Emmerdale 5th September 2024

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00:30I'm never giving up on us both.
00:34We belong together.
00:45No way.
00:47Well, she's a lot less maintenance than his last relationship.
00:50Brenda! I'm just saying.
00:55Is she playing at Malfin Ortho pub?
00:57She's getting worse by the day.
00:59She's not herself, Sam. That's why we have to keep a close eye on her.
01:03Dad! Dad, can you give us a lift?
01:06Listen, pal, the work's done,
01:08so you need to stump up the cash or you're a dead man.
01:41Is Tom in?
01:45Tom, your thieving ex is here!
01:47Oh, save the bambi act. I know all about the tablet.
01:50That's not what you... Nick anything from this house again and I'll have the police on you.
02:02Well, come on, there's no point in hiding.
02:12Look, I don't want an argument
02:14and I don't want anything to be awkward, but...
02:17Oh, sorry, you, er, you kind of caught us.
02:22Can I have a word alone?
02:25Er, OK.
02:27Hey, do you want to go, er, grab his lunch?
02:30Are you sure? Yeah, go on.
02:32Treat yourself.
02:47Hmm. Hmm.
02:50See you later.
02:52Miss you already.
02:58So, go on, then.
03:00Fire away. You said you wanted to talk to me. I want you back.
03:05You want me back?
03:08What, manipulative, controlling little old me?
03:15OK, well, that's a U-turn.
03:18You know what you said about never giving up on us,
03:22that we belong together, did you mean it?
03:26You know I do.
03:28Cos I feel that way too.
03:32This isn't making sense. I mean, why now, Bill?
03:36Why would you suddenly...? Because I'm broken.
03:39And I can see that.
03:41Why would you suddenly...? Because I'm broken.
03:44And I can see that now. It's my paranoia.
03:47It's killed us. I... I have killed us.
03:51But seeing you with Amelia,
03:53it puts it all into focus.
03:56Seeing you kiss her.
03:58Seeing you touch her the way you used to touch me.
04:02So you were jealous?
04:04I love you so much.
04:07And that love is never going to go away, and I know that now.
04:11And I can't keep fighting it. I am sick of fighting it.
04:19Why aren't you saying anything? I thought this is what you wanted.
04:29You look so beautiful when you cry.
04:34I'm glad you just finally woke up.
04:37If we're going to do this, there's got to be changes.
04:42I will not tolerate any more of your...
04:46..suspicious ramblings.
04:48Now, I will put my hand up and say that I have made mistakes too.
04:51But the strain of coping with your illness...
04:54I'm a pain to live with. I'm high-maintenance.
04:57You accuse me of killing Piper.
04:59Do you realise how twisted that is?
05:01I know. And I will never forgive myself for that,
05:04but it's the illness. It destroys you. It makes you doubt everything.
05:18We are going to make you better.
05:21I'm going to make you better.
05:24Because no-one loves you as much as I do.
05:31I know that now.
05:35What about Amelia?
05:39Leave it to me.
05:44She's struggling.
05:46What, with the break-up?
05:48With everything.
05:50Functioning day to day.
05:53Trying to hold on to any thread of sanity.
05:57I feel like I've abandoned her.
05:59Tom, you've done everything to help her now.
06:03She's not really your responsibility anymore.
06:10Did you really just say that?
06:14Talk about cold.
06:18I don't... I don't understand.
06:20The woman I married is on the verge of a psychotic episode
06:23and you think I should just cut her out of my life,
06:25what, like she's some wart?
06:27You're meant to be a Christian, Amelia.
06:29Yeah, I am. I was just... I was just thinking of you.
06:32I promised to love, honour and protect her.
06:35She's weak and fragile. Do you know how guilty that makes me feel?
06:38Yeah, I'm sorry. I didn't think.
06:42Well, I'm just glad we had this conversation.
06:44Me and you were clearly not on the same page.
06:49Don't worry. It's not your fault, probably an age thing.
06:52You just need time to mature.
06:54What, you're dumping me?
06:57I made a vow to God, Amelia.
06:59Yeah, and we just slept together.
07:03Belle needs me.
07:06And I need to fight for my marriage.
07:09Come on. Surely you can understand that.
07:20Tell me it's not true.
07:22Tell me this isn't a dream.
