あの本、読みました?2024年9月5日 小説に出てくる東京タワーを紐解く 凪良ゆうがあの名作を語る 話題の覆面作家・麻布競馬場が登場

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あの本、読みました?2024年9月5日 小説に出てくる東京タワーを紐解く 凪良ゆうがあの名作を語る 話題の覆面作家・麻布競馬場が登場
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00:30Tokyo Tower appears in various books.
00:33After reading some of the novels,
00:36I can see the change of the past 30 years.
00:41I fell in love with it.
00:45Popular writer Yu Nagira, who is known as a star,
00:50talks about her favorite writer Kaori Ekuni's Tokyo Tower.
00:55It's a combination of rain and set.
00:59It's very emotional.
01:02When I drew the Tokyo Tower,
01:06I wanted to make it feel warm.
01:10That's what I was trying to do.
01:13Naoki Saki is also a well-known copywriter.
01:18He wrote a novel about the Tokyo Tower at Azabu Racecourse.
01:23What did you think, Honomi-san?
01:25He's a pervert.
01:27I can't deny that.
01:32Today's theme is the book and the Tokyo Tower.
01:35The Tokyo Tower is a symbol of Tokyo.
01:38What kind of influence and effect does it have on novels?
01:43Let's take a closer look at the Tokyo Tower.
01:49First, the book and the Tokyo Tower.
01:52It's from the 1990s.
01:55This is Yu Nagira, a novelist.
02:00Nice to meet you.
02:02It's been a while.
02:03It's been a while.
02:05Nice to meet you.
02:07I'd like you to introduce a novel about the Tokyo Tower from the 1990s.
02:14What kind of novel is it?
02:16It's Kaori Ekuni's Tokyo Tower.
02:21The cover is amazing.
02:24It means that she likes Ekuni.
02:28I read it when I was in my 20s and fell in love with it.
02:32She fell in love with it.
02:35The novel Tokyo Tower takes place in Tokyo in the 1990s.
02:4121-year-old Tooru falls in love with his wife, Shifumi, who is over 20 years old.
02:49Tooru lives in an apartment in front of the Tokyo Tower.
02:54Shifumi is actually Tooru's mother's friend.
03:01On the other hand, Koji, Tooru's high school classmate,
03:06falls in love with his wife, Kimiko, who is in her mid-30s.
03:14Love is not something to be done, but something to be dropped.
03:18It's a love novel between a college student and an older woman.
03:26When did you read it for the first time?
03:31I think I read it about 30 years ago.
03:34I think it was right after I got married.
03:39I think I read it when I was in love with my lover.
03:47I read it again this time.
03:50I have a completely different impression from when I read it for the first time.
03:54It's a book written from a man's point of view.
03:57I think it's rare for an economist.
04:00However, it is written from a man's point of view,
04:03so the feelings of the two married women at the time are not in the text.
04:10However, the excitement and loneliness of the two women's love,
04:15which should not have been depicted,
04:18and the heart that is swayed by absurdity,
04:21come up from the text.
04:24It was a completely different reading taste from the original.
04:27I guess that's because you've gained experience.
04:32I think I've grown up.
04:37What is the role of the Tokyo Tower in this work?
04:46This is a postcard by Mr. Ekuni.
04:49It's a story about a 19-year-old boy.
04:53He wanted to make it a story of a place where the Tokyo Tower watches over him.
05:01The depiction of the Tokyo Tower often appears in this work.
05:05What impressed me was that it came out in a set with the rain.
05:10It's very abstract.
05:14The saddest scenery in the world is the wet Tokyo Tower.
05:21Kojima Toru thinks while drinking instant coffee
05:26in a suit with a white shirt on the trunks.
05:32I wonder why.
05:34It's sad to see the wet Tokyo Tower.
05:39I feel like I'm being held down.
05:42It's been like this since I was a kid.
05:46When I'm feeling down, I look at the Tokyo Tower.
05:51I wonder if the Tokyo Tower is a place where he can accept his thoughts.
06:03I wonder if the Tokyo Tower is a place where he can ask himself questions.
