Saving Rock - 節約ロック - E2

  • 2 days ago


00:00If there is a course to become a rock star, I wanted to take it.
00:06Kato Koban
00:12Welcome, Mr. Kuwata. Please come this way.
00:18My name is Takao Matsumoto.
00:20I am the main character of this story.
00:23I was living a rock life.
00:26My ex-girlfriend left me.
00:28I started saving money to get her back.
00:34Is this the sound of money piling up in the piggy bank of my heart?
00:39It's so comfortable.
00:42At that time, the god of rock appeared in front of me and said,
00:48The sound of money piling up in the piggy bank of my heart.
00:51The sound of a balloon being born.
00:53That's the best.
00:55That's exactly rock.
00:59I learned that saving money is also rock.
01:04I am now practicing a certain saving technique.
01:11Well, what is it?
01:13The answer will be announced in two minutes.
01:17Takao Matsumoto
01:22What's wrong, Takao?
01:24Aren't you stiff today?
01:26No, I've never been to such a luxury store.
01:31Kuwata is cheap.
01:36If you eat luxury food every day, you will notice that you are a luxury man in the store.
01:45Kuwata, I think so.
01:48I see.
01:49You can order whatever you like.
01:51Rin-chan, too.
01:52Yes, that's what I'm going to do from the beginning.
01:54Excuse me.
01:57She's a shopaholic.
01:59Excuse me.
02:00I'd like to order a special Kamita Ushigozen.
02:06Kobe beef.
02:09Takao Matsumoto
02:13I learned that saving money is also rock.
02:23I threw this away.
02:25I usually throw away my shoes.
02:28However, the price of a pair of shoes does not become a fool.
02:32At that time, I noticed.
02:37This is it.
02:41The correct answer is...
02:45I pulled out the hole in the sole of the shoe and made it look like there was no hole.
02:58I can hear the sound of saving money today.
03:08Where is Kuwata?
03:10She was invited to lunch by a woman named Asu.
03:17She left in a hurry.
03:20Excuse me.
03:23This is a special Kobe beef gozen and a special Kamita Ushigozen.
03:28Where is Kuwata?
03:30She went home, so I'll eat it.
03:32Yes, ma'am.
03:35Here you are.
03:39This is the bill.
03:50Did Kuwata give you money?
03:55Oh, I see.
03:59Thank you for the meal.
04:05Thank you for the meal.
04:06Thank you for the meal.
04:07Thank you for the meal.
04:08Thank you for the meal.
04:09Thank you for the meal.
04:10Thank you for the meal.
04:11Thank you for the meal.
04:12Thank you for the meal.
04:13Thank you for the meal.
04:14Thank you for the meal.
04:15Thank you for the meal.
04:16Thank you for the meal.
04:17Thank you for the meal.
04:18Thank you for the meal.
04:19Thank you for the meal.
04:20Thank you for the meal.
04:21Thank you for the meal.
04:22Thank you for the meal.
04:23Thank you for the meal.
04:24Thank you for the meal.
04:25Thank you for the meal.
04:26Thank you for the meal.
04:27Thank you for the meal.
04:28Thank you for the meal.
04:29Thank you for the meal.
04:30Thank you for the meal.
04:31Thank you for the meal.
04:32Thank you for the meal.
04:33Thank you for the meal.
04:34Thank you for the meal.
04:35Thank you for the meal.
04:36Thank you for the meal.
04:37Thank you for the meal.
04:38Have a seat please.
04:39Yes please.
04:49The языkid name is Kouta Inada.
04:55I'm so jealous of him.
04:56He's quite handsome when I look at him again.
04:58The freshness is overflowing from the photos.
05:03415 followers?
05:06What the hell is this guy?
05:08Is he popular?
05:10I have 8 followers!
05:14Damn it!
05:16I can feel it from the photos.
05:19It's a real gun.
05:23My cheeks are itchy, so I have to put on makeup.
05:29What the hell is this?
05:31He's a man, but he's recommending me to put on makeup.
05:34It's disgusting.
05:36I got 185 likes!
05:39What the hell?
05:40Don't you guys feel disgusted?
05:42Is it a time for beautiful men to be popular?
05:49Wait a minute.
05:59My grandma used to say that
06:01watermelon skin is good for beauty.
06:04So I got this tangerine!
06:06I happened to get it from the owner of the apartment.
06:09Unlike watermelons, it has little moisture.
