Sex_18+_ Horror _Virgin-Witch-1972-Erotic-Movie

  • 2 weeks ago
Virgin Witch (1972) - Erotic Horror Film**"

*Virgin Witch* (1972) is a cult classic that blends the eerie elements of horror with sensuality. Directed by Ray Austin, the film follows two young sisters, Christine and Betty, who arrive in London and soon become embroiled in a sinister world of witchcraft. The movie explores themes of innocence, temptation, and occult practices, combining suspense with erotic undertones. The bold, provocative nature of the film challenged the norms of its time, making it a controversial yet memorable entry into the 1970s exploitation cinema. Starring Ann Michelle and Vicki Michelle, *Virgin Witch* remains a fascinating glimpse into the horror and erotic genres of its era.

#VirginWitch1972 #CultClassic #EroticHorror #70sExploitation #WitchcraftMovies #OccultFilms #RetroCinema #ForbiddenTemptation #AnnMichelle #HorrorCinema #CultMovies #ClassicErotica #VintageHorror #1970sFilms #OccultThrillers
00:01:28Running away from home.
00:01:34Chris is going to be a model later on.
00:01:36She won a competition back home.
00:01:38It's a tough old racket.
00:01:40But whatever you do, don't get mixed up with backstreet photographers.
00:01:43The ones that advertise on notice boards.
00:01:45They'll promise the earth.
00:01:47Well, maybe I can help you find somewhere to stay, a friend of mine.
00:01:50Let's rose.
00:01:55I never saw that. You must see in the dark.
00:01:58She can.
00:02:03You must do a lot of traveling.
00:02:06I get around.
00:02:08That's a nice bracelet.
00:02:11From Abby.
00:02:13It's a birthday present.
00:02:15Abby, that's a funny name.
00:02:17Abby Dark.
00:02:18Abby Dark the singer.
00:02:20She's your girlfriend.
00:02:25We are lucky Johnny's mum letting out room.
00:02:29You're joking.
00:02:30I think it's nice.
00:02:34It'll do.
00:02:36For the time being.
00:02:37We might have been tramping around all day if it hadn't been for Johnny.
00:02:42You're falling for him.
00:02:43Don't be ridiculous. I hardly know him.
00:02:46Anyway, what if I have? He's been very kind.
00:02:49You be careful. He's a sharp character.
00:02:51I remember Abby.
00:02:52Abby, Christine.
00:02:54Come on.
00:02:55We spend all day arguing about Mr. Johnny Dixon.
00:02:58We'll never get ready.
00:02:59So let's get changed.
00:03:04Oh, look at that.
00:03:05Isn't it beautiful?
00:03:06It's a bit old, isn't it?
00:03:08Of course it is, you silly bitch.
00:03:09It's antique.
00:03:28Lady will share bed and breakfast.
00:03:32Discipline given, Miss Turner.
00:03:35Pussy for sale.
00:03:36Arse for kitty.
00:03:41Good figure.
00:03:44Yeah, I bet.
00:03:45Not those.
00:03:46They're exactly what Johnny warned us against.
00:03:48I know.
00:03:49You go on to labor exchange.
00:03:51Well, what about you?
00:03:52Well, I'll see you back at the digs.
00:03:53Go on.
00:03:59Oh, go on.
00:04:13Sybil Waite.
00:04:14Wizard of commercial photography.
00:04:16Miss Waite has been responsible for discovering
00:04:18some of our most successful and beautiful...
00:04:49So you want to be a model?
00:05:03I know it won't be easy, but I've saved enough money for a course.
00:05:06Can you advise me on the best place to go?
00:05:08In the meantime, the art photographic job would help you pay your way.
00:05:12If it's possible.
00:05:14Maybe not.
00:05:17Still, you're a very attractive girl.
00:05:19You should photograph well.
00:05:21What's your name?
00:05:22Christine Lane.
00:05:24No, not Christina.
00:05:28Christina, I'm sure.
00:05:31I suppose it does sound better.
00:05:35Are you prepared to do nudes?
00:05:41There's a great demand for them these days.
00:05:44I can sell any product with a nude.
00:05:46Incredible, isn't it?
00:05:48Is it easier to get a job that way?
00:05:50To begin with, yes.
00:05:53Everybody does it.
00:05:55Well, you better have a look at your figure.
00:05:57You can undress over there.
00:06:12Do you have any photographs?
00:06:14I'm afraid not.
00:06:21You're going to need some.
00:06:23I'll see if I can get one of my boys to do some for you cheap.
00:06:53Your figure's very good.
00:06:59I'd better take a few measurements.
00:07:01Just for the record.
00:07:16But you'd be surprised how inaccurate some people are about themselves.
00:07:38Do you really think you'll be able to use me?
00:07:41I don't see why not.
00:07:43As long as you're prepared to be guided by me.
00:07:47You are a tiny thing, aren't you?
00:07:50I'd better make a note of these measurements before I forget them.
00:07:54You can get dressed again now.
00:08:18Peter, yes.
00:08:22You ought to be joking.
00:08:23Are they out of their minds?
00:08:25Where am I going to get the right girl?
00:08:27They were all booked up weeks ago.
00:08:29All right, yes.
00:08:31Yes, I shall just have to do my best.
00:08:34Yes, we could go to Wicheworld.
00:08:36Look, you call me back later this afternoon and I'll let you know what I've been able to arrange.
00:08:43Some people expect miracles.
00:08:45Miss Waite, I couldn't help hearing.
00:08:48Could I do the job?
00:08:50My dear child, this is an important assignment.
00:08:53It's one of our biggest clients.
