you in that?
00:10:20Don't you remember?
00:10:23Let me see.
00:10:25Thank You So Much, Daddy.
00:10:30That's the name of the song I sang,
00:10:31Thank You So Much, Daddy.
00:10:33I remember it.
00:10:34I saw it with Mrs. Trask
00:10:36last March at the Majestic Theater.
00:10:38You remember my routine?
00:10:39Of course.
00:10:41Let me tell you about this number.
00:10:42This is the only song I got in the show.
00:10:44And out of town some head shrinker wants to throw it out.
00:10:47Then I got this idea.
00:10:49And brother, from then on it was in but good.
00:10:51Yeah, what'd you do with it?
00:10:53I did a strip with it.
00:10:56Don't you remember?
00:10:58I remember it.
00:10:59And you forget a beautiful song like that?
00:11:20No, ma'am.
00:11:21Not on that one either.
00:11:22We've only got three more flights out of here tonight
00:11:24and there's no reservation in the name of Trask
00:11:27on any of them.
00:11:36All right, snap it up, folks,
00:11:37before they change their minds again.
00:11:40Oh, I'm terribly sorry.
00:11:43Dr. Portman.
00:11:44Thank you.
00:11:49Thank you.
00:11:55A binky gay.
00:11:58Thank you.
00:12:05You mind if I hang on to you?
00:12:07No, of course not.
00:12:09If it'll make you feel any better.
00:12:16I got a million of them.
00:12:20Babies fly nowadays like I was crawling
00:12:22from the dining room into the kitchen.
00:12:24Just feel my hands.
00:12:25They're absolutely clammy.
00:12:28Why do you do it if it scares you so?
00:12:32A train's too slow for the way I feel.
00:12:43I've been away for over a year now.
00:12:45You know how it is when you get that old feeling.
00:12:47I can't get back to them fast enough.
00:12:53Hey, we're moving.
00:12:55We're rolling out to take off.
00:13:06Did you get a long run in that show?
00:13:08A little lousy.
00:13:09It died in six weeks.
00:13:11What did you do then?
00:13:13Not much of anything.
00:13:14That's why I'm going back.
00:13:16You heard of success stories, haven't you?
00:13:18Well, me, I'm different.
00:13:20I'm a no-success story.
00:13:22Didn't you ever try for another show?
00:13:24Sure, all of them.
00:13:26I even auditioned for Rogers and Hammerstein
00:13:28a couple of months ago.
00:13:29For Mary Martin's part in South Pacific.
00:13:31What did they say?
00:13:33Thanks very much.
00:13:35I'm really surprised.
00:13:37I thought you were very good.
00:13:39I should have thought you'd be a great success after that.
00:13:44Not after the way I got started.
00:13:46I may have thought I was a singer,
00:13:48but after that show, I was strictly a stripper, and that's all.
00:13:50Not that I got anything against stripping.
00:13:52But for the real deal, you've got to be able to keep them on.
00:13:55Take Dinah Shaw, for instance.
00:13:57She could sing in a Persian rug and it'd be all right.
00:14:01Hey, we stopped.
00:14:03We've reached the runway again.
00:14:09Besides, if you've got to take them off when you sing,
00:14:11there's just so far you can go.
00:14:13Then, boom, the cops are chasing you off the back fence.
00:14:26Will you let me hold your hand?
00:14:36Hey, Dad.
00:14:37The council is quite a fast operator, huh?
00:15:02Okay so far.
00:15:05Do you go through life like this?
00:15:07Worrying, you mean?
00:15:09Not necessarily.
00:15:11About things that you can't do anything about.
00:15:14Well, I don't know how necessary it is,
00:15:16but airplanes get a very high priority on my worrying list.
00:15:19You know, I doubt if there's anything more consistently uncomfortable
00:15:22than a fine, modern, luxury airliner.
00:15:24But the New York subway scares me more.
00:15:27There's one very important thing you forget about the subway.
00:15:29In case anything happens, the most you can follow is up.
00:15:32Do you ever meet a stripper?
00:15:34No, never.
00:15:35Well, I go to burlesque down there, you know,
00:15:36just to kind of keep up on the technique.
00:15:38I never thought I'd meet one socially.
00:15:41Hey, you know, you never can tell.
00:15:43I was reading in one of these movie magazines the other day,
00:15:45you know, about the big star, I forget her name,
00:15:47but you always see a picture sitting beside a pool
00:15:49or in a bathing suit saying hello to Santa Claus at Christmas time.
00:15:51You know.
00:15:53It turns out that she teaches a Sunday school class.
00:16:02You're wearing out your nerves for nothing.
00:16:04Why don't you try and relax a little while?
00:16:07Are you sleepy?
00:16:08Are you kidding?
00:16:10Well, I'm afraid I am.
00:16:12You don't mind if I take a nap, do you?
00:16:14No, go ahead.
00:16:15You sleep.
00:16:16I'll watch.
00:16:28Mr. Trask?
00:16:31My name is Carr.
00:16:33My stage name's Pinky Gay, but my real name's Carr.
00:16:36Bianca Carr.
00:16:37Mrs. Carr.
00:16:41As long as we're spending the night together,
00:16:42we might as well know each other's names.
00:17:07Yes, sir?
00:17:08Salt Lake's closed in.
00:17:09We're going into Vega.
00:17:18Adjust your seatbelts, please.
00:17:20We're going into Vega.
00:17:21Yes, sir.
00:17:22Thank you.
00:17:23Thank you.
00:17:24Thank you.
00:17:25Thank you.
00:17:26Thank you.
00:17:27Thank you.
00:17:28Thank you.
00:17:29Thank you.
00:17:30Thank you.
00:17:31Thank you.
00:17:32Thank you.
00:17:33Thank you.
00:17:34Thank you.
00:17:35Adjust your seatbelts, please.
00:17:36We're going to land in a few minutes.
00:17:39We're going to land at Salt Lake City?
00:17:41Salt Lake Airport's closed in.
00:17:42We're going to land at Vega
00:17:43until the weather conditions improve.
00:17:45Oh, he flies through the air
00:17:47with the greatest of ease.
00:17:49He's an airing young man
00:17:51on a flying trapeze.
00:17:53In action's a great soldier.
00:17:56Lead us, please.
00:17:57And darling, make the world a wave.
00:20:01Oh, brother, they just lost me
00:20:03from now on I walk.
00:20:06What's she look like?
00:20:07We can get out of here, all right.
00:20:09Anytime they say we can get in there.
00:20:11I'll tell Salt Lake.
00:20:19How many more days we gonna be here, Skipper?
00:20:21Not much longer.
00:20:22Don't do me any favors, chum.
00:20:24Hey, you know what?
00:20:25I just got an idea.
00:20:26Hey, we never even heard of each other four hours ago,
00:20:28and now we're just like a family.
00:20:30Hey, you know what?
00:20:31I just got an idea.
00:20:32Hey, you know what?
00:20:33We never even heard of each other four hours ago,
00:20:35and now we're just like a regular four musketeers,
00:20:37talking together, chewing the fat,
00:20:38talking about our families, everything,
00:20:40just like we was old friends.
00:20:42Well, that's the way it always is.
00:20:43You know, as soon as there's a little trouble,
00:20:44everybody gets real friendly.
00:20:46Start huddling together,
00:20:47just like horses in a storm.
00:20:49Yeah, what's this for, musketeers?
00:20:52Oh, you know what I mean.
00:20:53Don't you think it'd be a nice idea
00:20:54to have a little record of it?
00:20:55Oh, maybe like a last man club.
00:20:57We'll meet together the same day every year
00:20:59until we're 180 years old.
00:21:00Here's what I mean.
00:21:01Here's my card.
00:21:02Not such a bad idea.
