Mob kara Hajimaru Tansaku Eiyuutan 11

  • 2 weeks ago
00:01I want to be a hero...
00:05I want to be a hero for those who are sick and in pain!
00:09I want to be a hero just for Hikarin!
00:11I'm sure I'll be one someday!
00:14A hero!
00:30I want to be a hero just for Hikarin!
00:34I want to be a hero just for myself!
00:38I want to be a hero to make the world a better place!
00:42I want to be a hero just for me!
00:46I'll be there even if I have to give up my life!
00:50I want to be a hero just for me!
00:54I want to be a hero for those who are sick and in pain!
00:57It's like I'm being pierced by a bullet
01:00I'll light up the depths of my heart with a clear conscience
01:05I'll put an end to the blurry days I'm living in now
01:13To a world no one knows
01:17If I'm with you, I can surely go
01:20Pierce through the darkness
01:24The curtain of a new record
01:28Let's go down to wherever it is
01:31To the end of the wind
02:08It's late here every day, but are you that busy with your part-time job?
02:12You should take it easy
02:14Yeah, I'll take it easy
02:16Take it easy...
02:19Apollo 11, led by Captain Neil Armstrong, has finally landed on the moon
02:31I'm sorry, I overslept
02:34Takami-san, you've been late a lot lately
02:37Please be careful
02:39Yes, I'm sorry, I'm sorry
02:43Did you see that, Turn Love Spin-off?
02:45The stream started yesterday
02:47I even saw the core
02:49That's great
02:51Hikari-san's visit?
02:53I don't think Katsuragi-san will go
02:59I'm sorry
03:00Please tell Hikari-san to take care of herself
03:03I got it
03:06Are you really okay?
03:09Are you really okay?
03:11I'm fine, I'm fine
03:13I'm just a little tired
03:16I'm sleepy, but I'm fine
03:18Is that okay?
03:25Then I'll go this way
03:27What about Hikari's visit?
03:29I'll look for Elixir in the dungeon
03:31Please cheer up Hikari
03:34Hey Hayato, should we look for Elixir and help out?
03:40But at our level, we're no match for a mob
03:46That's true, but...
03:48Let's go
03:50Ah, Joker again!
03:55We lost again!
03:57Hikari's too strong!
03:59I'm good at card games
04:02Then, the Legend of Dajoda...
04:05How do you play it in an RPG?
04:09Give it up
04:10You can't beat Hikari in any game
04:18Miku-chan taught me
04:20Okay, I'll bring a TV game next time
04:23Let's play a game
04:24If it's Dungeon Latoon 3...
04:27I have an S plus 50
04:31Miku-chan taught me
04:38I'm fine
04:41It's time to go
04:43That's right
04:44Hikari, I'll come again
04:46Yes, I'll be waiting
04:50I want you to tell Katsuragi-san thank you for coming
04:55I will
04:56Katsuragi-san was worried too
04:59Yes, he contacted me a lot
05:01I'm happy
05:03But Katsuragi-san never showed his face
05:08I'm a little lonely
05:13Katsuragi-san doesn't like me that much
05:17Right, Shinji?
05:19That's right
05:21He said he didn't like the crowd
05:24I don't think that's true
05:26I don't think so
05:28Could it be that Katsuragi-san...
05:31Has something to do with Captain Katsuragi?
05:35How do you know that?
05:38I have a lot of time, so I read a lot of books
05:42And then I saw this book
05:45It's the same name
05:47I thought it looked like something
05:54Captain Katsuragi is Katsuragi-san's father
05:57I knew it
06:00He was the first captain of the Dungeon Search Special Force
06:04And he was called a hero
06:06When he heard that he had reached the 41st floor
06:09He went missing
06:13That's why Katsuragi-san doesn't want to go to the park
06:17He'll remember
06:20And he'll be worried about Kaito and the others
06:24Because of me, Katsuragi-san might be worried
06:29It's not because of Hikarin
06:31That's right, there's nothing to worry about
06:34But if he's missing, he might be safe
06:39When I get better, I'll definitely go to the 41st floor
06:45I'll go deeper and deeper
06:48And I'll find Captain Katsuragi
06:52Then Katsuragi-san will be able to go to the park
06:58I want to explore the dungeon with Katsuragi-san
07:04Let's get better for that
07:07I'm going in
07:22I'll dedicate my body to you
07:28I'll be sad
07:31I can do it!