00:08:55I don't mind how hard I work.
00:08:57I can learn fast.
00:08:59I'm sure you do.
00:09:02No, it's...
00:09:04The risk is too great.
00:09:05I won't let you down.
00:09:08It would mean working over the weekend in the country.
00:09:11I don't mind.
00:09:12A friend of mine has a lovely country house.
00:09:14It's the perfect location.
00:09:15Do I get the job?
00:09:18I'll think about it.
00:09:20You won't regret it.
00:09:23No, Johnny.
00:09:25No, I...
00:09:26Don't pretend you didn't want it because you did.
00:09:28No, but we don't know each other.
00:09:29Let's not go into it.
00:09:30I've known some birds for years, but I've never fancied them like I fancy you.
00:09:34What about Abby?
00:09:35Forget Abby.
00:09:36We're just friends, that's all.
00:09:42Hey, you're trembling.
00:09:45Oh, my God.
00:09:49You really are a little Miss Innocent, aren't you?
00:09:53You're not angry with me?
00:09:55What's it look like, stupid?
00:10:00Hey, come on.
00:10:01What's all this?
00:10:04You know your trouble.
00:10:05You're a very tired girl.
00:10:07You've been traveling all night.
00:10:08You've had a hard day looking for a job.
00:10:10I don't want you to be depressed.
00:10:12Maybe you should stop worrying.
00:10:14No kidding.
00:10:17Everything's going to be all right.
00:10:41And where have you been all this time?
00:10:44Looking around.
00:10:46Got a job?
00:10:47Think so.
00:10:48Tell us, for heaven's sake.
00:10:50No, not until I'm sure.
00:10:52Well, that leaves me in suspense.
00:10:55Because I've got to go to Manchester.
00:10:57Look, I won't be back from Manchester till late Saturday night.
00:11:02But I'm doing nothing on Sunday, so why don't we take a drive?
00:11:05All of us.
00:11:07I don't know.
00:11:10I may be working.
00:11:14On Sunday?
00:11:15All weekend if I get the job.
00:11:17Yeah, well, you don't have to decide now, do you?
00:11:19I'll come over here.
00:11:20If you're busy, me and Betty will go on home and look after yourself.
00:11:34What's the job?
00:11:37I was at the right place at the right time.
00:11:39Did you get the address off the notice board?
00:11:42Of course not.
00:11:43Sounds a bit funny to me, working over the weekend.
00:11:49Sib will wait.
00:11:51We're taking a house in the country for the whole weekend.
00:11:54Christine, you're beginning to sound just like Dad.
00:11:58He'll come with me if you're so worried.
00:12:00Do you think they'll mind?
00:12:01What about Johnny?
00:12:03We'll tell him to come down and fetch you.
00:12:05I wanted to go to the country.
00:12:07You may not even get the job.
00:12:12I have a feeling I will.
00:12:16We're lucky today.
00:12:17Not too much traffic.
00:12:19I love the river.
00:12:23I hope you didn't mind me coming this week.
00:12:25Of course not, Betty.
00:12:27You can be Christina's chaperone.
00:12:36You have a great future, Christina.
00:12:38As long as you don't lose your head.
00:12:40I won't.
00:12:41I've seen so many girls spoil their chances.
00:12:44A little success and they think they know everything.
00:12:47I'm not like that, Miss Waite.
00:12:50Please call me Sibyl.
00:12:53This is Witchwold.
00:12:54Look over there.
00:12:55That's the old witch's ring.
00:12:57A witch's ring?
00:13:00Some parts of the village are quite historic.
00:13:07Here we are.
00:13:10The old witch's ring.
00:13:13The old witch's ring.
00:13:16The old witch's ring.
00:13:20Here we are.
00:13:38Rather nice, isn't it?
00:13:40Well worth the journey.
00:13:42You didn't exaggerate.
00:13:46This is Peter.
00:13:48Christina, Betty, her sister.
00:13:50Hi, Betty.
00:13:51Good trip?
00:13:52Very smooth.
00:13:53Not much traffic on the road for once.
00:14:01Take Miss Betty's cases up to her room.
00:14:05We can share a room if you like.
00:14:10How soon can we start?
00:14:11There's a hell of a lot to do.
00:14:12You get set up.
00:14:13We're ready when you are.
00:14:14Christina, you come with me.
00:14:18I want to show you around.
00:14:35That's a strange name, Witchwold.
00:14:37It's a witch's meeting place.
00:14:39You must talk to Gerald about it.
00:14:41My friend who owns the house.
00:14:44He's quite an authority on the subject.
00:14:46He even writes books about it.
00:14:52The witches used to dance up here at dawn.
00:14:59Some people say they still do.
00:15:08They do.
00:15:17You seem sensible enough.
00:15:19But then I've thought that before.
00:15:21Then along comes some young man and...
00:15:23Not me. I'm a career girl.
00:15:29No boyfriends?
00:15:30I've been out with a few, but nothing serious.
00:15:33I don't want to be tied down.
00:15:36I must say, you don't exactly strike me as being the domesticated type.
00:15:41There's not a man living that could make me settle for that.
00:15:47What a beautiful garden.
00:15:54Honey scent.
00:15:56It's not that. It's the hemlock.
00:15:58It has a very heavy scent.
00:16:03Heavy effects too, if you believe all you read.
00:16:06Witches use them in their booze, don't they?
00:16:11It's true, if you believe all you read.
00:16:13Witches use them in their booze, don't they?
00:16:16You seem to know rather a lot about it.
00:16:18Are you interested in the supernatural?
00:16:20Oh, I don't know.
00:16:22It's as if I...
