Beauty and Mr. Romantic (2024) Ep 13

  • 2 days ago


00:00:00Thumbs up if you like this video! Hit the subscribe if you want more!
00:00:30Go Daejoong, right?
00:00:32Oh, hello.
00:00:35Hey, why are you with this guy?
00:00:38Why are you with this guy?
00:00:40Mom, mom, I'll explain. Let's go in.
00:00:42Let go of me!
00:00:43Let go of me!
00:00:44Hey, you, you tell me.
00:00:45Why are you with our Dora? What's going on?
00:00:47What are you doing with our Dora?
00:00:50You did it on purpose, didn't you?
00:00:52Hey, I won't leave you alone. You're dead in my hands today.
00:00:56Mom, please!
00:00:57What's wrong with you?
00:00:58It's outside. People can see us.
00:01:00Let's go.
00:01:02Talk to me. Talk to me.
00:01:04You, bitch!
00:01:06You, bitch!
00:01:13Let go of me!
00:01:15I won't leave him alone.
00:01:17I won't!
00:01:18Mom, please!
00:01:22Do you know who he is?
00:01:25He's not Go Pilseung. He's Go Daejoong.
00:01:27He used to be a member of that family.
00:01:29But why did you go out with him?
00:01:32On the street?
00:01:33Do you want to end your life as an actress?
00:01:34Mom, I know that Pilseung is Daejoong.
00:01:38I'm dating Pilseung.
00:01:39So don't be rude to Pilseung.
00:01:41Pilseung is my boyfriend.
00:01:44What? Boyfriend?
00:01:47Wow, this is crazy.
00:01:49You're crazy.
00:01:51What do you lack to date him?
00:01:54How can you fall for him?
00:01:56Hey, break up with him right now.
00:01:58Break up with him right now. Go!
00:02:00Mom, stop it.
00:02:02I'm not that old to be like this.
00:02:05Do you think I'm still a little girl?
00:02:10I met Pilseung because I liked him.
00:02:13I don't care who I date.
00:02:15I don't care who I date.
00:02:17This is my life.
00:02:20Wow, she's so mean to me.
00:02:24Wow, she's crazy.
00:02:26She's crazy.
00:02:28What should I do?
00:02:30What should I do?
00:02:31What should I do with her?
00:02:39I'm going crazy because of my mom.
00:02:41What's wrong with her?
00:02:55Yes, Dora.
00:02:57You were surprised because of my mom, right?
00:03:01I'm sorry.
00:03:03I'm fine.
00:03:05Are you okay?
00:03:07I think your mom is very angry.
00:03:09I don't know anything.
00:03:11I think it's because I suddenly found out about us.
00:03:14But don't worry.
00:03:16I'll take care of my mom.
00:03:25Forget everything my mom said.
00:03:35Don't worry about me.
00:03:36You must be tired.
00:03:37Get some rest.
00:03:38I'll call you as soon as I finish work tomorrow.
00:04:02What are you doing here at this hour?
00:04:07I'm dying of curiosity.
00:04:13If Siyeon finds a man in the past,
00:04:15will our family's fate change?
00:04:19What are you going to do if Siyeon finds a man in the past?
00:04:22Can't you just tell me everything?
00:04:26Are you doing this because you don't want Siyeon to meet him?
00:04:32No, that's not it.
00:04:34Then what is it?
00:04:36I have to know to help you.
00:04:38And if it's a matter of our family's fate, I have to know.
00:04:42Yes, aunt.
00:04:49Then is it a secret until you die and go to the grave?
00:04:54Of course.
00:04:55I swore to live for my aunt.
00:05:00Marie's mom.
00:05:02There was a baby between him and her.
00:05:05She even tried to get married.
00:05:09There was a baby?
00:05:11Is that true?
00:05:13There was no evidence because the first lady who told me that died.
00:05:18I found the man Marie's mom was dating.
00:05:22I think that's true.
00:05:24If I find Kim Sung-soo, I'll find out if he really gave birth to the baby.
00:05:28If he gave birth, I'll find out what he did to the baby.
00:05:31And if he's still in touch with Marie's mom,
00:05:33will Jin Tae-hee stay still?