06:07Even though he doesn't get any answers.
06:11The Tokyo Tower is a symbol.
06:14Even though he doesn't get any answers,
06:17he asks himself questions to confirm his position.
06:24Maybe it's better not to get answers when you ask.
06:30It's better not to talk.
06:32I used to live in Kansai.
06:36I can't imagine what the Tokyo Tower is to the people of Tokyo.
06:44You're from Tokyo, right?
06:48I'd like to ask the people of Tokyo.
06:51What is the Tokyo Tower like?
06:53The Tokyo Tower is not a romantic existence.
06:59What is it like?
07:01It's so close that I don't have to go there.
07:06It's like the people of Kyoto don't have to go to the temple.
07:13I see.
07:16Why is the title Tokyo Tower?
07:21There are no incidents around the Tokyo Tower.
07:26It's just there.
07:27It's just there as a symbol.
07:30It doesn't come out often.
07:33It just comes out.
07:36Is it a world of images?
07:38It has many meanings.
07:41I'd like to ask him about that.
07:45It's better not to get answers when you ask.
07:48It's better to keep thinking about it.
07:50I think that's what reading a book is about.
07:53By the way, what was the most impressive scene in this novel?
07:59Fumi Shifumi, who is Toru's lover, is his mother's friend.
08:08When his mother finds out,
08:12Fumi Shifumi gets worried as his lover.
08:18He wants to know what kind of conversation they had.
08:23What Fumi Shifumi says is that it's a problem between him and his mother.
08:30He doesn't want his mother to worry.
08:35They care about each other's relationship.
08:39They don't mix.
08:41It's like a picture of a woman standing alone.
08:48One more thing I was curious about.
08:51Koji doesn't have a scene where he looks at the Tokyo Tower, does he?
08:56He looks at the Tokyo Tower, but he doesn't look at it.
08:59Maybe he divided the country.
09:01I think he definitely divided the country.
09:04I didn't know he could use it like that.
09:06He's a writer.
09:09If he could divide the country like that,
09:12I wonder what he thought when he saw it.
09:15As a writer, it's a technique.
09:18It's hard to answer.
09:20He's a man I admire.
09:22What is your favorite work?
09:26I can't decide the number one.
09:29Best 5?
09:31I got a lot of them.
09:34Falling evening and calm and passion.
09:40On a cold night.
09:43I also like a warm sleep.
09:46Producer Hayashi also wrote Falling Evening.
09:50There was a story I was impressed with.
09:53This is also a post-production.
09:57I like calm things.
09:59I like calm, quiet, bright, and hopeless things.
10:04Mr. Shifumi of Tokyo Tower also wrote that.
10:10Do you try to include such elements in your work?
10:17It's very easy to understand.
10:19The subject matter, the theme, and the depiction are similar.
10:25It's very easy to understand if you can say that you were influenced.
10:30I think it's the right way to be influenced that it doesn't appear in an easy-to-understand way.
10:40If it comes out in a very easy-to-understand way,
10:43if you're not good at it, you can't say,
10:45Is it a copy?
10:48I'm going to take it in and digest it once,
10:52and then I'm going to output it again.
10:55I always have my own color.
10:58I don't think there's a way to draw it so that you can tell at a glance that it's Mr. Yukuni.
11:06Is it because you want to be this kind of person?
11:09Is it because you admire him?
11:11Is that reflected in the character?
11:13For example, there's a book called Like Men and Stars.
11:19I'm not used to it yet,
11:23but I drew it because I wanted to be a woman like this one day.
11:30Akimi, a high school student who grew up on an island in Setouchi, and Kai, who moved to the island.
11:37The two, both lonely and depressed,
11:41are drawn to each other, pass each other, and grow.
11:47For Akimi, who wants to be independent,
11:50her father's lover, Touko, was a big presence.
11:55She has a job as an embroiderer and sometimes pushes Akimi's back.
12:00She is depicted as a strong woman.
12:05Mr. Touko Soumoto is a bit similar to Mr. Shifumi, isn't he?
12:09Thank you very much.
