allu arjun best south indian hindi movie clip

  • 2 weeks ago


00:00Excuse me, sir.
00:03Grant us leave of absence.
00:05I can't give you the authority to do that.
00:07Do you need a lawyer?
00:10Uncle, get up.
00:12You will fight the case.
00:14Get up.
00:15What are you saying?
00:16It's been decided.
00:17Come on.
00:18Make the official announcement.
00:19But how do I start?
00:21Ask for leave of absence.
00:22And what about the evidence?
00:25It will come.
00:26It's my job to get the evidence and witnesses.
00:28Come on.
00:31Your Honor.
00:33My name is Sripati.
00:34I will take over this case.
00:39Grant us leave of absence.
00:41Do you have any evidence?
00:42On what basis will you fight?
00:43Let him fight the case.
00:45Let him fight the case.
00:46Let him fight the case.
00:48Let Virender go.
00:50Virender is innocent.
00:51Let Virender go.
00:58Objection, Your Honor.
01:00What do you want in any case?
01:02Evidence and witnesses.
01:04You will get justice.
01:05But when?
01:06When the crime is proven.
01:08But by publishing headlines in the newspaper.
01:10Or by the news channel.
01:12Or by raising the voice of the people.
01:14Or by the support of an MLA.
01:16The case is not decided, Your Honor.
01:20Your Honor.
01:22Your Honor.
01:24If there is rape at night,
01:25the next morning the girl will not be pregnant for six months.
01:27You know that.
01:40You call it rape.
01:42The day she was raped, she was six months pregnant.
01:45Here is the post-mortem report.
01:49The girl's behavior was not right.
01:51Not once, but ten times,
01:52the constable arrested her from the hotel room.
01:57Come, sir.
01:58This is absolutely true, sir.
01:59We arrested her ten times.
02:01But she requested us not to tell her parents.
02:04That's why we filed a complaint once.
02:06Sir, sir.
02:07No, sir, please.
02:08Don't do this, sir.
02:09She was my daughter.
02:10Don't put such disgusting accusations on her.
02:11I beg of you.
02:13She was very nice, my daughter.
02:14We will take this case back.
02:16Court doesn't listen to you.
02:18Did you see, Your Honor?
02:19When the secret was revealed,
02:21the crocodile started shedding tears.
02:23There was a special motive behind trapping her.
02:28My client is a businessman.
02:30An icon of the young generation.
02:32The entire family planned to blackmail and loot my client.
02:36And when he didn't fall into the trap,
02:37he threatened to rape her every morning and every evening
02:40and harassed my client.
02:46Her daughter used to do business.
02:47She wanted to blackmail Virender
02:49and take a bigger amount from him.
02:51All the evidence says the same.
02:53And this is not just my claim.
02:54This is the only truth.
03:03This girl is a disgrace to the society.
03:05And who knows,
03:06maybe her parents put her in this position.
03:08She is the filth of this city.
03:18There is no need for such people to live in this society, Your Honor.
03:32The court finds you guilty for wasting the court's precious time
03:35and for falsely accusing an innocent person.
03:40The case is dismissed.
03:45Hey, come on.
03:48Come on.
03:55It's okay, my baby.
04:41What have you done?
04:42My daughter is innocent.
04:44My daughter is innocent.
04:46Nothing will happen to you.
04:49Start the jeep. Let's go to the hospital.
04:52Start the jeep. We have to save her.
04:57Come on, hurry up.
05:00Uncle, start the jeep. We have to take her to the hospital.
05:03Hurry up.
05:04Nothing can be done now.
05:05Why not?
05:06She is dead.
05:08She is dead, son.
05:17Mr. Lawyer, Mahima's parents committed suicide.
05:19Don't you think the court's decision is wrong?
05:21What right does a judge have to make a decision against us?
05:24The rich keep the law in their pockets.
05:26We bought the judge.
05:27Uncle, hold him.
05:28What did he say?
05:30What did he say?
05:31What did he say?
05:32Uncle, what did he say?
05:33He is a man of the bow.
05:34I am telling you, he is a man of the bow.
05:36Don't mess with them.
05:37Try to understand me.
05:39He is a man of the bow.
05:47You have won the case.
05:48Why have you come here now?
05:49I have brought the papers you asked for the land.
05:53Then bring the coffee.
05:54Come with me.
05:58Why did you take only 250 acres of land from 300 acres of land?
06:01I don't understand.
06:02The remaining 50 acres is for my watchman.
06:17How did this happen?
06:24Hey, youth icon.
06:25You have got the license to rape.
