Cody Rhodes vs solo sikoa

  • last week
World Wrestling Entertainment
00:00Cody's trying to pull out of the ring and Solo Sokoa not allowing it to happen.
00:09That was a desperate move by Rhodes.
00:11I think it just excited Solo Sokoa who realized how close he came to losing.
00:16Cross Rhodes.
00:19Cody into the cover, hops the leg, Sokoa kicked out of the crossroads.
00:25And at this point, if you're Cody Rhodes, doubt has got to be creeping into your mind.
00:31Cody hitting Sokoa with his best shot, the crossroads.
00:36And the challenger able to survive the steel cage match rolls on.
00:42This is for the undisputed WWE championship.
00:49Cody Rhodes the champion, Solo Sokoa the challenger.
00:55Rhodes has lived up to his promise of being a fighting champion, perhaps even to his own detriment.
01:01Burning it at both ends.
01:03Rhodes has represented WWE tirelessly.
01:06Will this be Cody's last stand?
01:09Cody has never backed down from a challenge.
01:11Cody Rhodes looking to retain the championship tonight.
01:14Climbing up to the top rope looking perhaps to escape the cage.
01:17Over the top both feet must hit the floor in order for Rhodes to retain the title.
01:21Cody is up top.
01:23Cody Rhodes could be closing in on winning the championship here tonight.
01:29I'm not even sure Cody knows where he's at.
01:30I don't know if Cody's body and his brain are on the same page right now.
01:34Cody's mind knows what he wants to, wait a minute, no.
01:37Wait a minute, Cody, what are you doing?
01:39Get out of the damn cage.
01:41Not like that.
01:42Crossbody, lateral press to retain Solo kicked out.
01:46And that has got to be soul crushing for the champion.
01:53Rhodes just risked it all.
02:03Wanting to pin Sakoa, win the match in the ring, not be an escape, but he was so close up there.
02:10Again, Cole, I don't know if Cody's thinking straight.
02:13I think Cody is running on pure instinct right now.
02:16The American nightmare is in survival mode, period.
02:20Cody trying to drag himself toward the corner, asking the official now to open the door.
02:26Jason Ayers, the official outside, has opened the door for Rhodes.
02:30The champion looking to escape and retain the title.
02:34And to your point, Cody not, I don't believe he knows where he's at.
02:37So, and Sakoa now, using the door to his advantage.
02:43Rhodes is on autopilot right now.
02:45And somehow, Sakoa still keeps summoning the will.
02:49Right for the spike.
02:52Cross Rhodes by Cody.
02:55One, two, three.
02:57Rhodes retains the championship.
03:00Dividing wins for Cody Rhodes.
03:02Here is your winner, and
03:06still the undisputed WWE Champion,
03:12The American Nightmare, Cody Rhodes.
03:20What a gutsy performance by the champion.
03:23And Rhodes reminding Sakoa, we're done.
03:29That's it.
03:30The American Nightmare can move on.
