M0T0GP MISAN0 2O24 | fp1

  • 2 days ago
00:00I mean, do we think 70 points back Lewis in the championship for Mark Marquez?
00:05It is a big ass when you think about the not just the speed of Martin and Bagnola, but their consistency of late
00:12Never say never you'd write mark Marquez off at your peril, I guess but 70 points back
00:17It is a serious challenge to get himself firmly back into the title hunt
00:21It's effectively two weekends worth of points, isn't it?
00:24That mark Marquez needs to pull back and you're not talking about two riders that give a lot of points away
00:29Easily banyan's weekend in Aragon was a bit of an aberration and there were very unique circumstances
00:35Behind that from from Mark's point of view
00:37He pointed out himself and in many respects the Aragon weekend was a bit of a perfect storm
00:42For him a circuit that he absolutely adores left-handed circuit, which often sees mark Marquez
00:47Excel is so good in left-handed corners
00:51But also the track conditions which continuously got reset overnight by heavy
00:56Thunderstorms which brought dirt and dust onto the racetrack when it's so low grip and when the challenge for riders to go out there
01:03Try and assess grip levels try and get as close to the limits as quickly as you can
01:07My mark cares is unrivaled in that respect
01:10So certainly conditions that played into my mark as his hands and you feel that this will present a very different challenge
01:17For the 93 a circuit that by Niaya and Bastianini, of course within the factory Ducati team
01:23Absolutely adore and as you mentioned Jorge Martín the other GP 24 in that title picture did the double here last year
01:30The paddocks worst-kept secret is finally out Miguel Olivera yesterday
01:35Confirming that he has signed a contract direct with Yamaha moving into the new Prima
01:41Pramac Yamaha factory racing squad as it's officially known in 2025 and
01:462026 so
01:49Full-time seats on the grid for next season. We have 20 to one of them now filled
01:54It seems like Pramac Yamaha second seat a mother
01:58Shockingly kept secret in the paddock. It will be Australian Jack Miller
02:01It looks like that will be certainly taking that second seat Olivera, of course
02:06Moving on to what will be his third manufacturer in mana GP saddle time with KTM and most recently of course at Aprilia
02:13And track ash racing feels like he can bring a lot of knowledge and a wealth of experience
02:19To the Pramac Yamaha project that will be a big factor
02:23He feels that Yamaha is a sleeping giant big challenge ahead of him
02:27But a challenge he's ready to embrace and looking forward to seeing that experience
02:31Quartet on the Yamaha in ones next year with Pateraro and Rins in the factory team
02:36Jack Miller and Miguel Oliveira
02:38Slotting in alongside each other in the new Prima Pramac racing Yamaha team just a bit of breaking news as well this morning
02:45That was breaking news yesterday. There's been some news emerging from Repsol Honda. It's not good news
02:50Unfortunately for your fans of Joanne Meyer the 2020 MotoGP world champion
02:54It's fair to say has had a pretty awful 20 18 20 months since he joined HRC
02:59Well, unfortunately, we will not see Joanne Meyer cut any single lap around this Masada World Circuit
03:05Marcus in the jelly today because he has been diagnosed with an intense bout of a gastroenteritis
03:11He was laid low yesterday was never to attend any of his major obligations on Thursday
03:17Well, unfortunately, his condition has not improved overnight. So a Mia will sit out today's action to continue his recovery
03:25He will be assessed again later on today
03:27I think we all wish him a speedy recovery because gastroenteritis is something that can
03:32Really take the take the energy and the wind out of your cells horrible
03:37Yeah, it's no joke sitting in an air-conditioned commentary box talking about the action. Never mind
03:42Pulling the kind of forces that they are on these MotoGP machines
03:45Which leaves Luca Marini at his homegrown Breeze the sole Repsol Honda out on track today
03:49Although there are still four Hondas out there, of course with the addition of Stefan Bravo
03:54Who's wild carding once again the team HRC on the number six one of two wild cards in MotoGP this weekend
04:01So welcome back Polis Bargaro on the 44
04:04Of course, we saw him a couple of weekends ago in Austria and Honda badly need me a fix
04:09For what is a hugely important post race test here in Misano on Monday where we heard from Alberto Cruz
04:15We've heard from senior HRC officials that on Monday weather permitted because there are at the moment
04:20So rather if you weather forecast around for some rain to disrupt Monday's test Honda are due to roll out
04:27Quite a radically revamped all-new RC 213 V with sort of a one-eyed on the remainder of this season
04:35But certainly a big focus on
04:382025 and beyond so yeah
04:40They'll be desperately hoping that Mia will be fighting fit on Monday and now that we can say finally the long
04:45Wait is over mark
04:47Marquez said he had one big mission one big target in 2024 and that was to win again and he's done it for gazini racing
04:54What an unforgettable weekend it was in Aragon for mark and for the team
04:58I wonder have he's recovered his voice yet and after some pretty wild celebration
05:02Let's get the thoughts of the boss Michele Mussini who joins
05:06Good morning, we're on the pit wall
05:08So it's going to be noisy
05:09But I've tried to line it up that we get a lack of bikes when McKaylee is speaking
05:15McKaylee we gotta start by that weekend at Aragon
05:19Well everything mark was fastest everywhere except warm-up. Tell us all about it
05:24yeah, it was a
05:26Already unbelievable if I I think in two three days ago
05:32And what we achieve together and so we come here in Misano in our own race this time for our team in the best shape
05:41I think that there is all the ingredients to
05:44To make great result. Also. Yeah, so yes, that's what I was thinking was very good in Austria
05:49I thought exceptional in the race after that problem with the start and
05:54Austria's got good grip so's here. Are you hoping for the same sort of?
