El Precio de Amarte - Capitulo 4 Completo en Español

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El Precio de Amarte - Capitulo 4 Completo en Español
00:00So, why did you lie to me?
00:03I didn't lie to you, Amelia.
00:08I don't understand why you didn't put in your application that you were a federal agent.
00:12So, you lied to me because you told me you were a security guard of a building.
00:17No, I didn't lie to you.
00:19Really, being a security guard was part of a job I didn't enjoy doing, that's why I left the corporation.
00:25I wanted to start a new life.
00:26And if I omitted that information, it's because a lot of people don't like hiring ex-agents.
00:35I see.
00:37That's why.
00:39Trust me, okay?
00:42Besides, I love working with you.
00:48Yes, me too.
00:50I think we make a good team.
00:53So, will you forgive me?
00:59I will.
01:03I don't know if my mom will.
01:08But yesterday there was light in the church.
01:11Well, no contact works and the lights don't turn on.
01:14I spent the night checking and trying to find out what happened and... nothing.
01:20That's weird.
01:24Did everything work yesterday?
01:27I think we need to call an electrician and find out how much it costs to fix it.
01:32Because if we do, forget about sending a priest.
01:40Is there a fund for that?
01:43It's coming up.
01:46But don't worry.
01:48I'm going to organize a cooperative to continue making the arrangements that are needed.
01:53How do you see it?
01:55Well, it would be great.
01:58The other day I took a walk around El Tropicaloso and...
02:02I didn't see anything bad.
02:07I should have gone when those Casquibanas are in full action.
02:12In fact...
02:14Why don't we go unnoticed tonight?
02:17So you can see for yourself what I've told you.
02:27Do you think Amelia can convince her mom to hire you again?
02:30Well, I have to try.
02:32I need to be close to that woman.
02:34Investigate her to find out how she made her stay with my parents' farm.
02:38Well, in the public record of the property,
02:41there is no sale contract of the farm.
02:44Nor between your mother and Ribanez.
02:46And much less between the company and Eduarda.
02:49Well, someone took out those documents on purpose.
02:53Maybe Eduarda is not even the legitimate owner of the farm.
02:57Look, to create the producer and the foundation,
03:01she had to prove that she is the authentic and legitimate owner.
03:04So surely those documents and property titles
03:08she must have them very well kept.
03:11I need to resume my job as of today.
03:18As you hear it, Raul.
03:20The entire electrical installation of the church was broken down.
03:23So we have to make a copy to fix it.
03:26Well, if you want, in the meantime,
03:28I look for the opinion of an expert so that we can make a budget.
03:31But I bring you another gossip.
03:34Half the town heard Xanata being Aquellito.
03:38Hey, Perpetua.
03:40Why are you raising false friends?
03:42No, no, no. I'm not raising any false.
03:44I saw her leave the auditorium myself.
03:46And who was she with?
03:48Well, I don't know, I didn't see her face,
03:50but the whole town heard Aquellito through the speakers.
03:52Well, I'll find out who it is.
03:54Well, find out.
03:56And I'm going to bust her face so much
03:58that they won't even recognize her at home.
03:59Well, bust her face.
04:01What about me?
04:03Take care of your daughter, that's what you have to do.
04:05Boy, take care of your daughter.
04:09Oh, I'm sorry.
04:11But look, as long as they're dogs or apples,
04:13I'm going to tell Nubia to stay away from Xanata.
04:15And do it right.
04:17Hello, do you have spaghetti?
04:19Yes, of course.
04:21Excuse me, do you know anyone who is dedicated to cleaning houses?
04:23Oh, he's good.
04:25That's my job.
04:27Oh yeah?
04:31Perpetua Barrientos.
04:33Do I owe you anything else?
04:35No, thank you.
04:37Xanata Rivas Figueroa, let's go to the house.
04:39I'm working.
04:41I don't give a damn.
04:43I'm sorry.
04:45Are you going alone or do I take you by the hair?
04:47No, no, no, wait a minute.