06:27Do whatever you want.
06:29I will take care of the rest.
06:31Love you, brother.
06:33Let's celebrate.
06:37Hey, try this.
07:01Hey, kill everyone.
07:03I will take care of the court.
07:49Justice is what you get at the right time.
07:51If the court doesn't do it, I will do it.
07:53Who was it?
07:55Who was it?
08:06You seem to be in a good mood.
08:07I had 2-3 pegs too much last night.
08:09That's why I am taking it off.
08:10That means you didn't take it off last night.
08:12Hey, Ganesh.
08:16Where were you last night?
08:22I was with my friends.
08:27DGP is going to retire in 10 days.
08:28He is throwing a party in the evening.
08:30He has asked me to bring you along.
08:32Don't do anything stupid there.
08:34Who? Me?
08:40He is so excited about the party.
09:06Happy retirement.
09:07Thank you so much.
09:08Hello, sir.
09:10Where is Gana?
09:11He is here.
09:13How are you, my lion?
09:14I will be right back.
09:17Do you see, brother?
09:18My son Gana is very close to DGP.
09:21It's not a big deal.
09:22Police and goons are always close.
09:24Your father told me that you are always busy with someone.
09:28I have heard that you killed Masood Pahlwan.
09:30He was a wrong person.
09:31You did the right thing.
09:32I am happy with your work.
09:34That Pahlwan was worth it.
09:35There are some limits of law.
09:37But not yours.
09:38You can do anything.
09:40But remember one thing.
09:42Don't mess with people who are connected to the system.
09:47Sir, Vikram Dhanush is here.
10:04His daughter was a bad girl.
10:06What are you saying?
10:12He is Dhanush's man, Sanjay.
10:13I am telling you, he is Dhanush's man.
10:22Welcome, son.
10:25Some ministers have come from Delhi.
10:26Because of the protocol, dad had to meet them.
10:29That's why I have come.
10:31It's okay, Dhanush.
10:32What did you say, dog?
10:34How dare you?
10:36Did you take my name?
10:40Looks like I have to retire early from my job.
10:45Where is Ganesh?
10:58Get his background.
11:08Leave him, son. Let him go.
11:11They are Dhanush's men.
11:22Where is he?
11:23MLA has come here.
11:38Wait here.
11:39I will go and meet him.
11:43Excuse me.
11:46You have come here too.
11:47This is a celebrity party.
11:49I am not less than a celebrity.
11:50I have come with an invitation.
11:52Here, the heart has come to be the target of the arrow.
11:54What do you mean?
11:55I was standing with the arrow of love.
11:57You have come with the heart to get hurt.
12:00By the way, why are you looking so sad?
12:01Whatever happened in the court yesterday...
12:03I have cut his legs.
12:05I have cut his legs and separated them.
12:06You have cut Veerendra's legs?
12:08There is a law, a system, a court for him.
12:10What kind of law is that?
12:12You were able to save that girl.
12:14And her poor parents.
12:15Did they get justice?
12:16Your women organizations.
12:18What did they do?
12:19Forget about them.
12:20You are an MLA, right?
12:22What have you done?
12:25Anyway, forget it.
12:26I do what I feel is right.
12:27I don't do what I don't feel is right.
12:28I don't do it even if I die.
12:29This is my principle.
12:30I live like this.
12:32I don't care if I live or die.
12:34I have taken military training.
12:35I am strict with my principles.
12:37No matter what happens.
12:39And what if they find out the truth?
12:40I will kill them.
12:43Don't you get bored roaming around with senior citizens for 24 hours?
12:47I do.
12:48But what can I do?
12:49Will you go to the pub?
12:51Are you crazy?
12:52Is it necessary to be crazy to go there?
12:56It's not like that.
12:58Like everyone else, even I feel like it.
13:00That I should have a boyfriend.
13:01We should go on long drives.
13:02We should roam around.
13:03We should go clubbing.
13:04Even I feel like it.
13:06But I am an MLA.
13:08Let me tell you something.
13:09If you are convinced, then let's go.
13:10Otherwise, drop the idea.
13:12What idea?
13:13Your grandfather was a great freedom fighter.
13:16In 1922, when British atrocities started increasing,
13:18he picked up a gun.
13:19Isn't it right?
13:21Even though he was married, he didn't have children.
13:23He spent his entire life fighting against the British.
13:26In 1947, when the country got freedom, he had four children.
13:29That means, despite fighting all day,
13:30he used to take out time for romance at night.
13:32My grandfather wasn't like that.
13:34If your grandmother was alive, she would have been convinced.