Kaze no Garden - 風のガーデン - E1

  • 2 days ago


00:00The Snow Drop
00:17Snow Drop is a flower that blooms right at the beginning of a snowy season.
00:23My grandfather's flower language is
00:27the tears of last year's love.
00:53My grandfather's job is a doctor.
01:08He is called Akahige-sensei.
01:12My grandfather only comes home once in a while for a check-up.
01:26He works as a home doctor
01:31and visits his patients' homes all year long.
01:38Most of the patients are elderly,
01:43so it takes a lot of time.
01:49I'll check your back.
02:02How is Chadami-kun?
02:05He's doing well.
02:11Are you still in America?
02:14No, I'm in Tokyo.
02:17When did you come back?
02:21Ten years ago.
02:25Ten years ago?
02:30Are you Sadami-kun's wife, Kinuko-san?
02:37No, she's my wife.
02:40I see.
02:42Are you Sadami-kun's wife, Saeko-san?
02:46How are you?
02:49Kinuko and Saeko have both died.
02:54Both died?
02:58That's terrible.
03:00Why don't you go to a private hospital?
03:03I'll write you a letter.
03:05No, I don't want to go there.
03:07Why not?
03:08They treat people like fools.
03:13Take-san from Ishiyama will be here soon.
03:16The honey there is the best for me.
03:24Is Sadami-kun doing well?
03:27Yes, he's doing well.
03:30Are you still in America?
03:32No, I'm in Tokyo.
03:34I'm in a hospital in Tokyo.
03:36When did you come back?
03:39Ten years ago.
03:42Ten years ago?
03:44Which hospital in Tokyo?
03:57I'm sorry.
04:00I'm sorry.
04:03I'm sorry.
04:06I'm sorry.
04:09I'm sorry.
04:12I'm sorry.
04:15I'm sorry.
04:18I'm sorry.
04:21I'm sorry.
04:24I'm sorry.
04:27This program is brought to you by Ajinomoto.
04:32Nitsubishi Motors.
05:20How's the first round going?
05:22It started in the morning.
05:25How's the anesthesia today?
05:26It's a full-body anesthesia and anesthesia.
05:35The lungs aren't doing well.
05:37That's true.
05:39It's going to be tough.
05:42If it's a surgery, it's a surgery.
05:45I'll contact the hospital.
05:47Good morning, Nakamura-san.
05:53Good luck, Nakamura-san.
05:56I'm going to give you an injection to stop the pain.
05:59It's going to sting a little.
06:01It hurts.
06:03It doesn't hurt.
06:05It's over.
06:08I thought anesthesia was like a pilot.
06:15I'm going to give you an injection to stop the pain.
06:20I'm going to give you an injection to stop the pain.
06:22When you get on the plane, do you say hello to the pilot?
06:27I'm going to give you my life.
06:29I'm going to give you my life.
06:32You don't do that, do you?
06:34You don't do that, do you?
06:37But I'm actually giving them my life.
06:42It's going to sting a little.
06:44I'm sorry, Nakamura-san.
06:46I'm sorry.
06:48It's going to be over soon.
06:49I'm on a plane every year, but I don't know what a pilot's face looks like.
06:54Anesthesia is similar to that.
06:58I'm sorry.
07:00It's going to be over soon.
07:02I'll give you an injection to stop the pain.
07:04Tell me if it hurts.
07:06I remember the face of the patient, but I don't remember the face of the anesthesiologist.
07:14Once upon a time, a famous actress had a car accident and had a major surgery.
07:22Half a year later, I met her at a party.
07:28I was a fan of the actress, so I wanted her autograph.
07:33The anesthesiologist ignored me.
07:36The anesthesiologist greeted me with a sigh.
07:43How's the bleeding?
07:44It's stopped, but the bleeding won't stop.
07:47The bleeding is about 11,000 to 18,000 in four hours.
07:50It was so sad.
07:52Doctor, it's over 10,000, so let's stop for a while.
