2-805 DEGREE LAVA VS Watermelon-

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00:00This is noises mayor right now
00:08Life hack time
00:10Versus bottle cap who's gonna win? I think I'm team bottle cap
00:14I was gonna be team bottle cap, but I'm very contrarian. So I'm gonna go heat. I'm I'm with the underdog
00:18I'm with the underdog here. I think the bottle cap. Oh, look at it expanding
00:22You can't do anything if I'm bigger than the bottle caps like
00:25Is this your best shot?
00:27Give me more. Give me more
00:32That was my vote I look at you look at you I am a disappointed father in this
00:36I am a I am a disappointed father. I am sprite looking down at this coke. I'm just like
00:45Viral maniacs studio Sparta shout out. Thanks for this vid. All right, so that's a table power saw power saw
00:52Is it this is this is not that's from Skyrim. I know that I've seen that that pencil. Yeah
00:58Whatever he's using him to craft
01:01Crafting skills must be through the roof. I'm still level 100. Yeah, sure
01:05That's the one thing I didn't do much in Skyrim was build stuff. I've never played. Oh, that's a good game
01:09You didn't play any games when you were good. Oh
01:13Call of Duty, okay, and I played Call of Duty. Okay, and I played Call of Duty
01:18Okay, and I played it team trees team trees dot org. I've never seen somebody
01:23Exploring I was talking
01:25I've never seen anybody mix these two things before so I'm actually
01:29See what happens is pool chlorine chlorine chlorine
01:33Plural, let's see. Whoa. Is that a craft?
01:38Macaroni and cheese there it goes. Oh my gosh. I got a fart
01:47Bubbles bubbles, did you fight? No, are you sure? Yeah, I don't want to smell it
01:52Just tell me if you did and I'm gonna start breathing through my mouth. Yeah, I need to know
01:58I don't know. You don't know if you farted. No, did you hear something? I thought I did might have been my knee
02:04Was it just fall out of you? No, I didn't. It was my knee. Oh
02:10Oofington, okay. Oh, I've seen something similar before to this. Let's see if this guy can add a step to it
02:16Oh, maybe take a step away make it easier. Hey, that's the ultimate goal of a life hack, right?
02:20That's why I hate like textbooks and stuff because I feel like they just add a bunch of language that you don't need get to
02:25The point textbooks that is the entire point of textbooks
02:28So that way they can charge you $300 for a book that was the same book as last year
02:33For sentences Oh Chris, you're so right. I'm so woke right now. Well, I'm not gonna lie though
02:38This looks like the most dangerous thing I've seen in a couple of days and I went to Detroit the other day. Oh
02:45Man I actually did go to Detroit, but don't worry. It was a connecting flight
02:48Yeah, I was I was worried but the airport's pretty safe. We're experiencing some turbulence because this is Detroit
02:53This looks really dangerous. I don't like how it's held together by a zip tie
02:57That's what I don't like
02:59This looks like like you're gonna get put on a couple of lists as well
03:03A lot of the DIY tools here looks like you're gonna get put on the list. I
03:08Turn a steel bolt into a throwing knife. Oh, this is the guy I think it is then that's really cool
03:13There's this one kid on YouTube who's from England who does a lot of stuff like this and I absolutely love it
03:18He's from England and he's making knives out of things
03:20The cops are gonna be like, oh, yeah, you got a knife. You got a license for that noise
03:24You got a you got a license for that. What is my my English accent always goes to Australia. Oh
03:30Dang, that's really funny. I try to be English. I become Australian. I mean, it's the same
03:36So what happens when you become Australian? Oh, you go to go to Bindigo. This actually sounds pretty decent. Thank you
03:42Uh, the conversation is probably not like it. That's not Australian. That's New Zealand. Wow. That's a good. That's a good throwing knife
03:47I'm impressed at his throwing ability
03:49I mean, it's not the prettiest throwing knife, but darn if it doesn't get the job done, but man it works Pringles paprika
03:54Wait paprika, what kind of flavor? I haven't had Pringles in forever. And I really want to go get some DC motor
04:00What is that? It's a motor that requires DC voltage to operate nice Jake. You're welcome
04:06I'm here for the science exam
04:09Look at that. It's like the top of a boat or a guitar or it's a mass. Yeah, but what is it?
