Just One Sin – Mike Mazzalongo

  • hace 2 semanas
Devotional by Mike Mazzalongo

Video Title: Just One Sin – Mike Mazzalongo | BibleTalk.tv

Creator: Bibletalk.tv

Original Video: Monday Devotional: Just One Sin – Mike Mazzalongo/ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DBlGUVZolEM

License: Creative Commons Attribution license (reuse allowed)


00:00Good morning, I'm Mike Mazzalongo and this is your Monday Morning Devotional.
00:05In the book of Numbers we read the following,
00:08Then the Lord said to Moses, Go up to this mountain of Abarim and see the land which I
00:14have given to the sons of Israel. When you have seen it, you too will be gathered to your people,
00:20as Aaron your brother was. For in the wilderness of Zin, during the strife of the congregation,
00:26you rebelled against my command to treat me as holy before their eyes at the water.
00:32These are the waters of Meribah of Kadesh in the wilderness of Zin.
00:37Numbers 27 verses 12-14
00:42After having led the people in the wilderness for forty years,
00:46after bringing them to the point of entering into the promised land that they had waited for
00:51for so long, Moses is told by God to go to the top of a mountain and look at the land that the
00:57people would enter, but he would not. God tells him that he will not enter into the promised land
01:04with the people because of one sin that he had committed earlier in the desert.
01:10In Numbers 20 verses 1-13 we read that while they were in the wilderness, the people lacked water,
01:17and they threatened to rebel if they didn't get any. Moses asked God for help, and the Lord said
01:23to Moses that he should speak to a rock and the water would come forth. In his anger and pride,
01:30Moses struck the rock twice with his rod instead. God caused the water to flow anyways,
01:38but charged Moses with disobedience. Because of this one sin, Moses was prevented from
01:45entering the land that he had led the people towards for forty years. Moses was the greatest
01:51Jewish leader in their long history. He received the Ten Commandments. He interceded for the people
01:58time and time again, but because of this one transgression, he did not enter in.
02:04This ending to his life teaches us several important lessons about how God feels concerning
02:10sin. For example, God is so holy that even one sin keeps you out of His presence.
02:18The promised land was symbolic of the promise of heaven, and this episode shows us that God
02:24will not tolerate sin in His presence. God will receive only those who are sinless into the
02:30promised land of heaven. There is no such thing as a small sin or a harmless sin.
02:38Moses did not rape or kill. He tapped the rock instead of speaking to the rock. And yet,
02:45God denied him entrance because of it. God hates all forms of sin. No type of sin is less
02:52despicable or tolerable in His sight. 3. Coming close is not good enough when it
03:00comes to heaven. Moses came close. He was on the border. He could actually see the land,
03:06but he did not enter in. Being a nice guy, being a moral person, doing your best,
03:13will only get you close to heaven. Moses was all these things. The Bible says he was the most
03:19humble man in the world. But yet, one sin kept him out of the promised land, and nothing could
03:26change that. 4. Like Moses and the children of Israel, we are on a long journey also.
03:35Our journey is through the wilderness of life on this earth with its hardships, dangers,
03:40and struggles. Like Moses and the Jews, we all want to arrive at and enter into the promised
03:47land of heaven. My question is this, what sin will keep you out? For many, like Moses,
03:54it will be the sin of disobedience. They will not obey the gospel of Christ in order to be saved.
04:01They will put it off. They will think that they are really okay and don't need to obey.
04:06They will rely on their own religion or way of being saved that is not exactly biblical,
04:11but close enough. However, in the end, they will be disobedient and refuse to simply confess Jesus,
04:18repent of their sins, and be baptized like Jesus commanded them to be in Matthew 28, 18, 20,
04:26in Mark 16, 16, and in Acts 2, 38. And because of this disobedience, they will not enter in.
04:35For some, it will be the sin of unfaithfulness. They have traveled toward the heavenly land for
04:40a while, but the cares of this world and its activities and riches have distracted them and
04:46made them abandon their journey and want to settle here. Because of this unfaithfulness,
04:52they will get their wish. They will stay here and enjoy the pleasures of the world for a while,
04:57but they will be destroyed along with it in the end. Are one of these sins keeping you out of
05:03the heavenly home that God has prepared for His faithful children? If so, be rid of it so you can
05:10enter in when the time comes. Stop your disobedience and be baptized for the remission of your sins.
05:16Another scripture that points to that is Acts 22, 16. And stop your unfaithfulness
05:23and laziness and be restored to a right relationship with God by confessing your
05:28sins and praying that God forgives you. 1 John 1, 7-9 talks about that.
05:35Don't let anything stop you from entering in. This is my prayer for you this week.
05:41Discussion Questions 1. What small sin in your life is hard to overcome?
05:492. God doesn't require perfection, but what does He require when it comes to our sins?
05:573. Describe the struggle and solution that every Christian experiences that the Apostle Paul
06:04explains in Romans 7, 14-8, 1.