04:49Let's go.
04:51And what do you see?
04:53Can I pass this?
04:55I'll take him arrested, huh?
04:57Sorry, huh?
04:59Did you see the file your mother hired?
05:01Rodrigo is not a file.
05:03On the contrary, he was a good agent who was also decorated.
05:05He's a guy you can't trust, Amelia.
05:08And I'm very happy that I no longer worked for you, that liar.
05:17What happened, Andres?
05:19Why is it so urgent for you to get me that job?
05:21Well, your daughter, who is a disgrace who does not know how to be respected.
05:24What? But why?
05:26Why do you talk like that about her?
05:27Because Pablo heard her doing it with who knows who.
05:30He doesn't want to tell me who it is so he doesn't break the face of the bastard.
05:33Where is he? This surely has an explanation.
05:35She's in her room, the shameless one.
05:37And she's not going to get out of there until she tells me who she was doing so much filth with.
05:40Get down!
05:43What happened, my love? Are you okay?
05:45Jeanette, whatever happened, I believe you.
05:49I know you.
05:51And I know you wouldn't let anyone disrespect you, right?
05:54I didn't do anything wrong, Mom.
05:55And you forget to dress like an officer.
05:58Go, nothing else. Go!
06:00Hey, calm down, Andres. Calm down, okay?
06:03Don't talk to your daughter like that.
06:05It's probably one of the rumors that Perpetua makes up and people believe her.
06:08We have to support our daughter, starting with believing her.
06:11We have to teach her to respect herself.
06:13The permits that were in the name of the police were over.
06:15No, I'm not going to tell you anything.
06:17As if I didn't know that what you want to say is to hit her
06:19so that everything ends worse than it already is?
06:21Well, yes.
06:26What are you doing to my daughter?
06:28We have to support her and not judge her.
06:38Good evening, dear friends, and welcome once again to your place,
06:42El Tropicaloso, your favorite place to have a great time.
06:47Tonight is very special because Tina, Diana and I
06:51have prepared a spectacular show for you.
06:53Of course. Enjoy it.
07:23I'm sorry.
07:25Those men and women come here to satisfy their lowest instincts.
08:29Perpetua, Perpetua, come on.
08:31It's a sin, it's a sin.
08:33Come on, come on.
08:37Come on, Perpetua.
08:47Hey, thanks for yesterday's message.
08:49You brought my soul back to my body.
08:50Yes, well, we can't sing victory.
08:53The most difficult part is missing.
08:55What do you mean?
08:57What are you doing on my farm?
08:59I hired him.
09:01You can't do that.
09:03Of course I can.
09:05I'm going to pay him with my salary.
09:07Oh, please don't be naïve.
09:09With the contributions, you hardly go out with the expenses.
09:11I'll charge less, ma'am.
09:13I had already made a decision.
09:15And I made another.
09:17Mom, remember that I'm in charge of the caballería.
09:18We'll talk later, you and me, in private.
09:26I'm sorry, I didn't want to cause a conflict.
09:29No, not at all, don't worry.
09:32I even enjoyed it.
09:34My mom has to know that she doesn't always have the last word.
09:41It's gold.
09:43How much will they give me for this?
09:46I know not, cousin.
09:48Don't worry.
09:50Do you think I'm going to steal this?
09:52Good morning, Casicura.
09:55Good morning.
09:59I found it yesterday in El Tropicaloso.
10:02Yes, I went to ...
10:04Well, no, no, no.
10:06I just came to tell you
10:08to be very careful with listening to the enemy.
10:12Perpetua, besides being crazy,
10:14is very frustrated.
10:16And he can come back whenever he wants.
10:20Preferably alone.
10:36Eduarda was looking for you.
10:38Did you find out?
10:40Amelia hired Rodrigo again.
10:42How did you allow it?
10:46Eduarda, what's going on?
10:49It happens that Rodrigo is a federal agent.
10:54Well, as I could see, the house is small.
10:57Tell me what you really need to do to buy them.
11:01And you organize yourself as you like.