04:14Really? What is this lazy omelet?
04:16What no way all of us are just confused lazy eggs in there
04:20But omelets when you the thing if this is a scrambled eggs to machine I need it how freaking cool is this me
04:28Why wouldn't you just use
04:30Like your blender or something that most people already have you don't have a blender
04:36But I feel like there's more people would have a blender than any of the items
04:39They just mentioned what happens if you're like making scrambled eggs and you catch like a wrist cramp in your wrist is just like stuck like
04:47Good job. All right, jump jump jump. So do yourself a salt shaker
04:51Don't you ever just lose your salt shaker? You almost it. Yeah, I did you you're telling me off
04:56Yeah, I can't do it. I'll do just up with some holes in the cap
05:01Okay, no cap jump
05:07Dude I've seen this done differently by somebody else
05:10I know for a fact the Texas guys did this life act himself. Did you like that one better or this?
05:16I think they did a better job because look she's having to glue it a second time
05:20Yeah, I didn't have to glue it twice. She has some rough evid edges. Yeah, that is kind of rough
05:24It doesn't look circular. She didn't dremel them. She didn't what she didn't dremel them dremel. What a word wait
05:31What's the point of putting the big top on it? It's cuz she wants to put some salt in there, right?
05:35Wow, she missed that whole bottle she was all over hand. All right, we got a little opener and then just
05:42Imagine you just imagine imagine you invite someone you're trying to impress to your house, right?
05:47And you're like, hold on. Let me get that salt shaker and you just crack open a coke
05:51Oh, is he gonna stick his face in the same?
05:53Santagius whoa
05:55How now? Oh, I think it's a clear thing. They pressed it down on it. Oh
06:00Maybe there it is. It's beautiful. There it is
06:03You know how they did this probably probably put all that sand on there and then put a mask on it and like press down
06:08You know what? This mask looks like
06:13I don't know. That is Jojo's Bizarre Adventure. Nope. What?
06:17Okay, good talk. All right
06:19Mmm, and in half is cutting someone's face in half. This is like a mummy with all the wrapping. Oh, yeah, it does
06:25What don't say that?
06:27Let's say it looks at these looks like he's looking at you like come on, man, really come on
06:34You're really gonna chop my face up like that. You're really gonna cut me like this
06:37I thought it was just gonna just jump right into it. Mm-hmm. That's not the go-lock. That is not the go-lock. That's true
06:45Take a bite. You all love it. Yeah
06:47Whoa, why is everybody so much better at making lava than us?
06:53We tried
06:55Wow, how is everyone so good at making lava? Wow
07:04This is noise, it's making right now
07:12Look at that bubble. So that bubble is probably like
07:17Like that dude that was worth me clicking breathing
07:23That's the inside of your lung
07:26That's what happens if it looks like a little piglet a piglet. That's what you convert. Yes, what you compare it to
07:33Yeah, did you see the face? How did that lava not go through that watermelon Chandler? I think that was worth a click
07:39What do you think a click? Yeah, take a pic. Oh, this is too much. I'm gonna have that up Wow
07:45Yeah, I think it's a little sped up. I would actually prefer it slower
07:49Yeah, I can't keep track of all the dominoes Oh
07:52People in that building like all right, I gotta get my business done. We're doing business in here a lot of that
07:56Uh, nothing but business and oh
07:58They panned away. Oh, it's not ready. Okay. All right. Oh wait
08:03Dude, this is there's so much in this. Where do you start when you're making all that? Oh my gosh
08:15He's got a domino zipline this was really cool
08:18That was a lot of time and effort. That was probably like six weeks worth of work and like four minutes of payoff
08:24Yeah, I bet it got a lot of use good job for that of you
08:28Hey, look, okay. Look at that. Oh, that's brown toothpaste. I would not like brown toothpaste. I like when they soak it back up
08:35There's it's like Oh
08:38my yogurt
08:41We don't get a rewind shot of that man black
08:45Sprayed out. Mm-hmm. You know what that means? You're not gonna be able to eat it now
08:49I want to see like the neighbors like across the street like looking at this guy putting yogurt on his driveway
08:55Why is Bill doing that again? He's making millions sweetheart. You're just taking out the trash
09:00You're like we can smell it from here bill. You're doing that thing again. Uh-huh
09:05Yeah, I got our main beers last time dude. I'm in the wrong business. I got a mini wood cannon
09:12Except for it's not many
09:14No, you said many. No, it's not
09:20So we got the mini cannon and we know it's like a coil yes some coils
09:25He's he's making it look nice. He had a he made a place for the coil. Cool. You have a little hole
09:30What is that liquid that was a glue was it? Yeah, it's like a really quick drying glue
09:35I think it's called like either rubber cement or something like that. It's not like a mini fidget spinner
09:40Was that those are ball bearings? They were ball bearings before they were fidget spinners. That's true. See, I'm I'm I'm I'm a child
09:47This is actually really complex and really cool is there's a lot of steps
09:50I feel like I feel like they wrote all this stuff on a piece of paper and then they just went list by list on
09:54What to do next that's oh my gosh. I got the cannon that actually probably has some force behind it. Hey, what do you say?