07:25Tell me this is kind of some sick nightmare.
07:28I thought you'd be putting out the bunting.
07:30So much for backing off.
07:31Oh, come on, Belle, there's backing off,
07:33and then there's standing by whilst you screw up your life.
07:35You are not moving back in with him!
07:37Get off me!
07:38You can't control her.
07:40Why not? That your job?
07:41Will you stop it?
07:43I know what I'm doing.
07:45Mrs King.
07:48Belle, please, you don't have to do this.
08:08Home sweet home.
08:12Where is everything?
08:14I wish him well.
08:25I don't understand.
08:29Do you really think I would ever get back with you?
08:33After everything you've put me through?
08:39I had to show Amelia
08:41exactly the kind of man you are.
08:44How little she actually means to you.
08:47Because you are never
08:49going to do to her what you have done to me.
08:55So all this
08:57was just some
09:00cheap trick?
09:03I didn't know how to do it at first,
09:05but then it just came to me.
09:08All of your mind games,
09:10your manipulation,
09:11I just had to think exactly like you.
09:15Goodbye, Tom.
09:18Tom! Tom, no, don't!
09:21Tom! Tom, no, don't!
09:26Like you could ever outsmart me.
09:30Do you really think I'd just let you walk out that door?
09:33Tell me.
09:34Do you want to end up like that precious dog of yours?
09:37Tom, please.
09:38You are mine!
10:04How long is this going to go on for, Belle?
10:08All day?
10:10A week?
10:15Completely humiliated me.
10:17Any man would have done the same.
10:28Come on.
10:30Clean yourself up.
10:33Today is supposed to be a happy day.
10:38All five months scan, remember?
10:47I'm sorry.
10:51Honestly, Belle, your memory,
10:53it's so shocking.
10:56It's actually kind of endearing.
11:04Don't worry.
11:05I'll take her out.
11:07Come on, Pippa.
11:09You know the rules.
11:10You've got to put your lead on first.
11:13OK, come on.
11:15Come on.
11:22Don't take her.
11:25Just chill out.
11:29And finish the rest of your leftover dinner.
11:35I want to see that plate clean.
11:39Come on.
11:47Come on.
12:18Come on.
12:31No way.
12:33Well, she's lower maintenance than his last relationship.
12:37I'm just saying.
12:42What's she playing at, mouthing off in the pub?
12:44She'll get worse by the day.
12:47She's not herself, Sam.
12:48That's why she needs us to keep an even closer eye on her.
12:52Dad, can you hear me?
12:54Listen, pal, the work's done,
12:55so either stump up the cash or you're a dead man.
13:13You will never be able to outsmart me, Belle.
13:16Try taking me down again,
13:18and I will make sure that you always end up looking madder than you already did.
13:36If you've come for room two, I'm not really interested.
13:39I've already had one argument with a curling tongue.
13:41I don't know what...
13:42I'm not here for an argument.
13:44Wow, he...
13:46He actually bought her the puppy, then.
13:49I'm surprised she's not tied up outside.
13:52What are you on about?
13:55Kerry, we've got to get her out of here, quick.
13:58She's not safe and neither's Amelia.
14:00Hey, listen.
14:02Babe, if you are hearing voices...
14:04I am not ill.
14:05I'm not.
14:06I tried to warn Amelia yesterday, but she just wouldn't listen to me.
14:10Tom is dangerous.
14:12Tom is dangerous.
14:19Has he touched you?
14:22No, not like that.
14:23Has Tom ever raised his hand to you?
14:27Is this a joke?
14:30Just answer the question.
14:32Don't be ridiculous.
14:34Because if he's laid one finger...
14:35Well, there's no prize in guessing who you've got this from.
14:37You don't know him like I do.
14:40Belle says that he's been hurting her.
14:42And that this has been going on for months.
14:44So, first she tries to get me to break up with him.
14:48And when that doesn't work, she starts just making things up.
14:51It's true.
14:54He stuck a hand on...
14:55Oh, let me guess.
14:56Under boiling water.
14:57Yeah, you're too late.
14:59He's already told me everything.
15:00The tracking app you had on his phone.
15:01The doggy cam that you used to spy on him.
15:05He did those things to me.
15:07I'm just really happy that he's told me everything first.
15:11Come on, I'm not lying.
