Choosen By Fate Rejected By Alpha Episode 3

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Chosen By Fate, Rejected By The Alpha
00:00Trinity had lived in the Red Springs compound all her life, but she had never been to the
00:04Alpha's house. After showering, primping, and putting on the midnight blue gown Grandfather
00:09had given her, Trinity's stomach was in knots as her best friend Juniper arrived to pick her up.
00:18This is actually exciting, don't you think? Juniper asked. Her blonde hair had been put
00:23into an immaculate updo. She was tall and athletically slim, like every other woman
00:28in the pack. Except Trinity, of course. I don't know why you're excited, Trinity teased. You've
00:34already found your mate. True, Paul's annoyingly perfect, Juniper laughed. The moon goddess herself
00:41decided on werewolves' mate bonds. Paul and Juniper had literally been destined for each other.
00:47Even though Trinity was happy for her friend, there was a little sadness in knowing she'd
00:52never experience something like that herself. But if you guys are mated, Trinity said,
00:57Why do you have to come tonight? I thought it was a mixer for all the eligible, unmatched wolves.
01:03It's the harvest moon gathering, Trin. It's not just the Alpha's meet and greet.
01:07Juniper bounced in her seat. Maybe something special is waiting for you at the party tonight.
01:12This could be the moment that changes everything. Knowing me, it'll be for the worst,
01:17Trinity grumbled. Juniper meant well, but they both knew it was hopeless. If Trinity didn't have
01:22a wolf, that meant she didn't have a mate. Simple as that. They turned into the Alpha's driveway,
01:28a long, long stretch of road through the deep woods. They wound along the mountainside until
01:33they finally arrived at the house itself. Juniper parked, and the girls walked toward
01:38the brightly lit building. Lanterns and fairy lights glowed in the trees, casting soft illumination
01:44everywhere. Mated or unmated, a gruff man a few years older than Trinity stopped the girls near
01:50the front of the house. He had a clipboard and looked no nonsense. Mated, Juniper said. Unmated,
01:58Trinity replied. Last name? Witten. Trinity noticed his jolt of surprise at her name, but he checked
02:05something off on the list. Miss Witten, you're in group number three. Your meeting with the Alpha
02:09will come later. In the meantime, you're encouraged to mingle with the other unmated partygoers.
02:15Should any wolves find their mate tonight, the Alpha will consider this gathering a success,
02:19the man said. Well, anything to make the Alpha happy, Trinity said with a shrug and a smile.
02:26She and Juniper walked up the steps to the house, which was a beautiful mansion constructed of
02:30smooth gray stone. There was even a castle turret high above. Whoever gets to live here will be a
02:36lucky little princess, Trinity thought to herself. Then they went through the house to the backyard,
02:42where a dance floor had been set up. A buffet had been set up on one side of the garden,
02:46and it smelled incredible. Do they have fried chicken and ribeye steak here? Trinity's mouth
02:52watered. I think I just found my mate. That buffet table and I are going to be so happy together.
02:58Ha ha, Juniper tugged her arm. Come on, we need to at least introduce you around.
03:04You know how that's going to go, Juniper. Most people here don't know me, and when they find
03:08out I'm the wolfless Witten girl, they're not going to be nice, Trinity sighed.
03:13Just try. You never know what could happen. Juniper dragged her friend over to a tall,
03:18handsome boy with sandy blonde hair. Jasper, hey, I want you to meet my friend, Trinity.
03:25Jasper's handsomeness lessened when he scowled down at Trinity.
03:28Where'd you find a wolf this short? He sounded disbelieving.
03:32At five foot five, Trinity was almost a full foot shorter than most males in the pack.
03:38I'm Trinity Witten. Nice to meet you, she said.
03:40Witten? Oh. Jasper downed his beer in a single gulp and tossed the cup away.
03:47So you're that girl? What, that fun, pretty, nice-smelling, shorter-than-average girl?
03:52Is that what you mean? Trinity questioned. But Jasper had decided to completely ignore Trinity.
03:57He walked off like she didn't even exist. Screw him, Juniper looked furious.
04:02I ought to go rip his arm off. Don't give him any more attention. He doesn't deserve it. Trinity
04:08had expected that kind of treatment, but it didn't make her feel any better.
04:12Maybe I should just go sit by the food and wait for my turn with the alpha. Then we can go.
04:17No. Juniper was being stubborn about this as she grabbed Trinity's hand.
04:21We're going to find you someone. But the next two boys they met both did the same thing Jasper had.
04:27They heard Trinity's last name, looked her up and down with a sneer, and walked away.
04:32I don't get what's going on. Juniper seemed close to tears. They'd never been like this before.
04:38They don't want to hang out with the homeschooled weirdo who's going to get a
04:42job in the human world after graduation, Trinity grumbled. Can't say I blame them.