06:13Tangerine scents are often used as aromas.
06:17So I think it's more relaxing than watermelons.
06:22Let's go!
06:27I can hear you.
06:32How is it?
06:33Zero-en P.O.T.E.K.U.
06:37I'll get rid of your 185 likes in no time.
06:44One hour later.
06:47One hour later.
06:50I only got two likes!
06:53This is free!
06:56What's the difference?
07:01I tried the lip cream mixed with lip balm.
07:05My lips are so plump.
07:08Hey, hey, hey!
07:10You're a man.
07:11How can you make your lips plump?
07:14If you're a man,
07:15it's okay to make your lips plump.
07:19This is good, but...
07:22206 likes!
07:23206 likes for plump lips?
07:26Damn it!
07:27It's a plump age.
07:30I'll make my lips plump, too.
07:32Is there any way to make my lips plump?
07:37That's right.
07:41Ha, ha, ha, ha.
07:43I can do it, too.
07:46My lips are plump and plump.
07:48The secret is this.
07:50The lip cream mixed with lotus root extract
07:53is made of honey from lotus root flowers.
07:56I had it at home, so this is good, too.
07:59And it's sweet!
08:04When I'm hungry, I'm full.
08:08It's so sweet.
08:10I can't stop licking it.
08:13I'll get a lot of likes with this.
08:19It's red!
08:21It's so red!
08:23Oh, no!
08:24It's because I licked it too much
08:26because of the sweetness of the honey.
08:28Oh, no! It's the other way around!
08:30It's so red!
08:33Damn you, Reina.
08:36You're pretty tough.
08:42Another update?
08:44What is it this time?
08:49You're back!
08:51Ha, ha, ha.
08:53Are you crazy?
08:55Este is the ultimate luxury.
08:57You don't know, do you?
09:00Makiko hates wasteful use the most.
09:04I won't let you do that.
09:06I'll make you beautiful.
09:16I'm sure there are plenty of beautiful flowers around.
09:20Excuse me.
09:24Do you have time right now?
09:26I guess so.
09:28I'm working on it.
09:30I see.
09:32Excuse me.
09:36Is there anyone who can be a model for me?
09:44I'm Yoshida.
09:46Nice to meet you.
09:48Nice to meet you, too.
09:51You're lucky.
09:53You can get a haircut for free
09:55at the best salon in Urahara
09:57where you can get 7,000 yen for a haircut.
10:00This is...
10:02Ha! Model!
10:04A comfortable chair.
10:06A fashionable magazine.
10:10A relaxing aroma.
10:13All of this is free.
10:19What an elegant savings.
10:29This is perfect.
10:45What? Me?
10:47No way!
10:48I'm the man in the mirror
10:50with the deep bangs?
10:53Wait, calm down.
10:55This is just the beginning.
10:57Thank you for your hard work.
10:59Thank you for your hard work?
11:01So this is it?
11:03No way!
11:05Am I going to be released to Urahara like this?
11:09Manager, please.
11:13Oh, I forgot.
11:17This is a cut model.
11:20After the haircut,
11:22the manager will take responsibility.
11:27Okay, perfect.
11:30No way, manager!
11:32How is this perfect?
11:35you're graduating today.
11:37You can cut your hair at the salon tomorrow.
11:42What a crappy salon.
11:46Manager, thank you for your hard work.
11:52Thank you for your hard work today.
11:55Mito Natsume?
11:56She's cute today, too.
11:57Is this Mito Natsume's salon?
11:59Yoshida will be promoted to stylist tomorrow,
12:02so please let her cut her hair.
12:06I'd love to.
12:07I'm happy.
12:08I've loved Natsume-chan since high school,
12:11so I've been studying her hair.
12:15Don't test the results of your research with me.
12:18Oh, you look good together.
12:21Let's take a picture together.
12:29Let's take a picture.
12:39Mito Natsume is amazing.
12:41She got over 100,000 likes.
12:43This is the worst!
12:45I can't believe more than 100,000 people saw my bangs.
12:48I can't go see Makiko with this hairstyle.
12:54No, wait.
12:56Paul and John also had bangs.
13:00I can't say it's rock.
13:04It depends on the fashion.
13:12Oh, it's pretty rock.
13:22But it's not rock at all.
13:27I'll make it rock.
13:36Oh, it's rock.
13:40But it's not rock at all.