11:03I'm not very demanding.
11:05And it is also seen that you are a very unfulfilled woman.
11:08Of course I am.
11:10Hey, and your wife is demanding?
11:13I'm a widow.
11:17Don't have that, Santa Gloria.
11:19Since when do you face your mother for a stranger?
11:22For a guy who appears out of nowhere,
11:24at the right time to rescue you.
11:26I'm not going to discuss with you the decisions of my lady.
11:29He needs work, I need his help and period.
11:33Amelia, I already have your ...
11:37What did you ask me?
11:39What did you really come to this farm?
11:41Who and what are you investigating?
11:43I'm not investigating anyone.
11:45Don't worry.
11:47I'm a former agent.
11:49I quit the corporation.
11:51And the only thing I'm looking for is a decent job.
11:54Well, look for it elsewhere.
11:56But far from here.
11:58Ivan, let us work, please.
12:02I'm telling you that this guy doesn't make you trust.
12:09It seems to me that my daughter has already made a decision.
12:11Like a decision.
12:17I hope you don't regret hiring him.
12:26I'm Amelia and Alfonso's father.
12:29Nice to meet you, sir.
12:31Nice to meet you.
12:33An apology for having caused so much ruckus with the fact of having committed that I am a former agent.
12:39Anyway, thank you for supporting your daughter.
12:41I have always trusted your judgment.
12:43And I offer you an apology on behalf of my wife.
12:47Sometimes Eduarda is quite explosive.
12:52Excuse me.
13:03You were the one who took the money from the box.
13:06No, no.
13:07It's just a few pesos because I'm going to get my hair done because Tavo is going to take some pictures of me.
13:12Well, ask your label to give you the advance they told you.
13:17I mean, if they really hired them.
13:22Seriously, don't you think they hired me?
13:27That's cool, Dad.
13:29I can't believe Rodrigo convinced Martin to go to therapy.
13:33I know, he has a magical gift with children.
13:37And for something he told me, I think he suffered a lot in his childhood.
13:40Well, and you must like it very much for you to have made that grudge with your mother just to stay on the farm.
13:46No, well, he explained to me why he had hidden being a federal agent and I want to believe him.
13:50And maybe you don't like it, friend?
13:53Oh, friend, don't say that.
13:54No, I hired him out of gratitude.
13:57Don't forget that I'm a married woman.
14:08You calm down, bro.
14:10My mom is angry, but she gets over it quickly.
14:12Yes, the truth is that I thought it was best not to mention where I had worked before.
14:20Well, since she lost the elections for the municipal presidency, she thinks everyone is an enemy.
14:26Yes, I heard something about the people.
14:29Why don't I understand? Because your mother is very respected, right?
14:32Well, yes, but I think she believed that with that and being the owner of the most productive farm in the municipality, it was enough to win, but no.
14:40Of course.
14:42Hey, how long have you been the owner of the farm?
14:44I understand that you had other owners of this place before, right?
14:48No, well, a long time ago.
14:51Since I remember, my mom was already the owner of the farm.
14:54Oh yeah?
14:58My dad caught me taking cash out of the register box.
15:02So I can't have cash anymore, but I was thinking that you could ask your dad.
15:08Because, let's see, yes or yes, we have to get that contract.
15:12I'm not going to stay in this town as a loser, nor are you.
15:17Chala, my bosses don't have any money left.
15:20And honestly, I can't stand this lie anymore for a long time.
15:25What lie, Octavio?
15:29Always with your things, right?
15:31No, no, no, boss, it's not what you think.
15:33Baby, wait, they just caught me.
15:38So there's no contract?
15:41From today on, the contemplations are over.
15:45You go back to work at the store and you forget about being a singer.
15:50You hear me?
15:52You don't want to see my stupid face.
15:54And why do you want me to tell you?
15:56To throw it in your face, boss?
16:00To know what the truth is, what the reality is.
16:02Oh yeah? Well, there you go.
16:04We didn't even get to the border.
16:06We were pedaling, boss, as best we could.
