Insta Empire Ep -3 My wifes boss flirts, never knew the revenge Ive plotted
#EnglishMovie #cdrama #drama #engsub #chinesedramaengsub #movieshortfull
#EnglishMovie #cdrama #drama #engsub #chinesedramaengsub #movieshortfull
00:00A beautiful woman deserves a beautiful necklace, ain't that right, Kevin?
00:06Bradley smirked.
00:07Kevin leaned forward and pursed his lips as he saw the necklace that Bradley had gifted
00:12his wife, Lily.
00:13The entire necklace was inlaid with countless dazzling crystals.
00:17Kevin couldn't take his eyes off the big diamond core pendant that weighed at least three carats
00:22in the center of it.
00:24The dream lover necklace, Kevin whispered to himself.
00:28What was that?
00:29Bradley asked.
00:30That's impossible, there's no way that that's real.
00:34The dream lover necklace was made by the famous French jewelry designer Diane.
00:38It was made up of 180 crystals in a three carat diamond.
00:43There are only ten versions of the necklace in the world.
00:45That has to be a knockoff.
00:48It's not a knockoff, it's a top-of-the-line copy of one.
00:51Lily, I remember how much you loved the dream lover's necklace and since it's impossible
00:57to buy a real one, I spent $100,000 to have a jeweler create a copy of it for you.
01:03And if you give me some more time, I will one day find the real dream lover for you.
01:08Lily closed the gift box and said with a somewhat regretful expression.
01:13It's normal that you can't buy it.
01:16After all, there are only ten real dream lovers in the world.
01:19Two years ago, I heard that in an auction, a dream lover was sold at a high price of
01:24$2.8 million.
01:26So you don't have to worry about finding me the real one, plus this is a really good
01:32I love it.
01:34When he heard Lily's words, Bradley's heart stopped as he thought to himself, $2.8 million?
01:40My entire net worth was only around $3 million.
01:44There is no way that I'll ever be able to buy it for her.
01:47With an awkward smile, Bradley replied, sounds like this dream lover is very popular.
01:54Kevin reached forward.
01:55Here, Lily, why don't you let me bring the necklace home for you?
01:59After all, I'm your husband.
02:01It's the least I can do.
02:03Thank you, Kevin.
02:04That would be really helpful.
02:06Kevin reached for the necklace, but as soon as his hand grasped it, he felt it accidentally
02:11slip through his fingers onto the ground.
02:14With a fake shocked look on his face, Bradley gasped, Kevin, how could you?
02:20You threw it on the ground on purpose.
02:22That necklace was for Lily.
02:24Why would you do that to her?
02:27At that moment, Kevin turned around to see several of Lily's coworkers crowding around
02:33One woman whispered to the other, I know, I don't know why she married him.
02:38She could do so much better.
02:40Lily took a deep breath.
02:42I'm sure that it was an accident, wasn't it, Kevin?
02:46Feeling his face turn red in anger, Kevin snapped.
02:48I'm sorry that it happened, Lily.
02:50You deserve the real thing, not just some fake copy of it from a douche like Bradley.
02:56Seeing the employees gossiping to one another, Lily stepped forward and whispered into Kevin's
03:01Kevin, please apologize to Bradley.
03:04We're at my job and I have a lot going on today.
03:08Even if it was an accident, you need to apologize to Bradley because this is my work.
03:13It's important to me.
03:14I can't have drama like this happen, especially not this week.
03:20Kevin slowly nodded and turned to Bradley.
03:22I'm sorry that I dropped the necklace that you got from my wife.
03:26Thank you, Lily mouthed to Kevin.
03:29Turning to both Kevin and Bradley, Lily continued.
03:32I'm already running so late.
03:34I have to go, but thank you both.
03:36I'll talk to you soon.
03:38After Lily got into the elevator, Kevin bent down, picked the necklace up and tossed it
03:42to Bradley.
03:43In shock, Bradley reached for the necklace but missed.
03:46This time when it fell, a fake diamond popped out onto the ground.
03:50Kevin turned around and began walking towards his motorbike as he heard Bradley's angry
03:54roar from behind him.