12:11Oh, that's where it was.
12:13Mr. Touko Soumoto.
12:15He's not the type of person you can get a lot of sympathy from,
12:20but I drew him with great care.
12:23When I opened the cover,
12:25there were a lot of people who said they liked Mr. Touko.
12:30I thought that a person with a straight line could be accepted.
12:35That's cool.
12:38I like Mr. Soumoto, too.
12:40Mr. Kitahara.
12:42I wish I could be that kind of person.
12:45The main characters in the story are young Akimi and Kai.
12:52Mr. Kitahara and Mr. Touko are the ones who carry the theme of the story.
12:59So I might draw characters that I admire.
13:07Tokyo Tower
13:10The Tokyo Tower was a symbol of promising success in life.
13:15But at one point, I felt like it was attacking my helplessness and pitifulness.
13:20At that time, my image of the Tokyo Tower was reversed.
13:28Let's take a look at the HONTO TOKYO TOWER 2000.
13:33I invited Mr. Michiko Mamuro, a literary concierge at Daikanyama Tsutaya bookstore.
13:40Nice to meet you.
13:43And Mr. Yuko Takemura, the editor-in-chief of Kubo Misumi.
13:50Nice to meet you.
13:52Nice to meet you, too.
13:54Today, I'd like to introduce you to a novel about the Tokyo Tower in the 2000s.
14:02Let's start with Mr. Mamuro.
14:05This is a novel about the Tokyo Tower.
14:09It's called Okan to Boku to Tokidoki Oton by Lily Frankie.
14:16Lily Frankie's autobiographical novel.
14:19I was raised by my mother as a woman in Chikuho, a town in Fukuoka.
14:26After the war, I had a hard life.
14:30I had to leave my mother's side.
14:33But one day, my mother got sick.
14:40I called my mother to Tokyo.
14:44It's a touching story about a mother and her son's strong bond.
14:50The Tokyo Tower
14:52The Tokyo Tower appears from the beginning.
14:55It's like a core of a piece.
14:57It pierces the center of Tokyo, the center of Japan, and the center of our longing.
15:05I came to Tokyo from Fukuoka to study for college.
15:09I, the main character, feel a sense of inferiority and tension that I've never felt before.
15:15My body and mind are falling apart.
15:18It's a very miserable life.
15:20But the best part is that the Tokyo Tower is always beautifully painted.
15:28The Tokyo Tower doesn't have a bad word.
15:32It's like the Tokyo Tower protects you in a miserable situation.
15:39That's right.
15:42In my opinion, Okan becomes the Tokyo Tower.
15:49For the two of them, the Tokyo Tower is a promised place where they promised to climb together someday.
15:56It's a dream that didn't come true, but it's like a sacred place.
16:06Okan fell asleep at the foot of the Tokyo Tower.
16:10The Tokyo Tower became like the Okan itself, which will continue to watch over me someday.
16:17That's why it's always beautiful.
16:20The Okan died.
16:22That day, Tokyo was a clear sea.
16:27While the blue sky was spreading everywhere,
16:30a bright red Tokyo Tower was hanging from the intersection of Akabane Bridge.
16:39There was a call-and-response scene.
16:44Okan climbed the bridge and drove under the Tokyo Tower at night.
16:54At the end of the forest of Shinryoku,
16:57the orange light of the new Tokyo Tower illuminates the surroundings.
17:04Passing through the slope and looking up at it while passing under it,
17:10a huge ladder with a bold perspective seems to be hanging towards the moon.
17:18So, the impression of warmth and wrapping around you is made by the image of red and orange.
17:27It's like a candlelight.
17:30In that sense, Riri-san probably thinks of the Tokyo Tower as the Okan.
17:37There is no line or sentence that says the Tokyo Tower is the Okan,
17:44but I think everyone has the feeling that the Tokyo Tower is the Okan itself
17:49as the Okan climbs the Tokyo Tower ladder.
17:55I'm about to cry talking about this.
17:59This book is really a autobiographical novel of the soul,
18:03so I hope many people will read it.