16:08But we didn't make it.
16:10And to cross the border, we had to have a lot of money, which we didn't have.
16:14So that's why we went back to the village.
16:16No, they didn't go back for that.
16:18They went back to see our stupid faces.
16:20Me, your mom, the whole village.
16:23Exactly, because they didn't want to see us like you're doing, boss.
16:26For you, it doesn't count that you've tried it, does it?
16:29Hey, what's wrong with you?
16:31Your gray hairs are going to the kitchen.
16:33Let's see.
16:34Explain to your mom.
16:36That there's no contract, there's no advance, there's nothing, and you're a good-for-nothing.
16:40That's not true!
16:42Don't yell at your dad like that.
16:44I'm not a good-for-nothing, boss.
16:46The thing is, I'm never going to be up to my brother Ray.
16:49That's what happens.
16:52Mrs. Eduarda, please give me a few minutes.
16:55Look, I just hope my grandson recovers soon so that my daughter stops needing your services.
17:00If I didn't tell you I was an agent, it's because I'm not anymore.
17:02I lived a lot of violence in the corporation because of others,
17:06and I was just trying to find myself again.
17:09That's why I decided to come here, to live here in Tierra de Agua.
17:13Are you done?
17:15I'm very sorry I wasn't totally honest with you, and I ask for a second chance.
17:21I just hope you get out of the country soon and leave here.
17:28You should have told the truth when you got here.
17:30I know, boss, but neither Nubia nor I wanted to get involved in what I told you.
17:35Well, even if it hurts you, we told you.
17:42I know, but it couldn't be done, and we thought we were going to make it happen sooner or later, but no.
17:48I mean, where we really messed it up was saying that we had a producer who was interested in us.
17:53Tavo, lies hurt those who say them and those who don't.
17:58Look how disappointed your dad is.
18:02Well, that's nothing new.
18:04That's always been the case, boss.
18:07I've always been the black sheep.
18:09Don't give him reasons, honey.
18:11And stop doing things with this girl, really, now!
18:15And do something with your life.
18:17Do something!
18:19Yes, boss.
18:21Yes, boss.
18:29Hey! You did a great job today!
18:33Now I'm going to charge for my son's therapy.
18:36He's gotten so much better, I even feel sorry for him.
18:38No, of course not.
18:40It's been a long time since you came from your town, so don't worry.
18:42Thank you very much.
18:44No, thank you. Bye!
18:46I'll take care of it, I'll take care of it.
18:48So you can go rest, okay?
18:50Hey, Martin.
18:52He's done several therapies, thanks to you convincing him.
18:54Ah, that's great.
18:56Yes, I want to see how he's deflating his body.
18:58Yes, and have you seen a specialist?
19:00No, he's going to see him this weekend.
19:02He sent us a lot of tests that can't be done here in town,
19:04so we're going to take him to Jalapa.
19:06Yes, anything you need, you know.
19:08You can count on me.
19:10Of course.
19:12Thank you very much for taking care of everything.
19:14You're welcome.
19:21Yes, hello?
19:23What's up, girl?
19:25Your voice hasn't changed a bit.
19:27What do you want?
19:29Well, just to see if you were the one who sent me the message with the gorillas.
19:32Because I'm all screwed up and purple.
19:35I don't know what message you're talking about and I don't care.
19:38We agreed that you and I would never contact them again.
19:41Do you think I don't know that I'm in a prison here in Mexico?
19:45No, I knew it.
19:46And that's your problem.
19:48I wish you good luck.
19:50I don't have any more luck.
19:52You're going to need it if you don't come to see me.
20:01According to what I've found out,
20:03and the information Alfonso gave me,
20:05Eduarda was supposed to win the lottery in three years.
20:12You already pay that money.
20:14You already pay that damn computer and start eating.
20:18Besides, how are you going to confirm that information?
20:21I already asked a friend to get into the database of the lottery
20:25to get the names of the winners.
20:27Ah, how nice, how nice.
20:30But that's a crime.