00:16:24I find it fascinating.
00:16:29It's so beautiful here.
00:16:31So much to see.
00:16:32I know.
00:16:33I try and get down every weekend if possible.
00:16:36Gerald only ever leaves this place if he has to go up to town to see his publisher.
00:16:42Oh, Peter, I'm sorry.
00:16:44It was so interesting showing Christina around.
00:16:48Well, you'd better head upstairs and get changed then.
00:16:51Something casual, jeans and shirt, that kind of thing.
00:16:54White shirt?
00:16:55Yes, that'll do fine.
00:16:58Now, what bright ideas have you for selling this cider?
00:17:01It's filthy stuff to drink.
00:17:03Well, I thought we might use the real apple.
00:17:15What about this place?
00:17:17The place is great.
00:17:19But what about the housekeeper?
00:17:24And she speaks so high in your view.
00:17:31Wait till you see the bathroom.
00:17:35Oh, I'm sorry.
00:17:36It's all right.
00:17:37It's all right.
00:17:38Wait till you see the bathroom.
00:17:47You're going to have a bath now?
00:18:01That's very short.
00:18:03Let's have some action stuff now, OK?
00:18:08Turn right and start running.
00:18:10That's it.
00:18:11Jump, jump.
00:18:14Now, be happy, happy.
00:18:18That's great, that's great.
00:18:22Up on the wall.
00:18:23Look at the camera.
00:18:25That's great.
00:18:26Keep it, keep it.
00:18:27Run, run.
00:18:28Now, hold it.
00:18:31Hold it.
00:18:33That's it.
00:18:34Now we'll move to the car.
00:18:39What's wrong?
00:18:40I'm trying to get an angle.
00:18:45Take those jeans off.
00:18:58That's good.
00:19:00Take the pants off.
00:19:03That's it.
00:19:05That's it.
00:19:06Take the pants off.
00:19:09I thought this was supposed to be a side ride.
00:19:12We've got to have a build-up.
00:19:14Now take them off.
00:19:16You're the boss.
00:19:23Very sexy.
00:19:27That's good.
00:19:36That's good.
00:20:06That's good.
00:20:36That's good.
00:20:37That's good.
00:20:38That's good.
00:20:39That's good.
00:20:40That's good.
00:20:41That's good.
00:20:42That's good.
00:20:43That's good.
00:20:44That's good.
00:20:45That's good.
00:20:46That's good.
00:20:47That's good.
00:20:48That's good.
00:20:49That's good.
00:20:50That's good.
00:20:51That's good.
00:20:52That's good.
00:20:53That's good.
00:20:54That's good.
00:20:55That's good.
00:20:56That's good.
00:20:57That's good.
00:20:58That's good.
00:20:59That's good.
00:21:00That's good.
00:21:01That's good.
00:21:02That's good.
00:21:03That's good.
00:21:04That's good.
00:21:05That's good.
00:21:06That's good.
00:21:07That's good.
00:21:08That's good.
00:21:09That's good.
00:21:10That's good.
00:21:11That's good.
00:21:12That's good.
00:21:13That's good.
00:21:14That's good.
00:21:15That's good.
00:21:16That's good.
00:21:17That's good.
00:21:18That's good.
00:21:19That's good.
00:21:20That's good.
00:21:21That's good.
00:21:22That's good.
00:21:23That's good.
00:21:24That's good.
00:21:25That's good.
00:21:26That's good.
00:21:27That's good.
00:21:28That's good.
00:21:29That's good.
00:21:30That's good.
00:21:31That's good.
00:21:32That's good.
00:21:33That's good.
00:21:34That's good.
00:21:35That's good.
00:21:36That's good.
00:21:37That's good.
00:21:38That's good.
00:21:39That's good.
00:21:40That's good.
00:21:41That's good.
00:21:42That's good.
00:21:43That's good.
00:21:44That's good.
00:21:45That's good.
00:21:46That's good.
00:21:47That's good.
00:21:48That's good.
00:21:49That's good.
00:21:50That's good.
00:21:51That's good.
00:21:52That's good.
00:21:53That's good.
00:21:54That's good.
00:21:55That's good.
00:21:56That's good.
00:21:57That's good.
00:21:58That's good.
00:21:59That's good.
00:22:00That's good.
00:22:01That's good.
00:22:02That's good.
00:22:03That's good.
00:22:04That's good.
00:22:05That's good.
00:22:06That's good.
00:22:07That's good.
00:22:08That's good.
00:22:09That's good.
00:22:10That's good.
00:22:11That's good.
00:22:12That's good.
00:22:13That's good.
00:22:14That's good.
00:22:15That's good.
00:22:16That's good.
00:22:17That's good.
00:22:18That's good.
00:22:19That's good.
00:22:20That's good.
00:22:21That's good.
00:22:22That's good.
00:22:23That's good.
00:22:24That's good.
00:22:25That's good.
00:22:26That's good.
00:22:27That's good.
00:22:28That's good.
00:22:29That's good.
00:22:30That's good.
00:22:31That's good.
00:22:33That's good.
00:22:48Betty, are you all right?
00:22:49You look awfully pale.
00:22:51Oh, I've a bit of a headache.
00:22:54I thought I'd go out for a while.
00:22:56That's a good idea.
00:22:58The fresh air will do you good.
00:23:02Hold it, hold it. That's beautiful.
00:23:13Boy, you make it difficult to concentrate.
00:23:15Don't give me that.
00:23:17Photographing beautiful girls every day.
00:23:21You must be immune.
00:23:32It shows there's something special about you.
00:23:36Are all your models expected to respond to your advances?