18:06Next, I would like to hear from Ms. Takemura about the Tokyo Tower.
18:12I would like to introduce you to Kubomisumi-san's book, Jitto Te wo Miru.
18:19Hina lives as a caretaker in the town of Yamanashi where Mt. Fuji can be seen.
18:25She used to live a life where she could only enjoy shopping at the local shopping malls,
18:31but a designer from Tokyo, Miyazawa, has appeared and is gradually gaining popularity.
18:37Hina leaves the town where she was born and raised and begins to live with Miyazawa,
18:44but while struggling with love and work, she starts to look for her own life, a love novel.
18:53This is the commentary of Mr. Asai's book, which Mr. Ryo Asai has written.
19:04Mr. Asai also wrote the commentary,
19:08and it is described as the role of the Tokyo Tower as a magnet to bring back the people who should have settled in Tokyo.
19:20The setting of the story is not a world heritage that Mr. Fuji should be proud of,
19:27but a wall that prevents people from going out into the outside world,
19:31or a town that feels like a giant magnet that brings back people from the outside world.
19:40In the main story, it is described as the role of the Tokyo Tower as a magnet to bring back the people who should have settled in Tokyo,
19:51and I was moved by its contrast.
19:56It is a place to return to for people who are based in Tokyo.
20:02On the other hand, is it a place to rebel against people who were not born and raised in Tokyo?
20:10It's not a place to rebel against,
20:13but the people of Tokyo, in this novel, Mr. Miyazawa,
20:17will eventually return to Tokyo,
20:21but he will be drawn back by the magnet,
20:25and he will have no choice but to accept the farewell itself.
20:32The Tokyo Tower is depicted in a way that overlaps with such feelings.
20:39What is the scene that makes you feel that the Tokyo Tower is a magnet?
20:43Hina, a nurse in Yamanashi, falls in love with Mr. Miyazawa and chases him out of the city.
20:50Mr. Miyazawa was a designer in Tokyo,
20:53and because of the Great East Japan Earthquake, he moved to a city in the northeast.
20:59Hina chases him there and decides to live with him,
21:03but he has a premonition of the end.
21:07He leaves Hina in the city and returns to Tokyo alone,
21:11but he sees the Tokyo Tower in the car on his way back,
21:14and he thinks that this is a city that will accept him.
21:18He gets off the highway and sees the orange Tokyo Tower in the car.
21:24He is not sure if this is his home or if he is relieved.
21:30Unfortunately, he does not feel that way.
21:35But he still thinks that he is being accepted somewhere.
21:41Even though he left the city because he didn't want to,
21:45there is something here that accepts me, who ran away, with an unfamiliar face.
21:51Is that what you call a hometown?
21:56I read this, and I'm from Tokyo.
22:00When I was a child, my family took me to the Tokyo Tower.
22:06When I was a child, my family took me to the Tokyo Tower.
22:11I was relieved to see the Tokyo Tower in the car on my way home from a trip.
22:18It was a daydream for me.
22:22I thought I was in a young age,
22:26but I realized that I was living in Tokyo, where the Tokyo Tower is.
22:33I feel relieved.
22:35What is that?
22:37Miyazawa has a very wealthy family.
22:41He has a company.
22:43He has a company.
22:46He went to Tohoku without permission.
22:48He came back and he is relieved.
22:51From a woman's point of view,
22:53in Kubo's work, men are usually bad guys.
22:56Miyazawa is relieved here,
22:59but Hina, who was left behind, is very pitiful.
23:02When she thinks about whether there is anything that can replace the Tokyo Tower,
23:07she thinks a lot about whether Mt. Fuji is the same.
23:11Mt. Fuji is a contrast.
23:13Yes, it's a contrast.
23:15That's right.
23:16How do you live in the countryside?
23:19She chose to be a nurse to live by herself.
23:23She has a completely different backbone,
23:25so the contrast is that Mt. Fuji is not the Tokyo Tower.
23:31In that sense, Mr. Asai expressed the Tokyo Tower as a magnet.
23:36Do you know what Mr. Kubo thought?
23:40Yes, I asked Mr. Kubo directly.