05:58Performance from Marquez Austria back with a good start
06:04Misano is a layout that the marquee like like so much
06:15Yeah, but I think that now we are able to
06:22Hey, good luck. Thank you
06:24Thanks, I'm in thanks to Grazini racing Sutton McKaylee was seen eat my Marquez the ninth different rider in the
06:32MotoGP four-stroke here were to win for two different factories only the ninth ride to have a premier-class winning career spanning more than ten years
06:40Loads more records tumbling after his brilliant victory in Aragon last weekend back in recovery mode
06:47It's Pepe Bagnol. I suppose if there's any place
06:49He could come to if he could pick on the calendar to try and bounce back from that absolutely shocking arrogant
06:54We get one point for bang night across the weekend in Spain
06:59Which since the new sprint Grand Prix era kicked off at the start of 2023 his worst weekend in that new era
07:07He said himself
07:09Struggling to remember a weekend where he'd found it. So difficult in recent memory
07:14Of course, he had all the problems with the dirty grid slot which compromises podium challenge really certainly in the sprint
07:21Getting haven't got himself back into podium contention on Sunday that collision with Alex Marquez losing him a minimum
07:3016 points just turned into a nightmare weekend for bang. Yeah, so looking for some home comforts here in Mizano
07:38Well just goes to show whatever you whatever you think about the incident between bunny
07:42Markers if you're fighting for a world championship
07:44there is always a risk attached to any overtake that you try to put on any rider in any incident in a race and as
07:50you say it was
07:51In the end not that he knew at the time qualifying third put him at such a disadvantage
07:56Off the line in both the sprint and the race plummeted down the order in each as you say
08:01He was at least repairing the damage in the race itself on the Sunday before the collision with Alex Marquez
08:06But it was a gift in the end for this man for him
08:09I'll t knew still hasn't won on a Sunday since the French Grand Prix at Lamont back in May
08:15Of course hasn't won a sprint either since the summer break. He's had six consecutive
08:19Second places as Jorge Martins, but the momentum is with him the maturity
08:24He's showing said it on after the flag after the race in Aragon. We've seen already since the summer break
08:29He couldn't beat bastionini in Silverstone. So he finished second. He couldn't beat banyan in Austria
08:34So he finished second
08:36He couldn't be mark Marquez in Aragon, but he finished second and that's why Jorge Martins is now in such a strong position
08:42In the world championship ahead of a flyaway stretch coming up where we excelled in last year
08:47Yeah, Martin on this great run. He really is putting together
08:52The kind of results the kind of consistency
08:54Which will potentially win in the runner GP World Championship this year
08:58Bangaia's crash five days ago in Aragon was his 16th of the season
09:03That's already double the tally he had in the whole of 2023
09:07And it wants to gain so much one may have plans the only rider now in 2024
09:10that has had more DNFs than Bangaia the world champion is
09:15Joanne Mia Aragon only the second time this season that Bangaia has not let a lap across a Grand Prix weekend
09:22As at the moment of polish by groat set his stall out very early on here
09:26Polish by groat when he was riding the gas gas RC 60 near one year ago
09:31Had a bit of a shocker in Misano five crashes came in his way across the weekend
09:35Well, he's the first rider of the weekend into the 132s is the KTM wildcard 132
09:410.7 to 2 ahead of Martin Marco Bette Secki an early runner inside the top three
09:47Here is mark Marquez on his way through 15 as mentioned at the start of the session a very different question
09:54I think I'll be asked of mark Marquez this weekend. Not only is it I guess a more conventional scenario facing
09:59It's not only resurface track
10:01We're not expecting heavy rain at the end of each day is running to wash the track of all the rubber
10:06That's been laid down and it is a circuit where Bangaia Bastianini and Jorge Martín have all shown in recent times
10:14Mark Marquez, I don't think he's getting carried away either after what happened in Aragon
10:19He appreciates that it's not necessarily a sign of things to come in the second half of this season
10:25But just to get that winning feeling back again, he has had opportunities already this season which have passed him by that's the
10:33He used to occupy confirmation of what we already told you at the start of the session of one
10:37There's absence today through illness
10:39Of course, we've seen Marcus crash out of sprints when he's been in strong positions in recent times
10:44Pushed Pekka Bangaia all the way in Horec, but ultimately fell short
10:49It's very easy for someone who couldn't stop winning in his heyday with Honda. He lost that winning feeling again
10:55So just to have that weight lifted off his shoulders as you mentioned he said as he crossed the line
10:59Feeling of the weight lifting off his shoulders
11:02It will be a much more relaxed and freer mark Marquez out on track this weekend
11:07But the same deficit that he's had all season from the GP23 to the GP24
11:13Remains that will still be a difficult one for him to overcome
11:16Mark Marquez is back on that side of the reps on the garage on Wednesday, of course
11:20All of his previous 59 Grand Prix victories taken at Honda taken with Santi and and there's his crew chief at his side
11:28So he paid a special visit as soon as he arrived in San Marino on Wednesday
11:32He was reunited with his crew and made a beeline straight for the HRC garage
11:37Groups together all of his former crew and said
11:40Sunday's victory in Aragon was just as much for you guys as it was for me because they were with Marquez
11:47Through thick and thin they were there at his side through all of those bleak times since her F
11:522020 wonderful gesture that actually by mark Marquez to go and thank his
11:58Former crew who I'm sure very much appreciated the visit from their old charge as Fabio Quattro
12:04Fires himself from his second place on the factory, Yamaha
12:07Such a frequent visitor to San Marino
12:09He said he was tempted to buy an apartment
12:11Of course, of course after the recent Austrian Grand Prix Yamaha were here private testing as part of their concessions
12:17They're here on Monday for a test to meet that this summer in Iran and they're back
12:21Of course again in a fortnight for the Amelia Romagna round
12:24So there can't be any excuses from Yamaha and HRC who are also here testing that they can't find a setup for Misano
12:30Yeah, no surprises to see them up the sharp end very early on in this weekend
12:34Alex Rins is up in eighth place as well have to say there were mixed results when they from that private test for
12:40Yamaha Quattro said that the pace over longer runs was pretty good on all ties. He was pretty competitive
12:46He's very happy with his pace, but he said the time attack was a disaster
12:51Which has been a story for the last couple of seasons now for the factory Yamaha team
12:56So whilst it might look very good for Fabio Quattro at the moment
12:59But that's a test for him and the Yamaha will come later on this afternoon at the end of that one-hour
13:04Practice session Quattro are one of the rides of the weekend in Aragonese performance in the sprint on the Saturday when he came way
13:10back on the grid started in
13:1217th place and came through to the points in eight including an overtake on the reading world champion Petko Banyai
13:17Yeah, he's having early crash though at turn five means he's not finished higher than 11th in the last six Grand Prix's on Sunday
13:24Which is bang average, isn't it for a rider of Quattro's calibre seems like an awful long time ago now
13:30Doesn't it three years since at this very circuit? He was crowned
13:342021 by the GP
13:37World champion you'll see that a few times this weekend riders. That's a common mistake here a Mizano
