Allu Arjun new superhit movie viral best

  • 2 weeks ago


00:00You have the tradition of coffee, but we have something else.
00:04What are you drinking, son?
00:07You should have it with soda and chutney.
00:09We have a stock of it in our house.
00:11I didn't know there was so much development in the village.
00:14Son, your idea flopped. What will you do now?
00:16I'll have to think of something big.
00:17What a six-pack hot hunk!
00:19How long will you make me wait?
00:21I feel like running away with him.
00:23You are already engaged.
00:24If he agrees, I'll take a divorce in advance from my husband.
00:27If I go on a date with him, my life will be set.
00:32What is it?
00:33Astrology has said that it's a bad time for the past, present and future.
00:38It will take another hour to meet the bride.
00:40I hope you won't get tired.
00:42Okay, I'll wait. You can go.
00:43Keep waiting, brother-in-law.
00:45The wedding has already been fixed.
00:46I'm waiting for another hour to hear the bride's decision.
00:48What will we do for an hour? Chant?
00:50Uncle, let's make this bad time a good one.
00:52Let's go and see the bride right now.
00:54The wedding will be called off for sure.
00:56Let's go.
00:57I've been waiting for a long time.
00:58Where is JP uncle?
01:01Greetings, brother-in-law.
01:02Sir, dad asked me to meet your daughter.
01:05But someone outside told me that the auspicious time is not right.
01:08Actually, I have to go early.
01:10Can I meet the girl or go back?
01:13How will you meet her if she is not here?
01:17What do you mean?
01:18I'll tell you, son.
01:19She has been punished for helping all of us.
01:22She wants to usurp our land to build an oil pipeline.
01:26She strongly opposed it.
01:28That's why she is in trouble.
01:29She adopts new tricks to scare us.
01:32But she didn't back down.
01:34When they got the news of your arrival,
01:37they kidnapped her daughter and kept her at Obal Reddy's house.
01:41And this is what you...
01:43Look, son.
01:44Let's end this relationship right here.
01:48If we take any wrong step, we will have to face the consequences.
01:52Our enemy is not an ordinary man.
01:55He doesn't believe in any law.
01:56Killing him is just a game.
02:00Tell your father that we didn't like the girl.
02:04Her life is in danger.
02:06Don't tell this to anyone.
02:08There is no need to say anything.
02:10We won't have any problem.
02:19Sir, what is the report?
02:20We kidnapped the girl, sir.
02:22It's been six hours.
02:23But we didn't get any answer from there.
02:25That means the rope got burnt but the power didn't go off.
02:28Kill the girl.
02:29Only then he will listen.
02:44Uncle, I don't look like a beggar, right?
02:46There is no beggar in 7-8 pegs.
02:48Who are you?
02:49I was looking for Reddy's house.
02:51Does Bulbul Reddy live here?
02:53There is no Bulbul Reddy.
02:54Obul Reddy lives here.
02:56He is my boss.
02:57Actually, I came from the city.
02:59To see a girl for marriage.
03:00I came to know that the girl is here.
03:02So I thought to meet her once.
03:03Then I will go.
03:05Are you acting too smart?
03:06Get out quietly.
03:08Sir, I think you don't understand my problem.
03:10If you see the girl, you will kill her.
03:11But if you don't see the girl, dad will create a ruckus at home.
03:13What will dad do?
03:21First of all, dad will beat me like this.
03:24So much anger?
03:25Will you speak louder than your father?
03:32He is very scared of his father.
03:33Let's watch the show.
03:37You show your father a weapon?
03:38You have grown up so much.
03:39You have grown up so much.
03:40Get out.
03:41You idiot.
03:43Do you know how hard it will hit the mother's heart?
03:46It's wrong.
03:47You shouldn't pick up a weapon.
03:55What a shot.
03:56There are many such skills.
03:57Is it?
04:02Why is the thing that should be in the neck of the bull in your hand?
04:05Will you pick it up?
04:06Will you pick it up in the middle?
04:07I said in the middle.
04:08You are talking too much.
04:09Why did you say in the middle?
04:10I raised you so much for this show.
04:12It was fun.
04:13I bought the tickets of this show in black.
04:14Watch ahead.
04:15What are you talking?
04:16Why did you go to the village?
04:17Did you see the girl?
04:18You came without seeing.
04:19Without seeing.
04:21I never do what I say.
04:23How dare you not listen to me?
04:26Who is daddy?
04:27Sorry, daddy.
04:28Forgive me, daddy.
04:29Do you call your father daddy?
04:30Do you call him daddy?
04:31Will you call him daddy?
04:32Don't you feel ashamed?
04:33Will you speak in English?
04:34English medium.
04:35Do you study in the municipality?
04:36Will you speak in English?
04:37Sorry, father.
04:38Sorry, father.
04:39Have you forgotten English?
04:40Will you speak in English?
04:42You don't know to speak in Hindi.
04:43Will you speak in English?
04:46Mummy, help.
04:49What happened?
04:50Father is beating me.
04:51Who is he?
04:52He is daddy.
04:53He will beat you too.
04:55Come on.
04:56Get out.
04:58Sorry, sorry, sorry.
05:25Mom, help!
05:28How dare you hit my men?
05:40Who is Abul Reddy here?
05:42Tell me.
05:43Where are you hiding him?
05:46Who is Abul?
05:51Tell me quickly or I'll beat him up.
05:54Dad, listen. He has gone too far.
05:57All of you go upstairs and get the girl ready.
06:01I want to meet her.
06:03I've come to see the girl for the first time.
06:05There shouldn't be any shortcomings.
06:07Otherwise I'll beat you up.
06:13I'm calling you, you fool.
06:15Come here.