15:13Right, well, how come every single tale that you've spun she already knows?
15:16This is what he does.
15:17He gets one step ahead.
15:19Like faking a miscarriage wasn't bad enough.
15:22I think you need help.
15:24Belle, do you want me to call someone?
15:26I mean, I can go get Lydia if you're not feeling well.
15:28Never mind Lydia.
15:29I think we need to get the men in the white coats.
15:30I'm not crazy.
15:32Well, you're doing a pretty good impression.
15:35Please, just listen.
15:36If you don't want to believe me, then fine.
15:37That man.
15:38He has harassed me.
15:39He's stalked me.
15:40He's hunted me down.
15:41Like I was his prey.
15:43He's burnt me.
15:44He's beaten me.
15:45He's made me feel like I'm losing my mind.
15:46And I've protected him.
15:48I've lied for him.
15:49I've covered for him.
15:50And I'm not going to do it anymore.
15:51You're the dead man.
16:00Cain, I'm begging you, don't.
16:01This is why I didn't tell you.
16:04What kind of a man does that to a woman?
16:05I don't know what you're talking about.
16:07Clearly, she's relapsed.
16:08I can't believe a word she says.
16:17Please, Cain, stop!
16:18Cain, no!
16:20What are you doing?
16:21Let me out!
16:23Cain, no!
16:24Cain, please!
16:25Cain, no!
16:36This is why I didn't tell you.
16:42I do not think he's breathing.
16:45You'll be all right.
16:46You'll see.
16:52If he dies, it's because of your lies.
16:57I saw him all right.
16:58Raining punches.
17:00Poor lad was defenceless.
17:02Now, the man's dead.
17:03Poor lad was defenceless.
17:05The man's an animal.
17:06Anyone will tell you.
17:07Someone was always going to end up dead.
17:10Get out.
17:11You haven't meant to hurt him.
17:12It was self-defence, wasn't it, Dad?
17:14Roll with Belle. She'll look after you.
17:15I don't want Belle, I want you!
17:22You did this!
17:23This is all your fault!
17:35It's not looking good.
17:37Tom's still not responding.
17:40What was Belle playing at?
17:41Mouthing off in front of Cain?
17:43She must have known what he'd do.
17:44She's not herself, Sam.
17:45As if we needed more proof.
17:47You don't believe her at all, then?
17:48Normally, I'd always believe the woman.
17:50You know that.
17:52But not this time.
17:54We've been here before.
17:56Her imagining all sorts.
17:58I don't believe her.
18:00I don't believe her.
18:01Her imagining all sorts.
18:05All the signs that I've seen pointing to anything wrong
18:08come from Belle.
18:10Biting me head off whenever I mention her meds.
18:15What are you doing?
18:16What I should have done days ago.
18:17She can't go on like this.
18:21This is a flaming nightmare.
18:23If Tom don't pull through,
18:25Cain could go down for life.
18:27And what's that going to do to Moira and the kids?
18:29After all that business with Al?
18:32Rachel, hi.
18:35Yeah, I'm calling about Belle.
18:38We've got an emergency.
19:02I did try and warn you.
19:05You must have known how this would all pan out.
19:11Still, this is perfect.
19:14Just me and you.
19:16These four walls.
19:18Day after day.
19:21Night after night.
19:31Together forever.
20:04No way.
20:05Well, she's lower maintenance than his last relationship.
20:09I'm only saying.
20:15Is she playing that mouthy nothing, Bob?
20:17She's getting worse by the day.
20:19She's not herself, Sam.
20:20That's why we need to keep an even closer eye on her.
20:26Dad, can you give us a lift?
20:28Listen, pal.
20:29The work's done, so you need to stump up or you're a dead man.
20:45Do your worst, Bill.
20:48I'll always win.
21:01Sorry, traffic out of Leeds was murder.
21:03Never mind the traffic report.
21:04To the bite.
21:05If you're asking if they agreed to us covering all their corporate events for 2028,
21:09the answer is yes.
21:11No way.
21:13Oh my God, I can't believe you did it.
21:15Thanks, partner.
21:16You know what I mean.
21:18Five more weddings to go.
21:20I'll get you a latte.
21:21Oh, thank you.
21:22No, I've already told you, you're wearing a bridesmaids dress.
21:25Oh, she can go as a bridesmaid.