07:56Let's get better and do it again.
07:58But when I think about it, it's impossible.
08:00I don't remember the face of the anesthesiologist.
08:05I'll let you sleep and wake you up when the surgery is over.
08:09Can you open your eyes?
08:11Can you open your eyes slowly?
08:13Mr. Anzai.
08:15Mr. Anzai, do you understand...
08:20I said my name.
08:22It's a joke.
08:23Wait a minute.
08:24Don't say it.
08:25Forget it.
08:28I'm sorry.
08:34I got it.
08:36It's okay. I'll be right there.
08:40I'm sorry.
08:41It's an emergency.
08:44I'm going to work as a pilot.
08:46Study hard.
08:48It's a secret.
08:51It's a car accident.
08:53The man is 36 years old.
08:55The ambulance will arrive in about 3 minutes.
08:58I'll be there soon.
09:02The man is 36 years old.
09:03It's a car accident.
09:07Let's go.
09:08One, two, three.
09:10I'm sorry, but please let me take off my shirt.
09:12I'm sorry.
09:13I'm sorry.
09:14It's okay, Dr. Sakamoto.
09:16What's your level?
09:17It's about GCS8.
09:18I'll put on my seat belt.
09:20I'll call the ambulance.
09:21Please turn on the lights.
09:23Turn on the lights.
09:25Take off your stilettos.
09:29I'll disinfect it.
09:30Please stand up.
09:35It's okay.
09:36Fix it.
09:37It's GCS85-50.
09:38It's not that bad.
09:40There is a slight difference.
09:41Let's go.
09:45Gas came out.
09:46PH 7.38, PCO2 38, PO2 360.
09:52Lower your chest.
09:53Do you have a little hemorrhage?
09:54Yes, I do.
09:55Do you have a blister?
09:58Turn on the lights.
09:59Put on your seat belt.
10:02It's an allergy.
10:03It's an allergy.
10:04Thank you for your hard work.
10:05Thank you for your hard work.
10:07It's an allergy.
10:10Thank you for your hard work.
10:11Thank you for your hard work.
10:15Go to the left.
10:17Can you see it?
10:19It's a squid.
10:26Turn on the lights.
10:31Hold on.
10:32Hold on.
10:38It's stopped.
10:45I'll show you something good.
10:47This is called a light-candle.
10:49It's a light-candle that lights up the heart so that it doesn't get in the way of surgery.
10:54I see.
10:55It was invented in the 90s in the US, and it's been used in Japan since the 2000s.
10:59I see.
11:00Dr. Shiratori is the number one expert in this field in Japan.
11:05The wall movement isn't good.
11:07It's because of the poor flow of American medicine.
11:10I see.
11:10Isn't that the case now?
11:12Yes, it's getting better.
11:15This is a mouthwash, right?
11:24Good morning.
11:27Take a deep breath.
11:31I'm going to give you some medicine to make you sleepy.
11:35You have a lot of CVP.
11:38I've told you so many times that my mouth is sore, but you won't listen to me at all.
11:42I'm sorry. I'm really sorry.
11:43I'm going to give you some medicine to make you sleepy.
11:48What do you want to eat?
11:50I'd like to have that one, please.
11:50No, thank you.
11:52I'm sorry, but I'd like to have that one, please.
11:53Do you want me to make it for you?
11:54Yes, please.
11:57Oh, I'm sorry.
11:58You're late.
11:59I'd like to have that one and sushi, please.
12:08Thank you for your hard work.
12:10Thank you for your hard work.
12:11What time did you get up?
12:12It's 1 o'clock in the morning.
12:42I'm going to give you some medicine to make you sleepy.
13:12Thank you for your hard work.
13:28I'm Shiratori.
13:29I'm sorry I'm late.
13:32Of course, I'm fine.
13:33Where are you now?
13:36Are you still in the hospital?
13:39I'll be right there.
13:40The Honma Mobile Group, which was set up by the Japanese Ministry of Foreign Affairs,
13:43is planning to buy out the Meishin Seiki Group.