00:23:44Come on, we've got some work to do.
00:24:18Oh, I'm sorry, Miss Wick.
00:24:20Oh, dear child, what on earth's the matter?
00:24:22Oh, it's nothing, really.
00:24:24Is your headache worse?
00:24:26Oh, no, much better, thank you.
00:24:55Who is she?
00:24:56Oh, she lives around here.
00:24:59What's her name?
00:25:01I don't know.
00:25:02Well, she seems to know you.
00:25:04Yeah, well, I've seen her in the village.
00:25:07Come on, we'll finish this session back in the woods.
00:25:09Be quieter there.
00:25:11Come on.
00:25:13And safer.
00:25:20It's all right, my dear.
00:25:22Lie still for a while.
00:25:24You had a nasty fall.
00:25:25Nothing serious, just shaken you up, that's all.
00:25:28Oh, by the way, my name's Amberley.
00:25:31Dr. Gerald Amberley.
00:25:32This is my home.
00:25:35You're a doctor.
00:25:37I'm sorry I wasn't here when you arrived.
00:25:40The symbol tells me you were running away,
00:25:42that you seemed scared out of your wits.
00:25:45We usually find it so peaceful here.
00:25:47Oh, it is.
00:25:48The house is lovely.
00:25:51Oh, it sounds so silly now.
00:25:54It must have been very real to you at the time.
00:25:56You'll think I'm an awful idiot.
00:26:00Well, first there was the milkman.
00:26:02I was sort of dozing, and I found him standing there staring at me
00:26:05in a funny sort of way.
00:26:07How do you mean, funny?
00:26:09Well, I don't know exactly, but it frightened me.
00:26:14Then I went.
00:26:16I thought I'd go for a walk.
00:26:19And something else happened?
00:26:21Then there was this man in the drive.
00:26:23He had a gun.
00:26:24Colonel Crookshank.
00:26:26He came up to the house.
00:26:27He was very upset.
00:26:28He was afraid he'd frightened you.
00:26:30Oh, I thought...
00:26:31That they were desiring you.
00:26:36Oh, it sounds so stupid.
00:26:38Not at all.
00:26:40It was quite normal.
00:26:42There'd have been something wrong if they hadn't stared at you.
00:26:44You're a very pretty girl.
00:26:46Anyway, you mustn't think that men have the prerogative of sexual fantasies.
00:26:52Girls have them.
00:26:54Especially if they've led rather repressed lives.
00:26:59You've only just arrived in London, I understand.
00:27:01That's right.
00:27:02Parents rather strict?
00:27:04Not many boyfriends?
00:27:05Dad never allowed them.
00:27:07You see?
00:27:08A textbook case.
00:27:10You are, I'm quite sure, a virgin.
00:27:18So are you saying I've imagined all this?
00:27:21It's just a phase.
00:27:23One day soon you'll meet a nice young man and he'll look at you in just the way you describe and you won't mind at all.
00:27:29Now don't you worry your head anymore.
00:27:36Now then.
00:27:38I prescribe a nice, hot bath.
00:27:42Nothing like it for calming the nerves, hmm?
00:27:47You didn't mind me talking frankly to you, did you?
00:27:50Of course not.
00:27:51I feel better already.
00:27:53That's right.
00:27:54Off you go and have your bath.
00:28:03Head down.
00:28:04That's it.
00:28:05Up, up.
00:28:07Now set the leg up.
00:28:08It's a beautiful lion.
00:28:09That's lovely.
00:28:10Now, look, look.
00:28:11Look down to me.
00:28:13Oh, boy.
00:28:15I'm half as lovely as you.
00:28:16It's no wonder men's worries today.
00:28:23Damn, I've run out.
00:28:29You've had enough for the day, don't you?
00:28:34Are you complaining about your lot?
00:28:44This particular moment?
00:29:52How's it going?
00:29:54Can you spare a minute?
00:30:04See you back at the house, okay?
00:30:19I've got some great pictures, Sybil.
00:30:36You wait till you see them.
00:30:40That's what you're paid for, to take pictures.
00:30:44What do you think you're playing at?
00:30:47I'm sorry, Sybil.
00:30:48I just got carried away.
00:30:50Can you blame me?
00:30:51You keep your filthy paws off her.
00:30:54Come on, Sybil.
00:30:57You paid me to do the job, and I did it.
00:31:02So we had a bit of fun as well.
00:31:03So what?
00:31:04I will not have you interfering in my affairs.
00:31:07So you've got your eyes on her yourself?
00:31:09You can forget that in a hurry.
00:31:11Shut up.
00:31:12She's a normal, healthy girl.
00:31:14Be careful, Peter.
00:31:15So you sacked me.
00:31:16I warn you, Peter.
00:31:17If you cross me...
00:31:18There you are.
00:31:19Would you come up here a moment?
00:31:21I'd like a word with you both.
00:31:36What are you looking at there, Sybil?
00:32:04What are you looking at that girl for?
00:32:05She's not the one.
00:32:14There's another girl?
00:32:16If Gerald's happy with Betty, why not use her?
00:32:19Because I chose Christine especially.
00:32:21I've warned you, Peter.
00:32:22You'll be sorry.
00:32:24No threats.
00:32:27So there's another one, hmm?
00:32:34I still don't see why it has to be tonight.
00:32:37It's all arranged.
00:32:38There'll be a full meeting.
00:32:40Besides, it's lunch.
00:32:42I shall perform the third rite.
00:32:49Hey, Chris, guess what I found downstairs.
00:32:51There's a cellar, and it's decorated like a sort of chapel.