04:48Actually, she did blame them. But she didn't want Juniper to feel bad.
04:53You're one of the special ones, Juniper. You and Paul never cared who I was.
04:57But most of the wolves aren't going to feel that way, she continued.
05:01Let's hang out with some of the girls, Juniper steered Trinity toward a small
05:04group talking under a tree. Hi June, one of the wolf girls
05:08said smiling brightly when Juniper arrived. There was a moment of confusion as everyone
05:13stared at Trinity. Oh wow, I don't think I've seen you around here before.
05:19This is my first gathering. Trinity didn't volunteer her name this time.
05:23She got the feeling it wouldn't go over well. Oh my god, one of the other girls gasped as she
05:29stared at Trinity. You guys, smell her. Go on, it's crazy.
05:34This is a little too intimate considering we just met. But Trinity's joke didn't land.
05:40All the female wolves sniffed the air and looked horrified.
05:43She doesn't have a wolf. How can you not have a wolf? You have to be over 18, aren't you?
05:49Almost 19, actually. Trinity wanted to just walk away.
05:53The gossip was already starting, and it was happening right in front of her.
05:58No need to be a spectator at her own humiliation. Wait, wait, I heard about this,
06:03one of the girls hissed. There's that freak whose mom slept with a human and had some like
06:07little half-wolf bastard. Trinity saw Crimson. She growled even though she didn't have a wolf
06:13to command. I'm that freak, yeah, she snapped. But I'd rather be a freak than a bitch in every
06:19sense of the word. The girls turned hostile at once while Juniper looked sad.
06:25Why don't you go back to the human world, freak? See if they'll take you.
06:29You're not wanted here, the tallest, prettiest girl in the group said.
06:33That's right, Donna. Tell that little skank, another girl giggled.
06:37How can you guys be like this, Juniper cried.
06:40She stood in front of Trinity, a challenge to the others. You're completely awful.
06:46Trinity loved Juniper for standing up for her, but she didn't want to do this anymore.
06:51Quickly, she turned and hurried out of the garden, ducking beneath the hanging
06:54lanterns as she made her way off the premises and deeper into the woods.
06:59Trinity wiped tears from her eyes. She didn't know where she was going,
07:02and she didn't care. At least I won't have to embarrass myself in front of the alpha tonight.
07:08It had only been an hour, but Reese already wanted to kill himself. He sipped a glass
07:12of champagne while we chatted with some airhead female wolf who kept giggling and touching his
07:16arm. I think your house is so beautiful, alpha. It'd be the perfect house to raise a family,
07:21don't you think? The girl fluttered her lashes. Reese wanted to throw everyone out.
07:27When I find the right mate, I'm sure that'll happen.
07:31His withering stare told the girl she wasn't his mate. She pouted and turned away, dejected.
07:36All the others in group one waited eagerly for his attention to fall on them.
07:40Even if he hadn't been the alpha, Reese knew the woman would flock to him.
07:44He was six and a half feet tall with black hair and golden eyes.
07:48His body ripped with muscle, and his jaw was square and rock hard. But he never had any interest in a
07:54woman beyond a single night of fun in bed. He'd never slept with the same girl more than once.
08:00This is all so damn tiresome, he thought. He turned to the open window to get a breath of
08:05fresh air. The faintest gust of wind entered the room, and then he smelled something beyond
08:10description. She smelled like vanilla and warm cinnamon apples. His mouth watered at the very
08:17faintest touch of her scent. His whole body lit up, fire scorching every inch of his flesh.
08:25There she is. My mate. The wolf in him responded at once, desperate to get out of this house and
08:32away from these ridiculous people. The scent told him the girl had just left the party
08:37and was heading off into the woods. No, she couldn't leave yet. She was the only one he
08:43needed to meet. No one else mattered. Alpha, are you alright?
08:49The girl squealed in shock as Reese charged out of the room and down the stairs.
08:53He exploded out the front door, ignoring Noah's startled questions as he sniffed the air greedily.
08:59That vanilla and cinnamon aroma still wafted towards him on the night wind.
09:03Reese ran, following the scent. He charged into the dark forest, past whipping tree branches.
09:10He didn't stumble once as he hunted the girl.
09:13Where are you? He growled, his breath coming in heaving gasps. If he didn't find her soon,
09:19he'd explode. His wolf form would emerge, and he'd go on howling mad as he tracked her down
09:26like the predator he was. Then, up ahead, he could sense her. She stopped beside a fallen tree
09:35and was sitting on the ground. With a growl of pride, Reese rushed over and came close.
09:42She sensed someone behind her, turned, and shrieked as she fell backwards.
09:48Reese almost fell on top of her, pinning her to the earth. His shadow blocked out her features,
09:54but she had curling dark hair. Her creamy skin was pale against the midnight blue of her gown.
10:02You, Reese growled. There you are.