13:48The Honma Mobile Group, which is the largest in the automobile industry,
13:51is being closely monitored by the Ministry of Economy and Trade.
13:55They have already issued a statement.
13:57Come in.
13:58Excuse me.
13:59Come in.
14:00Have a drink.
14:02You're late today.
14:05What are your plans for next week?
14:10Next week?
14:13Next week...
14:16I have an interview with the police on Thursday.
14:19What is it about?
14:20On Friday the 25th,
14:22there is a heart transplant at Kasumigaseki Hospital.
14:25There is a problem with the patient's heart.
14:27What kind of problem?
14:28There is a reflux of the blood vessels.
14:31I want you to perform anesthesia while evaluating it.
14:34I want you to lend me your strength.
14:36Is it a VIP?
14:37I don't know the details,
14:40but Kana-kyo from Hoshirento called me directly.
14:46Professor Kanao Katsu?
14:48That's right.
14:49I don't know much about him.
14:50How important is he?
14:52I don't know much about him,
14:54but he seems to be a member of a fan club.
14:56How old is he?
15:00Thank you for the drink.
15:02He is a 58-year-old man.
15:05His name is Tatsuya Futagami.
15:08Tatsuya Futagami?
15:10I think I've heard his name somewhere.
15:14if he dies now, he'll be in trouble.
15:16Heart transplant is early.
15:18Even so,
15:19I want you to perform anesthesia as soon as possible.
15:23I understand.
15:24I'll contact Kasumigaseki Hospital.
15:26Can I talk to Dr. Nakagawa?
15:29Talk to Dr. Nishi directly.
15:33Dr. Nishi's cell phone.
15:47Thank you for your hard work.
15:51Dr. Nakamura is stable.
15:53The medicine came out as instructed.
15:55Does it hurt?
15:56It doesn't seem to hurt much.
15:58This is Shibuya's informed consent.
16:00Please contact Miyabe.
16:06You seem to be very tired.
16:08I'm already old.
16:10Aren't you playing too much?
16:12I want to play, but I don't have the energy.
16:16Let's go to the club for a meal.
16:18I haven't finished my work yet.
16:29Excuse me.
16:33Are you Sachiko Shibuya?
16:36I'm Shiratori, who will be in charge of anesthesia for tomorrow's surgery.
16:39Nice to meet you.
16:40Nice to meet you.
16:42I'll explain about anesthesia tomorrow.
16:59Nothing but a small space
17:04A very, very small otherness
17:09A small evil that remains
17:13Everything you hate
17:17I take my skin and place
17:22I will give tears, I erase
17:27Memories of yesterday
17:31What happened to my vest?
17:34Bombina, you miss me
17:39The photos that I send
17:44Are parts of the street
17:49Where I was no longer
17:58I'm sorry.
18:09I was surprised.
18:11But I was very happy.
18:16Your voice is back to normal.
18:19Thanks to the injection of magic.
18:22But I was a little scared at that time.
18:24I was surprised.
18:26Your French pronunciation is very good.
18:30Did you learn it somewhere?
18:32I learned a little.
18:35Do you know what the French word is?
18:40I do not know.
18:42Montpetit Coeur.
18:48Montpetit Coeur.
18:49Montpetit Coeur.
18:52Montpetit Coeur.
18:55It's a lie.
18:57No, no.
18:58Oyakusho wears Montpetit Coeur.
19:01Montpetit Coeur.
19:04Do not you know Montpetit Coeur?
19:06Montpetit Coeur is a pair of pants.
19:10Ouch, ouch, ouch.
19:14Have you ever been abroad?
19:17I just went to Guam with my friends.
19:22If I invite you abroad, will you come with me?
19:28What if?
19:29Of course I will go.
19:31I want to go to Europe.
19:36Do you know this?
19:40If you want to study, go to London.
19:43If you want to eat delicious food, go to Paris.