00:21:03We'll get together someday and have a few laughs, huh?
00:21:07Oh, wait a minute.
00:21:08Get this.
00:21:09Edmund, Vincent, Hulk.
00:21:12Hey, Vince, you had a clink on the last one, didn't you?
00:21:14Listen, Mousy.
00:21:16Anybody who calls herself Binky Gay
00:21:18enters such a discussion under a distinct handicap.
00:21:21What about you, Doc?
00:21:25No, I'm afraid I haven't
00:21:26any permanent address just now.
00:21:28Oh, how long you gonna be in L.A.?
00:21:30I don't know yet.
00:21:31Okay, then you call us.
00:21:32We'll make you chairman.
00:21:34What about you, Gypsy Rosalie?
00:21:36I'll have to tattoo it on somebody.
00:21:37I don't happen to have a card with me.
00:21:40Now, here.
00:21:41Here's one for each of us.
00:21:43Just write out your name, address, and phone number.
00:21:45Oh, so that's it.
00:21:47So much trouble for a number.
00:21:48Why didn't you just ask me?
00:21:50No, no, no.
00:21:51It's nothing like that.
00:21:52Unless, of course, you insist.
00:21:54No, I'll fight it for a while.
00:21:56Say, I've been telling you guys I was married.
00:21:59Would you like to see how married I really am?
00:22:03Any complaints on that?
00:22:05Who are you, Harry James?
00:22:06Uh, do you think the boys are old enough to take it?
00:22:09I don't know why not.
00:22:10They're in no more danger of getting drafted than you are.
00:22:17Mrs. Hope?
00:22:18It ain't her uncle.
00:22:22Short to Trasky.
00:22:25I don't know a crock like you ever tie onto a dish of cream cheese like that.
00:22:29I've got that certain ingredient, Miss Lee, with a locked-in flavor.
00:22:32Locked-in is right.
00:22:34Well, here you are.
00:22:35But I think they're more liable to call your house than mine.
00:22:38Oh, deal me out of this one.
00:22:41Hey, you got a picture of Mrs. Fortness?
00:22:54You want to play canaster, just sit here and think about your wife.
00:23:24David, don't go away.
00:23:35Please don't.
00:23:45I've never seen such a jig.
00:23:47There's no Prince Charming.
00:23:49Imagine him showing a picture of his wife around like that.
00:23:52It's a matter of taste.
00:23:53His is still better than hers, I should say.
00:23:56May I have a drink?
00:23:57Oh, no, thank you.
00:24:10Want to make some money?
00:24:12What do you mean?
00:24:14You're a lawyer, aren't you?
00:24:17This is a case.
00:24:19You don't mind taking a case out in the rain, do you?
00:24:23But don't you think it would be better if we waited until we got to town?
00:24:26No, I don't.
00:24:27I don't want to wait another minute.
00:24:29When we were bouncing around up there, I got a thinking.
00:24:32The kind of clear, simple, uncomplicated thoughts you think when you know that death isn't so far away after all.
00:24:39That's when everything falls into its proper perspective.
00:24:42When you can see what's important in your life and what's not.
00:24:46Know what I mean?
00:24:49Yes, I think I do.
00:24:51Well, then, if you're married and have a family,
00:24:55you begin to see that there's nothing else on the face of the earth so important as their love and respect.
00:25:02You got any kids?
00:25:04Two girls.
00:25:06Mine's a boy.
00:25:08You know how it is.
00:25:09You know that warm, comfortable feeling you get at night after dinner?
00:25:13The doors are closed and the rest of the world shut out.
00:25:16It's just you and her and the kids sitting around together.
00:25:21You know the feeling?
00:25:23I know it.
00:25:25Well, when that's gone, you have no idea how lonely life is.
00:25:33What's the problem?
00:25:35Tomorrow morning, I'm going to the district attorney and tell him the story.
00:25:39A true story.
00:25:41Now, what I want to know is, what do I have to be prepared for when I tell him the story?
00:25:45What will I actually have to face?
00:25:49Go on.
00:25:51Don't you drink at all?
00:25:55I just don't feel like one right now.
00:25:59Five years ago, on the 7th, which was a Saturday, dance night at the club,
00:26:06I felt like more than one.
00:26:10I was somewhat better off then than I am now.
00:26:13One of the best practices in town.
00:26:16Smart, well-behaved boy.
00:26:19And without any doubt, whatever I have, the best wife in the whole history of the world.
00:26:29No, no women. Just Jerry and myself.
00:26:32They told me quite frankly that they didn't want me.
00:26:35Of course not. It's not a woman's business.
00:26:38Now, when a boy's reached his 12th birthday, it's up to his father to handle the situation.
00:26:42Oh, Jerry's read books, of course, and he's heard the older boys talk.
00:26:46But until he's done it himself, he simply cannot realize what it means to land a marlin.
00:26:51Where are you going?
00:26:52Guaymas. Best fishing on this coast.
00:26:54Telephone, doctor.
00:26:56Oh, dear.
00:27:02Very nice. Thank you, dear.
00:27:03It was lovely.
00:27:06Excuse me.
00:27:10I hope not.
00:27:11That Mexican kid, probably.
00:27:14You have a call for Dr. Fortness?
00:27:17Yes, this is Dr. Fortness.
00:27:21Very well. Tell him I'll be there shortly.
00:27:32It's the Mexican child.
00:27:34Oh, I'll go with you.
00:27:35No, of course not. You stay here and take care of Claire.
00:27:37You'll excuse me, won't you?
00:27:39Of course.
00:27:40See you later, darling.
00:27:42Good night, kids.
00:27:43Good night.
00:27:44Go along and drive him, Tim.
00:27:46I think I will. It's my case almost as much as his anyway.
00:27:49Luther, take care of the girls, will you?
00:27:52But it looks like a complicated way to get out of paying a check.
00:27:55Will you excuse me?
00:27:58Here you are, sir.
00:27:59Thank you.
00:28:01I'll call the car.
00:28:06Are you all right, darling?
00:28:07Of course.
00:28:08What do you mean?
00:28:11Oh, of course I'm all right.
00:28:14You go on back to your table.
00:28:19Thank you.
00:28:20We'll call you as soon as we're through to see if you're still here.
00:28:22Do you think he's all right?
00:28:24Well, sure. What do you mean?
00:28:25He's had a great deal to drink.
00:28:27Of course not.
00:28:28He doesn't show it, but he has.
00:28:30That's the way he is sometimes.
00:28:32No, no. And if there's the slightest question about it, he won't even wash up.
00:28:36Bob's no fool.
00:28:37Besides, I'll be there. I'm washing up, too.
00:28:43Come on, let's go.
00:28:44Coming, Mother.
00:28:46He's perfectly okay. Forget it.
00:28:52See you later, darling.
00:29:07Hey, take it easy, will you? This is only an appendectomy.
00:29:27I'm watching it.
00:29:38What's the matter with you?
00:29:40There's no traffic at this hour.
00:29:46I've always wanted to know how fast this car will go.
00:29:49This is as good a time as any to find out.
00:29:56I'm not kidding, Bob.
00:30:01You'd better stop the car, Bob. Let me take it.
00:30:03Don't be silly.
00:30:04I'm not being silly.
00:30:05I'm not being silly. This kind of driving is nutty.
00:30:07Okay, but it scares me.
00:30:13Is this all right?
00:30:15I believe you are tight.
00:30:18That's what I might have expected.
00:30:34Bob, please.
00:30:43Stop it, Bob.
00:30:46Stop it, I tell you. Stop it, Bob.
00:30:50Stop it.
00:31:13Did you sleep?
00:31:15A little while.
00:31:17Couldn't have had a much closer call, you know.
00:31:20I know.
00:31:23Do you feel like seeing a man from the DA's office?