20:32Yes, I know, but I'm not going to use that information to hurt anyone.
20:38Son, be very careful, very careful.
20:41Very careful, be careful with that.
20:50Good evening, Mrs. Eduarda.
20:54Well, what can I do for you?
20:59I need you to go to Rodrigo Zarate's house.
21:03Oh, damn.
21:05To Rodrigo Zarate's house, well, what for?
21:08I want you to find out if there is something suspicious.
21:11Like what?
21:13I don't know, some paper with my name.
21:16You know better about those things.
21:18And anything you find out, let me know.
21:21Did you understand?
21:23Yes, ma'am.
21:30No matter how much I take therapy, it's really useless.
21:34I can't do the exercises, I can't, I can't.
21:39I can't.
21:45Go eat.
21:47I want to be alone, I'll eat later.
21:59I trust you with the appointment in Jalapa to do the studies that the specialist asked for.
22:06See you tomorrow.
22:08See you tomorrow.
22:15Delicious coffee, but I have to go.
22:18I'm going to the capital to fix several procedures.
22:21Are you coming back today?
22:23Yes, I don't want the plane to mess up.
22:25Be careful, I'm leaving too, I have to go to work.
22:28Hey, take care.
22:30You too.
22:32See you tonight.
23:44Hey Amelia.
23:46Do you think Ivan would be able to have me investigated?
23:51Why do you say that?
23:53I don't know, it occurred to me that maybe he was the one who found out that I was a federal agent.
23:58I mean, your mom never told me anything about how she found out, but I was, I don't know, in doubt.
24:04Well, if Ivan thinks that loving me is being aware of everything I do.
24:09But I don't think he investigates the people around me.
24:13And you like it that way?
24:19Do you love him?
24:24Do you still love Ivan?
24:38Do you love him?
24:40Do you love him?
24:42Do you love him?
24:44Do you love him?
24:46Do you love him?
24:48Do you love him?
24:50Do you love him?
24:52Do you love him?
24:54Do you love him?
24:56Do you love him?
24:58Do you love him?
25:00Do you love him?
25:02Do you love him?
25:04Do you love him?
25:06Do you love him?
25:08Do you love him?
25:10Do you love him?
25:12Do you love him?
25:14Do you love him?
25:16Do you love him?
25:18Do you love him?
25:20Do you love him?
25:22Do you love him?
25:24Do you love him?
25:26Do you love him?
25:28Do you love him?
25:30Do you love him?
25:32Do you love him?
25:34Do you love him?
25:36Do you love him?
25:38Do you love him?
26:00Do you still love Ivan?
26:03Yes, yes he's...
26:05He's my husband
26:06And he's a great father.
26:13I see you received my message.
26:16Was it you?
26:19And this is just a start, Jorge. It's going to get much, much better.
26:24Why are you so cold to me?
26:26You betrayed what we swore to defend.
26:29For the love of God.
26:31These are the paths of life.
26:33I'll go this way, I'll go that way. What's the problem?
26:34No, I didn't blame life.
26:37You decided to walk that path and leave death and pain.
26:42But I have my methods.
26:44And I'm going to charge you slowly.
26:47But I'm going to charge you everything.
26:49What's wrong with you, Hector?
26:51Why do you hate me so much?
26:53You and I were good friends, brother.
26:54You and I were good friends, brother.
26:56You and I were good friends, brother.
26:58You and I were good friends, brother.
27:00You and I were good friends, brother.
27:02No, I don't have friends or friends of your kind.
27:07And you better not look for friends here.
27:10Because I'm going to get you out of here.
27:13And I'm going to take you to a place where you're going to suffer a lot.
27:17A much worse place.
27:25No, no, no, no, no, no, no.
27:28Look at that.
27:30Eduardo Ferreira never won the lottery.
27:33He bought the farm with the money from my rescue.
27:36Well, he could have won the lottery years before or after, right?
27:39Well, I don't think so.
27:44Was it you who found out about Rodrigo?
27:51It was probably your mother.