19:46If you want to buy clothes, go to Milan.
19:50If you want to listen to music, go to Vienna.
19:53If you want to dance, go to Rio.
19:55If you want to die, come to my hospital.
20:16What about Hokkaido?
20:19I will go to the school in May.
20:24Do you want to come with me?
20:26Can I go?
20:29Wait a minute.
20:32From May 15th to May 17th.
20:36How about a wooden door?
20:39Can you open it?
20:41I will go.
20:42Then I will take you to the hotel.
20:44I'm happy.
21:00It hurts.
21:59What is this?
22:17It hurts.
22:19It hurts.
22:24It hurts.
22:50It hurts.
23:05It hurts.
23:15It hurts.
23:25It hurts.
23:39It hurts.
23:59It hurts.
24:24It hurts.
24:25It hurts.
24:26It hurts.
24:27It hurts.
24:28It hurts.
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24:30It hurts.
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24:35It hurts.
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26:29It hurts.
26:30It hurts.
26:31It hurts.
26:32It hurts.
26:33It hurts.
26:34It hurts.
26:35It hurts.
26:36It hurts.
26:37It hurts.
26:38It hurts.
26:39It hurts.
26:40It hurts.
26:41It hurts.
26:42It hurts.
26:43It hurts.
26:44It hurts.
26:45It hurts.
26:46It hurts.
26:47It hurts.
26:48It hurts.
26:49He's a very stubborn and selfish patient.
26:53Please be prepared.
26:55I understand.
27:08What is it?
27:10I have an explanation from Dr. Shiratori, who is in charge of anesthesia for tomorrow's sutures.
27:15My father isn't here right now.
27:19He's not here?
27:21He's in the parking lot down here.
27:23Parking lot?
27:26Excuse me!
27:28I can't help but go out of the hospital room.
27:31Excuse me.
27:32This way, please.
27:46This way, please.
27:50This way, please.
27:51Please be careful.
28:10What do you think?
28:12I'm scared.
28:19I'm Dr. Shiratori, and I'm in charge of anesthesia for tomorrow's sutures.
28:23I'd like to ask you about tomorrow's anesthesia.
28:26I'm sorry if it hurts.
28:28Don't worry about it.
28:30Please let me finish before I know it.
28:32That's what I'm going to do.
28:39I understand.
28:42How far?
28:44That's not what I'm asking.
28:46I'm asking how far that idiot has sung.
28:53So, what do you think?
28:58I don't know, so I don't think you're going to live.
29:06Oh, that's rare. What's wrong?
29:09I'm here to deliver my brother's medicine.
29:11I don't think there's a problem with the test results.
29:13I'm sorry.
29:17Wait a minute. I'll clean it up.
29:23Is that what you're doing?
29:26I got it from Sayuri-chan in Uehara.
29:29When I came to Tokyo the other day.
29:31Didn't you call her?
29:34Oh, really?
29:35Can I take a break for an hour?
29:39Go ahead.
29:41What's wrong?
29:43I'm tired.
29:49I'll make you some tea.
29:50No, it's okay.
29:53Did you hear from Flan?
29:56About the 7th station.
30:05I see. The 7th station.
30:07I forgot about the 7th station of my dead wife.
30:12You should forgive me, too.
30:18Didn't you say anything to Rui?
30:21Not at all.
30:24How long haven't you seen Rui?
30:26I've been following my father's orders since then.
30:33Poor thing.
30:37You want to see him, don't you?
30:40Well, sometimes.
30:42You've become so beautiful.
30:45It seems that you've changed a lot since you came back from the UK.
30:49Sayuri-chan told me that you've been studying hard.
30:55I wonder what I should do with you.
31:00Look at this page.
31:02Rui is on it.
31:18Don't you think you look like Saeko-san?
31:25Have you heard of the Yosakoi Souran Festival?
31:29In Sapporo?
31:31Sayuri-chan is on the Asahi team.
31:35She's been doing ballet since she was little.
31:37She loves to move her body.