13:43I say get a hard on the front end braking down from fifth gear about
13:49270 kilometers at the finish line
13:51That's hard on the brakes back three gears to about 120 going through that first corner
13:57Very easy to succeed that the rear
13:59Step out sideways or the rift the rear lift up
14:02and then of course it just rose all the way on the front and that means then you're
14:06Likely to just have a little bit of a runoff. So that it's quite a common mistake here in Mizano
14:14Of course he was second back in 2019 one of his many epic battles in 19 with Mark Marquez
14:21Second as well to Pekka Bagnar in the San Marino race in 2021 the year that he was crowned world champion
14:27He says he's had many a conversation with Miguel Oliveira or Miguel gave us that information yesterday ahead of his switch to
14:35Yamaha Plexus and with the Prada squad
14:37Actually neighbors in the motorhome area in the paddock here
14:40So they share many a conversation Olivera says he's heard many of Fabio Quattro Aro's
14:45Gripes and grievances with the Yamaha in recent times and they're not gonna be working together in the future to try and bring Yamaha
14:52Back towards the sharp end. Once again as Mark Marquez now takes over the top. It's Marquez from Martin
14:57So after the early fun for Polis Barguero, we now have the same top two that we had in Aragon a week ago
15:02Yeah, just a big shout out while we're talking to or talking about rather the factory Yamaha's Alex Rins
15:09Went on the radar a little bit with a fantastic ride by Rins his home Grand Prix in Aragon 21st on the grid
15:15Fought his way through to a fantastic ninth place. His first top ten on the Yamaha first top ten since Mandelika last year
15:25So it was a cracking ride by the 28 year old. He said afterwards just a massive boost for himself
15:29And for his team, of course have been on the cosh a little bit as they try and help Yamaha recover former glory
15:36Alex Rins not where he wants to be finishing but did feel like a small win
15:40He said it just felt nice to be actually racing and feeling like a merge EP rider again playing with the throttle trying to manage
15:46The grip man is the tires. So yeah good to see Alex after all of his recent injury woes back where he belongs inside the top ten
15:54It's both Alex Rins on the Saturday of the San Marino of the Aragon World Weekend
15:59I should say and he said guess my Yamaha in general the moment
16:03It feels like more a test rider
16:05But a race ride of them own with the many new parts and the many different setups that they are throwing at that
16:10Yamaha it feels as if every time they go out of the box
16:14They're on a different bike or a different configuration to the last time they rode it
16:18They are throwing absolutely everything at the problem
16:21But Yamaha and Honda are not leaving a single stone unturned trying to get themselves backs towards the front
16:27But the Oliveira news just further
16:30Explains Yamaha's thought process. They just need more data
16:33They need more bikes out on the racetrack and all of the brainpower can help them get back towards the front
16:39The progress is beginning to bear fruit. You're seeing the signs of it
16:42But I guess not as quick as Quattro Ironman's would like. Yeah, and they're in the market as well for
16:47proven established current
16:49Rider in minor GP to be their test rider Augusto Fernandez looks like he's going to slot in as the Yamaha test rider now
16:56Then a pretty of course coming to home turf hoping for certainly better fortunes of what they experienced last weekend in Aragon
17:03We're all for a pretty riders just handcuffs by a chronic lack of grit maverick
17:09Vignales pulled in just said the bike was unrideable a laser spark also had his woes
17:14Can they turn the corner what went wrong in Aragon?
17:17Let's find out from the boss Palomar who joined Simon he does and sorry to have to hit you with this Paolo
17:23But you know for the viewers I saw that you struggled Friday morning
17:28Then a leash bounced back and was fast on Friday afternoon
17:32And we almost didn't see that again all weekend including Sunday's race. Can you tell us and the listeners what happened?
17:40Yes, I'm on I was so difficult Aragon
17:43Much more than they expected
17:46During the free practice one. We have seen immediately that there is no grip at all in the with the new surface
17:54we expect a
17:56Track improvement during the weekend and was it during the
18:04Just let maverick head off from right beside us and then sorry to interrupt you there
18:10The rubber that
18:12was put into the
18:15Friday afternoon help us a lot, but suddenly the rain during the Friday night change
18:22Changes the behavior of the of the circuit
18:26The secret situation so was so difficult for us with we have we have not
18:32Found the the way to to to give confidence to our rider
18:38Probably we understand that
18:40it is
18:41related to our
18:43Ability on fast corner and using lean angle to make to make the speed
18:48but if we have no grip at all, it is so difficult to to to to to have to to put in
18:56To use your advantage to use the advantage. Yeah, so
19:00It is necessary to understand this situation because probably we look for other times
19:06In particular in the ASEAN circuit when
19:10Probably there will be a rain and Sun so we have to be much much faster in the in the movement
19:17in the in the
19:19modification on the bike to
19:21To improve this situation. I understand you come from not far from from Venice sort of area
19:27So this doesn't get much closer for a GP, you know must be almost home GP
19:32Tell us what you believe you can do here
19:35Does your machine work? Well at the circuit? Yeah
19:40We move from Maragon that was in the lowest side on the on the grid
19:46to the the top level grip of the of the World Championship, so
19:52Probably will change something and we hope for
19:56To be honest that we we have seen last
20:02A good result in particular in Maverick side
20:05We want
20:08To fix the Aragon situation
20:12We are looking forward to to find something to help us Paolo. Thank you for your time. Thanks so much
20:18Yeah, thanks very much to a prettiest Palo Bernardo
20:21Thanks once again, some of you at a later Sparrow took the checker flag intent in Aragon
20:25He said his only focus was not on speed or pace
20:28It was just making sure he didn't crash the grip so bad
20:31Could barely even get his knee down the words that alleged gave the media on Sunday
20:37Embarrassing horrible and acceptable nightmare. He felt like it was a pretty as worse race in the last three years
20:43from rapid on Friday when there was a bit of grip around for just
20:47Uncompetitive and nowhere on Sunday maverick finialis wasn't exactly as much more glowing in praise for a prelude that weekend
20:54He said riding on ice all weekend a miserable motor land
20:58I mean at times maverick look like you might have been out of ridden about a three bike around Aragon faster
21:02It was just one of those weekends. You just got to put to bed as quickly as you can
21:05There was a try and regroup every felt like he was gonna crash in every corner
21:10He said during the race and it was a race that maverick benyama's in the end didn't even complete
21:17They just have to completely scrub that one from their memories and focus on what's coming because as mentioned
21:21Said it already in this session
21:22It was a unique weekend in terms of the combination of track conditions and weather across the weekend
21:29So pretty will say that's not at all reflective of what's happened before or what is gonna happen since got to be a little bit
21:34Of a concern now as Palo Bernardo alluded to that when we head on our travels to Asia and Australia
21:41particularly when you think of the
21:43scorching hot
21:44Temperatures and humidity will likely get in Mandalayka in Burram and in Sepang where there's not a lot of grip around
21:51We've seen the Aprilia's struggle on tracks like that in the past and when you bear in mind
21:56What happened to that horror show last weekend?