00:31:25I can put him off if you don't.
00:31:27I don't mind. It's all right.
00:31:30Tell him to come back this afternoon.
00:31:32No, it's all right. I'm all right.
00:31:42Dr. Fortness is awake now.
00:31:45This is Mrs. Fortness, Mr. Thompson.
00:31:47Good morning, Mrs. Fortness.
00:31:48Good morning.
00:31:49Good morning, sir.
00:31:50Good morning.
00:31:51If you'll excuse me.
00:31:55I hate to push in on you like this.
00:31:57I understand.
00:31:59You know what happened, don't you?
00:32:02I dare not think.
00:32:05All three of them.
00:32:07Dr. Brooks and the two men in the other car.
00:32:09I never saw such a wreck.
00:32:11He must have been going 80.
00:32:13You were driving, weren't you?
00:32:18Are you sure of that?
00:32:21What do you mean?
00:32:23You were thrown out of the left side of the car.
00:32:26Dr. Brooks was driving the car.
00:32:30You got anybody else who can testify to that?
00:32:36I can.
00:32:38Dr. Brooks was behind the wheel when the car left the club.
00:32:52And since then, nothing but loneliness.
00:33:09All right, folks.
00:33:10Ready the board.
00:33:38Good morning.
00:33:40The high altitude affects my ears.
00:33:42All right, all aboard, everybody.
00:33:44We're going to fly 10 miles nonstop this time.
00:33:47Keep moving, Gypsy.
00:33:48It's too early in the morning for one of your performances.
00:33:50Drop dead, will you?
00:33:52Better watch out, Doc.
00:33:54Your husband's right behind you.
00:33:56What a clown.
00:34:02Don't worry too much about it.
00:34:04We'll be able to handle it somehow.
00:34:05I'm not worrying now.
00:34:06That's the spirit.
00:34:07Trasky, she's waiting for you.
00:34:10Will you do me a favor?
00:34:11Ride on the roof the rest of the way.
00:34:15Sit in. I'll sit here.
00:34:17You don't mind?
00:34:18Not in the least.
00:34:22Think you'll be okay this time?
00:34:24Sure. The pilot just told me it's all downhill from here.
00:34:37Let's go.
00:34:58No use, kiddo. I got my wings now.
00:35:00Hey, you gonna sing someplace in L.A.?
00:35:02Why, you dirty old man.
00:35:04What do you mean, old?
00:35:05I got a good mind to write your wife.
00:35:06She's dead. She can't read.
00:35:07Anybody marries you, I don't believe she can even see.
00:35:09Oh, she's okay now.
00:35:11She's beginning to get insulting again.
00:35:12Don't get tough with me, babe.
00:35:14I'll jam your zipper.
00:35:15Yuck, yuck, yuck, yuck.
00:35:16Well, look, I won't say goodbye now,
00:35:18but just in case we miss each other when we get in,
00:35:20don't forget the four musketeers.
00:35:23I won't.
00:35:24And you better call us, because we can't call you.
00:35:26Maybe we can get together someday and have a few laughs.
00:35:28I'll call.
00:35:29How about you, gypsy?
00:35:30I'll ask my husband what he thinks about it.
00:35:32Well, you can ask him, but don't bring him.
00:35:36You know how that guy talks?
00:35:38Yeah, him and his big mouth.
00:35:40What about it?
00:35:41He's a fake.
00:35:43If I really batted an eye at him,
00:35:44he'd be out of here like a scalded cat.
00:35:46Like out of his wife?
00:35:47How about I don't know?
00:35:49He doesn't want any part of any other dame, that's for sure.
00:35:52Could it possibly be that he loves her?
00:35:54You really think she is?
00:35:56Is what?
00:35:57His wife.
00:35:58Don't you?
00:36:00I don't know.
00:36:02I don't get it.
00:36:03There's something funny about that whole setup somewhere.
00:36:05Don't you think so?
00:36:06It never occurred to me, no.
00:36:08A lump like him with a jug like her.
00:36:11It does seem possible that she could have done better.
00:36:13Done better?
00:36:14It looks like she lost a bet.
00:36:17You know what's funny about it?
00:36:20He's happy.
00:36:21That guy's really happy.
00:36:23Why not?
00:36:24Instead of advertising what he's got,
00:36:26he'd be a lot smarter sitting out in front of his house with a shotgun.
00:36:29Still figuring people out, huh?
00:36:32I can't help it.
00:36:34I can't rest till I got him pegged.
00:36:37You want to hear about you?
00:36:38I don't believe so, thank you.
00:36:40You were a cinch.
00:36:41I had you pegged almost before we left.
00:36:42If you don't mind, I'd rather not discuss it.
00:36:44All right.
00:36:46Want to hear about the doc?
00:36:49What about him?
00:36:52He's in big trouble.
00:36:54Why do you say that?
00:36:58He's a pretty smart guy, and he's worried.
00:37:00Smart guys don't worry about pimples.
00:37:02I think something awfully important would make a smart guy worry.
00:37:06Go on.
00:37:07You know what else I think?
00:37:11He made a deal.
00:37:14A deal?
00:37:15Some kind of deal with himself.
00:37:18He's a pretty smart guy.
00:37:20He knows nobody can have 100% of anything.
00:37:23So he made a deal with himself.
00:37:26He settled for half.
00:37:28Am I right?
00:37:32What's that?
00:37:48It's a funny time of year for that much ice.
00:37:56We're getting everything this trip.
00:37:59You know that's what I'm doing?
00:38:02Making a deal?
00:38:04Settling for a percentage.
00:38:06That mother-in-law trouble, you ever heard of it?
00:38:08Yes, I've heard of it.
00:38:10You ever hear of Sally Carr?
00:38:12Yes, vaudeville.
00:38:13That's right, back in the old palace days.
00:38:15Big mama singer, heart of gold stuff.
00:38:18Sure, I remember.
00:38:20She could really belt out a song, couldn't she?
00:38:22She was wonderful.
00:38:23That's my mama-in-law.
00:38:26Every hour I spend with her has been like five rounds of Sugar Ray Robinson.
00:38:30You see, she's still trying to hang on to what she used to be.
00:38:33She's got this broken down nightclub out in Hollywood.
00:38:36She's the emcee and Mike's the floor show.
00:38:38Mike's my husband and a very nice guy.
00:38:41But hear her tell of it, it's Danny Kaye and Sophie Tucker, only better.
00:38:45See what I'm up against?
00:38:47Yes, I see.
00:38:49Imagine how she took it when Mike walked in with me.
00:38:53You're a professional too.
00:38:54Maybe to me, but not to her.
00:38:56I was with the USO troop overseas.
00:38:58That's where I met Mike.
00:38:59That didn't count with her.
00:39:01She says if it's free, soldiers will look at anything.
00:39:04Isn't that rather a fine distinction?
00:39:07Oh, that wasn't it.
00:39:09The truth of it is she didn't like me on sight any more than I liked her.
00:39:12It was bing, bing, bing all the way.
00:39:14Know what I mean?
00:39:16What about Mike?
00:39:17What was he doing all this time?
00:39:19What's a husband usually doing in a spot like that?
00:39:21Refereeing with Mumsy in one corner and Sugar Lump in the other.
00:39:25So what then?
00:39:27Well, then pretty soon all three of us are hanging on the ropes.
00:39:30Then I get this bright idea how to straighten out the mess.
00:39:33I'll go to New York and show the big town what I really got.
00:39:36Make a monkey out of the old bag.
00:39:39So I do the same and make a monkey out of myself.
00:39:41Joke over.
00:39:46You think we ought to turn back?
00:39:48I don't think yet.
00:39:49It gets much worse.
00:39:55So now you're going back to make a deal.
