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Full Video: Are you crazy? || Acharya Prashant, with IIT Delhi (2022)
Link: • Are you crazy? || Acharya Prashant, w...

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Video Information:

How can one discover the truth?
How can one be crazy in daily life?
How can one lead a happy life?
Is it possible to query the nature of desire itself?
Where is the real happiness?

Music Credits: Milind Date


00:00Namaste Acharyaji. My name is Utsav. I'm from 2015 MBA batch. In my experience, only a crazy
00:11person can understand true love. So are you crazy?
00:18You're asking this question while assuming that what you have experienced and what you
00:25have concluded based on your experience is already true. Yes. So isn't it important that
00:35first of all we investigate the premise itself? Yes, of course. Or do you propose that we
00:43proceed on the assumption? No. So if you look at the mind and if you look at mind's perception
00:52of its own dissolution and then enjoying its own dissolution, a normal person with an ego
01:00mind will call him a crazy person. Right. But for him, that is a true love. So in that
01:06sense, are you also that crazy in thinking that way?
01:13I could say yes. I could also say no. But I'm not really sure whether that would be
01:23useful. Because you see, these are words that are recycled so much in the spiritual literature
01:34that just because one is habituated to reading them, one starts feeling one knows them.
01:43Now, just because one is habituated to something does not mean that one knows that thing.
01:52For example, you could be habituated to passing by an electric pole or a slaughterhouse or
02:07a hospital or a funeral ground or something every day. Right. Because you are very habituated
02:14to it, it arouses no curiosity when you encounter it again and again daily. But that does not
02:25really mean that we fully understand this object we are perceiving. I'm just trying
02:36to play the devil's advocate. You asked a beautiful question. I just want to add some
02:40value because what you are saying is already at a certain level of thought. And if we are
02:47here, we better attempt something higher. So that's where I'm coming from. So, you know,
02:56you read Kabir Sahab, you read Rumi and you read the words of the saints and you come
03:04across such phrases, divine craziness and seeking joy in one's own inner depth. And
03:18they say it with such conviction and such simplicity and such obviousness that we start
03:25feeling that it's something very straightforward, no? Because they are putting it as an obvious
03:32fact of life. They are looking at it as directly, as simply and as clearly as one looks at as the
03:42teacup on the table. But we must also remember that just because they are able to articulate
03:49it in such simple terms, it does not mean the matter itself is very simple. This is where
03:57we can often be deceived, no? Let's say there is the Rishi from the Upanishads and he very
04:06simply and succinctly says Aham Brahmasmi. Now that is something that spontaneously arising
04:16from his life, he has paid the price, he knows a few things and from there it is something
04:24very ordinary for him to say Aham Brahmasmi. Yes. And if he looks at you, even to you,
04:31he will say Tattvamasi. Yes. But that is his prerogative to say. He is the one authorized
04:42to say that. He is not stating an objective fact. Yes. If I say here to my right is a wall,
04:54if the two are standing next to each other, then this statement as an objective fact would apply
05:00to you as well, no? If there is a wall to my right, then there has to be a wall to your right as well.
05:06Yes. What I say then can be repeated by you without any risk of going wrong. Yes. But if
05:15I say Aham Brahmasmi and you too say Aham Brahmasmi, then there is a problem. Because
05:22it's a difference, yes. There is a huge difference because it is not an objective fact we are
05:27articulating here. Yes. One has to earn the right to use these words. Yes. Because reality is
05:35subjective. Yes. Because the ego has to be at its minimal before it can utter absolute truths.
05:47Truths, yes. Now if the ego stands where it is and yet it picks up words and starts
05:56repeating them and owning them, then there might be a bit of a problem.
06:03So the craziness of love, well you know we have to be very cautious of it because
06:08love gives you an experience of craziness even if it is the very common, ordinary, vulgar,
06:17egoistic love. Even in that people experience a certain craziness. Look at a 15 year old
06:25going crazy in love. Yes. You know he is looking at his classmate or somebody and he is saying this
06:34is the purest and truest kind of love possible. Yes. And in the age of social media that's
06:41happening all the more you go to Instagram or somewhere and you will have all 12 years,
06:4714 year olds, 16 year olds, all of them are going crazy in true love. Yes. So when that is the
06:56situation of the words crazy and love and truth, how do I say that I am crazy in love? If I say
07:06that then I run the risk of being misinterpreted. I also run the risk of being misclassified.
07:15No? So what does this word crazy mean for you? What does the dissolution of ego mean to you?
07:23I think these are more useful queries. This is what one should go into. No? What is the real
07:30lived meaning of dissolution? Otherwise d-i-s-s-o-u-l-i-t-i-o-n makes no difference,
07:40makes no difference. We may keep saying E-G-O, E-G-O all our life and yet have no awareness of
07:48E-G-O. Is it there in your breath? Is the dissolution something that you are living every
07:57moment? That's what one has to honestly investigate and that's what spirituality is really all about.
08:07Yes. To go into the facts, bare facts of one's life. Yes. Bare facts. How is it with me? It does
08:18not matter much how it was with the Rishis and the Rumi's and the Kabir's. Yes. That won't help you
08:28because you have your own life to live. Yes. A beautiful verse from a seer poet is obviously a
08:36thing of delight but by itself it cannot change your life. Yes. But you can always relate to
08:45those words. No, no, no. Don't try to relate to them. Don't try to relate to them because relationship
08:51is very, very dimension specific. Please understand. How can a thing on the earth relate to
08:58something in the sky? That is beyond, yeah. That is beyond but that's the E-G-O's aspiration to
09:06remain where it is, to remain where it is and yet strike a relationship with the highest.
09:11Yes. And that is a great problem. If you want to relate to the sky then rise to the sky.
09:22That is the only honest way of relating. If you remain where you are and the E-G-O
09:26does not want to change itself because there is comfort in where it is and there is security in
09:31where it is. Remaining where it is, if it wants to have a relationship with something of the beyond
09:37then this may not be very honest. So do not just try to relate. Try to rise.
09:45Try to rise. That is more important. More important. Thank you so much.