21:59in Aragon
22:01Put some niggling down and maybe a little bit of concern about how this year's RSGP will will hold up further down the track in
22:082024, you know some other issues for the one there in the flyways last year, of course when they were suffering for the bike
22:13Getting so hot that married with the others had to pull out of a race
22:15I think was in Burram last year because the bike was just burning in
22:19Struggling to breathe. I remember back in Sepang right at the beginning of the season when they went testing the
22:25Espargaro and Oliveira were all out on track together riding one after the other
22:29All on that 2024 spec Aprilia to try and give an idea as to how that bike would fear a fair in those kind of conditions
22:37So they clearly well aware of that problem and have been working at it since at the end of last year
22:41To hope that when they get to the flyways this time around they're not going to find themselves in similar
22:46Difficulties so far in this session. I'm happy to be honest is the leading Aprilia up in a
22:51Sparrow is 10th. Just some Gilbert having a little run-off track down at turn 14. He's 18th at the moment
22:57Well, we saw him when he wild-carded for KTM at the Red Bull Ring at the beginning of August
23:02Polispargo running a rather experimental factory
23:06RC16 we can see there clearly. He's got that sort of shark teeth jagged edge
23:11Aero around the swing arm around the rear tire. So that's obviously
23:16Experiment that KTM
23:17Wanting him to continue and further explore here this weekend in Misano
23:23Pulicho, this is still up in there in fourth place. Mark Marquez leads away with a 132.0
23:297.7. I think mark
23:32Realistic about the prospects of making it back-to-back wins for the first time since Austin and Amelia Romagna three years ago back in
23:392021 he knows how strong the GP 24s will be at a track where the GP 24 has been extensively tested at
23:46Of course Pekka Magnier and Anaya Bastianini
23:50Well, they could do 132 laps around Misano blindfolded with one hand tie behind their back couldn't they?
23:55They've lapsed so often around here the VR 46 Academy riders
23:59They're here pretty much week in week out training on production bikes on
24:04Panigale's Anaya Bastianini where he was born and bred just down the road in Ribonese
24:08I think he's got access whenever he wants to cut a few laps here in Misano
24:11So it will be a tough challenge for mark to run with that sort of crop the trio the fastest tree
24:17I know disrespect to Frankie more with Ali the banyan at Martine and Bastianini certainly will pose a big big threat
24:24To mark ambitions of back-to-back wins
24:28It was certainly not saying that my mark is can't win this weekend, but it will certainly be a much tougher challenge for him
24:34We've already discussed to Polish Bargro so far this morning. He's one of three KTMs currently inside the top seven
24:40So I guess the early prospects positive for pit buyer and KTM. We can hear his thoughts now with Simon
24:46Yes, so we found a nice quiet place pit. I'm gonna ask you about pole
24:50I'm really interested in in that bike. But first of all, we've got a touch on Aragon
24:56Pedro back on the podium
24:59Yeah, I mean
25:01This was for us, of course
25:04Kind of a relief like because we the season started really well with like three pole Sunday podiums in a row and then
25:11We had eight races with no podium. So
25:14we just lost contact to the front and
25:17We had to find
25:18the moment where we took maybe wrong decisions for the bikes and then for the bike development and
25:24We had to regroup we tried really hard to do that already before Spielberg
25:28But I mean if you do things now, you don't have a quick effect like next day things are changing dramatically
25:33But I feel since Silverstone and Spielberg we can we can get back the confidence of especially Brad and Pedro
25:41little by little and
25:43Aragon was another step for us. I think Saturday Pedro's third place was was well-deserved. It was his position and
25:52Sunday we have been a little bit lucky, of course to get third position
25:56But of course to finish on the podium you need to finish the race. It's quite simple in racing now
26:00I'm happy. We just could make this little progress step-by-step over the last races and I
26:06Feel it's still sin ice at the moment, but we are enjoying the moment
26:10So coming to Miss Arno
26:13total opposite feel grip feel I got to ride both and
26:18Amazing level of grip here. I'm curious. Does that play into your hands or not?
26:24your feeling
26:26Yeah, I mean usually we
26:29Our riders our bike they they have been really strong on places with a lot of grip and then we drop back on
26:34tracks without grip, so
26:38If Aragon was a good result with with this terrible grip
26:41I think that was a good sign that the technicians they like tricky electric chronic guys
26:45They had the answer for the riders to how to manage so much horsepower on a very slippery track and still make the bike turn
26:51And everything I think the team did a fantastic job there
26:55On this grippy track here, I feel it should be even a little bit more easy
26:59But of course more easy for everybody. Everybody has more grip. Everybody will go super faster. So the level will be
27:05much higher for everybody from from just corner speed and everything but
27:09Yeah, usually we have been Mizano always had a lot of grip and we are we should be there
27:14So just last thing getting on to pole and I mean he looks fast on that machine again. He was in Austria
27:21It sounds cool, I'm interested in that it looks cool
27:25Do your factory riders get to try that bike in the test after this weekend?
