1960s TANG - Bugs Bunny (bartender) & Yosemite Sam (gunslinger) TV commercial

  • 2 days ago
1960s TANG - Bugs Bunny (bartender) & Yosemite Sam (gunslinger) TV commercial


00:00I'm Yosemite Sam, and I craves a shot of red-eye.
00:07Sorry, Doc, we only serve Tang here.
00:10Tang? What's that?
00:11It's new, natural orange flavor, Tang.
00:14Rated than ever for breakfast or any other time.
00:17Yeah? Show me, rabbit.
00:19Easy, just mix with cold water.
00:21All right, but I'm aiming not to like it.
00:24It's delicious.
00:26It's even better when you chill a pitcher full all night in the refrigerator.
00:30Yeah? Well, give me some of that, too.
00:32Here's how. Uh-uh.
00:34Okay, you cotton-tailed rattlesnake, dance!
00:37All right, but I gotta have me trusty rope.
00:41All right, all right, I'm dancing.
00:46It's the end of the line for you, pal.
00:49Can't I have just one more glass of Tang before I go?
00:53One glass always leads to another.
00:55Drink Tang, gang! It's Tang-erific!