00:32:54Only there isn't a cross on it,
00:32:55which are these whips and daggers and chains.
00:32:57It's awful.
00:32:58A witch's chapel?
00:32:59Do you think so?
00:33:01But why?
00:33:02Would Dr. Anberley have one in his house?
00:33:05Oh, it can't be.
00:33:06He's much too nice.
00:33:08Have you met him?
00:33:09Yes, I've had an awful time.
00:33:11First there was this milkman who kept staring at me.
00:33:13Then I found the chapel, and then there was this weird colonel,
00:33:16and he wasn't really a colonel, and Dr. Anberley said he was very...
00:33:19Hold on, hold on.
00:33:20Did someone hit you on the head or something?
00:33:22How did you know?
00:33:23How did you know?
00:33:24That's exactly what happened.
00:33:27Oh, he can't be a witch.
00:33:29They don't all ride around on brooms and wear pointed hats, you know.
00:33:34He's a doctor.
00:33:35Of course.
00:33:36Anyway, we'll soon find out.
00:33:40But doctors are respectable people.
00:33:42It all depends on what you call respectable.
00:33:48Don't worry.
00:33:49Everything will be all right.
00:33:50I'm here with you, remember?
00:33:58I should like to propose a toast to our two charming young guests.
00:34:03May this be the first of their many visits to Witch World.
00:34:12I hope so, too.
00:34:14You've all been so kind.
00:34:16Betty and I are having a marvelous time.
00:34:18I want you to feel at home.
00:34:19Oh, home was never like this.
00:34:21It's beautiful, this room, everything.
00:34:25It feels like Christmas with the candles and the wine.
00:34:29Not Christmas.
00:34:35Yes, we celebrate Lammas tonight.
00:34:38What do you know about the Witches' Festival?
00:34:40Oh, not too much.
00:34:42Will you hold the ceremony down in the chapel?
00:34:47We will indeed.
00:34:48I didn't realize you'd been downstairs, my dear.
00:34:51Not me, Betty.
00:34:54She found it by accident.
00:34:56Sounds fascinating.
00:34:59Then it's true what Chris says.
00:35:01You are a witch.
00:35:04Perfectly true.
00:35:06Has that shocked you?
00:35:08Oh, no, it's just difficult to believe.
00:35:13Yet you could easily believe I was a Roman Catholic.
00:35:16Or a Jew.
00:35:18Witchcraft is a religion, you know.
00:35:21One of the oldest.
00:35:23Perhaps the oldest.
00:35:25Do you worship the devil?
00:35:27Emphatically not.
00:35:29My coven practices white witchcraft only.
00:35:32We try to do good by it.
00:35:34Faith healing and that kind of thing?
00:35:38And on a simpler level, we exist for friendship.
00:35:41And to give pleasure where we can.
00:35:43I'm sure.
00:35:45Can I see your chapel?
00:35:47Certainly, my dear.
00:35:49I'll take you down myself.
00:35:51May I use the floor?
00:35:52Yes, of course.
00:36:02It doesn't matter. I can do it later.
00:36:06How would you become a witch?
00:36:08Could I be one?
00:36:10If you have the true desire.
00:36:17I do.
00:36:28You're very receptive.
00:36:30Does that mean that I'm a witch?
00:36:34Does that mean I can be a witch?
00:36:42There are some people who are born to be witches.
00:36:45Born with special powers.
00:36:48You are one of them.
00:36:50That is the mask of the high one.
00:36:52That's you.
00:36:56You'll find the mask of the high one in every coven.
00:36:59And by ritual at the beginning of the ceremony,
00:37:02the high priestess or high priest will ask,
00:37:05who is the high one?
00:37:07I claim that degree in this coven.
00:37:10I'm not a high priestess.
00:37:12I'm not a high priest.
00:37:14I'm not a high priest.
00:37:16I'm not a high priest.
00:37:18I'm not a high priest.
00:37:22In some covens it's been said down the years that
00:37:26the spirit of the high one appears and takes human form.
00:37:30And if he does?
00:37:32All must give way to him.
00:37:35We have a lot to prepare.
00:37:37For tonight?
00:37:39Can I join in?
00:37:41Oh, please.
00:37:48When the moment comes, you will hear the call.
00:37:51How will I know?
00:37:54Now I think you should have an early night.
00:37:56Your little sister too.
00:37:58She needs a good rest after her fall.
00:38:00I'll make her one of my herb drinks.
00:38:07Go on.
00:38:15Quite amazing.
00:38:17I thought you'd be pleased.
00:38:19Do you think she's untouched?
00:38:21Virgins are hard to come by, as you very well know, Gerald.
00:38:25I was only thinking about the ritual.
00:38:29Technically, she should be.
00:38:32Oh, Gerald, you're talking to me, remember?
00:38:34I know more about witchcraft than you ever will.
00:38:38You're one of the world's authorities.
00:38:40I've read every book you've ever written on the subject.
00:38:43Oh, you believe, all right.
00:38:46And you have the knowledge.
00:38:48But you don't have the power, do you, Gerald?
00:38:51You are high priest in name only.
00:38:55But you recognize that power, don't you?
00:38:58That's why you let me turn this place into a working coven.
00:39:02White witchcraft.
00:39:04Faith healing.
00:39:05I will not meddle in the black arts nor will this coven.
00:39:08Do you understand?
00:39:09Of course.
00:39:10I'm sorry, Gerald. It was just Peter that upset me.
00:39:14Yes, he's after Christina.
00:39:16Just shows how wrong one can be, doesn't it?
00:39:18I was quite sure he was queer.