27:31Yes, I mean I have to say really thanks to all our team what they are doing right now
27:37Basically changing the bike
27:39Characterized a race bike for four boys in the middle of the season and then bringing out this new bike
27:45they work day and night lately and
27:47Yeah, we we haven't we had a taste in Spielberg what that bike can do and now we will have another one over the weekend
27:52But of course, that's the plan
27:54That's why we are hoping this thunderstorm forecast for Monday
27:57is not really becoming a reality because we would have a huge program for Monday and
28:02especially also giving giving
28:04Bread and Pedro a taste of this new bike also to take final decisions
28:08I mean nothing is decided but of course we want we have a green check from Danny
28:12We have it from Paul
28:14But we would like to get it from from Pedro and Brad as well
28:17And then we know for sure what we work for and then also the boys would know what to expect
28:21so I feel we was a
28:23Good signal for the boys to feel it because the comments from from Danny and Paul are really really positive
28:29Thank you via time. Good luck this weekend. Thank you
28:33Yeah, thanks very much to Katie. I'm on a sport director pit fire. Thanks once again
28:37So it was good to see Pedro Acosta wasn't it back to that early season form when he really did light up the early
28:42Part of his rookie season that third place in Aragon on Sunday when he was the first non Ducati rider on a Sunday podium
28:49since Austin
28:51Breaking Ducati's domination of eight successive podiums and it was some recovery wasn't some turnaround
28:57For Acosta and the gas gas group having come off what he said was his toughest weekend in Spielberg, of course, including that
29:05190 mile an hour get off in Friday practice in Austria to probably his best weekend his first double podium of the season
29:12They've gone back to that more sort of standard setting
29:15He said it might not be the fastest at him
29:16It's certainly the one that inspires the most confidence that gives him the feeling
29:20One step back to take two steps forwards the mantra wasn't it from Acosta all last weekend
29:24I just love his comments as well as he just said I've accepted that I might not be winning every week
29:29Which of course is what he's here for the guys are born serial winners in his DNA
29:33He said what I can't accept is not being competitive. I'm not here to burn fuel. I just love his attitude
29:41He has a champions mentality. Does he? Well, he is a champion. He's a bit of champion everything
29:45He's raced in up until now and ultimately there's no substitute for just raw talent
29:51Is there we saw that on the Saturday morning because cease to forget Pedro Acosta began Saturday knowing he was going through
29:58Qualifying one and of course we were on a track surface that was still drying in patches
30:03There were little patches of damp tarmac as they went out for qualifying one on
30:07Saturday morning Pedro Acosta put it on the line got himself into Q2 and then stuck it on the front row of the grid
30:13He was the nearest rider to mark Marquez
30:15Not that anyone was particularly near to him in qualifying to a week ago
30:19Just showing that put Pedro Acosta on a racetrack
30:23Things are a little bit sketchy when the talent's gonna take over Pedro Acosta has it in abundance
30:27So does Jorge Martin who's now on top of this session. He's drops it to the
30:32131s 131
30:35707 this is now most recent lap. He's three tenths clear of Matt Marquez
30:38We already told you about Joanne Mears illness or a Martina's exactly feeling his best
30:42Either coming into this San Marino Grand Prix weekend as he arrived here yesterday
30:45He told our Italian broadcasters sky that he'd have been getting sleep himself on Wednesday night. He'd been up all night
30:53Vomiting so Jorge Martins not exactly in peak condition either. I guess he's hopefully coming to this Friday's running with a good night's sleep behind him
31:01Get sick off track and probably sick of second place that I'm as well as the Hawaii martini won't matter though
31:06We won't bother one jot because that great level of consistency has seen him establish that very healthy
31:1323 point lead in the world champions quickly coming back to Acosta our colleague from one, of course today another brilliant
31:21Official motor GP podcast last on the brakes with his gas gas bar survey poncho out where poncho out said
31:27Convinced no doubt Acosta will be a Tyler contender in
31:312025 not just because of his undoubted raw speed and talent, but he said Acosta just ticks all the boxes
31:38He's the complete package asked him about that in the second free event press conference, which Pedro attended and I said
31:44What do you think about what the boss said? He's crossed his fingers and said well
31:47That's what we hope of course moving into the factory KTM team next season
31:52And I do wonder whether maybe Acosta might get to just cut a few laps on that experimental RC 16 in the hands of
31:59Pellet polish by grope was big big test really hoping for the teams and riders that but the the weather
32:06Stays fair for a Monday because since we arrived here on Italy's Adriatic Coast, it's been a scorcher
32:12But before she for that all-important Monday test, but the weather not looking too hot at the moment
32:18They will have coverage throughout Monday. I'll motor GP's social media channels. We'll have
32:23Midday update with some cray fire and chat course to a staying here on the ground to keep their eye on what's going on in pit
32:29Lane and what the various teams and manufacturers are running because they'll be a lot of interest in what this man's running on Monday to
32:35Marquez will he get a
32:38taps an opportunity to ride the the GP 24 or will he have an opportunity to ride perhaps the first prototype for Jakati and their
32:452025 spec of course still a long way from the
32:49Preseason for next season when they'll roll out the full
32:522025 spec machine
32:53But surely if you're Jakati knowing that my market is going to be part of your factory sport for next season
32:58It's going to be riding the GP 25 any parts that you're going to bring to a test with a view to next year
33:03Sure, you want my markets feedback on them?
33:06And the cat he would of course normally have they're very experienced and trusted test one of a Kaylie Piro wild carding
33:12Hey, Mizano trying to get some early information on maybe some development parts for the following season
33:18but of course the cat in some respects victims of their own success because
33:22their recent domination about a GP means as part of the revamp concession system for
33:292024 they were prevented from having any wild cards at all this season
33:34So unfortunately, but Kaylie Piro unable to take part in this
33:39Customary Mizano wild card slot. Well, of course the
33:44Rapidly changing track conditions and the new surface
33:47Threw up for the toughest challenge of the season so far for Mitchelton a test that as always that they rose to
33:53And we saw mark Marquez take a commanding victory
33:57I'm sure Piero Taramaso slightly more relieved that there's gonna be a lot of grip on offer here this weekend a revised front tire allocation
34:04I believe here this weekend in Mizano
34:06Let's get all the information straight from the horse's mouth as always
34:11He does Piero what a change after I got to ride Aragon
34:16Riding this circuit yesterday. The grip level was incredible. What have you brought to work here?
34:22Yeah, here is much better the track condition. We are more relaxed. Yeah, we saw that yesterday
34:27We did some tests with the Moto E with some front tire the track condition. They were good this morning
34:32So we run a very early 8 in the morning with the Moto E the track grip is good
34:37So the allocation compared to last year what we did
34:41We went one step harder. Basically is the same movement we did in
34:46Austria we did in Silverstone just a more harder compound compared to last year to give more support
34:52To riders and the rear is the same same as the last year
34:57So once off the one medium both rear tire are very very good in performance very grippy
35:03Very close to each other. So riders they need to work
35:10Which one will be better for the sprint which one for the
35:13For the race where both tire are very very very fast
35:16So one is more nervous and more grippy the soft and the rear is more stable
35:22But again grip level is very close so will be difficult to make the choice here are just something
35:28Different to ask you. I noticed with that grip level came
35:32The ability to be able to break so hard, especially at a lean angle, you know part lean half lean say
35:40I imagine that puts a heap of load on the tire like construction to keep it
35:48It was quite amazing how hard I could pull on the front brake at an angle. Do you have that?