21:27Bridesmaids dress.
21:28Oh, she can go as a princess if she wants.
21:30Talking of weddings.
21:31I will see you back at the ranch.
21:35Hey, guys.
21:36How's it going?
21:38We're really great, aren't we?
21:40Yeah, feeling a lot better now my dress is on order.
21:43Well, now that that's sorted, how about we talk about venues?
21:49Okay, but he's got an eight-pack and a Merv.
21:51How many times?
21:52I like my independence.
21:53Classic line of spinsters everywhere.
21:56See you tomorrow, kid.
22:06What's happened?
22:10What's happened to you?
22:12I'm just a bit tired.
22:13I'm just a bit tired.
22:14I'm just a bit tired.
22:15I'm just a bit tired.
22:17What's happened to your hand?
22:18Oh, it's just an allergy.
22:19It's hurting.
22:20Why's it not on this from then?
22:22What is your problem, Belle?
22:23Why are you always trying to stick your nose in?
22:25I've been there.
22:26I know exactly what he's like.
22:28Yeah, well, I don't really know what you're talking about.
22:40In the interest of science,
22:42we shall install you in this experiment in the field of...
22:45How many times have I told you to tidy up?
22:48Right, get upstairs.
22:51And keep the noise down.
23:13I couldn't leave you like that.
23:14You need to go.
23:16What, before Tom gets back?
23:17Get his in the shower.
23:18And if he sees that you're here...
23:19What's he going to do?
23:20Is he going to take it out on you?
23:24He worships me.
23:25He treats me like a goddess.
23:27I mean, look at the ring, the flowers that he got me today.
23:30What did he do yesterday?
23:34We're in love.
23:36We're getting married.
23:38And it's not my problem that you can't get over that.
23:41It's a scold mark, isn't it?
23:43On your hand.
23:45Amelia, I know it is because he did the exact same to me,
23:48but you don't have to stay here.
23:49You can come with me.
23:50Just leave.
23:52Get out.
23:53And whatever sick fantasy you've got going on in your head, Belle,
23:56you can keep me out of it.
23:57Just go.
24:00That's what you want, but...
24:02I am here for you.
24:03Whenever you're ready to talk, please remember that.
24:21Who was that?
24:29You can't take her!
24:30Oh, Kerry, look, you've got to let her go.
24:33This is so wrong.
24:34She's just a kid.
24:36I don't want her. I don't want her.
24:39Oh, how am I going to tell Dad?
24:42It's Amelia.
24:43She's had some sort of accident.
24:45She fell.
24:46Fell how?
24:47Tom found her at the bottom of the stairs.
24:56Can you look after her?
24:57He didn't even make a statement.
25:23No-one could have seen this coming.
25:28There's nothing you could have done.
25:30You must just feel numb.
25:32There's no future, like...
25:35..my heart's been ripped out.
25:38Oh, love.
25:39Oh, love.
25:44There's no age.
25:46I just feel so guilty.
25:47Hey, none of this was your fault.
25:53What happens to Esther now?
25:58Can you hear me, Sam?
26:00She's really not going for nothing, Pop.
26:02She's not herself, Sam.
26:11I'm here.
26:13I'm here, Sam.
26:15I'm here.
26:16I'm here.
26:18I'm here.
26:20I'm here.
26:22I'm here.
26:30You've got to pay for a new door.
26:33I can't do this anymore.
26:36I need help.
26:50..you said you needed help.
26:54That you wanted to talk.
26:57I'm guessing it's not that easy.
27:01You know you're safe here, Belle.
27:04So whatever you want to say, whatever you feel...
27:08..too vulnerable to...
27:10There's no way out.
27:11Everywhere I turn, it's a dead end.
27:15I can't win.
27:16I can't win.
27:20If I trick him, he's one step ahead.
27:23If I...
27:25..call him out, I look insane.
27:27If I do nothing, then...
27:31You can't take him!
27:35..can't keep...
27:39..in this...
27:40..pinball machine.
27:52Thomas Bean.
27:56Just say the words, Belle.
27:59Don't be scared.
28:02I don't think I can.
28:06Cos if I say them, it makes it real.
28:10But it is...
28:13And I know...
28:15..it feels like once it's out there, there's no going back.
28:18And I know how scary that is.
28:22But you need to say the words.