23:43At first, he said that Mt. Fuji was a symbol of Japan, a symbol of nature.
23:47In contrast, he said that he consciously put the Tokyo Tower as a symbol of Tokyo.
23:54However, when he drew the Tokyo Tower,
23:57he consciously wanted to draw it as something that makes you feel warmth somewhere,
24:02not as an inorganic object.
24:06I think it depends on where the reader lives.
24:13I think it's different.
24:15It's different.
24:16I was born in Tokyo and raised in Kanagawa,
24:19so both the Tokyo Tower and Mt. Fuji are relatively obvious.
24:25On the other hand, when I go to work in Kansai,
24:29I wonder what people who can't see Mt. Fuji are looking at.
24:35It's completely different depending on the person who reads a novel.
24:45Tokyo Tower
24:48The Tokyo Tower of Reiwa,
24:50which was drawn by the author Keiwa Azabu,
24:53who became a candidate for Naoki-cho this year.
24:58Let's take a look at the Tokyo Tower of Reiwa in the 2020s.
25:03I invited this person.
25:06He made his debut in 2022 with the title,
25:10and his latest work, Reiwa Gannen no Jinsei Game,
25:13was also a candidate for Naoki-cho this year.
25:16This is Keiwa Azabu, a novelist.
25:18Nice to meet you.
25:20Nice to meet you, too.
25:21You're wearing a mask today.
25:25You have a nice voice.
25:28I didn't know you had such an edgy point of view.
25:32I chose a very edgy word.
25:37How did you read it?
25:39You're an edgy person.
25:41I can't deny that.
25:45Novelist Keiwa Azabu
25:48Born in 1991, graduated from Keio University of Arts and Letters.
25:54In 2021, the novel he posted on Twitter
25:59garnered 140,000 likes and became a hot topic.
26:03In 2022, it caught the publisher's eye.
26:07He made his debut with the title, Tokyo Tower of Reiwa in the 2020s.
26:12It was sold out in a blink of an eye.
26:17His second work, which was released in 2024,
26:21was also a candidate for Naoki-cho this year.
26:24He is now a very popular novelist.
26:27Why did you choose Tokyo Tower of Reiwa?
26:30I think everyone has a point of view that they can't see straight.
26:33I think everyone has a point of view that they can't see straight.
26:37I wanted to play a dirty role in the industry.
26:40Everyone has that side in their hearts.
26:44But I wanted to raise my voice for something that I can't say because I'm embarrassed.
26:51Is this a work based on Tokyo Tower?
26:56I didn't start writing novels to make them into books.
26:59Since the fall of 2021, I've been writing novels on Twitter.
27:04Since the fall of 2021, I've been writing novels on Twitter.
27:11At that time, it was very popular on the Internet.
27:14I got a call from the publisher and put it together into one book.
27:19I didn't write it based on the concept of Tokyo Tower.
27:24But when I look back on it, I think it's a book with a symbol of Tokyo Tower in the middle.
27:32When I read it, I felt that the Tokyo Tower was drawn with negative emotions rather than a happy feeling.
27:43What kind of symbol do you feel this Tokyo Tower is?
27:49That's right.
27:50When I see Tokyo Tower in most of my works,
27:57it's a symbol of happiness.
27:59For example, when I was having a hard time at work, it cheered me up.
28:02When I was on a date, I was happy to see it.
28:05To me, Tokyo Tower is a symbol of unhappiness.
28:09That's what I thought at the time.
28:13I was born and raised in a rural area for 18 years.
28:17When I was in college, I moved to Tokyo.
28:20When I was young, I thought I would get a good job at a good university and get a good salary because I studied hard.
28:29I thought I could live in a room where I could see the Tokyo Tower.
28:34But when I got a job, I realized that I couldn't live in a room where I could see the Tokyo Tower.
28:42I couldn't live in a room where I could only see the gray wall of the building next to Azabu Juban.
28:48It's a pattern where you can't see it even though it's close.