00:39:21But if she is a virgin, he could spoil her for the ceremony.
00:39:25That is your right as high priest.
00:39:29It won't spoil the ceremony.
00:39:32But you're right about one thing.
00:39:35I can recognize power.
00:39:38She wants to be a witch.
00:39:41Oh, my God, look what they've done to my screen.
00:39:45You might have said you didn't know where is it.
00:39:48She left it over there.
00:39:51Look what they've done.
00:39:53You didn't say where she was going.
00:39:55No, she didn't.
00:39:57Dumpy nosy.
00:39:59Oh, God.
00:40:02Look, Betty said she was going to ring and leave a number, has she?
00:40:06Not yet.
00:40:07Not yet?
00:40:10No, not at all.
00:40:15Get it off.
00:40:16Is that where she got the job, Christina?
00:40:18Oh, I don't know. They were very excited.
00:40:21Are you still going with that, Abby?
00:40:23I thought you'd give up at that car and we're finished.
00:40:34So, tell me about it.
00:40:36What's in the car?
00:40:38Your car.
00:40:40My car, your car.
00:40:42What's the difference?
00:40:44We're going cool, Johnny.
00:40:48We've got a problem.
00:40:50No problem.
00:41:07You go your way.
00:41:13You walk alone.
00:41:18Why can't you stay?
00:41:23Now, love.
00:41:26Now, love.
00:41:29Now, love.
00:41:32Now, love.
00:41:35Now, love has grown.
00:41:40Sometimes I see deep in your eyes
00:41:45a promise that's haunting me.
00:41:51My love you only despise.
00:41:55Why go on taunting me?
00:42:00I hear your call.
00:42:04And I obey.
00:42:09My life, my all.
00:42:14The price I pay.
00:42:19You know too well that I'm in your spell
00:42:24till life is done.
00:42:29How can I be the one?
00:42:34To go your way.
00:42:40She makes a great sound.
00:42:46Have you heard of Sibba White?
00:42:48Runs a model agency.
00:42:50She's a big wheel.
00:42:52Sometimes I see deep in your eyes
00:42:57a promise that's haunting me.
00:43:01You sure about that?
00:43:02Ted, listen, I'm telling you.
00:43:03All the models have to wear armor-plated pants.
00:43:06She's as light as they come.
00:43:08A friend of mine just got out of the country with her for the weekend.
00:43:12That's one way of getting to know the facts of life.
00:43:16And I obey.
00:43:21My life, my all.
00:43:26The price I pay.
00:43:30You know damn well that I'm in your spell
00:43:35till life is done.
00:43:40How can I be the one?
00:43:49To go your way.
00:43:59To go your way.
00:44:29To go your way.
00:44:59Hello? Yeah, it's Johnny again.
00:45:24Yeah, I know it's late.
00:45:26No, I'm back in town this time.
00:45:28Listen, has Betty rung yet?
00:45:31No, you go back to sleep.
00:46:28I love you.
00:46:58I love you.
00:47:28I love you.
00:47:58I love you.
00:48:01I love you.
00:48:28I love you.
00:48:31I love you.
00:48:34I love you.
00:48:37I love you.
00:48:40I love you.
00:48:43I love you.
00:48:46I love you.
00:48:49I love you.
00:48:52I love you.
00:48:55I love you.
00:48:58I love you.
00:49:01I love you.
00:49:04I love you.
00:49:07I love you.
00:49:10I love you.
00:49:13I love you.
00:49:16I love you.
00:49:19I love you.
00:49:22I love you.
00:49:25I love you.
00:49:28I love you.
00:49:31I love you.
00:49:34I love you.
00:49:37I love you.
00:49:40I love you.
00:50:10I love you.
00:50:13I love you.
00:50:16I love you.
00:50:19I love you.
00:50:22I love you.
00:50:25I love you.
00:50:28I love you.
00:50:31I love you.
00:50:34I love you.
00:50:37I love you.
00:50:40I love you.
00:50:43I love you.
00:50:46I love you.
00:50:49I love you.
00:50:52I love you.
00:50:55I love you.
00:50:58I love you.
00:51:01I love you.
00:51:04I love you.
00:51:07I love you.
00:51:10I love you.
00:51:13I love you.
00:51:16I love you.
00:51:19I love you.
00:51:22I love you.
00:51:25I love you.
00:51:28I love you.
00:51:31I love you.
00:51:34I love you.
00:51:37I love you.
00:51:40I love you.
00:51:43I love you.
00:51:46I love you.
00:51:49I love you.
00:51:52I love you.
00:51:55I love you.
00:51:58I love you.
00:52:01I love you.
00:52:04I love you.
00:52:07I love you.
00:52:10I love you.
00:52:13I love you.
00:52:16I love you.
00:52:19I love you.
00:52:22I love you.
00:52:25I love you.
00:52:28I love you.
00:52:31I love you.
00:52:34I love you.
00:52:37I love you.
00:52:40I love you.
00:52:43I love you.
00:52:46I love you.
00:52:49I love you.
00:52:52It's a fabulous morning, isn't it?
00:53:21It's a fabulous morning.
00:53:25What's wrong?
00:53:28Did you call Johnny?
00:53:30No, I didn't.
00:53:33I heard you asked Sybil if you could use the phone.
00:53:35But you...
00:53:36I what?
00:53:38You didn't want me to.
00:53:41I never said a word.
00:53:43You know, you can do what you want.
00:53:46I know you didn't say anything.
00:53:50But I had the feeling you didn't want me to.
00:53:53You're always getting strange feelings.
00:53:55Only with you, Chris.
00:53:57Oh, there's Peter.