00:39:59Give me Mike and a couple of kids and she can have all the rest of it.
00:40:04You think you can take Mum now?
00:40:07After a year of loneliness I can take anything.
00:40:50Yes, sir.
00:41:13Will there be anything else, sir?
00:41:15Yes, would you write out a telegram for me, please?
00:41:18Aye, sir.
00:41:21Make it a day letter to Mrs. Jane Trask.
00:41:261846 Oak Avenue, Midland City, Iowa.
00:41:32Dear Jane.
00:41:34My address for the next few days will be Wilshire Hotel, Los Angeles.
00:41:41Hugs and kisses for the children.
00:41:44Signed, Dave.
00:41:49Get that off right away. Put it on my bill.
00:41:52Yes, sir. Thank you, sir.
00:42:181846 Oak Avenue, Midland City, Iowa.
00:42:481846 Oak Avenue, Midland City, Iowa.
00:42:54And don't forget, the four musketeers.
00:43:181846 Oak Avenue, Midland City, Iowa.
00:43:28Give me Mike and a couple of kids and she can have all the rest of it.
00:43:48Well, when that's gone, you've no idea how lonely life is.
00:44:19Get me Marino 3637.
00:44:28Hello, Mrs. Fortness?
00:44:30Yes, this is Mrs. Fortness speaking.
00:44:33You don't know me, Mrs. Fortness,
00:44:35but I was a passenger on the plane with Dr. Fortness.
00:44:38He and I came to know each other rather well,
00:44:41and I thought it would be a good idea to meet you.
00:44:44He and I came to know each other rather well,
00:44:47and I thought perhaps you might like to hear something of that last night.
00:45:15Mr. Troust.
00:45:17How do you do, Mrs. Fortness?
00:45:19Come in.
00:45:25Sit here, will you?
00:45:27Thank you.
00:45:29I hope this isn't too much of an intrusion on your grief.
00:45:32Not at all. It was an extremely thoughtful thing for you to do.
00:45:36Dr. Fortness and I spent a good deal of time together at the airport in Vega,
00:45:41and inevitably we talked about our families,
00:45:44as men will if the conversation lasts long enough.
00:45:47About Jerry mostly, I imagine.
00:45:50About both of you.
00:45:52He adored Jerry.
00:45:55He told me.
00:45:58It must have been a wonderful relationship.
00:46:01It was very close.
00:46:05I agreed 100% with him that Los Angeles should be in the major leagues.
00:46:10You did get down to the fundamentals.
00:46:15Is, uh, Jerry here now?
00:46:18No. He had to go out this morning.
00:46:22How's he taking it?
00:46:24It was a great blow to him, of course.
00:46:29I hope you won't consider it an impertinence...
00:46:33if I tell you also that every reference Dr. Fortness made to you
00:46:38was filled with such tenderness,
00:46:41such warmth and devotion,
00:46:44that it was impossible for me not to be impressed by it.
00:46:47Thank you.
00:46:51You don't expect Jerry back soon?
00:46:55I don't believe so.
00:46:59Then I won't wait.
00:47:02I just came to offer my sympathies
00:47:05and to tell you how much you both were in his thoughts that last night.
00:47:09Thank you very much.
00:47:13And if you think he'd like it,
00:47:16I'd be very happy to come back some other time and talk to Jerry about it.
00:47:20He might be pleased to hear some of the things his father told me.
00:47:26That's very kind of you, Mr. Trask.
00:47:29It's nothing more than Dr. Fortness might very well have done for me.
00:47:33You have a son?
00:47:37I have two daughters.
00:47:45He's not coming back.
00:47:47What do you mean?
00:47:49He's gone away.
00:47:52Run away.
00:47:54I just found this.
00:48:04But why?
00:48:06He thinks I did it.
00:48:09He thinks that I drove him to it.
00:48:12He hates me.
00:48:14But how does he figure that?
00:48:16I don't know.
00:48:18I mean, it's too mixed up to tell you.
00:48:21I shouldn't have said anything about it, but...
00:48:24I just can't seem to think straight.
00:48:27I don't know.
00:48:30I'm sorry.
00:48:33Can't you think of something I might be able to do?
00:48:37I don't believe so, thank you.
00:48:39Would you like me to talk to the police?
00:48:41No, that wouldn't be any use.
00:48:43I'm afraid I can't.
00:48:45I'm afraid I can't.
00:48:47I'm afraid I can't.
00:48:49I'm afraid I can't.
00:48:51I'm afraid I can't.
00:48:53I'm afraid I can't.
00:48:55I'm afraid I can't.
00:48:57Would you like me to talk to the police?
00:48:59No, that wouldn't be any use.
00:49:01I wouldn't want him back like that.
00:49:04Only if he misses me someday and wants to come back.
00:49:15Is this Jerry?
00:49:22I'm terribly sorry to have imposed this on you.
00:49:26It's all right.
00:49:28I appreciate your coming here...
00:49:31and very much what you've told me.
00:49:33I don't like to leave you alone like this.
00:49:35No, I'm all right now.
00:49:37Thank you.
00:49:43Would you mind if I telephoned this evening...
00:49:46just in case there should be something?
00:49:48If you want to.
00:49:50But please don't feel that you need.
00:49:53You may think of something.
00:49:55Thank you.
00:50:25That's right, madam.
00:50:27Are there any ships leaving here today for South America?
00:50:31No passenger ships, sir.
00:50:33What about freighters?
00:50:35Yes, two.
00:50:37The Chilean Star at midnight from berth 75 in San Pedro...
00:50:41and the Santiago at 11 o'clock from berth 160 in Wilmington.
00:50:44Thank you.
00:50:50Well, no sign of them here.
00:50:52We'd have seen them, I'm sure.
00:50:54They watch these ships pretty close these days.
00:50:56They got guards.
00:50:58Excuse me.
00:51:06Oh, yeah? Hold on a minute.
00:51:09They got them over at Pedro, pier 75.
00:51:11The watchman's holding them for you.
00:51:1375? That's right. Thank you.
00:51:15I don't want. Be right over.
00:51:23Come on.
00:51:34This him?
00:51:38Who are you?
00:51:40If you're Jerry Fortness, I'm a friend of your father's.
00:51:42I was on the plane with him the other night.
00:51:44You were in that crash?
00:51:46That's right.
00:51:48Your father and I became very good friends that night.
00:51:50That's why I'm here.
00:51:52To see if you and I can't get together...
00:51:54and talk this thing over a bit.
00:51:56You mean with Mother?
00:51:58I should think so.
00:52:00How did she know where I was?
00:52:02She didn't. It was my idea.
00:52:04Won't you come back with me now?
00:52:06No. Not to her.
00:52:08I told her I'd never go back to that house again, and I won't.
00:52:11Not as long as I live.
00:52:13After we've talked about it...
00:52:15if you still want to go away, I'm sure she won't object.
00:52:17I'll bet.
00:52:19You can't put me in jail. I haven't done anything.
00:52:21You sneaked down this pier, didn't you?
00:52:23Oh, sure.
00:52:25You can go to the cooler.
00:52:27What do you think that's up there for?
00:52:29I didn't see that.
00:52:31That's another charge.
00:52:33Not noticeable.
00:52:35Why don't you come back with me now, Jerry?
00:52:37You got two choices.
00:52:39Go with him like he says...
00:52:41or I can ring for the wagon, whichever you want.
00:52:45All right, then.
00:52:47But I'm not gonna stay there.
00:52:49It's up to you. I'm only interested in tonight.
00:52:54Much obliged to you, officer.
00:52:56He'll be all right.
00:52:58He's not a bad kid.
00:53:00How'd you figure this thing?
00:53:02Just took a chance.
00:53:04Your father told me how you used to take trips together...