35:54Do the routines and riders have to work extra hard here on that just curious or not?
35:59Yeah, this is one point riders and teams
36:02They knew that now if you want to gain the time is in the braking zone, you know in acceleration with all the
36:09electronics the traction control
36:11you know, you have a lot of help from the
36:14Back in the front is the riders you can do the difference
36:17So riders they try to gain and try to break harder and later
36:21That's why we need to increase the front rigidity compound because they break out there are there are there a to gain time
36:29So this is what we do will be the same things here in a
36:34We will so are the breaking later and even you know, when you are on the age one last question is again about the front
36:41We've seen in past years not enough temperature on the left side, especially, you know because of the layout
36:48especially if the track well air temperature drops air and track and I'm wondering the
36:55Extra hard that you've brought has been on the edge, you know, depending on the temperature
37:01At past races. Do you think you feel it'll be the same here with that problem?
37:06Yes here also is a bit asymmetric tracker
37:13In this layout will be less in trouble
37:18There will be less in trouble compared to
37:21Aragon or compared to Austria because here is more twisty so you can keep
37:28Better compared to the other track. So probably if the track temperature go over 45
37:34He should work
37:36Better than the previous race hero. Thank you for your time as always. Thank you. Bye
37:42Yeah, thanks Simon. Thanks as always to Piero Taramaso great information on Michelin's approach and tactics for this weekend
37:49Fabio Quattro as you can see on screen
37:51It's just running a new soft front tire for this latest stint on the factory MR sweeps
37:58through turn 15
38:01second gear through there about
38:03145 kilometers an hour through the
38:05Mizano corner here in Mizano at the moment fifth Fabio Quattro and that lap or stays put until high 131
38:14Frankie Mormodelli, of course who?
38:16like the likes of
38:18Fania Marini Betzecchi and Bastian Inco will be very familiar with this 4.2 kilometer Mizano circuit
38:27Frankie Mormodelli on the move up to fourth place the Prima Pramac race that was Quattro just running wide through that
38:33Sequence of fast right to the back end of the lap mobility also in the high 131s fourth place for Frankie right now
38:41Pekka banya in sick
38:44course banya
38:45Second year in a row really he's coming to his home Grand Prix short of peak physical condition
38:51Of course, he came in a year ago when we can move from that horrendous lap one high side in Barcelona
38:56And that does at least add a little bit more context of Jorge Martins double here last year
39:01I'm not saying he wouldn't have stolen the double but of course his biggest rivals last year banya and betzecchi on that occasion were both
39:07Riding injured so banya will feel he's perhaps maybe in a bit of better position this weekend to give Jorge Martins some headaches
39:14Jorge Martins already had some this week as mentioned with a bit of illness coming into this
39:19Weekend, but banya's focus really needs to be on the point situation
39:23you can't allow Jorge Martins to continue to extend that lead of course having
39:28Closed in that advantage at the start of the season after Martin opened up that
39:32Advantage around Le Mans banya was able to close that all in and take a championship lead
39:36He's now handed the initiative back to Jorge Martin once again as the world champion
39:42Heads back out on track
39:4323 points isn't a lot certainly given the current format of MotoGP 37 points on offer at any given
39:50Weekend so banya is still firmly on the shoulder of Jorge Martin
39:55But he needs to put that Aragon weekend out of his system and get back to doing what he's been doing pretty well this season
40:00And that's racking up the points on a Sunday
40:03Yes, third the sprint on the Grand Prix here last year not quite sure how on earth he did that
40:07He could barely walk to that factory
40:10Ducati he was in all kinds of pain after a horrific incident in Catalonia walking around the paddock on crutches
40:16And of course in some discomfort and some pain after the big blow he suffered in that Alex Marquez collision in Aragon
40:24But also damage to his hopes of winning the world championship for a third year in a row he said himself
40:31Losing those 16 points was a huge loss. That was how he described it in terms of the championship
40:37Having looked so fantastic
40:40Ran right at the knee in Spielberg Pekka banya to seize back the initiative in the middle of GP world championship
40:46But going into Aragon five points clear was never a very comfortable position wasn't it given Jorge Martins pace
40:51And his ability to rack up the big points across a weekend or the 28-point swing how significant could that be?
40:58Come the final reckoning in mid-november in Valencia still Martin then that leads the way he was an immovable force in P1
41:06It was on a 12 months ago, and it looks like he's
41:10Making well. He is at the moment making the early running will anybody knock him off his perch a 131 point
41:16707 is the best time of FD1 so far
41:20Polispargo doing a great job on the development KTM. He's back up inside that top three
41:25I want 31 from the former motor to world champion whenever I think of
41:30Polispargo Masada, I just I can never forget that one two five last corner instant he have with Andre, you know, he of course
41:37The pair of them have gone on to great success in the future, you know, he now playing his stride in world super bikes
41:43It was a rather controversial coming together which ended in a polispargo on the receiving end of a of a headbutt
41:50It was just such a weird and bizarre outcome to a theory
41:56Temperaments, I think it was in that final corner a few years back
42:00Polispargo rose never want to back down from that kind of confrontation is he?