27:57I'm not as crazy as to send all the men who approach you to investigate.
28:04As much as some of them shake your hand and treat you with so much confidence.
28:08Think about it.
28:23My friend sent me the list of the names of the winners of the lottery.
28:27And Eduardo's name doesn't appear.
28:29In other words, he bought the farm with the money from my rescue.
28:33And with my mother's jewels.
28:34Well, and then?
28:36How is it that the whole town knows that the lottery was won?
28:39A little theater was set up to convince the people.
28:41It's the least of it.
28:43I have to find the evidence, dad.
28:45And that evidence is in Eduardo's office.
28:48And I'm going there.
28:50Hey, son, be careful.
28:52If they catch you, that's jail.
29:34My love, everything will be fine.
29:36Martin, Amelia.
29:43This is for you.
29:46So you remember that this is just one more challenge.
29:49And that you are able to overcome all the challenges that are presented to you.
29:54It's amazing.
29:56Thank you very much, Rodrigo.
29:58Look, mom, a man for the collection.
30:00Yes, my life.
30:02Well, please, let's go.
30:05Well, don't worry.
30:07Go easy, I'll take care of the horse.
30:10Thank you very much.
30:17Let's see, son, show me that pretty little horse.
30:20It's super cool, isn't it?
30:22Yes, Martin.
30:24One more for the collection.
30:26Yes, Martin.
30:28Dad, what happened? It broke.
30:30I'm sorry, son.
30:32It was an accident.
30:34Don't worry, my love.
30:36Then we'll tell Rodrigo to fix it.
30:43Yes, miss, of course I'm still here.
30:46Do you have or don't you have an inmate named Jorge Nieto there?
30:52And don't wait all this time to tell me no.
30:54Thank you for nothing.
31:00Could it be for Rodrigo Zarate all this?
31:05The child has a fracture between the two vertebrae.
31:10I don't know what the specialist recommends,
31:12but a surgery in this area compromises the spinal cord and all his nerves.
31:17What risk would my son run from getting that operation?
31:21Amelia, our son could result in a total paralysis.
31:35Hello, young man.
31:44Wow, really, what my wife says is true.
31:48Your eyes are just like Diogo's.
31:53I'm Norberto.
31:55Arminda's husband.
31:57And this is my wife.
31:59And this is my son.
32:01And this is my wife.
32:02Arminda's husband.
32:04Rodrigo Zarate.
32:06Nice to meet you.
32:08Mrs. Arminda tells me the same.
32:10She told me that I look a lot like this young man.
32:13What's his name?
32:15Diogo, right? Diogo.
32:17Yes, you can't even imagine it.
32:19He was a worthy heir to his father.
32:22He was the firstborn of the old owners of the farm.
32:25Rest in peace.
32:26Hey, I haven't seen any graves around here.
32:30Didn't they bury the old owners here?
32:33Yes, yes.
32:35They buried Mr. Clemente and Mrs. Teresa here, but...
32:38And where?
32:40Well, what happens is that some new owners came later and made a path.
32:44And they unburied them.
32:46But how? Did they exhume them?
32:50They took the remains to a cemetery in Jalapa.
32:53They didn't even tell us.
32:54They didn't even tell us.
32:57The anger that Diogo would have if he ever came back.
33:04I don't know how I'm going to tell Martin.
33:07Let me explain, Amelia.
33:12But I'm definitely not going to tell him the truth.
33:19Well, Diogo was kidnapped.
33:24And that same day, the whole family was devastated.
33:29And the truth is that...
33:32I let the boss down.
33:35I don't want to burden you anymore with that subject.
33:39I'm sure it wasn't your fault.
33:44And do you know what the people who bought the farm are called?
33:49Well, no. And I wasn't interested in asking.
33:53I'm sorry, young man. I don't even know why I'm telling you this.
33:57But when I think of the bosses,
34:01I also think of my son Ray, who died.
34:05And well...
34:07Well, the sorrows come together.
34:10Of course. I understand.