00:53:06how the big plan was to sail away to South America someday.
00:53:09So here we are.
00:53:11That was pretty smart figuring.
00:53:17Come on.
00:53:39So glad to see you, darling.
00:53:41Are you all right?
00:53:43Oh, sure.
00:53:45Would you like something to eat?
00:53:47No, I'm not hungry.
00:53:49I'm terribly sorry.
00:53:51Leave me alone, will you? I'm all right.
00:53:53How did you do it?
00:53:55Just luck.
00:53:57I'm not gonna stay here, you know. I told him already.
00:53:59Why not?
00:54:01She knows.
00:54:03Are you sure she does?
00:54:05Why shouldn't she? She knows the whole thing...
00:54:07but that didn't stop her from sending him out of his own house.
00:54:09If he hadn't had to keep going away all the time...
00:54:11he wouldn't have been on that plane.
00:54:13I don't know why he kept going away, too, but I do.
00:54:15I've known it all along.
00:54:17He went away to drink, didn't he?
00:54:21But he couldn't help that.
00:54:23I know what drink is.
00:54:25It's a disease.
00:54:27He couldn't help himself any more than you can help...
00:54:29from getting T.B. or pneumonia or anything like that.
00:54:31You're supposed to feel sorry for a man like that...
00:54:33not drive him away from his own home to be sick.
00:54:35He went away...
00:54:37because he didn't want you to know, darling.
00:54:39Oh, sure. Everything was his fault.
00:54:41You didn't do anything.
00:54:43You just wouldn't talk to him.
00:54:45All you did was make him like a ghost...
00:54:47walking around all the time without saying anything.
00:54:49And all the time, he loved you more than he did me.
00:54:51He never said it, but he did.
00:54:53I could tell.
00:54:55And my loving him just wasn't enough for him.
00:55:01If you would prefer to leave, Mr. Trask...
00:55:03I'd still like to talk to him.
00:55:05Jerry, darling.
00:55:07I'm getting out of here.
00:55:09Jerry, let me go.
00:55:11Not until you promise to behave yourself for a few minutes.
00:55:13Let me go, I tell you.
00:55:15And get it through your head I didn't chase you all the way to Wilmington...
00:55:17just to come back here and listen to a lot of whining nonsense.
00:55:19I know that you mean well, Mr. Trask, but...
00:55:21that is not the way to handle my son.
00:55:23Would you be good enough to leave now?
00:55:25In just a few minutes, I promise you.
00:55:27But not until I've explained one thing to him about his father.
00:55:30I don't want to hear it.
00:55:32I'm afraid you'll have to, Jerry.
00:55:34What about his father?
00:55:38The other night, Dr. Fortness engaged me as his attorney...
00:55:41for a matter that I'll explain in a minute.
00:55:44This, I believe, gives me something more...
00:55:46than simply a busybody position here.
00:55:49I can't guarantee, of course, that this is precisely...
00:55:52what he'd want me to do or say.
00:55:54But if I learned anything during our few hours together...
00:55:57I'm sure he'd be happy to hear it.
00:56:01It was that I was with a man...
00:56:03who was prepared to go to any lengths...
00:56:05to make up in any way whatever...
00:56:07for the cruel, shocking, almost irreparable harm...
00:56:10he'd done to the love and respect of his family.
00:56:12That's not true.
00:56:14What's not true?
00:56:16That he ever did any harm to his family.
00:56:19Five years ago, your father was in a dreadful automobile accident.
00:56:22Do you remember that?
00:56:24Of course.
00:56:26Three people were killed in that accident.
00:56:28Two in the other car...
00:56:30and his friend Dr. Brooks, who was driving.
00:56:32Is that right?
00:56:34That's when all your trouble started, wasn't it?
00:56:37Yes, I guess so.
00:56:39Were you at the country club that night?
00:56:41No, I was home in bed. Why?
00:56:43Then you wouldn't know whether your father was drunk or not, would you?
00:56:46Who says he was?
00:56:48Wait a moment.
00:56:50What are you trying to do?
00:56:52Straighten him out, that's all.
00:56:54But you mustn't, like that.
00:56:56I won't permit it.
00:56:58It'll only make things worse.
00:57:00How can things be worse?
00:57:02But you have no right to shake his faith in his father.
00:57:05Why, it's the most important thing that he has left in his life.
00:57:09I forbid you to say such things to him.
00:57:12But what if I told you that this is exactly what his father was planning to do...
00:57:15only a thousand times more shockingly?
00:57:18I don't know what you're talking about.
00:57:22You know the whole story of that night, don't you?
00:57:24Of course.
00:57:25Then you know a lie.
00:57:27It wasn't Dr. Brooks that was driving the car that night.
00:57:29It was your father, drunk.
00:57:31Did she tell you that?
00:57:33Of course not.
00:57:35He did.
00:57:37I don't believe it.
00:57:39Is it true, Miss Sportness?
00:57:46And it was your mother who knew better...
00:57:49who heard your father tell that lie to the police...
00:57:52than lied herself to protect him.
00:58:00I can't believe it.
00:58:03It's true, Jerry.
00:58:07But when you're thinking about it...
00:58:10try to understand this.
00:58:13It was an indecent thing that he did.
00:58:16But that didn't make him an indecent man.
00:58:19An indecent man would have enjoyed his escape.
00:58:23Only a decent man would have been lost...
00:58:26in the shame and the horror of what he had done.
00:58:33I know all this, Miss Sportness...
00:58:35because Dr. Sportness engaged me to go with him to the district attorney...
00:58:38to tell him the whole story.
00:58:40And whatever that would have meant...
00:58:42and I assure you he had no delusions about the possibilities...
00:58:45it would have been worth it to him...
00:58:48if it brought back your respect for him.
00:58:55Thank you.
00:58:58Goodbye, Jerry.
00:59:00Mr. Trask.
00:59:04Tell me, was he...
00:59:06was he drinking when he told you this?
00:59:08Of course not.
00:59:10I don't take cases from drunks.
00:59:18I don't take cases from drunks.
00:59:37Now, now, Doc.
00:59:49Hempstead 3449, please.
00:59:53Hempstead, that's right.
01:00:03Club car.
01:00:05It's Mr. Michael Carr.
01:00:07Just a minute.
01:00:09Somebody wants to talk to Mr. Carr.
01:00:11I'll take it.
01:00:18Yeah, who wants him?
01:00:20He doesn't know me.
01:00:22Is this Miss Carr?
01:00:24Yes, who's this?
01:00:26I was on that plane Friday night.
01:00:29What plane?
01:00:31The, uh... that plane from Chicago.
01:00:33Well, what about it?
01:00:39I'm sorry.
01:00:41Just a minute. Hey, you!
01:00:43You were that vacuum cleaner. What's that rockhead's name?
01:00:46Henry, knock that off.
01:00:48What's the matter with you? Can't you see I'm talking on this phone?
01:00:50What is it you want?
01:00:52I think it's a matter I'd better take up with Mr. Carr first.
01:00:55When will he be in?
01:00:57You can try after dinner, about 9.30.
01:00:59Thank you.
01:01:02What's the matter with you, you blind...
01:01:16Good evening, sir. Good evening.
01:01:18I'd like to see Mr. Michael Carr.
01:01:20Mr. Carr's about to go on now, sir.
01:01:22Would you like to wait at the bar? Oh, thank you.
01:01:24Part of everything I do
01:01:29To cry as much, to laugh as much
01:01:32And love me even half as much
01:01:35As I love you
01:01:40Now, gin and tonic. Yes, sir.
01:01:44And now, ladies and gentlemen,
01:01:46it gives me great pleasure to introduce to you
01:01:48a young man who really needs no introduction.
01:01:50You all know him very well.
01:01:53I know him even better.