13:43But it's not rock at all.
13:47Oh, it's not rock at all.
13:50I'll change the taste of my clothes.
13:58Even if I change the taste,
14:00I can't wear this.
14:06I read this in a magazine.
14:08It's a magic to revive old clothes.
14:11If I use it...
14:22It's terrible!
14:23It's not a fight.
14:25It's a war.
14:26It's a sanctuary.
14:27The hair of the tree,
14:28the school uniform,
14:29and the jersey of the child.
14:30Each of them claims to be unique.
14:32It's a chaos.
14:34I can't go see Makiko with this hairstyle.
14:43I found it.
14:46It's a plan to end this chaos.
14:54I may be a genius.
14:57I'm the first Koumei in the world.
15:02With this magic,
15:04I'll end the war in the Three Kingdoms.
15:08What are you doing?
15:28I came to pick up my luggage.
15:32I see.
15:36I'll do it again.
15:47Oh, no!
15:50I'm in trouble!
15:52That reaction...
15:53It's like a mental breakdown.
15:57Damn it!
15:58At least it's not complete.
16:01No, that's not the problem.
16:03Oh, no!
16:05What am I doing?
16:11It's no good.
16:13It's all about saving money.
16:16I shouldn't have done that.
16:20It's not for me.
16:23Saving money...
16:44I don't know.
16:56I don't know.
16:58I don't know.
17:00I don't know.
17:02I don't know.
17:04I don't know.
17:06I'm sorry.
17:08But why?
17:10I don't know.
17:18I'm the god of rock.
17:22I'm the god of rock.
17:25I'm the god of rock.
17:30I'm the god of rock.
17:35I see.
17:37But why?
17:40I'm in trouble.
17:43I can't talk to you.
17:53I tried saving money.
17:56But it didn't work.
18:00You're talking nonsense!
18:03I'm the god of rock!
18:06I'm the god of rock!
18:08What's this?
18:12I want basil!
18:14I want squid ink!
18:17I'm in trouble!
18:19What's wrong with you?
18:21You're in trouble!
18:23You're in trouble!
18:25You're in trouble!
18:29I'm the god of rock.
18:31I'm the god of rock.
18:35I don't have a single shortcut.
18:40I have to keep walking.
18:45I want to be a rock star.
18:49I want to be a rock star.
19:02I see.
19:04You're right.
19:06I was wrong.
19:08There's no shortcut.
19:11I have to keep walking.
19:39What's wrong?
19:41I'm sorry about yesterday.
19:43I showed you a weird place.
19:48I think you can tell from my outfit.
19:53I started saving money.
19:58I didn't know that.
20:02I didn't know that.
20:06I see.
20:08But I decided to save money for you.
20:17I want you to take this.
20:27What's this?
20:30It's an ionizer.
20:32I see.
20:34I saw it on social media.
20:36You said you wanted an ionizer.
20:38I made it with my own money and batteries.
20:42I see.
20:46this is the soul of the rock I played last night.
20:50What do you think, Makiko?
20:54You don't need this?
20:57Mr. Ogura!
21:06This is Inaba!
21:08Sorry to keep you waiting.
21:13We've known each other for a long time.
21:15Don't worry about me.
21:17I see.
21:18Nice to meet you.
21:20I'm Inaba.
21:22I'm Matsumoto.
21:26What's that?
21:28It's nothing.
21:30I just dropped it.
21:32Is it trash?
21:33No, it's not.
21:35I see.
21:37I have something for you.
21:45This is...
21:46You said you wanted an ionizer, right?
21:49Yes, but...
21:51Please take it.
21:55Wait a minute, Makiko.
21:58You said you didn't want to waste it.
22:00That's why I started saving money.
22:03Do you like saving money?
22:06You're close.
22:07I work at a cosmetics company.
22:09That's a sample.
22:11A cosmetics company?
22:13That's why it's on social media.
22:16Did you see that?
22:18That's a sample from the company.
22:20It's almost free.
22:25Actually, I love saving money, too.
22:31Let's go to the meeting.
22:34Excuse me.
22:36See you.
22:38I'm sorry.
22:51Where does this sound come from?
23:09I'm sorry.
23:14He's a Kikatsuraku Rocker, too?
23:19Why don't we go out for a drink?
23:21I don't know what's going on.
23:23I'm completely lost.
23:25Is there any way to get rid of this devil?
23:31Lady Gagayashi.