06:18Abul? Who is Abul?
06:23If you write it so big on your hand, even a blind man can read it.
06:25By the way, do you know what God will do when the auspicious time is over?
06:30You mean, band?
06:32No idea.
06:34I'll give you an idea. Bring the girl.
06:36Okay. I'll bring her right now.
06:38I'll beat you up.
06:39Look, I'm 56 inches tall now.
06:42Dance or fight, no one can touch you.
06:45I've never seen a piece like you since childhood.
06:48This relationship is done.
06:50Now do the formalities and say yes.
07:10The girl will definitely like me.
07:14Write it.
07:22Darling, you're gorgeous.
07:27Shall I tell you something?
07:29I feel like looking at you all the time.
07:32Oh, I forgot to tell you.
07:34Your dad is JP and my dad is UP.
07:36Both are classmates.
07:37My uncle and I are classmates.
07:40I came here to see you.
07:42So that you can see me.
07:44Darling, there's a small issue.
07:47I'll set it in two minutes.
07:50Women of the house take care of the girl.
07:53There are no women here.
07:57Uncle, you're looking better now.
07:59Do the intro one by one.
08:01Son-in-law, I'm the girl's mother.
08:03Don't get into too much character. Move your hand.
08:05Where's father-in-law?
08:10What did you say? Dad's character?
08:12I'm not married. It's a technical fault.
08:14Son-in-law is in the form.
08:16Be a dad in front of him.
08:18Go and come in the get-up.
08:20No problem. I'll update.
08:22I'll get into character now.
08:24Are you ready, daddy?
08:26Father-in-law, tell me something about your daughter.
08:28You mean qualities?
08:30What else?
08:32When my daughter laughs, it's cold.
08:34When she smiles, it rains.
08:35I'm asking you about your daughter.
08:37And you're telling me about the weather.
08:39Tell me about your daughter's education, talent and hobbies.
08:42I don't know.
08:44How old is she?
08:45I don't know.
08:46Tell me her name.
08:47I don't know.
08:48How many languages does she know?
08:49I don't know.
08:50What kind of father is he?
08:51How would he know?
08:52He's been kidnapped today.
08:54Why are you holding the dhoti?
08:56I've got it.
08:58I've got the dhoti.
08:59Take care of the dhoti and sit down.
09:00Father-in-law, you're ugly but your daughter is beautiful.
09:02This alliance is fixed.
09:03Why don't you talk about the dowry?
09:05We need land papers for dowry.
09:06Where did this dowry come from?
09:07I'm not going to give anything.
09:09You keep quiet.
09:10You've got such a good son-in-law.
09:11He'll keep our daughter happy.
09:12Give him whatever he asks for.
09:13I won't.
09:14If you refuse, I'll sell all my clothes and jewellery to him.
09:17Look at the girl.
09:18He'll get married.
09:19I'm not going to give dowry.
09:20Do you want logic?
09:22Let's replay what his father did at the time of entry.
09:24Only then will he understand.
09:26Son-in-law is coming back to the form.
09:28Do something quickly.
09:29Give it.
09:30Stop reacting.
09:31Do some action.
09:32This is a lot of money.
09:33I've earned it by stealing goats, chickens and scorpions.
09:35I took a kidnapping case for the first time.
09:36And today I had to see this day.
09:37I've suffered a lot for you.
09:38I won't suffer anymore.
09:39Come on.
09:44I bless you, my child.
09:48It's time to go.
09:49Let's take permission from him.
09:50How can I say goodbye to my daughter without getting married?
09:53Who said you didn't get married?
09:54I held her hand.
09:55From today, I consider her my wife.
09:59Darling, let's go.
10:13We've walked seven steps together.
10:14We're married.
10:21Let's go home.
10:28Your daughter is getting married.
10:30Won't you cry?
10:33So, what lesson did we learn today?
10:35Even if you kidnap a girl, you have to pay dowry.
10:39You're smart.
11:14Here are the documents of your land that Abul snatched.
11:16Take care of them.
11:17This is all because of my nephew.
11:27Sir, if there was someone else in your place, I would've kneeled down.
11:30I appreciate your courage, sir.
11:32He kidnapped your daughter.
11:34But she's my father's friend's daughter.
11:36If something had happened to her, you would've been sad.
11:38And my father would've been sad.
11:40And if my father was sad,
11:44I wouldn't have been able to control myself.
11:45Sir, I don't let injustice happen to strangers.
11:47Then how could I see injustice happening to my loved ones?
11:50They had to be punished.
11:52Sir, I wanted to ask you something.
11:54When you explained the matter, you said that someone is after Abul.
11:57Do you know who he is?
12:01His name is...
12:02Actually, the thing is...
12:03Let me explain, sir.
12:05I'll wait for two more days and solve the problem.
12:08Whenever I fight for justice, I get justice.
12:12Tell me, sir.
12:13There's no problem now.
12:14You solved the problem.
12:15You brought my daughter back home.
12:17Thanks for that.
12:22Sir, if dad calls, don't talk about the fight.
12:27Tell him that your daughter rejected me.
12:42If there's any problem in life, Gana will solve it.
12:49I'll miss you.
12:50Take care.
13:01Let's take a selfie.
13:02Selfie, selfie.
13:03Come closer.
13:04I want to see.
13:05I'll see you soon.
13:06Next time, remove your moustache.
13:07Give me a hug.
13:08Give me a hug.
13:09I have to go now.
13:16What happened, dear?
13:19Dad, whoever I marry,
13:21as my husband,
13:23he'll take care of me and protect me.
13:26But without any relation,
13:28he saved my life.
13:30I want to marry him, dad.
13:35I'll talk to Umapati.
13:37About your marriage.