01:01:55I give you Mr. Michael...
01:02:03Michael what?
01:02:05Carr. Oh, it's all stupid of me.
01:02:07Ladies and gentlemen,
01:02:09Mr. Michael Carr!
01:02:14Thank you, Mama.
01:02:16Thank you what?
01:02:18I'm terribly sorry. I forgot.
01:02:20Thank you, sister.
01:02:22That's better.
01:02:24Try not to forget again, son.
01:02:28As a matter of fact, ladies and gentlemen,
01:02:30this happens to be Miss Carr's birthday.
01:02:32Oh, the old gray mare
01:02:35She ain't what she used to be
01:02:37She ain't what she used to be
01:02:39She ain't what she used to be
01:02:41She ain't what she used to be
01:02:43Many long years ago
01:02:47Now, ladies and gentlemen,
01:02:49a favorite of mine, and I'm sure one of you.
01:02:56Give me a Coke.
01:03:01Miss Carr? Yes?
01:03:04My name is Trask. I spoke to you on the phone this afternoon.
01:03:07Oh, yes, but you'll have to wait till after the show now.
01:03:10That's all right. I'm enjoying it.
01:03:28Is it about Binky?
01:03:31Why, yes.
01:03:34What are you, the lawyer?
01:03:37Well, I am a lawyer, yes.
01:03:39Well, if it's alimony she's after, you're wasting your time.
01:03:41He's not gonna give her a nickel.
01:03:47Well, has she asked for any yet?
01:03:49No, but that's what you're here for.
01:03:51I know that, dame.
01:03:53But she do phone you the minute she got the notice.
01:03:58As a matter of fact,
01:04:00I'm only here to get a line on the situation.
01:04:02Nothing's been really...
01:04:04You want a line on the situation?
01:04:06I'll give you a line on the situation.
01:04:08I'll give you plenty of line on it.
01:04:10Come with me.
01:04:12Tell Carr I want to see him.
01:04:14Yes, ma'am.
01:04:18If ever a dame asked for it, it was that clown of yours.
01:04:22I pegged her the minute I laid eyes on her.
01:04:25Sit down.
01:04:26She never carried a nickel from Mike.
01:04:28All she was after was the name and what she could get out of it.
01:04:31What do you mean, the name?
01:04:32Carr! My name. You know who I am, don't you?
01:04:35Very well, indeed. I'm an old vaudeville fan.
01:04:38Well, she knew it so well, she wanted it for herself.
01:04:41It don't hurt, you know, to have a famous name in this business.
01:04:44Come in!
01:04:47You know that boy Henry?
01:04:48Yes, madam.
01:04:49Give him his money and get him out of here.
01:04:51What did you do?
01:04:52Didn't I say no serving during the show?
01:04:55Did you see what he was doing just now?
01:04:56Yes, but the party called him over.
01:04:58They're a little drunk, and I told him to go to the table.
01:05:00They might have made a fuss of some kind.
01:05:01Listen, I don't want to argue the matter.
01:05:03Get out of here, I can tell you.
01:05:04Yes, madam.
01:05:10How well do you know this dame?
01:05:13Not too well. I met her only once.
01:05:16Well, let me tell you something about her.
01:05:19If I'd been that girl's own mother, I couldn't have treated her any better.
01:05:23Like my own blood daughter.
01:05:26I knew she was out for what she could get,
01:05:28but when I saw that my son thought he loved her,
01:05:30I nearly broke my back trying to make that marriage work.
01:05:33I see.
01:05:34But you wouldn't believe it, the abuse I had to take when he wasn't around.
01:05:38And such vulgarity you never heard in your life.
01:05:41But do you think I'd let him know it?
01:05:44I'd rather have cut off my right arm.
01:05:47Until last week.
01:05:51And then, heaven help me, I had to tell him.
01:05:55Well, why last week?
01:05:57Because I couldn't stand to see him eating his heart out any longer.
01:06:00Not for that rip.
01:06:02I let him have it, but good.
01:06:06And it was then that he decided to file suit?
01:06:10What else could he do when her already gone a year?
01:06:15Did she ever tell you the way she left here?
01:06:22I'll bet she didn't.
01:06:26Well, it was a Saturday afternoon about this same time last year.
01:06:31She'd really had one of her spells on that week.
01:06:36You should have seen her, Mr. Trask.
01:06:57You wish to see me, my child?
01:07:00The jerk tells me you don't want me to sing in the show.
01:07:03I do want you, Binky, dear, but I just don't think it would be advisable at this particular time.
01:07:09And I say that for your own good.
01:07:12Yellow, huh?
01:07:14I'm afraid I do not comprehend what it is that you mean by that.
01:07:18Scared, you dope.
01:07:20Scared if they ever hear me sing in this crap, they'll throw rocks at you.
01:07:23You mortify me, Binky.
01:07:26What do you think I'm here for, anyway?
01:07:28Listen to that carnival show every night?
01:07:30Why do you think I married that goon?
01:07:32But I thought you loved me, darling.
01:07:34Why don't you go and fly a kite?
01:07:36But, Binky, dear.
01:07:38My son, my son.
01:07:40I'm here to get mine fat stuff, and the sooner you know it, the better.
01:07:43I'm sure you don't wish to be unfair, child.
01:07:46Do I sing or not? That's all I want out of you.
01:07:49As I've tried to explain, Binky dear.
01:07:51Okay, I get it.
01:07:53I got one more proposition for you.
01:07:55Anything within human reason, daughter.
01:08:02You want me to stay here, ducky?
01:08:05No, I do, darling.
01:08:07Then tell Mumsy you and I want 50% interest in the joint.
01:08:11But, Binky, dear.
01:08:13You want me to stay or not, ducky?
01:08:17Mumsky, darling.
01:08:19Would you...
01:08:21Could you see your way clear to...
01:08:23My, my own.
01:08:24You know I'd rather cut off my right arm
01:08:26than deny anything to you or Binky.
01:08:29But after all, you already have 5%.
01:08:32And unless something good turns up for me on Broadway,
01:08:35this little joint is all I have to provide
01:08:38for my few remaining years.
01:08:41But when I pass on,
01:08:44remember it will all be yours and hers, 100%.
01:08:49How about that, Binky?
01:08:51Sorry, so indefinite.
01:08:53How much you got in the till?
01:08:55Well, I don't know, but...
01:08:56Come on, let me have it.
01:08:57You can't do that, Binky. That's larceny.
01:08:59Shake it up. I'm chiefing out of here tonight.
01:09:01But if you take the money, Binky,
01:09:03we will have no change for the customers.
01:09:05Get out of my way.
01:09:08Let her have it, Arthur.
01:09:10Her need is greater than ours.
01:09:23And that's the last we've seen of her.
01:09:27As Mike says, absolutely incredible.
01:09:31And after all we've done for her,
01:09:35After all we've done for her...
01:09:38Beat it!
01:09:48I thought you was in there.
01:10:05My sympathies, of course, are entirely with you,
01:10:07but after what you've said,
01:10:09I find myself in rather an awkward position.
01:10:11I thought you would.
01:10:13No, it's not that.
01:10:16Well, the fact is, I didn't come here about the divorce.
01:10:19I knew nothing about that until you mentioned it.
01:10:21Nor did Mrs. Carr when I spoke to her.
01:10:24I don't believe she even dreamed of such a thing.
01:10:26Then what was it?
01:10:28Well, as it turned out,
01:10:30you seemed to have been in some error,
01:10:32at least on one point.
01:10:33Which one was that?
01:10:34Binky's professional talent.
01:10:36You ever hear her?
01:10:38No, I never did.
01:10:39You're lucky.
01:10:40Then I take it you haven't heard about the audition.
01:10:43Audition for who?