07:35Thanks to Cirno, I'm getting stronger
07:41Nice, Deluria!
07:43My Lord, thank you so much!
07:46Lucy, I'm counting on you!
07:48I knew it!
07:50Destruction Flame!
08:01Angel's Dance!
08:09Legendary Strike!
08:13I'll do it! I'll do it!
08:18I'll do it! I'll do it!
08:21I'll do it! I'll do it!
08:32Level up!
08:34That monster must have gained a lot of experience
08:41Master, Airi-san, Miku-san!
08:44Congratulations on your level up!
08:46That was a great battle!
08:48Why is it just Airi and the others?
08:51I think it's about time for me and Cirno to level up
08:56You did well, Princess Lucy
08:58Hmph! It's 6.66 million years early for you to praise me!
09:06I'm sorry
09:08Master, look at that!
09:15Wow, but it's just an illusion
09:18You can't get an elixir that easily
09:21That's right
09:23Yeah, let's keep going
09:27I want to go all the way to the gate
09:31Let's go deeper into the dungeon!
09:34Hey, give me an illusion before that!
09:37I'm hungry
09:39Ah, I'm sorry
09:45It's delicious, right?
09:48It is, right?
09:52Why are you guys being so shy?
09:56Everyone's been working really hard lately
09:59The total for today will be 4.59 million yen
10:05If we split the money for the three of us, one of us will...
10:08No, we'll split it into four
10:14Tanabe Hikari-san is also a member of our party
10:20I understand
10:21Then I'll take care of it
10:29Miku, was it okay for you to come to the dungeon on a weekday?
10:34You too, Airi-san?
10:36I don't have a problem if I don't have seminars or practical training
10:39I'm sorry that I can't come every day
10:42I'm fine if I don't have any plans
10:45By the way, is Kaito sleeping?
10:48You don't look well
10:50I'm fine, I'm fine
10:51Then I'll go to the station
10:54Thank you for your hard work
10:55Yeah, good job
10:57See you
11:11We've come a long way, Nii-san
11:14But we still haven't gotten the rare item
11:17It won't be fun if we get the rare item so easily
11:21Let's dive deeper
11:23Nii-san, I think...
11:26There's a high possibility that the monsters in the deeper levels will drop the rare item
11:32I think so too
11:33I think so too!
11:34My little sister!
11:35Let's dive deeper and get the rare item
11:38Let's solve the mystery of the dungeon
11:40Let's become a great explorer!
11:43That's right
11:45I think there's a high possibility that we'll get the elixir if we dive deeper
11:50Let's see...
11:52The information about the monsters in the 12th level...
11:55Oh, here it is
11:57What is it?
12:05Five more minutes...
12:14Wait, Kaito!
12:18Hey, how about we take a break today?
12:21You're overdoing it
12:23Let's go to karaoke!
12:25Hey, Takagi-kun
12:27Just like Oyama-kun and Mizutani-kun said, how about today?
12:31How about bowling?
12:35Sorry, I have to go
12:38I know it's for Hikari-san's sake
12:41I'm worried about Hikari-san too
12:57I'm sorry...
13:03Well then...
13:05You don't have to go?
13:09It's for Hikari-san's sake, right?
13:14Are you going to the 12th level?
13:17Are you going to continue, Master?
13:21Airi-sama and Miku-sama won't be coming today
13:24So Maelord will be alone
13:28I'm worried about going down alone
13:31Let's go and scout
13:34If you say so, Maelord
13:42Are you okay?
13:44Are you hurt?
