Gildberg vs bam bam biglo

  • 2 weeks ago
World Wrestling Entertainment
00:00City of Portland for every match.
00:07Anybody got a search?
00:10So Bigelow, you've come to your moment,
00:12the reason you're here in World Championship Wrestling,
00:15and here it is.
00:17There's an old expression about being careful what you wish for.
00:20Bam Bam Bigelow got his wish,
00:22but that wish is gone now.
00:25Over 300 pounds is Bam Bam Bigelow,
00:28and historically known as one of the quickest big men ever.
00:34So he's going to have a lot of new moves, I'm sure, for Goldberg.
00:38And they hook up one more time.
00:40Into the corner they go.
00:42Mickey J has signed to this one.
00:44Tough task for him.
00:45He's going to get right in between them.
00:48And he breaks him.
00:51And he breaks him.
00:53Goldberg reached down for the referee to say,
00:56Get out of my way.
00:57And he gives Bigelow an opening.
00:59And he runs over Goldberg.
01:01No, he doesn't.
01:03Momentarily he does.
01:05Look at this.
01:06340 pounds up into the air.
01:08Look at this.
01:12Talk about an earthquake in the Bay Area.
01:15And that 10 on the Richter scale, pal.
01:17It didn't faze him.
01:20I mean, his facial expression didn't change.
01:24It almost looked as if it was another day at the office,
01:27which it is, of course, for Goldberg.
01:29Well, check his shorts.
01:30Something's changed.
01:36So Bigelow needs to rethink this.
01:40In this day and age,
01:41when each and every one of your matches,
01:43big-time matches is on television,
01:45replayed from every angle,
01:47there are so many ways to scout your opponent.
01:49But anyone will tell you, with Goldberg,
01:51you don't know how to approach the match,
01:53even though you think you know what he's going to come with,
01:55because he is just so overpoweringly strong.
01:58And like you said earlier, not only that,
02:00sometimes you'll see someone get him in a move or in a position,
02:03and he'll come out of it like we've never seen him before,
02:06in a different way, to the left, to the right, underneath,
02:08using sure power.
02:10It's amazing what this man knows.
02:12And also the way that he executes offensive moves
02:14like no other wrestler.
02:17He springs out of the mat with a massive shoulder.
02:20Blocked to the head.
02:21And he picks him up.
02:22Leg straight there.
02:24Five minutes carried.
02:25He ducked it.
02:26There's the cross on the bar.
02:27The arm breaker of life.
02:28And Bigelow too close to the ropes.
02:30Too close to the ropes.
02:31He really couldn't get the legs across that wide chest
02:33of Bam Bam Bigelow as well.
02:35He's having his way with Bam Bam.
02:37Like he's had his way with every man he's in the ring with.
02:42With the exception of the one night with the stun gun.
02:45Look at that drop kick from a standing position.
02:48Over the top.
02:55And Goldberg calmly waits in the ring.
02:57Right, he's not gonna get out on the floor.
03:01Bigelow's gonna bring him on the floor,
03:02at least attempt to here.
03:06Maybe he should have stayed in the center of the ring
03:07a little bit longer that time.
03:09Because this now seems a complexion.
03:11Bigelow's elbow drops are on the groin area here.
03:14Just blatant low blows.
03:15Elbow drops nothing.
03:19This may be the way to go though.
03:21Well, take his feet out.
03:22Put yourself in Bigelow's spot.
03:24Maybe he figures there's nothing I can do with this guy.
03:28I'll just take him out from the waist down.
03:30The Goldberg champ starts again.
03:35Doing nothing else but to really
03:39grate at the concentration of Bam Bam Bigelow.
03:45And again, this time to the knees.
03:51Remember we said at the top of this match
03:55that he's impervious to pain.
03:57He seems to come back each and every time.
03:59We're gonna find out exactly tonight
04:01if he can do it again.
04:03Because the focus has been on the knees,
04:05on the back of the knees, on the side of Goldberg.
04:08And of course, as you said, Mike,
04:09set up by a couple of low blows.
04:11I think it's obvious that Bigelow
04:13is trying to take away that acceleration
04:15of the spear and jackhammer.
04:27Rings him in, and this is a break
04:29for Goldberg to get back in the ring.
04:31But notice how he's favoring the knee,
04:33the left knee here.
04:36Bam Bam's got him in trouble more
04:38than a lot of wrestlers have had him in trouble.
04:40Almost anyone.
04:41And again, this one, a headbutt
04:43to the other side of the knee.
04:49And Bigelow continues to work on one leg.
04:53So Bigelow with a pretty stout strategy here.
04:58Look at this, Mike, wrenching back on that leg,
05:00just trying to overextend the knee here.
05:02Almost a modified step over toehold,
05:04but you see Bigelow putting that 340 pounds
05:07almost just leveraging it back,
05:09and the pressure as the knee of Goldberg bends.
05:12But he's using Goldberg's own foot
05:14with his own back and arm.
05:15You see where he's got to press?
05:17Right in there, he's leaning back,
05:19but then he pulls back on the knee.
05:21You may have heard Mickey J ask him,
05:23and then you heard Goldberg scream out,
05:25no way, Mickey J.