10:00What do you say?
10:08This is sodium sodium polychlorylate
10:11Whoa, what sodium polychlorylate? Okay. Oh science guy here. What's up science guy today?
10:17I'm gonna show you how to make sodium polyacrylate. Whoa, what is polyacrylate? Mm-hmm
10:22So what is a salt now or ice or snow?
10:26Yeah, that looks like this is ice or snow
10:33Mind blown. Well, that's cool. Is it hot or cold though, or is it just like regular temperature? I
10:43Assume it's the temperature of the water. I hate you
10:47Finally some renewable energy. Yes. What is this? What is that? What is that object? It looks like what is a capsule?
10:54Well step one. Tell us what that is. I don't know what it looks like a little igloo. What is that?
10:59Oh, that's what I recognize that what got it got it a syringe again early plastic because they always have these
11:07You know, okay. I see what he's doing. Oh, do you like y'all? Yeah, cuz
11:17He's making he's making like a Chris would know is that a light bulb is it where's dad dad? Oh
11:24He's completing the current with the magnet. That's cool
11:28So like there's an invisible like electricity and then he put now is he creating energy or is he just
11:35Perpetuating energy that is the question. That's a great word. I don't know what it means. He's just completing the current
11:44Yeah, that sounds like a good idea
11:46If only this chocolate had caramel in it and then you'd have like a caramel chocolate soup like most meat grinders, though
11:52Is the inside gonna be disgusting afterwards, oh always hey, dude, it actually looks like meat for some reason. Yeah, that's that's that's unappealing
12:00What's that? You know what? It looks like dog food. Yeah, what's coming out right now? It looks like canned dog food
12:05Is this dehydrated chocolate? I guess so. I don't like this. Mmm yummy chocolate. No chocolate
12:12There's nothing yummy about the chocolate
12:15Hey, and what's the inside look like it'd be a good topping for your ice cream
12:19Should he turn that off first? Yeah, he should probably turn that off. It looks like a good finger
12:24Easy, uh, how you lose a finger kids that lost any appealing this it had. Yep
12:30If we can never do that again, that would be great ingredient potassium ferrin. It has low toxic. Do not
12:36Oh, I don't know what I'm not supposed to do
12:41That looks like good coffee, oh he's filtering it. Yeah, this is coffee. Oh, that's good. Oh look at that
12:46Whoa, you can do crafts with your kids. Look at that. Now. My minecraft mansion has some redstone. I love it
12:51There it is. I'm up at the memes. I'm with the kids. I
12:54To play minescraft. Hello fellow children. I do look like Steve Buscemi now, don't I?
13:01You have to do this every week always make it Wow
13:05Dude, you could sell these to like basic white girls that are hippies and then you could like you'd be like
13:10Oh, yeah, this is for your energy your job. This gets your chakra blowing. It's $38 and 72 cents
13:17They always charge your price. Yeah, $38 and 72 cents. Oh, well, does it also have like a goat scent on it as well?
13:24Cuz I'm not gonna charge that extra charge if it doesn't smell like a goat
13:26This has been ingested by a goat and pooped out and we thoroughly wash the poop with more poop. Oh, wow. It's exfoliated