28:51When I realized that I couldn't live in a room where I could see the Tokyo Tower,
28:59I thought that the Tokyo Tower, which had been a symbol of promising me success in my life,
29:05was a symbol of my helplessness and pitifulness.
29:11At that time, my image of the Tokyo Tower was reversed.
29:15There are 20 characters in that book.
29:20I think it's a story about people who couldn't reach the room where they could see the Tokyo Tower.
29:26The more you know Tokyo, the more you feel that Tokyo is far away.
29:33I live in the middle of Tokyo.
29:36It takes 10 minutes to get to any station.
29:39It's a dilapidated apartment with a rent of 90,000 yen on the outskirts of South Azabu.
29:47I bought a Pokari because I wanted to save the taxi fare if I failed to bring it home.
29:53When I was walking home,
29:56I suddenly thought that I would have been happier if I hadn't come to Tokyo.
30:04Sometimes I want to cry.
30:08I got home.
30:11I didn't want to be sane, so I started drinking Stozero in the refrigerator.
30:17When I get drunk, I always look at the Tokyo Women's Museum.
30:23A glittering port.
30:25A life like a Tokyo calendar.
30:28There are so many things I don't have.
30:31I can see the capital over the glass curtain,
30:36but I can't see the Tokyo Tower forever.
30:40When I read this,
30:42I thought that I would have been happier if I hadn't come to Tokyo.
30:46I was so sad.
30:48I thought that I was born and raised in unhappiness.
30:53I thought that Tokyo was a place where I couldn't be happy.
30:57But when I think about it,
30:59I think that the main character, who has the option of going back,
31:03has elements that make him happy.
31:06I was very sad,
31:09but at the same time, I thought it was like fiction.
31:14I felt that everyone's way of reading would change depending on where they were born and raised.
31:21Earlier, you said that the Tokyo Tower is a symbol of unhappiness.
31:24For those who appear in this book,
31:26the local area is also a symbol of unhappiness.
31:29Is that so?
31:31It used to be a meeting of local people.
31:34A meeting of local people.
31:36Osaka people strongly said that
31:39those who go to Tokyo are people who didn't do well in their hometown.
31:43For example, when you go to a university,
31:45Kyoto University and Osaka University are relatively close to their hometown.
31:50For Osaka people who live in their hometown,
31:53the local people who went to Tokyo are people who lost somewhere.
31:59I heard that they don't meet much.
32:02Their sadness is that they don't have a place in their hometown,
32:05but they couldn't find a new place in Tokyo.
32:08The sadness of not being able to go anywhere
32:11may be a part of the local people.
32:16I wanted to express the sadness of the people who are suffering in Tokyo as a voice of the gathering.
32:23I think it's also anger towards the society that has suppressed their voice.
32:28Is there any reason why you became aware of the Tokyo Tower?
32:33I went to Keio University.
32:36I entered the university in 2010.
32:38From the third year of university, I moved to a campus in Mita.
32:43When I left the east gate of the campus, there was Sakurada Street.
32:47From there, I could see the Tokyo Tower beautifully.
32:51At that time, I had a feeling that I had come to Tokyo.
32:56I think the third year of university was the moment when my expectations for life were the highest.
33:02From that point on, I could see the ceiling of what I could do.
33:08I think that's when the image of the Tokyo Tower reversed.
33:12It's because you have a deep love for it.
33:15It's the love and hatred when you turn it around.
33:21By the way, how do you feel about this book?
33:26I used to be in charge of a ranking program in the city.
33:31The way Mr. Azakei places the city is interesting.
33:37For example, in order to express Marunouchi,
33:40he places it in a place like a couple taking a wedding photo on Marunouchi Nakadori Street.
33:46And he says that people buy wild plants at Shirogane Takanawa.
33:51It's over there, isn't it?
33:52Yes, it's over there.
33:55It's very interesting because it goes straight to the pinpoint.
34:02I've never done any clear coverage.
34:06I think I'm the number one drinker in the writer's industry.
34:12I think I'm the number one drinker in the industry.
34:17Do you go to a lot of drinking parties?
34:19Before COVID-19, I went to a drinking party with someone almost every day.