31:39I think it was around June.
31:43Why don't you go see her once in a while?
31:47Can I have this magazine?
31:49Go ahead.
31:50Did you know that Gaku also works at the garden?
31:54Last year, my father took him out of the facility and helped with the garden.
31:59He has a great memory.
32:02He remembers the names of the flowers and his father's words.
32:08Sayuri-chan said that she couldn't believe it.
32:10I think she has that kind of ability.
32:14Also, she has a great sense of pitch.
32:18It seems that she was learning to tune the piano.
32:21She can easily listen to the wrong notes and fix them.
32:26The piano of the Green House was a bit out of tune.
32:30How old was she?
32:32She was about the same age as her own child.
32:35She was 10 years old.
32:36She was mentally about 7 or 8 years old.
32:42Plumonaria is a flower that blooms at the beginning of spring.
32:48There are two types, Raspberry Splash and Louis Palmer, in the garden.
33:00The Raspberry Splash blooms a little later,
33:04but its flower language is the innocent first love of an elementary school student.
33:17Do you know what the first love is?
33:23The first love.
33:25The first love is when you fall in love with a girl.
33:31I fell in love with the piano teacher at the school.
33:37In love?
33:38Yes, in love.
33:41Did you have a fever?
33:45No, I didn't.
33:47That's fine.
33:49What happened before that?
34:00Then, for Gaku, Miss Mizuma is the first love.
34:06Before that, I loved Louis so much.
34:09Louis is your real sister.
34:12That doesn't count as love.
34:26I'm going to take a break.
34:58I know, but hang in there.
35:01You're going to be a little late.
35:05Are you okay?
35:10I'm interviewing for Yosanet.
35:12Please take this.
35:14Don't be nervous.
35:16One, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight.
35:21Do you come here from Furano?
35:24Yes, I work at my relative's place.
35:28Your relative is Sayuri Uehara, right?
35:31Does she help you?
35:33I also do gardening in Furano.
35:37Where in Furano?
35:41It's called the wind garden.
35:43The wind garden?
35:45There's a lot of wind in the mountains.
35:47In the morning, you can see the grass and the wind.
35:51I see.
35:55Did you start it?
35:59My grandmother and grandfather started it,
36:02but my mother took over.
36:05Do you work with your mother?
36:09My mother and grandmother died a long time ago.
36:12I see.
36:13What about your father?
36:15He's also in Furano, right?
36:20My father lives in Tokyo.
36:24I see.
36:26I see.
36:37Can you see your wife?
36:44I see.
36:47Until when?
36:50She'll be gone for a week.
36:53I see.
37:02I'll send you an email.
37:05Let's not send emails.
37:07I'll wait for your wife's email.
37:11It's okay.
37:16I'll be busy from now on.
37:18I have to take care of the garden.
37:37I'll be back.
38:08I'm home.
38:12Did you eat?
38:14Yes, I did.
38:16Yours is in the fridge.
38:20How old is Hotaru?
38:26Gaku was born.
38:28He'll be 13 soon.
38:31He was born.
38:33He'll be 13 soon.
38:36He won't live long.
38:43Gaku is always with him.
38:46He wants to go to the greenhouse.
38:48His grandmother took him to the garden all year.
38:53He might want to die in the greenhouse.
39:03I made a poem about Louis Palmer.
39:06It goes like this.
39:08A mature maiden grows old quickly.
39:12It's good, isn't it?
39:14Don't teach Gaku weird poems.
39:17It's not weird.
39:19He always puts his life on the line and makes poems.
39:28Rui-san, are you a mature maiden?
39:32Or do you think you're old-fashioned?
39:38This is not a question of interest.
39:48Do you know a man?
39:55It's a question of interest.
40:00You're right.
40:02I'll leave it to your imagination.
40:07Excuse me.
40:09Plumonaria blooms in early May.
40:12There are two types, Raspberry Splash and Louis Palmer.
40:16Raspberry Splash is the first love of an elementary school student.