05:27Forget about it.
05:28Goldberg is not going to give up,
05:30and he's not right now.
05:33However, Bigelow, as we've said many times now,
05:35with a sound strategy,
05:37and Goldberg is trying to just pull his way out of it,
05:39but to no avail.
05:41That big frame again pulls back on the leg.
05:49Goldberg, he's got two eyes.
05:51Go for him.
05:55Brings the torso up once again.
05:57Very close.
05:58He can reach right out for those arms.
06:00Very close.
06:01He can reach right out for those eyes, you're right.
06:05Hooks onto the arm.
06:06Wrist lock, keying it by reaching through,
06:08grabbing his own wrist.
06:10It got him off the hold.
06:12He pulled on that arm,
06:13and Bigelow dropped the hold and stood up.
06:17So it worked, but Bigelow circling the wagons
06:19once again here.
06:21300-plus pound headbutt.
06:26This one on the knee again.
06:29That's a good strategy.
06:31If he takes out your leg,
06:32the last thing Goldberg can do
06:34is pick you up for that jackhammer
06:36if he can't pick you up with a bad leg.
06:38This is a very good move on Bam Bam's part.
06:42And now the strategy is to work on the wind supply,
06:45to try to wear him down as much as try to injure him,
06:48because it's very apparent
06:50that working on the knee
06:52is not going to have the man give up.
06:54Maybe the idea here is to cut the air supply out
06:58where maybe he'll black out from the pain
07:00or maybe have to give it.
07:02Yes, he did.
07:04So the strategy here by Bam Bam Bigelow,
07:07very solid.
07:08Here comes Goldberg.
07:09Look at this.
07:10Goldberg moving up,
07:12putting pressure on that good knee,
07:14standing up on the weak leg here.
07:16He got an elbow in,
07:18still hunched over.
07:19Bam Bam sends him out again.
07:23You better not pose with Goldberg, your opponent.
07:28It's been strictly about wearing down Goldberg
07:31from the knee up to the throat
07:33and back to the knee again for Bigelow.
07:35And, of course, if you think about it,
07:37we've talked about it being good strategy
07:39for Bam Bam Bigelow,
07:40but, guys, it's the only strategy
07:42to employ against Goldberg.
07:43You're right.
07:44That's the only way to do it.
07:45You're not going to go in
07:46and quickly beat him 1, 2, 3 with a power move.
07:48It's not going to work.
07:49You're not going to stand toe-to-toe with him either.
07:51Not at all. You got to wear him down.
07:53First of all, get him off his feet
07:54and then cut off the air supply
07:56and Bam Bam Bigelow...
07:57He's got the weight to do it.
07:58He's got the weight to do it.
07:59He's come in with a sound game plan.
08:01Let's see what Goldberg can do.
08:03Goldberg, my goodness, he picked him up.
08:06Where does he get it from?
08:07But did he hurt his knee even further
08:09by lifting Bigelow at 300-plus pounds into the air?
08:12He may have, but he had stopped now
08:14the assault on his throat and his windpipe,
08:16is what he did.
08:17Buying himself some more time
08:19so maybe he can get back up.
08:20Bigelow, the first man there.
08:22Bigelow's going to go up with a scoop slam
08:24and puts Goldberg down 300 pounds.
08:29Maybe one of the quickest big men ever.
08:31He's way up top and way on target.
08:35Another diving headbutt.
08:36He's going to try to win it.
08:38One, two, and Goldberg just rolled him off.
08:42Goldberg couldn't get out of the way of that one.
08:45And that is a big load to get off your chest
08:47when Bigelow goes for the pinfall.
08:50Goldberg barely able to roll him off.
08:54Bigelow up top.
08:55Now what?
08:56Is this going to be a moonsault attempt?
09:00And he hits the mat with a resounding thud.
09:03Goldberg is poised in the corner.
09:05Goldberg waits.
09:06And he went to spear him,
09:07and Bigelow with an excellent move to get out of the way.
09:10Excellent move.
09:11He's using his head.
09:12He's done his homework.
09:14Not only does he evade the spear,
09:16Bigelow out to the floor
09:18to try and get his senses back,
09:20try and clear the cobwebs.
09:21I'll tell you what,
09:22Bigelow knew it was coming
09:24because he could hear the fans start to get loud to stand up.
09:29He knew the spear was imminent,
09:31and he got out of the way.
09:32Goldberg at the right time.
09:34That time, he cleaned his cloth.
09:39Fireballs going up.
09:44Could not avoid the spear on that exchange.
09:47And now Goldberg hooks Bigelow.
09:51Can he get him up with that bad leg now?
09:53In a move that we have seen hundreds of times.
09:59Oh, standing sidekick instead.
10:02He's gonna spear him.
10:06He needed that.
10:07He needed this little extra push.
10:10Now he's got himself on track.
10:12Now does he have Bigelow worn down for the jackhammer?
10:16Here it comes.
10:18And whoa!
10:19He did it! He did it!
10:22Let me say, who's next?
10:25You're next, Bigelow.
10:27I'll tell you who's next.
10:29Any person with any guts to get...