34:22At that time, I tried to go to the other person's home instead of the city I usually go to.
34:28I went to various cities and met various people.
34:31Even if I didn't cover the city, I could get the image of the city.
34:37I thought I had a bright personality.
34:40You like drinking parties.
34:42I really like the sense of belonging to a well-known person.
34:45I don't care about the brand at all, but my wallet is Margiela.
34:50That's why your wallet is called Margiela.
34:53When I hand over my coat to a girl, I think about what kind of make-up she's wearing.
34:57I don't like it.
34:58You don't like it?
34:59I don't like it.
35:01I feel like I'm looking down on you.
35:04I'm not looking down on you.
35:06I want to know what kind of person you want to be and what kind of brand you want to be.
35:13I want to know what kind of person you want to be and what kind of brand you want to be.
35:16By the way, what kind of girl do you like?
35:19I'm going to say something bad, so please don't.
35:22I'd like to refer to it.
35:27Asake-san, if you have any questions for Honami-san, please go ahead.
35:36When I heard about this job, I thought about what the original Tokyo Tower scene was for me.
35:44It was a rerun of the Tokyo Love Story.
35:48It's not real, it's a rerun.
35:50And it's been rerun a few times.
35:52When I watched it again, I thought that young people at that time were living a very rich life.
35:58But that's on TV.
36:00I see.
36:01When I saw that, I thought,
36:03If I go to Tokyo, I'll be like that.
36:05I think there were a lot of people who came.
36:07I have a bad impression.
36:08It's really sinful.
36:10I'm filming while saying,
36:12I can't live in a place like this.
36:14You're an accomplice.
36:16I see.
36:17I thought you were an accomplice to Yuji Sakamoto.
36:20Honami-san is also an accomplice.
36:22But Sakamoto-san is also from Osaka, so he's not from Tokyo.
36:25I see.
36:26It looks like the center of Tokyo.
36:29Did you have a longing for a room that surrounded the Tokyo Tower from that time?
36:34Yes, I did.
36:36Now, I'd like to talk about the life game of Reiwa Gannen, which was nominated for the Inaoki Award.
36:44This newcomer.
36:46Is it the fall of Heisei?
36:48Or is it the revolution of Reiwa?
36:51In the high-conscious visicon circle of Keio,
36:54In the glittering megaventure in the process of reforming the way of working,
36:58In the share house of the Z generation full of justice,
37:03Numata-kun, who is in the midst of high-conscious young people and does nothing alone.
37:10Why did he decide on the Madogiwa family at the age of 22?
37:16The 171st Inaoki Award Nominee, which is based on the way of working of the Z generation.
37:25Why did you decide to write this story next?
37:28Right after I published the first book,
37:31I had a chance to talk to people who call themselves the Z generation on a certain online debate show.
37:38And I was told off.
37:40I was so angry that I couldn't believe it.
37:43I was told that I wrote a bad book.
37:46I know that your generation has been competing for the Tokyo Tower.
37:51Is there anyone who was happy with that?
37:54Our generation has no intention of clinging to Tokyo.
37:57I don't think my academic background will make people happy.
38:01I don't think I want to live in a room where I can see the Tokyo Tower.
38:04When I asked them what their happiness would be without the Tokyo Tower,
38:09they said, I don't know yet.
38:12When I thought that they had to live a life without the Tokyo Tower,
38:17I thought about where they should go.
38:19I decided to write a novel about the Z generation.
38:23I see.
38:25In the life game of Reiwa Ganden,
38:27Numata is depicted as a person who gave up trying.
38:33What did you want to convey by depicting him as a person who gave up trying?
38:39At the end of the Heisei era, there was a boom in consciousness.
38:43For example, when I went to the corner of a bookstore,
38:46there was an old man in a black T-shirt who looked like a business influencer.
38:51There was a time when he said,
38:53I'm going to scratch my wounds other than death,
38:55and I'm going to end the fanfare of revolution.
38:58He said to young people like that,
39:00Anyway, move.
39:02Anyway, make an overwhelming effort and grow overwhelmingly.