34:12You know what? I'd better go.
34:15Be careful.
34:22I love you.
34:31Everything is fine, son.
34:33There is a slight fracture in a vertebra,
34:37but the specialist will tell us how to treat it.
34:40Well, put a plaster on it and that's it.
34:44It's a little difficult in that area, my dear.
34:47We send the images to the specialist
34:49and he will have the solution to the problem, I promise.
35:08You should be more kind to customers, doll.
35:11Oh, dad, I do my best for this job, not even the case.
35:15Oh yeah?
35:16Well, then not even the case with your secret, right?
35:20Good afternoon.
35:22What's up, daughter?
35:25Hi, Raul.
35:27Hey, and by any chance, has the foreigner come to buy around here?
35:32He didn't, but his dad did.
35:35And how do you know it's his dad?
35:37He left it to you forever. He's cleaning his house.
35:42Excuse me, son.
35:47The foreigner's dad's name is Hector Zarate.
35:52He's a widow. I don't know since when,
35:55but for me, it's been a long time, because he's very organized.
35:58He knows how to cook.
36:00Thank you very much, Perpetua.
36:02Wait, wait.
36:04Look how polite and correct he is.
36:07Something that several should learn, because really, in this town...
36:11Thank you very much, Perpetua. I have to go.
36:13You have to help the man with the safety of the town.
36:17Excuse me.
36:19What did you say, daughter?
36:21The same.
36:23Well, my dad told me that he's not going to tell anyone that we're losers,
36:26but now I have to take care of the store.
36:31My parents aren't going to say anything either, but...
36:34My dad made it very clear to me that either I look for a job,
36:37or I paint myself on the street.
36:39No, no, no. I refuse.
36:40No, I refuse.
36:42I'm not going to stay here, in this town, all shabby,
36:45and in this store.
36:47I'm not going to give up my dreams. No.
36:50You let him do what he wants, and let's see how we do it.
36:55Let's get out of this one.
36:57How nice. Why are you so sweet?
36:59What's up?
37:01You're the most faithful boyfriend there is.
37:10What's going on?
37:12Look, son.
37:14What you have is a small fracture in a vertebra.
37:17And the specialist is going to tell us how we can treat it
37:20so that you recover as soon as possible.
37:22Let's wait and see what the specialist says,
37:25so you can walk very soon.
37:28Well, we're leaving.
37:31Get some rest, son.
37:37Dream about what you like the most.
37:43Send me well.
37:45Are you telling me the truth?
37:47My love.
37:50I know a lot about medicine, but I'm not a specialist.
37:54What if we wait for the doctor to arrive
37:57and ask him all the questions?
38:03I love you.
38:05I love you too.
38:12I don't deserve to be your friend, Ponchito.
38:15No, I'm serious.
38:17I lied to you.
38:19Well, to you and everyone else.
38:21But what?
38:23Well, in everything.
38:25Everything Noobie and I have told you is a lie.
38:29No label wants to record with us.
38:30I try, I mean, I'm still the same mediocre as always.
38:33Don't say that, bro.
38:35You play the guitar like no one else.
38:37You have a lot of talent, you just have to trust yourself.
38:39Well, thanks for the compliment,
38:41but who do I want to fool?
38:43If every time I look in the mirror
38:45it's shouting to my face that I'm an idiot without talent.
38:48That's nothing that can't be cured with some beers.
38:50Come on, I'll invite you.
38:52But you invite me, huh?
38:54Of course. Let's go.
38:56Is the stationery on sale?
39:00You are still saddened by the absence of my nephew Ray, right?
39:05Oh, sister.
39:08Today is one of those days
39:10in which I am very saddened
39:12by his sudden death.
39:18Every night I pray for his eternal rest.
39:21All of them.
39:22You know what torments me, Perpetua?
39:27That they haven't found the culprit.
39:30That bastard must be hurting
39:32any other family, anywhere.
39:35It torments me.
39:37It torments me a lot.
39:41No, no.
39:43I'm sorry.