42:05It's been our watch banyai leading bender bender as we were just discussing that I saw him having a moment on the way to the
42:12right-handed hairpin of
42:13Turn for the Rio corner one of the slower corners around this circuit the other one of course the right-handed hairpin of turn
42:2014 to run a board now with
42:24To top speed in the fastest corner of this Mizano circuit the Cavone a corner
42:30He carries full commitment through turns 11 on the right hand side of the tire all the way now up until 12
42:36Which is now completed 13 as you gradually slowing down into turn 14 as mentioned super super slow
42:44Right-handed spray corners where Brad Pitt the crashed out of the Grand Prix one year ago
42:4815 where banyai crashed out of the lead in the Amelia Romagna Grand Prix and lost to the World Championship in
42:542021 to Fabio Quasararo and will this San Marino Grand Prix be decided at the Mizano corner turn 16 remember last time in there
43:01He raced here he pushed banyai right the way down to the finish line in
43:062022 Cavone a corner with the fastest on the Grand Prix calendar not for the faint-hearted
43:13But 280 comes now when you tip in there
43:16240 clicks at the curb of course banyai
43:21Vesecchi more belly and co saying when they come here on the
43:24Panigale production Ducati they just go through there absolutely full pelt flat out top gear six gear no problem
43:31of course it was here in the
43:32Race of champions as part of World Ducati week where Pekka banyai tasted more success on the Panigale
43:39Mark Marquez it's fair to say was involved in a rather controversial
43:43incident with World Superbike star
43:46Nicolo Bolliger that's a final corner in the World Ducati week
43:50We're now looking at two of our X-Men a GP World Champions briefly as Alessio Spargo starts to find some form here on Friday morning
43:58He was languishing well outside the top ten until this late attack on the factory pretty right
44:03That's more like it from the 35 year old up to sixth place still not able to find a 131 but close to it
44:100.107 then from Alessio Spargo six here two years ago in 2022 is only top six believe it or not in
44:1816 motor GP starts here in Mazda not exactly stellar record for a lace here in San Marino
44:25History would tell you that if Aprilia could expect something this weekend
44:29It's more likely to come from Maverick finiales who has an exceptional record earlier winner in 2020 in the Amelio Romagna
44:35Round one of three motor GP podiums. He's taken here
44:38he's been on pole here on four previous occasions in the motor GP classes the
44:44Number 12 and of course last on the podium here with Aprilia in
44:482022 as well
44:50So this definitely has all the ingredients to be a much more profitable weekend for a premium general and Maverick finiales specifically this weekend
44:57He's currently in ninth as you just mentioned
44:59Spargo now has him as the top of pretty rider in sick
45:02It's been a quiet and underwhelming morning something on the face of it for track house a prettier so far
45:08Ralph Fernandez and Miguel Oliveira down outside the top 20. Yeah, everything y'all's of course
45:12So mainly Romagna 6000 2020, but we have one of the best excuses. We've seen for quite some time
45:19Thank you, man. Yeah crashing out of the lead gifting Mignola's the victory through turn six
45:24Crashed on a tear off is how Pecco said that his victory hopes were extinguished that day
45:30Alessio Spargo finds another PB lap slightly better
45:34132 flat from the soon-to-be HRC test rider Mark Marquez been an excellent starts to this was on a weekend
45:42for the Spanish rider who does love Misano despite it not being
45:48Anti-clockwise in configuration. It's right up there with his favorites
45:51You could put it in the category with Saxon ring Aragon and the circuit America's lost in Texas nine
45:57Podiums here for Marquez including seven wins for the premier class
46:0115 17 19 and in a million mana in 2021
46:04What in one two fives one in moto two in both his years in the intermediate category in 2011 and 2012?
46:12He is used to finding his way to p1 in Park Fermi in Misano is Mark Marquez
46:18He's going to finish this session looks like it in a best-of-second an excellent and strong second
46:23Right on the coattails of this man. Jorge Martín you all championship leader by Naira's taken me check the flag
46:30Always with Pecco Bagnaia don't accept too much from Illinois Friday morning never goes for a new tire
46:37That's just not in Pecco Bagnaia's Friday morning master plan
46:41So don't be too concerned the many many fans he has to see him down in eighth place and a bastion II in
46:4612th yes today is key for bastion II if he's going to be up at the sharp end and fighting for victory on
46:53Sunday you generally know on Friday the van a bastion is in that sort of mood because he's
46:59Showed in Silverstone. He's quick in every session qualified up at the sharp end and then took a stunning double
47:05Of course, he's come from way outside the top ten in the past here in Misano to podium
47:09It's just cash amounts back to
47:112021 but he cannot afford a repeat of a week ago in Aragon when the beast was in qualifying one
47:16That's the problem isn't it?
47:17And a bastion II just doesn't seem to have the kind of consistency of Martin and Bagnaia ahead of him in the championship
47:24One week, it looks like a world beta the brilliant double at Silverstone the British Grand Prix. We're all figuring well the beast
47:30He's a serious championship contender, but he's now 71 points a drift
47:36Martin said Aragon was his toughest weekend of the season
47:39He was one of several riders who really was handicapped by the lack of grip at the constantly changing track conditions
47:46Just not fast enough from lap one on Friday
47:49He might be a little bit concerned to find himself down in 13th place at the end of that fp1 session
47:55Unlikely that he went for a change of tires, but this is a track that the beast loves his last five visits here
48:02He's been on the podium
48:04Every single time he's raced here in front of his home crowd and it is very much a home crowd
48:07He's born and bred just a stone's throw away in nearby Riminic three MotoGP start three podium finishes for bastionia
48:14So I think probably he and us were expecting a little bit more than that p13 at the end of that session
48:21Although as mentioned once again this afternoon is where it truly matters
48:25One hour of practice to come lades are on top ten places up for grabs. Nothing really
48:31Besides pride and information up for grabs this morning. Let's pick up on Jaya a
48:36little slight shake of the head
48:38perhaps more an answer to the question being asked of him by his crew chief Christian Gabrielli than a reflection how the
48:44Session went as he just feels for that left side
48:47He was telling us about his shoulder and his neck but also perhaps is his ribs as well a little bit painful to understandable given that
48:54he was
48:55run over by a
48:56Ducati GP 23 in the gravel trap last time out in Aragon still feeling a little bit sore and second hand is the world champion
49:03Yeah, I suppose the the good news for bang. You're nursing that
49:07Damaged left shoulder is a 16 corner configuration here in Mizano
49:12There's only six of them that are left
49:15That's on the fastest parts when you think about turns 11 12 and 13. They are all right handers, which
49:22Will certainly ease the situation for bang. Yeah, but certainly nowhere near 100% fit coming into this weekend
49:29Likewise, we have to say of course the other rider caught up in that tank Alex Marquez Alex said on Monday
49:34He had three hours of physiotherapy when he was in the paddock II yesterday
49:39Before he came to the second pre-event press conference another two or three hours on the physio table as well
49:45So Alex Marquez certainly not fighting fully fit this weekend
49:50Alex was 16th at the end of that session
49:53Fabio the gen Antonio also very much one of the walking wounded Fabio the gen Antonio
50:00Fresh out of dislocating that left shoulder, which brought him out of the Austrian Grand Prix weekend. He reckons. He's only 60%
50:05Fit and 60% strength in that left shoulder. He got a 16 second post race penalty for the tire
50:13He still finished in eighth place
50:16The gen Antonio looked like it was probably a low-risk strut to his weekend finishing down in 19th spot
50:24The practice start session gets underway. We were just waiting for Polispargo to roll up pit lane
50:30And before we were able to commence this practice start session
50:34don't expect anything like the problems getting these bikes off the line that we saw a week ago given the track conditions and the
50:42differing grip levels across the various grip positions for
50:45the riders last weekend
50:47I will tell you all about that as he leaves pit lane together with the rider
50:52He got a little bit too close to for comfort Aragon Alex Marquez right behind him
50:58It's another potentially troublesome first corner here in Misano
51:02We've seen plenty of instance there over the past the very tight and very narrow first corner, which immediately feeds you into turn two
51:11In the middle of the pack in particular very easy to find yourself in trouble through that
51:16So as we get this practice start session underway, it was great to see the rookie star back where he certainly feels
51:23He belongs back where he was right at the start of his impressive rookie season Pedro Costa a dream double podium in Aragon
51:30His first of 2024 and likely to be his last that's for sure as he goes back to that standard setting on the gas gas machine
51:38Let's get some thoughts of the boss. So they touch rather join Simon. Yeah, he does pit while they're doing those starts
51:44Can we have a chat about Pedro's?