00:05:35She won't stay still.
00:05:36She'll kick him out.
00:05:37That's why I'm looking for him.
00:05:39Now that we're three, we have to do something about this family.
00:05:44Oh, my.
00:05:45Auntie, what's going on?
00:05:59If what auntie said is true,
00:06:01Su-yeon is Baek Yeo-sik.
00:06:03How can she hide her past and be so shameless?
00:06:07She pretends to be proud and arrogant with such a clear face.
00:06:11Oh, my.
00:06:12She's a sneaky girl.
00:06:20Hey, go buy your mom's favorite twisted donut and compare it.
00:06:27She's going to be hungry right now.
00:06:29I bought it for her yesterday, but she doesn't even look at it.
00:06:32I guess she doesn't even want to look at the donuts I bought for her.
00:06:36Oh, my.
00:06:37I'm just a thin cushion.
00:06:43Hey, why are you so slow?
00:06:46Are you going to do all of this today?
00:06:48Mom, were you fast from the beginning?
00:06:53How can you do this?
00:06:55You have to put it on your eyes.
00:06:58There's a defect.
00:07:00It's because of my mom.
00:07:01She told me to do it quickly.
00:07:03Are you two fighting again?
00:07:04Hey, put this on, too.
00:07:06No, you do it.
00:07:07Go Dae-choo!
00:07:08Go Dae-choo!
00:07:09Where's this bastard?
00:07:12Where's this bastard?
00:07:14What the hell is this?
00:07:15Come out!
00:07:16Where's this Go Dae-choo?
00:07:17What the hell is this?
00:07:18Where's Go Dae-choo?
00:07:19Are you crazy?
00:07:20How dare you barge into someone else's house late at night and yell?
00:07:23What are you doing?
00:07:25You don't know?
00:07:26I'm a man of my word now.
00:07:28What are you doing?
00:07:31Did you bring me 50 million won to do this?
00:07:34How dare you do this to my daughter?
00:07:37You seduced my daughter in front of my son.
00:07:40You all did it together.
00:07:42Do you think I don't know?
00:07:45I guess this woman doesn't have a conscience.
00:07:49How dare you follow me here late at night and make a fuss?
00:07:52Did you order this?
00:07:54Did Grandma order this?
00:07:55You want me to seduce my daughter like this?
00:07:57Wow, really.
00:07:59Even if you come out of your stomach, it's oily.
00:08:02Do you think I'm going to stay still?
00:08:05Where are you from?
00:08:07Are you crazy?
00:08:09How dare you meet a woman like you?
00:08:11Let go of me right now.
00:08:13Let go of me right now.
00:08:14Let go of me.
00:08:15Go Dae-choo!
00:08:16Mom, what should I do?
00:08:17You're the only one who's alive.
00:08:19This woman.
00:08:21You're telling me that you met Park Do-ri, your daughter.
00:08:24You're not the one.
00:08:28Hey, Go Dae-choo!
00:08:30Go Dae-choo, tell me straight.
00:08:32Why did you give us chopsticks?
00:08:35Who made you do it?
00:08:36You did it on purpose, didn't you?
00:08:38I saw it with my two eyes.
00:08:41Are you going to say no?
00:08:47You're not, are you?
00:08:49You're all talking nonsense over there.
00:08:52Why can't you tell me you're not?
00:09:02I'm sorry, Mom.
00:09:04Are you sure you're meeting me?
00:09:14Who are you meeting?
00:09:21Park Do-ri is that woman's daughter.
00:09:23You know what kind of woman she is.
00:09:26But you're meeting her daughter?
00:09:35Go Dae-choo, listen to me.
00:09:39If I see Do-ri one more time,
00:09:41I'm not going to leave you alone, okay?
00:09:45I'm going to break everything in this house.
00:09:48All right?
00:09:49All right, go.
00:09:50Do you think we like your daughter?
00:09:54Keep your son in check!
00:09:56All right?
00:09:58You guys...
00:10:06Oh, my God.
00:10:07What's all this about?
00:10:10Oh, Pil-seung.
00:10:14Pil-seung, why are you...
00:10:16Why are you that woman's daughter?