39:45Moncho, don't you prefer to go to some tacos, to the portals?
39:49No, no, no.
39:50I haven't come to town for a long time.
39:52Not even here.
39:54Is it Tomás' restaurant?
39:58But he remodeled it, right?
40:02It looks good. I mean, it's cool.
40:06What's up with this girl who doesn't wait for us?
40:08Don't you remember her?
40:10It's Chanate.
40:12Did you study with her?
40:14Don't make it up. Yes, it's true.
40:16She got pretty, right?
40:18Excuse me.
40:21Excuse me.
40:28Do you want a beer? Two beers, please.
40:32The usual, right?
40:34I'll bring them to you.
40:38What's up, Chanate?
40:40You haven't taken care of me all night.
40:42Beni, sit down, please.
40:44Shut up.
40:46Aren't you going to take me to the dark, too?
40:48Leave me alone.
40:50Come here, Cati, sit down, please.
40:52We don't want to take you out.
40:54Rosetta told me that Eduarda could do more to save her mother's life,
40:58but she refused.
41:00And did you ask Eduarda?
41:04She assures me that everything is Rosetta's invention
41:06and that nothing could be done for the lady.
41:09And do you really want to find out which of the two is lying?
41:14I prefer to trust my wife.
41:16The woman I chose as a life partner.
41:20Besides, now we have to focus on Martin.
41:23Yes, yes, yes.
41:25I'm glad to know that it's just a small fracture
41:29in one of the vertebrae that will be treated by a professional
41:32and that will be recovered.
41:48What's wrong?
41:50It's just that I need to confess my sins urgently.
41:57Enough, Anastasia, you've always wanted ...
41:59Poncho, Poncho.
42:01Get out, asshole. Poncho, Poncho.
42:03Women don't lack respect, Gañan.
42:07I don't want to see you disrespecting any woman in this town again.
42:10Is that clear?
42:12It's clear, Poncho.
42:13It turns out that the man who lives with him is his father.
42:17And he's also a federal agent.
42:19What's his name?
42:21Hector. Hector Zarate.
42:26Hector Zarate.
42:32He's the agent who investigated Diogo's kidnapping.
42:47I think you need company.
42:52I'm going to be here with you, okay?
42:58He broke his little leg ...
43:01the horse you made him, Martín, and I couldn't hit him.
43:05Don't worry.
43:07That's not a reason to cry, okay?
43:10Do you know Martín?
43:19What's wrong?
43:24I'm sorry.
43:28With you I feel like I can fall apart.
43:32Of course.
43:34Come here.
43:37Come here.
43:42I understand. I understand what you feel.
43:45That anguish, that despair.
43:50You know ...
43:54sometimes I feel like I live full of obstacles
43:57that prevent me from being happy.
44:00And that my son is the only thing that gives me strength to move forward.
44:05And for Martín ...
44:07I am able to sacrifice everything.
44:10Absolutely everything.
44:14Even love?
44:19Forgive me for what I'm going to tell you, but ...
44:22I feel like you don't love your husband anymore.
44:29There are harder things than love.
44:33And have you ever felt it?
44:37What thing?
44:43That love that ...
44:48that clouds your mind,
44:51that makes you fly,
44:54and at the same time
44:56gives you the security that only that person
44:59can cause all that.
45:22That clouds your mind,
45:25that makes you fly,
45:26and at the same time
45:28gives you the security that only that person
45:32can cause all that.
45:37That love that makes the whole world stop
45:42when the woman you love
45:46looks you in the eye.
45:56That love that makes the whole world stop
46:00when the woman you love
46:03looks you in the eye.
46:09Mr. Hector!
46:11What a pleasure! How are you?
46:12Oh, for the Holy Virgin!
46:14Tell me you have news of my son Diogo.
46:17I want you to come back to work here, but with me.
46:20I want you to be my bodyguard.
46:22To heal the injury you have,
46:24the options are risky.
46:26They don't guarantee you'll walk again.
46:29I don't think I'll be able to work with you anymore.