51:46you know bounce back in form how
51:50We've heard from few different people that including Pedro that he's gone back to a setting earlier in the year
51:55Can you tell us about it?
51:57you know at the end of the day, I would like to say it's quite simple because keep it simple this was the whole story and
52:03You know how much the PR mobility group is a keen to
52:09Finally reach the target, which is being in front and winning and they work
52:15Harder than anyone I think and I don't want to say that the other ones are not working
52:19But it is intense work. Of course when you have so much will to do well and hard work behind
52:30We must not forget that Pedro just turned 20 in Barcelona
52:33He's a rookie and when he has each circuit is a new circuit for him because this is the first time with a MotoGP bike
52:40And then when on top of that you got to test quite a few things
52:43It's difficult to do all that together and very rightly, you know him and his crew together
52:49We decided maybe to go back a step
52:53Maybe a less performant bike in between brackets
52:56But something we knew better and again make it simple give him more free head and more time to learn the track to
53:03Understand about the track on that track and it seemed and it worked in Aragon
53:07But I don't want to say because we've got a double podium in Aragon that we're gonna do that everywhere
53:12Still a competition is incredibly tough, but I think that was a good
53:17Reset and Pedro we know that a lot of the performance is also in the head and mentally Pedro feels so much better
53:25During the other weekend and we in between that I go in here
53:28So he is full of smile and ready to do something good
53:31But we will have to see what is the good result here?
53:35Have a we've said this before I've said it. I've spoken about it, but just for the listeners that haven't heard
53:41I love going to his debriefs because he's so straight and
53:46He's older than his age, you know to when you listen to him
53:50I first noticed this when he was in moto 3 listen to his debriefs
53:54I was like that guy that kid sounds like he's 25 and he's 17 and now he's 20
54:00Super impressive. What about in the garage?
54:03This is exactly same, you know, the first thing I noticed when he joined us in the Valencia test
54:08You know post last race of 2023 and the first thing that surprised me, you know
54:13How much you is he in the garage how he can cope with you know?
54:18Passes feeling check the data, you know from a we call in the sponge at that time
54:23You remember, you know from a from an out from a stint to the next one
54:28You could see that he gathered swallow and digest everything we told him from the
54:34brief we had
54:35But also maybe that is the problem. He's so smart. He's so
54:40Motivated and he's so good at that that he wanted me to take too much things on his shoulder
54:45you know, you cannot be the test rider the
54:48You know the racing rider the rookie rider the star rider all together because even though Pedro is fantastic
54:54Still at the end of the day as a human being and and I think we took
54:58Some of the load he had on his shoulder and he feels so much better
55:02But be sure that on Monday, he will be so eager to to test new new things and to give the direction
55:08He will want to give to the to the technicians. I always good to hear you. Good luck this weekend. Thank you. Simon. Hi Matt
55:15See you soon
55:17Hello, yes, I will see you soon as well
55:20We've been trying to get together for a coffee in the paddock for about two years and never see our paths cross step and roll
55:26Then on the HRC test team having a bit of an issue with the development RC 2 1 3 V
55:32So that's his practice start session over
55:35Luke Marini had some issues in here as well on the grid in Aragon had to start from pit lane. So
55:41HRC have had a bit of an issue this weekend as well and of course
55:46With Joanne Mia sidelined at the moment with a rather nasty bout of gastroenteritis
55:52Some doubts about whether well, certainly he's not participating any track action today as Danny Aldridge
55:58would be able to technical director of course in mana GP just giving instructions to Seth Ambrano for the
56:03safe this way to
56:05Exit the circuit
56:06That's exactly why they have the rule in place for these practice starts that you can only make a practice start when you are the front
56:12Rider on the grid if you've got runs ahead of you, you are not allowed to
56:16Commence your practice start. I've seen riders get penalties for that in the past
56:23this weekend was in his civvies on TV duties now back in his
56:28other day job as a crucial part of the
56:31Honda operations try and improve that motorcycle
56:34They've got an almost embarrassment of riches now on the test rider front for next season with
56:38Alicia Sparger and now as we learned last weekend Takenaka Garmi who's going to be largely based in Japan will also be a part of that
56:45Three-pronged attack for a testing points of view to improve that. I'll see two or three B
56:50Yeah for full-time riders and potentially three test riser
56:54I don't not heard of any rumors that Stefan Brada will be relieved of his duties
56:58I think HRC quite keen to continue the German Germans input for mother to world champion
57:04Of course a fight he raised back in what 2011 with
57:11As he comes back into pill I think Mars can be very satisfied with that a second place just three hundredths behind
57:18Jorge, Martín
57:19It was the Martín show in Misano last year
57:23It was his first
57:25Four trebles the pole sprint and Grand Prix
57:30Good way to kick off the weekend
57:32For Martin who's in position a in terms of the championship good Friday morning
57:36I see the prima plamaca in general no great surprise a call to see this ride of Frankie more with a right at the sharp end
57:43Because he like these follow the opportunities Academy riders has done a million laps and more
57:50Around this Misano circuit. He knows every single millimeter of tarmac every blade of grass and he found a 131 point
57:58949 which put Frankie up into P4
58:01Of course the most memorable of those laps around here for Frank
58:03Mormondelli would have been the last lap in 2020 here when he took his maiden
58:07Grand Prix victory
58:08Joanne miracles breaking hearts everywhere when he passed Rossi on the last that was going to be a podium that featured morbid
58:15Ali bang Naya and Valentina Rossi. It was the dream fairytale podium, wasn't it?
58:20Valentina Rossi in Misano
58:22On a podium in matter GP with two of his top graduates from the