28:24And not for me, for you.
28:36Thomas has been hurting me.
28:39Thomas has been hurting me.
29:03It's been going on for months.
29:06Threatening me.
29:09Stalking me.
29:12Tracking my every move.
29:16..he spied on me with a camera.
29:19Installed an app on my phone.
29:24You don't believe me.
29:29You think I've relapsed?
29:32Of course I believe you.
29:33Then why are you looking at me like this?
29:36If I look worried, it's because I am.
29:40Thomas, right, I can't trust any of you.
29:42Belle, no, listen to me.
29:45I know what it's like to be abused by a man.
29:50To live every day with your heart in your mouth
29:53and your stomach on the floor.
29:55Oh, yeah, he's reeled us in, he's played us all for mugs,
29:58but do you honestly believe me?
30:00He's played us all for mugs, but do you honestly believe?
30:03I would doubt you about this.
30:05I don't know.
30:08I don't know anything any more.
30:10I feel like my...
30:12..my brain's in pieces.
30:15..it's just fragments and I...
30:17..I can't put them together.
30:19And what if Tom's right? What if I am actually losing it?
30:23Whatever words he's put into that head of yours,
30:25it's his sickness, not yours.
30:27How can you be sure?
30:28I know what a woman looks like when she's been ground down
30:31and it's a million miles away from psychosis.
30:34I'm so exhausted.
30:37I feel like I've just got nothing left inside.
30:43Listen, you know, these...
30:47What if we were to go through them one by one?
30:49Would that help?
30:53I wouldn't know where to begin.
30:56I don't know when it started.
30:59I don't know how or why.
31:01You don't have to worry about it making sense, Belle.
31:05Just let it out.
31:09Thanks, Vinnie.
31:11Shall we have a dance later? Yeah.
31:14Confetti time!
31:18I'd dreamt of that day since I was a little kid.
31:21Mum in some daft hat.
31:26Dad in his only suit, walking me down the aisle.
31:32And there I am.
31:38Punking on the sofa on my own wedding night.
31:42Banned from the bedroom
31:44after he'd just slid into everyone I loved.
31:48Must have been crushed.
31:52I felt sorry for him.
31:56It was his big day, too, and he was right.
31:59The whole thing was a disaster.
32:01It was a total farce.
32:03A total farce? Oh, yeah.
32:07Family brawls.
32:09Caleb cheating with Tracy.
32:11Mandy paralytic doing the conga.
32:13It was a circus.
32:17What? Nothing.
32:21Go on, say it.
32:23Just when I watched the video...
32:26I don't know, you looked really happy.
32:29Did I?
32:32You must have been covering well.
32:37No, I was happy.
32:43Until what?
32:47Until Tom wasn't.
32:49So I guess your memory became his.
32:52Sorry I shouldn't be putting words in your mouth.
32:56You're right.
33:00Was it a pattern?
33:03Your mood dictated by his?
33:11Mum was so sure
33:13that I was going to marry a good man.
33:16A kind man.
33:19And that's the thing, he was.
33:23He was good, he was kind.
33:29I don't know what happened.
33:32I don't know what happened.
33:47He's always loved me too much.
33:51That was the problem.
33:54He was so afraid of losing me.
33:57Became obsessed.
33:59At first.
34:02And part of me felt...
34:07I know it sounds twisted now.
34:10No, it doesn't.
34:12Having someone love you...
34:15that much.
34:18Someone who...
34:21You're their entire world.
34:24Made me feel complete.
34:27But it didn't last.
34:29The minute...
34:31I felt whole.
34:34That's when the digs started.
34:38Slagging off my dress sense.
34:42Picking up Gabby and Dawn, all these...
34:46passive-aggressive little put-downs that I just couldn't see at the time.
34:50Passive-aggressive little put-downs that I just couldn't see at the time.
34:56Actually, that's a lie.
34:59I could see them.
35:02But you were too scared to say anything.
35:05I just always knew where they were coming from.
35:09I always knew how insecure he was, how...
35:14But does that give him the right to hurt you?
35:17I'm not saying that, but...
35:21he's not all bad.
35:23He's sick.
35:26So then he's got no control over his emotions?
35:32So then he's the same when he's at the vets?
35:35With Jimmy and Nicola?