13:50You look tired
13:52It's nothing like that
13:54You're right, your eyes are red
13:57Just like always
14:00But you're right
14:02You do look tired
14:07I know this is sudden
14:09But why don't we stop scouting and take a break?
14:13This is really sudden
14:15I'm sorry!
14:17But I think so too
14:19I don't want to be left behind
14:21But don't overdo it
14:22That's right, Maelord
14:26Thank you for worrying about me
14:28I'm just going to scout a little
14:30If you think it's too much, let's go back, okay?
14:36Isn't it a little cold?
14:38The 12th level is a world covered in ice
14:43It's cold!
14:44It's true...
14:45I think we should prepare our equipment a little more
14:50But let's go a little further
14:52Yes, yes! Scouting, scouting!
14:55Just like Maelord said
14:57There's no sign of monsters nearby
15:00It looks like they're persistent, but please don't overdo it
15:04It's so cold!
15:13Everyone, be careful!
15:15I wonder if we can melt this ice in a destroyed park
15:18Let's not do that now
15:20But there's nothing here
15:23There's no monsters either
15:25I feel a little creepy
15:29Let's go back
15:30Let's go back! Let's go here!
15:35There's a strange presence
15:39A monster?
15:41It's rising rapidly
15:43It's like it's going to explode
15:46This is...
15:56Here it comes!
16:05Monster Rush!
16:06No, it's going berserk!
16:11The Iron Wall Maiden!
16:14Master, let's run!
16:16Got it!
16:21This is tiring!
16:22Let's go!
16:23Let's go!
16:24Let's go!
16:25Let's go!
16:26Let's go!
16:27Let's go!
16:28Let's go!
16:29Let's go!
16:30Let's go!
16:31Let's go!
16:32Let's go!
16:33This is tiring!
16:34We can't run away!
16:36We have to fight!
16:39Sing the song of the Iron Wall Maiden!
16:49That's why I'm Mori-san's friend!
16:51I'll destroy it!
17:04Let's go!
17:18I'll fight too!
17:19God's thunder!
17:23Destruction God!
17:28Be destroyed!
17:33Level up?
17:43Damn you!
18:02Velvia, take Kite and run away!
18:04Hurry up!
18:09What are you going to do, Silhime?
18:11I'll stop it!
18:13I just leveled up and got a new skill!
18:17With this...
18:25In the name of my master, my father, and my mother...
18:29I will wipe out this land!
18:31Wind, howl!
18:33Fire, stir the whirlpool!
18:35Stand up!
18:49God's evolution!
18:52Heaven's punishment!
19:02My Lord!
19:05My Lord!
19:08Dark Cure! Dark Cure! Dark Cure!
19:11Hang in there, My Lord!
19:14How's Kite?
19:16She's in a critical condition.
19:18I've been using Dark Cure, but I'm running out of magic points.
19:23Get out of the way!
19:24Hey! Hang in there!
19:26Don't die!
19:27If you die, I'll kill you!
19:33This is...
20:07You don't have to do it!
20:17Wake up!
20:19Hey, wake up!
20:29Thank goodness!
20:30My Lord!
20:32Siren, Lucy, Meloria...
20:35You saved me.
20:37I'm sorry.
20:42My Lord!
20:50Itsugaya-san, what happened?
20:53Takagi-sama encountered a stampede.
20:59Thanks to the potion, his wounds are fine, but he needs to rest.
21:05I understand.
21:06I won't ask about his condition today.
21:11I didn't know he was in a critical condition.
21:13I think Kite is in a critical condition.
21:18Kite, are you okay?
21:23I was scared.
21:25I was really scared.
21:28I'm sorry.
21:34I'll take you home.
21:40I'm fine.
21:42See you tomorrow.
21:46I'm sorry.
21:55I'm sorry, Hikarin.
22:16Subbed by Dreadopp and Zedopp.
22:46Subbed by Dreadopp and Zedopp.
23:16Subbed by Dreadopp and Zedopp.
23:21Subbed by Dreadopp and Zedopp.