00:53:59See you later.
00:54:20So a new ritual doesn't mean anything?
00:54:32Now I'm a witch.
00:54:34Now I can please myself.
00:54:36Chris, I'm worried.
00:54:37You don't know what you've got involved in.
00:54:40I should have warned you.
00:54:41I tried to, but...
00:54:42It wouldn't have made any difference.
00:54:44I played along with this witchcraft business to begin with because it suited me.
00:54:48And because Sybil asked me to.
00:54:50Well, she gave me my first break.
00:54:54Look, Sybil's main object is procuring girls for the coven.
00:54:57Well, what's the matter with that?
00:54:59Witchcraft can be a great powerful good.
00:55:02Gerald told me.
00:55:03And if a doctor believes in it, there must be something.
00:55:05He's not a proper doctor.
00:55:07Just a doctor of literature.
00:55:09Don't tell Betty that.
00:55:12You're determined to put me off, aren't you?
00:55:15What does it matter what he is?
00:55:16He's a marvellous witch.
00:55:18And there's no harm in playing along with Sybil either.
00:55:20She warned me.
00:55:22If I ever touched you again...
00:55:25I know it's absurd, but...
00:55:27I never felt this way before.
00:55:32Well, why should she threaten you?
00:55:34She's jealous.
00:55:37She wants you for herself.
00:55:40I told her you weren't like that.
00:55:42I should hope not.
00:55:45Then you don't think she's...
00:55:47Well, got the power to put a spell on me?
00:55:51Well, I don't know about that.
00:55:54But maybe I could put a spell on you too.
00:55:56A stronger one.
00:56:07If you mean to Peter make a pass at me, yes.
00:56:10But I'm quite able to deal with that.
00:56:12I told him to leave you alone.
00:56:14Please don't get worked up on my account.
00:56:16It would worry me more if boys didn't fancy me.
00:56:19Anyway, you're so young.
00:56:26You're going a long way, Christina.
00:56:28With me behind you, I have no doubt about it.
00:56:31If I'm half as successful as you, I'll be happy.
00:56:35Has it helped you?
00:56:37Being a witch?
00:56:39The entire advertising industry is witchcraft, darling.
00:56:44The poor old public is permanently spellbound.
00:56:49I haven't thought of it that way.
00:56:52And now that we're together, you and I,
00:56:55they'd better wash out.
00:56:59We're going to make a great team.
00:57:10All right to Litchlow?
00:57:12Yes, straight up.
00:57:40Am I disturbing you?
00:57:42Not at all, my dear.
00:57:44I was expecting you.
00:57:46See, I ordered coffee for two.
00:57:56Will you pour for me?
00:57:58Yes, of course.
00:58:01You play very well.
00:58:05Yes, of course.
00:58:08You play beautifully.
00:58:10You're very generous, but I don't play much these days.
00:58:20Black for me, please.
00:58:25Peter and Sybil are working on a new set-up.
00:58:29I wanted to talk to you, to thank you.
00:58:36Come and sit by me.
00:58:42It was meant to be.
00:58:44Our meeting.
00:58:46I feel that, too.
00:58:48For the last few days, I've had to do certain things.
00:58:51And they've all led me here.
00:58:53You have great gifts, Christine, a great power.
00:58:56You must use it well.
00:58:58You'll teach me.
00:59:00All I can.
00:59:02I want to show you something.
00:59:15You must have been studying witchcraft for years.
00:59:18Yes, I first became interested in university.
00:59:21There are so many theories.
00:59:23It takes a long time to get the truth.
00:59:26To begin with, you can read this one.
00:59:29Black book? Black magic?
00:59:31You don't want to meddle with that.
00:59:34Then you really do believe there's something in it.
00:59:40Does Sybil get her spells from that book?
00:59:43Sybil? What spells?
00:59:45I don't know exactly.
00:59:47But Peter thinks she's put one on him.
00:59:51He felt ill suddenly.
00:59:53Or perhaps he imagined it.
00:59:57Yes, I expect so.
01:00:01Could I be High Priestess?
01:00:07When you initiate another.
01:00:11I see no reason why you shouldn't form a coven one day.
01:00:15Find your own High Priest.
01:00:18Yes, yes, you should do that.
01:00:21And what about your sister?
01:00:23Is she interested in joining us?
01:00:25Betty, she'd be scared stiff.
01:00:27It's a pity. I feel we could do a lot for her.
01:00:30Bring her out of herself.
01:00:32Yes. Perhaps I could initiate her.
01:00:37Yes, perhaps you could.
01:00:44Of course, Sybil's High Priestess.
01:00:47For the moment.
01:00:57I'll see you in a couple of hours.
01:01:27I'll see you in a bit.
01:01:57Maybe you are a witch and don't know it.
01:02:11Maybe I am.
01:02:13Makes me a love potion for Johnny.
01:02:18Don't worry.
01:02:20He's coming.
01:02:22How do you know?
01:02:24I haven't called him, have you?
01:02:30You look good with clothes on, too.
01:02:32Which one?
01:02:34How would you know?
01:02:35You did a soap ad for my agency.
01:02:38Where is it?
01:02:41Sybil's. I've lost my way.
01:02:43Is this your first time down?
01:02:44Yeah, and the last if it's this typical drive.
01:02:46Don't say that to your wife.
01:02:48It's about a mile on.
01:02:50You turn left down the drive by the cross and it's up in the woods.
01:02:54Uh-huh. Thanks.
01:02:57See you later!
01:03:00Promise me you won't go away tonight.
01:03:02Even if Johnny comes and wants to take you back.