01:10:45Rogers and Hammerstein, is it?
01:10:47Binky auditioned for Rogers and Hammerstein?
01:10:49For the Mary Morton part in South Pacific.
01:10:51Miss Morton's leaving to go into the London production.
01:10:54Well, that must have been a mute.
01:10:56They asked her to audition after seeing her in Let's Go.
01:10:59What'd they say?
01:11:02Well, for a couple of days, nothing.
01:11:04They had lots of others to listen to, I imagine.
01:11:08And so she just had to sit and wait
01:11:11until last Thursday afternoon.
01:12:01Oh, yes, this is Miss Binky Gay.
01:12:07Rogers and Hammerstein?
01:12:12They do?
01:12:14Both of them?
01:12:54You're a pretty lucky gal, really.
01:12:56Oh, don't I know it.
01:12:57There isn't a dame in this place
01:12:59who wouldn't give up half her alimony
01:13:01to be in your shoes tonight.
01:13:03Is there going to be some more cast changes?
01:13:05Just a few, not everybody.
01:13:07What about Bloody Mary?
01:13:09We're gonna get someone for her, too.
01:13:11That's a nice part.
01:13:14It's the kind of a part that comes along once in a generation.
01:13:17For an old doll, that's dream stuff.
01:13:20Remember Sally Carr?
01:13:22Sally Carr? You bet your life I do.
01:13:25Now, there really was a trooper when she played the palace.
01:13:28Oh, what about her for Bloody Mary?
01:13:31Sally Carr?
01:13:32Why not?
01:13:33But holy smoke, is she still alive?
01:13:36Oh, very much so, and still belting them out as good as ever.
01:13:39Oh, and, Mr. Starr, in that part, she'd be real terrific.
01:13:41She really would.
01:13:43Where did you dig her?
01:13:45She's my mamzy, my mother-in-law, that is.
01:13:48We've had our little differences,
01:13:50but she's still a grand old gal with a heart of gold.
01:13:52And as Bloody Mary, she'd be sheer heaven.
01:13:55Sally Carr as Bloody Mary.
01:13:58How can I get in touch with her?
01:14:00Oh, you needn't bother.
01:14:01I'll phone a friend of mine out there tonight,
01:14:03and he'll go talk to her about doing it.
01:14:15But under the circumstances,
01:14:17I have no intention of embarrassing you with Mrs. Carr's suggestion.
01:14:21I had no way of knowing how inexcusably she'd treated you.
01:14:25Oh, believe me, I wouldn't have come out here
01:14:27if I hadn't wasted so much of your time.
01:14:30You're a Mr. Carr, aren't you?
01:14:32Finkie's husband.
01:14:38Oh, uh, could I see you outside for a moment?
01:14:41Just what I was about to suggest to you.
01:14:44Good night, Miss Carr.
01:14:58What was the idea?
01:15:00The idea originally was to bring you a piece of very tragic news.
01:15:06I got it just a few minutes ago.
01:15:08I'm terribly sorry, Mr. Carr.
01:15:10Thank you.
01:15:12When did you see her?
01:15:13I was on that plane.
01:15:15Did you talk to her? Much?
01:15:17Quite a bit.
01:15:18We were seated together.
01:15:20Oh, I see.
01:15:22I'm sorry.
01:15:24Quite a bit.
01:15:25We were seated together.
01:15:27Did she say anything...
01:15:28anything about why she was coming back?
01:15:31She, uh, hadn't received the divorce notice,
01:15:34if that's what you mean.
01:15:35Are you sure?
01:15:36I'm positive.
01:15:38As far as she knew, she was coming home to you as ever.
01:15:41Thank you very much for that.
01:15:44As for that nonsense to your mother, I...
01:15:47Skip it.
01:15:48Just don't be in town when she finds out.
01:15:50Thanks, I won't.
01:15:52The reason I didn't stop you myself,
01:15:54I mean really stop you,
01:15:56you were giving Vinky such a beautiful success,
01:15:59the kind she always dreamed about,
01:16:01never could have,
01:16:03until you gave it to her.
01:16:09Good night, Mike.
01:16:10Good night, sir.
01:16:23Get me Valley 48269, please.
01:16:32Mrs. Hoke?
01:16:34You don't know me,
01:16:35but I was a passenger on that plane with your husband.
01:16:48I'm calling on Mrs. Hoke.
01:16:50Oh, yes, sir. Will you come in?
01:16:52Thank you.
01:16:57You can go right in. She's expecting you.
01:16:59Thank you.
01:17:10Mr. Trask?
01:17:12Mrs. Hoke.
01:17:14He showed you the picture, I see.
01:17:16Yes, and it was greatly admired, of course.
01:17:20But he didn't tell you how old it was?
01:17:24He never did, but you can see why.
01:17:27Sit there, will you?
01:17:29Thank you.
01:17:33It's very kind of you to do this.
01:17:35Not at all.
01:17:37It was Eddie who was responsible, as a matter of fact.
01:17:40There were four of us
01:17:42who spent a good deal of time together during the night.
01:17:45The Four Musketeers, he called us.
01:17:47The names seemed to establish
01:17:49some kind of bond between us, still.
01:17:52And are you going to see the other families, too?
01:17:56I have already.
01:17:58How grateful they must have been.
01:18:00That I'm not so sure of.
01:18:03Why not?
01:18:05I came in on people whose lives
01:18:08I came in on people whose lives
01:18:10were not as uncomplicated as they might have been.
01:18:13Oh, good heavens, whose is?
01:18:15I don't know.
01:18:17Is yours?
01:18:21Of course not nobody's is.
01:18:23That's what Binky said,
01:18:25one of the other musketeers.
01:18:28I'm sure that every single solitary person
01:18:31we see every day of our lives
01:18:33is trying to find his way out
01:18:35of some kind of problem or another.
01:18:38I suppose so.
01:18:40And in time, of course, they will.
01:18:42All of them?
01:18:44I imagine so, in time.
01:18:47I wish I could agree with you.
01:18:50You mean your own?
01:18:52Forgive me.
01:18:54This is hardly the moment to...
01:18:56Is it really so serious?
01:18:58To me, it couldn't be more so.
01:19:01Only to you?
01:19:03What do you mean?
01:19:05Not to your family, too?
01:19:08Well, to my children, of course.
01:19:11But not to your wife?
01:19:14You can't be interested in my problems.
01:19:17You know you can't.
01:19:19Where is she now?
01:19:21At home.
01:19:23Back home, you mean?
01:19:25That's it.
01:19:27And does she want to stay there now?
01:19:30She says she does.
01:19:32Is that it?
01:19:36But I don't know that I care to be there with her.
01:19:38Even though you're still in love with her?
01:19:40Why do you assume that?
01:19:42You must, or there wouldn't be any problem.
01:19:52Janie, my wife, fell in love with another man.
01:19:56After 12 years and two children,
01:19:58that's what happened to our marriage.
01:20:01And it happened without my even suspecting it,
01:20:04without my knowing anything about it at all,
01:20:06until it was all over.
01:20:08And she told me.
01:20:10She told you herself?
01:20:15That was a month ago.
01:20:17And I tried.
01:20:19I tried very hard to understand what had happened
01:20:23and to find some way to accept a fact
01:20:26which I couldn't think of without dying a little.
01:20:30But it was no use. I couldn't do it.
01:20:35Have you ever thought of it the other way around?
01:20:38That's always the woman's argument.
01:20:41And that's always the man's way of dodging an answer to it.
01:20:46It's different. I wish it weren't, but it is.
01:20:51Have you talked to her since you went away?
01:20:54Once, on the phone.
01:20:56What did she say?
01:20:59But it's the memory of that mistake.
01:21:02It's the memory of someone else always between us,
01:21:05and I don't believe I'd ever be able to support it.