35:38Well, no, but that's different, cos he has to cover it up then.
35:42So then he has a choice, Belle.
35:45He chooses to behave that way only around you.
35:50You don't get it.
35:52But if he is sick,
35:54if his behaviour really is out of his control,
35:56why does he only show it around you?
35:59Because I trigger him.
36:02By being the sweetest, kindest, most understanding...
36:06Do you really think I'm a walk in the park to live with?
36:09When I've relapsed, when I'm imagining all sorts.
36:11I've played my part too, OK?
36:13So if I'm going to be honest, I...
36:15I have to take some ownership.
36:17Like he's doing?
36:25Your psychosis was a weapon to him.
36:30You were adamant you took your meds.
36:32Because you did.
36:34And then all that stuff about Piper, you even said...
36:36No, no, I don't know anything for sure.
36:39I cannot accuse someone of what-ifs, can I?
36:41I have no proof.
36:42Belle, why are you defending him?
36:44I'm trying to be fair.
36:46What, like he's been fair to you?
36:49When he sold your car?
36:51When he wrote down every little penny that you spent?
36:55I'm not excusing his behaviour.
37:00Is it any wonder?
37:03When you've got Carl for a dad.
37:07Loads of people have rough starts in life.
37:11They don't all turn into abusers.
37:16I mean, this is the last thing you need, but...
37:19It just hurts to see you so poisoned by all his lies.
37:26Do you think I've been brainwashed?
37:29We all have.
37:32Because that is what men like him do.
37:37Tom is an abuser.
37:40And I know you might not feel ready to call him that, but...
37:43You don't have to knock seven bells out of someone to earn that title.
37:54Oh, no, please tell me you didn't.
38:24The first time...
38:27Was just a posh...
38:35It could have happened to anyone.
38:39But then...
38:43We had this awful dinner party.
38:46A toast.
38:48To friends and happy futures.
38:51You lying bitch!
38:52He found out I was still on the pill and...
38:57I have never...
38:59Seen such rage in his eyes.
39:03He called me manipulative.
39:06Said I was messing with his head.
39:11And my hand...
39:16It was under the hot tap.
39:21And he didn't do anything.
39:25He just held it there.
39:28He burnt you.
39:29He said it was just for a second.
39:33He said it was an accident.
39:37And somehow...
39:40I believed him.
39:43But I hurt him too.
39:46Like I said, I'm not Lily White in all this.
39:48I should never have lied to him.
39:50So why did you?
39:53Because I knew.
39:56I knew I'd be out of control.
39:59In fact, if I told him the truth...
40:02And if I said something, it might...
40:05Result in another accident.
40:09How are you ever...
40:11Supposed to win in that situation?
40:16You can't.
40:23And I found that out...
40:26When he punched me in the stomach.
40:30It just happened.
40:35It happened once.
40:40But it was hard.
40:45It was so hard, it took my breath away.
40:49And this is him loving you too much?
41:00So the abortion, was that all because of him?
41:08I wasn't ready.
41:11And there's no way I was going to bring a child into that home.
41:17So you went to the clinical by yourself?
41:20It was fine.
41:21None of this is fine, Belle.
41:24Somebody should have been with you.
41:26I should have been with you.
41:29Holding your hand.
41:30You didn't know?
41:32No, I did.
41:35I knew something wasn't right.
41:38All that guff at that holiday cottage...
41:42Why didn't I trust my gut?
41:45I should have done so much more.
41:52When you pushed me...
41:54It just made it worse because I didn't want you to know.
41:57I didn't want anyone to know.
42:01Because you didn't think you'd be believed.
42:04Because I felt stupid.
42:07And I felt weak and I felt like no one would understand.
42:12You have no idea what it's taken for me to knock on your door.
42:17And telling you all of this.
42:21Breaking over it all.
42:24It's really hard.
42:27And the horrible bit is...
42:31There's more.
42:32There's so much more.
42:35We've got all night.
42:37And there is no rush, okay?
42:39We're going to do this your way.
42:40In your time.
42:49Listen, you coming to me...
42:52It's an honour.
42:57Just know that you're not fighting this alone anymore, okay?
43:04Now you've told me...
43:06Everything that's been going on.
43:08I promise you things are going to change.
43:13That man is never going to hurt you again.
43:22It's alright.
43:27It's alright.