40:21Raspberry Splash is the first love of an elementary school student.
40:26Raspberry Splash is the first love of an elementary school student.
40:31Raspberry Splash is the first love of an elementary school student.
40:36Raspberry Splash is the first love of an elementary school student.
40:41Raspberry Splash is the first love of an elementary school student.
40:46Mitsubishi Motors
40:49This program was brought to you by Lion KDDI.
40:53How much did you buy?
40:55I'm sorry.
40:56What? I haven't bought anything yet.
40:58I can't pay you back.
41:00Okay, I'll pay you back 100,000 yen.
41:02Mr. Kagami, please.
41:16Mr. Kagami, please.
41:29I'll pay you back 300,000 yen.
41:31I'll pay you back 500,000 yen.
41:35How's your heart?
41:37It's not bad.
41:39How's your heart?
41:41It's not bad.
41:45That's harsh.
41:49It wasn't clear in the image diagnosis,
41:52but the lymph nodes around the arteries are swollen.
41:56Let's do a quick diagnosis,
41:58and if we can see a change, let's give up on the surgery.
42:30Please wait.
42:35Is that so?
42:36Okay, I understand.
42:39I've confirmed the cause of death.
42:41I'll give up on the surgery.
42:43I'll do a bypass surgery and end it.
42:48Dr. Nagawa,
42:49before you close the bypass surgery,
42:51please block the aortic nerve.
42:53I understand.
43:00I'll block the aortic nerve.
43:02I'll block the aortic nerve.
43:08A little more.
43:10That's it.
43:17That's it.
43:30Mr. Futagami.
43:32Mr. Futagami.
43:34Do you understand?
43:36Mr. Futagami.
43:38Can you open your eyes?
43:40Can you open your eyes and look at me?
43:47Please take a deep breath.
43:50Are you okay?
43:52I'm okay.
43:54I'm going to remove the aorta.
43:59I don't want to do this.
44:02I'll remove the aorta when I remove the tube.
44:05Are you okay?
44:08I'll give you oxygen.
44:12Take a deep breath.
44:14It's over.
44:16Do you understand?
44:20Thank you for your hard work.
44:22It's over.
44:24Thank you for your hard work.
44:36What's going on?
44:40Can I stay with you?
44:43I was told to remove the aorta.
44:46By whom?
44:49By the people around me.
44:53Actually, I can't stay with my father.
44:57What do you mean?
45:00Five years ago, my father and mother divorced.
45:04I went to my mother's house.
45:07I promised my father that I wouldn't see him.
45:11But I still want to see him.
45:18He's my father.
45:24How did you know about my father's surgery?
45:28My father called me secretly.
45:33I think he was upset.
45:37I came to see my mother secretly.
45:40I came to see my mother secretly.
45:50Tell me the truth.
45:52I heard it was the beginning of the aorta.
45:56Did the surgery go well?
46:00Didn't Dr. Nakagawa say so?
46:02He said so.
46:03The director of the hospital also said so.
46:05He told me to rest assured because I had removed the aorta.
46:08But the aorta progresses quickly, doesn't it?
46:11Doesn't it recur?
46:13I can't say it doesn't.
46:15But I think it's the best surgery today.
46:21The aorta is very painful, isn't it?
46:24Of course it's painful if you don't do anything.
46:27But it's the job of a surgeon like me to suppress the pain.
46:31I've taken the perfect treatment for today's surgery, so I don't think it'll hurt for a while.
46:37Is it a recurrent neurasthenia?
46:40You're angry, aren't you?
46:43I've been a nurse for a while.
46:46Is that so?
46:52There are only dirty people around my father who only care about money.
46:58Everyone is thinking about how long they can use my father,
47:02rather than my father's life or suffering.
47:05So is my father.
47:08My father thinks he can buy his life with money.
47:13That's amazing.
47:15But Doctor,
47:18as a daughter,
47:24if I were to buy my life with money,
47:27I'd rather pay for the pain than for my life.