39:05That will make you happy.
39:08I felt that there was a time when society was eager to move towards young people.
39:15Everyone, including me, was encouraged by it.
39:19We became social people while being encouraged like that.
39:24There was a time when there was COVID-19,
39:27and young people were told,
39:29Don't work too much from now on.
39:31It's best to work as a human being,
39:33so young people should go home on time.
39:35Until now, I've been told to work until midnight.
39:38It was a decade of changing values.
39:41Numata-kun was placed as a substitute for everyone.
39:47A person who doesn't move.
39:49That's what it is.
39:51As long as I get paid,
39:54To be honest, I don't care what I do.
39:58I'm not interested in overwhelming growth or self-realization.
40:03That's why I'm in this big, big company.
40:07While being protected by work,
40:10While sucking up to the profits of other hard-working employees every month,
40:17I did the minimum work that I couldn't get fired from the general affairs department.
40:23I went up to the stage every day and said,
40:25I want to do a public show.
40:28That's what I said in the interview.
40:31In other words, the company acknowledged my life design as good.
40:39In the end, I'm the only one who takes responsibility for my life.
40:43So where am I going in the end?
40:46Even if there's regret at the end,
40:48I have to decide my goal somewhere.
40:52But how difficult and scary it is.
40:55That's what I thought when I wrote this book.
40:59If I could draw,
41:02I'd like to draw Tokyo as it is now.
41:05The scenery of Tokyo changes every second.
41:09I'd like to draw Tokyo as it is at that time.
41:17I'd like you to introduce a book that you recommend to Mr. Honami.
41:23I'm sorry to say this, but...
41:26Do you know the story of Canti?
41:29I've read it.
41:31I brought my own book.
41:34I'm a novelist, but I really like non-fiction books.
41:38It's a book about a legendary shop
41:41that was opened by international writers Hiroshi Kawazoe and Kajiko.
41:46It's like a kind of salon.
41:49It's a book about how such a shop was born.
41:52It's a tragic drama,
41:55but it's a book about how the history of the shop has been woven.
41:59It's a book with a lot of love.
42:02If I could draw,
42:04I'd like to draw Tokyo as it is now.
42:07The scenery of Tokyo changes every second.
42:11I'd like to draw Tokyo as it is at that time.
42:16I'd like to do my best.
42:18Some people don't put their last name out.
42:21I don't want to put my name on LINE.
42:24There are teachers who write it on a smartphone call app.
42:28I don't fear that.
42:30I'd like to draw Tokyo as it is now, including my last name.
42:33I'd like to draw Tokyo as it is now.
42:36What is your impression of Mr. Honami?
42:43I think he is the Tanaka Yasuo of the Reiwa era.
42:47He has a lot of personal names,
42:50and it's true that he can express himself
42:53by using them.
42:55He is a person who can express himself
42:58because of his personal names.
43:01He is a girl who uses a wallet of Margiela.
43:04He is good at using his personal names.
43:08I think he is the Tanaka Yasuo of the Reiwa era.
43:11Thank you. I'm a big fan.
43:13You are a big fan.
43:15If you don't know everything,
43:17you won't be able to draw it.
43:20I think it's very interesting.
43:24Today, we talked about the Tokyo Tower
43:29from the 1990s to the 2020s.
43:33Kaori Ekuni is a person who watches over the Tokyo Tower.
43:36Lily Frankie is a mother.
43:39Misumi Kubo is a magnet.
43:42And Azake is a symbol of unhappiness.
43:45That song is too sad.
43:48Mr. Honami, what do you think of the Tokyo Tower?
43:52I think it's like a mascot hanging here.
43:57I think it's okay to accept it.
44:06Did you find the next book you want to read?
44:09The book Mr. Honami met on the program.
44:12We recommend the book on the bookshelf.
44:15I hope it will be helpful for you to meet wonderful books.
44:20Did you read that book?
44:23Next week, we will have a book and an exam.
44:26There is a feature in the novel that will be published in the junior high school exam.
44:31I sometimes think that all the choices are correct.
44:36He is an interesting person.