01:21:08Few men can.
01:21:10I know.
01:21:11Only the strongest.
01:21:15Many, many wives, of course,
01:21:17but only a few very strong husbands.
01:21:25I'm sorry. I had no right to say that.
01:21:29Would you care for a drink?
01:21:31No, I don't think so, thank you.
01:21:37How did you like Eddie?
01:21:41Quite well. He was a lot of fun.
01:21:44Too many jokes, you mean.
01:21:46No, not at all.
01:21:48We had a very pleasant time together.
01:21:52Most people detested him.
01:21:54Oh, no, I can't believe that.
01:21:56Loud, dull, vulgar.
01:21:58Always horning in where he wasn't wanted.
01:22:02I don't believe that's a fair description of him at all.
01:22:07Don't you?
01:22:08No, I don't.
01:22:10I do, because that's what he was.
01:22:13A tiresome, foolish, irritating man.
01:22:16And even after all these years,
01:22:18I still can't think what it was that made me marry him.
01:22:22Of course, I was flighty myself in those days,
01:22:25and perhaps I thought he was fun,
01:22:27and that marriage with him would be one long laugh.
01:22:31If that was it, though, I was wrong.
01:22:35So naturally, there came a day
01:22:37when I looked for happiness somewhere else.
01:22:47Not late, am I?
01:22:49No, I was just nervous anyway.
01:22:51We're okay now.
01:22:57Turn off Elm.
01:23:03Was there any trouble?
01:23:05He wasn't there.
01:23:07He flew to San Francisco this afternoon.
01:23:12He wasn't there.
01:23:14He flew to San Francisco this afternoon.
01:23:17You didn't tell him?
01:23:21What about when he gets back?
01:23:23Won't he go to the police or something?
01:23:25Oh, I left a note.
01:23:27Saying what?
01:23:29Just that I was going away, that's all.
01:23:32Not who with?
01:23:34No, nothing else.
01:23:37Well, it doesn't matter. We know what we're doing.
01:23:41I'm not worried.
01:23:46When do you figure we'll get to Chicago?
01:23:49I don't know.
01:23:51I don't see any reason why we ought to break any records, do you?
01:23:56We might take it easy, stop off here and there,
01:23:58see a bit of the country while we're above it.
01:24:00Oh, I'd like that.
01:24:07You'll never make it.
01:24:09Okay, wise guy.
01:24:39You'll never make it.
01:25:10Are you all right, darling?
01:25:12I don't know yet.
01:25:15What'd you do, hit the raft?
01:25:17Did I?
01:25:34I'm sorry.
01:25:36I'm sorry.
01:25:56Good afternoon, ma'am.
01:25:59Can you park the car?
01:26:01Yes, sir. You go right ahead. I'll get the baggage.
01:26:28Thank you.
01:26:30Thank you.
01:26:57Lake 2-2000.
01:26:59It's possible.
01:27:01St. Luke's?
01:27:03This is Dr. Fernwood.
01:27:05I want an ambulance sent to the Chicago Inn Hotel on State Street.
01:27:08Thank you.
01:27:30What is it?
01:27:32Let's sit down.
01:27:34How'd she get that bump on her head?
01:27:36In a lake.
01:27:38She dived, came up under a raft.
01:27:42No, thanks.
01:27:44How long ago was that?
01:27:46Last Thursday morning.
01:27:52That's it, I imagine.
01:27:54Without getting technical about it...
01:27:56...she seems to be suffering from a blood clot on the brain.
01:27:59A subdural hematoma.
01:28:01That's the way those things usually start, from some blow on the head.
01:28:04How could that be?
01:28:06She was perfectly all right the next day.
01:28:08Just a little headache.
01:28:10Yes, I know.
01:28:12That's the way they develop, too, very slowly.
01:28:16Will you have to operate?
01:28:18Yes, we're getting her ready now.
01:28:20There's already an operation.
01:28:22We're getting her ready now.
01:28:24There's already a partial paralysis.
01:28:26Her breathing's been affected.
01:28:28That's why I thought we shouldn't waste any more time.
01:28:30You mean she's liable to die?
01:28:32No, I didn't say that.
01:28:34It's a delicate operation, but it's very rarely fatal.
01:28:36What is quite possible, though...
01:28:38...and I think you ought to be prepared for it...
01:28:40...is a residual effect.
01:28:42Some degree of paralysis afterwards.
01:28:46I'm afraid that's fairly common in these cases.
01:28:48Should she be paralyzed afterward?
01:28:50It's quite possible...
01:28:52...to some extent.
01:29:18Oh, yes, Doctor.
01:29:22I see.
01:29:24Well, is she conscious this morning?
01:29:31I see.
01:29:35Thank you, Doctor.
01:29:38Thank you very much.
01:29:46Thank you.
01:30:19This is Mr. Nelson in 1267.
01:30:23Yes, will you get my bill ready right away, please?
01:30:25I'm checking out.
01:30:28Thank you.
01:30:38It was a week before I could bring myself to realize...
01:30:42...that he'd gone away and left me.
01:30:47But by then it didn't seem to matter.
01:30:50Nothing did.
01:30:57In this whole, wide, empty world.
01:31:13Mrs. Elk?
01:31:38Hiya, beautiful.
01:31:40Hiya, beautiful.
01:31:53Dull, foolish, vulgar to some.
01:32:00But not to me.
01:32:04To me he was a man like a rock.
01:32:07Nothing could shake him.
01:32:10Nothing could shake his love.
01:32:14It was from him I learned what love really was.
01:32:18Not a frail little fancy to be smashed and broken...
01:32:22...by pride and vanity and self-pity.
01:32:27That's for children.
01:32:30That's for high school kids.
01:32:33But a rock as strong as life itself.
01:32:38Indestructible and eternal.
01:32:53May I use your phone?
01:33:07Mr. Trask.
01:33:13Long distance.
01:33:15I'd like to speak to Mrs. David Trask, person to person...
01:33:18...at Prairie 4267, Midland City, Iowa.
01:33:22And reverse the charge.
01:33:25This is Mr. Trask.
01:33:31Valley 48269.
01:33:34That's right.
01:33:38They're ringing now.
01:33:53There's no answer.
01:34:08She's out.
01:34:12Well, it's nearly midnight there.
01:34:15Oh, for the love of Pete.
01:34:18I don't understand it.
01:34:19We've got children there. She's got no right to...
01:34:21Hello, Dave?
01:34:23Hello, Dave?
01:34:28Hello, Janie?
01:34:30Where have you been? Up on the roof?
01:34:32Phone's been ringing for...
01:34:34Shower? At midnight?
01:34:37Of course, darling.
01:34:39You know I always take a shower every night.
01:34:41Don't you remember?
01:34:44Oh, yeah, sure.
01:34:47How are you?
01:34:50We're all fine.
01:34:52How are you?
01:34:54I'm fine.
01:34:57How are the kids?
01:35:00I told you, they're fine.
01:35:02That's fine.
01:35:06What is it, darling?
01:35:09Well, Janie, I've been thinking about it.
01:35:12And the way things are, if...
01:35:15If it's all right with you...
01:35:17You get on that plane.
01:35:19Don't you wait for the train.
01:35:21You know I do, Janie.
01:35:23Hurry up, darling. Just get on the plane.
01:35:24I am, right away.
01:35:26So the girls...
01:35:27Absolutely, honey. I'm getting the first plane out.
01:35:29Now, you get on that plane.
01:35:31Don't you wait for the train.
01:35:33And we'll all come down and meet you.
01:35:35Listen, listen, darling.
01:35:36Do you have any idea about the schedule?
01:35:38But don't you even want to hear why?
01:35:40And the girls...
01:35:41And I think I'm done thinking.