01:03:04You can be with him all day, but just don't go away tonight.
01:03:07That's not asking too much, is it?
01:03:09Course not, but why?
01:03:12You knew he was coming.
01:03:15You promise?
01:03:17I need your help.
01:03:19I promise.
01:03:28Did you have any trouble finding the house?
01:03:37Did you have any problem finding the house?
01:03:40Yeah. You could say that.
01:03:44It's a long way from London.
01:03:48Yes, it is.
01:03:50What are you smiling at?
01:03:53Come on, what's so funny?
01:03:55Nothing's funny.
01:03:59But it's nice to know you came all this way to see me.
01:04:02Is it?
01:04:06If it had been Christine, I could understand.
01:04:09Look, it's you I've come to see.
01:04:11Look, it's you I've come to see.
01:04:41Look, it's you I've come to see.
01:05:12Come on, let's get you to stop and let's go.
01:05:15I can't. I've promised Chris.
01:05:21I don't know. I just said that I'd stay.
01:05:24I want you out of here.
01:05:26I don't like this place.
01:05:28I don't like these people.
01:05:30I don't like this place.
01:05:32I don't like this place.
01:05:34I don't like this place.
01:05:36I don't like this place.
01:05:38I don't like this place.
01:05:40I don't like these people.
01:05:41What do you mean by that?
01:05:43Well, this is the way for a star, she's the other way.
01:05:46She fancies birds.
01:05:48Well, it's not me she's interested in, it must be Chris.
01:05:50Maybe that's why she wants me to stay.
01:05:52Well, you don't have to play nanny for Christine.
01:05:54If she wants me to stay, I have to.
01:05:56Now, please don't let's row. She's my sister.
01:05:58Look, we're not having a row.
01:05:59I've just asked you to come with me, but if you want to stay with Christine...
01:06:01It's not that. She may need help.
01:06:04Look, she's a big girl. She can look after herself.
01:06:06She knows what she can do.
01:06:10You're mixed up in it.
01:06:24Betty, what's the matter?
01:06:30Look at you coming around here.
01:06:34I can't. I promised Christine.
01:06:48Hey, Christine, the camera's this way.
01:06:51Just one more.
01:06:56Well, I'd better go and mark these up before I get muddled.
01:06:58I won't be long.
01:06:59I've got some good pictures.
01:07:04How much more have you got to do?
01:07:05Oh, you know, three or four rolls.
01:07:07I'll get in in the woods later, okay?
01:07:10Good idea.
01:07:15Well, then.
01:07:16How do you like your first job?
01:07:19I'm very proud of you, my lovely.
01:07:25Peter said he'd be back in a moment.
01:07:28We're not worried about him, are we?
01:07:31Gerald wants to hold another Sabbath tonight.
01:07:34Yes, he told me.
01:07:36He wants me to initiate Betty.
01:07:41You could persuade her, easily.
01:07:44You're not having Betty.
01:07:45She's not ready for the coven yet.
01:07:47You don't seem to understand, Christina.
01:07:49Once you join a coven, you must abide by its rules.
01:07:52And the first rule is obedience to your high priestess.
01:07:57To your high priestess.
01:08:00Betty will be initiated tonight.
01:09:49What's the matter?
01:09:51I'm sorry, Gerald.
01:09:53I don't quite know what happened.
01:09:55I suddenly got this terrible pain in my head.
01:09:59Shall I cancel tonight?
01:10:00No, I'll be all right.
01:10:02But I think I'll go and lie down for a while.
01:10:31It wasn't me that upset you, was it?
01:10:34I'm sorry.
01:10:35I didn't mean to.
01:10:37Oh, you do look pale.
01:10:39Why don't you lie down for a bit?
01:10:41I'm all right, I tell you.
01:10:42You're worrying about the ceremony.
01:10:44Why don't you let me help?
01:10:46You can tell me what to do.
01:10:48I'm high priestess.
01:10:50Of course you are.
01:10:51But there's no point in cracking up over one Sabbath.
01:10:56Why are you fighting me?
01:10:59That's ridiculous.
01:11:03Don't do it.
01:11:04I'm not.
01:11:08I shall be at the Sabbath tonight.
01:11:11Of course.
01:11:17Call me if you need anything.
01:11:29I don't care.
01:11:30You know how I feel about him.
01:11:32How far are you prepared to go to get him back?
01:11:35I'd do anything.
01:11:36Become a witch?
01:11:39I couldn't.
01:11:46Don't look at me like that, Chris.
01:11:48You know I don't like it.
01:11:51What would I have to do?
01:11:56You trust me.
01:12:00You won't be sorry.
01:12:01Just do what I say.
01:12:03And I'll get him back.
01:12:26How is she?
01:12:27Much better.
01:12:29She wants to be initiated.
01:12:33I think you should make her one of your herb drinks.
01:12:38Betty is my sacrifice.
01:12:45The similar?
01:13:14I've been waiting for you.
01:13:20Have you?
01:13:21Well, I've got some news for you.
01:13:23I'm taking Betty away from here now.
01:13:25You've had one try.
01:13:27She wouldn't go.
01:13:28Why should she now?
01:13:30You can make her do just what you want, can't you?
01:13:32Well, that's going to stop.
01:13:34Because I'm going to take Betty out with me tonight.
01:13:37So you think you're a more suitable companion.
01:13:39A cheap little ponce living off Abby Dark.
01:13:43As you say, I can make Betty do just what I want.
01:13:46You do as I ask and I'll let her go.
01:13:48I want to see her.
01:13:55You'll do what I ask, won't you?
01:16:50Oh no!
01:16:51Oh no no no no no!