47:39Were you able to remove the cancer?
47:42Yes, I was able to remove it.
47:44But you didn't actually remove it.
47:47Didn't you just close it?
47:52That's a problem.
47:54Please don't doubt me.
48:06A few days later.
48:11I'm Uchiyama.
48:12What is it?
48:14Here's the prescription for anesthesia for tomorrow.
48:18You look tired.
48:20Do I?
48:21You seem to have lost weight.
48:24You've gained weight.
48:26I'm seriously worried about you.
48:28I'm on a diet.
48:30You have to eat well.
48:32You can come over for dinner tonight.
48:34No, I'm on a diet.
48:36You must be cold.
48:38I haven't been in a good mood lately.
48:40You had a blood test done at Dr. Utsumi's, right?
48:45I was worried about HIV.
48:48If you keep overreacting, I'm going to punch you.
48:51When you go to heaven,
48:53do you know what the great angel Gabriel says first?
48:56I don't know.
49:04I'm sorry.
49:06I'm sorry.
49:34I'm sorry.
50:05I'm sorry.
50:06I'm sorry.
50:07I'm sorry.
50:08I'm sorry.
50:09I'm sorry.
50:10I'm sorry.
50:11I'm sorry.
50:12I'm sorry.
50:13I'm sorry.
50:14I'm sorry.
50:15I'm sorry.
50:16I'm sorry.
50:17I'm sorry.
50:18I'm sorry.
50:19I'm sorry.
50:20I'm sorry.
50:21I'm sorry.
50:22I'm sorry.
50:23I'm sorry.
50:24I'm sorry.
50:25I'm sorry.
50:26I'm sorry.
50:27I'm sorry.
50:28I'm sorry.
50:29I'm sorry.
50:30I'm sorry.
50:31I'm sorry.
50:32I'm sorry.
50:33I'm sorry.
50:34I'm sorry.
50:35I'm sorry.
50:36I'm sorry.
50:37I'm sorry.
50:38I'm sorry.
50:39I'm sorry.
50:40I'm sorry.
50:41I'm sorry.
50:42I'm sorry.
50:43I'm sorry.
50:44I'm sorry.
50:45I'm sorry.
50:46I'm sorry.
50:47I'm sorry.
50:48I'm sorry.
50:49I'm sorry.
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55:46I'm sorry.
55:47I'm sorry.
55:48I'm sorry.
55:49I'm sorry.
55:50I'm sorry.
55:51I'm sorry.
55:52Everything has an end but we'll be living our tale.
56:22I'm sorry.
56:23I'm sorry.
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57:09I'm sorry.
57:10I'm sorry.
57:11I'm sorry.
57:12I'm sorry.
57:13I'm sorry.
57:14I'm sorry.
57:15I'm sorry.
57:16I'm sorry.
57:17I'm sorry.
57:18I'm sorry.
57:19I'm sorry.
57:20I'm sorry.
57:21I'm sorry.
57:22I'm sorry.
57:23I'm sorry.
57:24I'm sorry.
57:25I'm sorry.
57:26I'm sorry.
57:27I'm sorry.
57:28I'm sorry.
57:29I'm sorry.
57:30I'm sorry.
57:31I'm sorry.
57:32I'm sorry.
57:33I'm sorry.
57:34I'm sorry.
57:35I'm sorry.
57:36I'm sorry.
57:37I'm sorry.
57:38I'm sorry.
57:39I'm sorry.
57:40I'm sorry.
57:41I'm sorry.
57:42I'm sorry.
57:43I'm sorry.
57:44I'm sorry.
57:45I'm sorry.
57:46I'm sorry.
57:47I'm sorry.
57:48I'm sorry.
57:50Love, true love, is to ask nothing in return.
58:06You are my destined soulmate.
58:22Your love adoring eyes.
58:29We can see the light because we know the darkness.
58:40Everything has meaning even compared to my inner wind.
58:54Love, true love, is to...