03:57I know you can hear me.
03:59I command you to stop.
04:02Bradley screamed as he chased Kevin.
04:04Bradley continued.
04:06This necklace is worth more money than you could ever imagine and you broke it.
04:10How do you expect to fix the damage?
04:13Poor Lily, you just won't let her have anything nice, will you?
04:16Kevin turned around and looked at Bradley with an expressionless face.
04:20One, Lily is my wife.
04:24You'd better stay away from her.
04:26Kevin calmly climbed onto his motorbike and continued.
04:29Two, it's my job to give gifts to my wife.
04:33So tonight I'll give her the real dream lover.
04:36She deserves more than a knockoff and she deserves it from her husband, not you.
04:42After a pause, Kevin looked at Bradley and smirked.
04:45Third, move.
04:47You're blocking the exit.
04:49Bradley furiously watched Kevin drive away as he yelled, Nice try, idiot.
04:55You can't even afford a car.
04:56How do you expect to buy the dream lover?
04:59You're such a loser.
05:02Bradley bent over and picked a rock off the ground.
05:05He threw it with all of his might and hit the back of Kevin's motorbike.
05:09Bradley gave himself a self-satisfied smile as Kevin drove away, unaware that his light
05:14was smashed.
05:16A couple of Lily's co-workers took out their cell phones and snuck photos of Kevin's broken
05:20motorbike as he drove away.
05:23On the top floor of the Skyrise, Lily sat behind her desk.
05:26Her eyes were filled with anger as she looked out the window and thought to herself, Kevin
05:31knew how important today is for me and yet he still picked a fight with Bradley.
05:36I know that Bradley was out of line but that's just who Bradley is.
05:40Besides, Bradley is the best shot that I have to finding an investor.
05:44I can't risk upsetting him now.
05:46The company depends on it.
05:48And now that Kevin offended him, how am I going to get Bradley to get his boss at the
05:53Williams company to invest $4 million into my company to save it?
05:59Seeing Kevin's name on her phone, Lily bit her bottom lip and answered, I can't talk
06:04right now.
06:05Lily, I'm sorry about earlier.
06:07I know how stressed you are and I shouldn't have taken Bradley's bait.
06:11It's just that that guy gets under my skin.
06:14Lily shook her head.
06:15That guy is the best chance that I have for saving my company.
06:19He directly reports to the Williams family and I don't know if you know who they are
06:23but they are the richest family in Chicago.
06:26They could save my company.
06:29Kevin laughed to himself.
06:30It still amazes me how after all of these years, Lily still hasn't connected the fact
06:35that my last name is the same last name as the Williams company.
06:39She must think that it's just a coincidence.
06:42Well she is right about one thing.
06:44Even though the Williams family is secretly bankrupt, there is a Williams family member
06:49who is now officially the richest man in Chicago and I'm going to save her company.
06:54I can't tell her the truth just yet though.
06:57I mean, I've lied to her for too long about my true family.
07:01I need to pick the right moment to be honest with her or else I could risk losing her forever.
07:07I promise that things are going to be okay.
07:09Now I'll let you go because I know you're busy but I just wanted to say that I love
07:14you Lily.
07:15Lily felt her eyes well with tears.
07:18I know you do.
07:19Hanging up, Kevin declared to himself.
07:22I'm going to make Lily love me again.
07:24It's not her fault, it's mine.
07:26I let myself disappear after the money went away.
07:29But I'm going to make things better.
07:31I'm finally feeling like myself again and that means I can finally be the man that Lily
07:37Taking a deep breath, Kevin looked at his phone and pressed the name of the person who
07:41had exiled him and left him with nothing only two years ago.
07:47I knew you would call.
07:49An old rough voice answered.
07:51Hello Grandpa, let's not waste any time with fake formalities.
07:55I'm calling to let you know that I can help solve the crisis of William's family with
07:59my money.
08:01But in exchange for that, I have two conditions.
08:04One before six o'clock tonight, you will give me a dream lover necklace.
08:09Second, at the downtown family branch, there is a person named Bradley.
08:14I want him removed from the building immediately.
08:20Hi guys, Kevin here.
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