00:10:19You're not a stranger.
00:10:20Why is it that woman's daughter?
00:10:22You know what kind of woman she is.
00:10:24How can you meet that woman's daughter?
00:10:26What are you going to do?
00:10:28What are you going to do?
00:10:35I'm sorry, Mom.
00:10:45Honey, honey.
00:10:46Are you okay?
00:11:16Sister, give me some water.
00:11:17Yeah, yeah.
00:11:18Drink this, okay?
00:11:21Our Pil-seung...
00:11:25Our Pil-seung couldn't have done that.
00:11:32I know.
00:11:33I told you not to get rid of the black-haired beast.
00:11:36It's perfect now.
00:11:38Pil-seung was my son.
00:11:39I liked Park Dol-a.
00:11:41She's a stranger.
00:11:43She's the one who killed her grandfather.
00:11:45She's a snitch.
00:11:46That's how I met her daughter.
00:11:49Oh, my God.
00:11:50That's when you can tell she's not your daughter.
00:11:52Mom, what's wrong with you? Are you crazy?
00:11:56I told you not to say that.
00:11:58But why do you keep saying that?
00:12:01Mom, if you say that again, I...
00:12:04I can't live with you in the same house.
00:12:08What are you talking about?
00:12:11I can't live with you because I didn't say anything wrong.
00:12:15Who's talking nonsense right now?
00:12:17Our Pil-seung is my son.
00:12:19He's my son.
00:12:20He's my son.
00:12:22Why are you saying that?
00:12:25You keep saying that.
00:12:27How can I live in this house?
00:12:29You're so mean.
00:12:31Get out of here.
00:12:33I can't live with you.
00:12:35Do you have to leave a house like that?
00:12:37Yeah, I know.
00:12:40If I hear that from Pil-seung again,
00:12:44I'm done.
00:12:49Yeah, let's end it.
00:12:52Let's split up.
00:12:54No, I'll go out.
00:12:56I can go out.
00:12:58I'll go out.
00:13:00What's wrong with you?
00:13:02Don't you think about your sister?
00:13:05She's upset because of Pil-seung.
00:13:08What are you doing?
00:13:17You're my son.
00:13:19I'm here.
00:13:21I'm here.
00:13:24My father didn't die.
00:13:26My father didn't die.
00:13:29I'll save you.
00:13:31Let go of me.
00:13:38Let go of me.
00:14:00It's so nice here.
00:14:02There's no one here.
00:14:04Did you find out about this place while hunting?
00:14:06It's so nice here.
00:14:08Look at this.
00:14:10What's today's date course?
00:14:23What is it?
00:14:25Why are you calling my name so seriously?
00:14:28What are you going to talk about?
00:14:31Is it because of my mom?
00:14:34I told you not to worry.
00:14:39I've been so happy to meet you.
00:14:44But I think we're done here.
00:14:48Let's break up now.
00:14:55What do you mean?
00:15:00Break up?
00:15:03How long has it been since we met?
00:15:05Break up?
00:15:06Were you such an easy person to talk to?
00:15:11You're talking wrong, aren't you?
00:15:13It's not easy.
00:15:15I'm talking because I'm thinking a lot.
00:15:20It's true that my mom disappointed you that day.
00:15:23But that doesn't mean we're breaking up.
00:15:27I'll never let that happen again.
00:15:36Did you meet my mom again?
00:15:39Why is my mom saying something to you again?
00:15:43I was crazy when I met your mom.
00:15:47We're not supposed to meet.
00:15:51And I haven't been showing it.
00:15:54Actually, I was very uncomfortable and uncomfortable when I met you.
00:16:00I don't want to keep this uncomfortable and uncomfortable meeting.
00:16:07I shouldn't have met you from the beginning.
00:16:11I was too hasty.
00:16:15I'm sorry, Dora.
00:16:20But we like each other.
00:16:23That's true, so we can overcome it with a heart that likes each other.
00:16:29I want to stop here.
00:16:34Thank you for everything.
00:16:36I'll go first.
00:16:50Wait a minute.
00:16:53Talk to me for a second.
00:17:02No matter how much it is.
00:17:05What's wrong with you?
00:17:28I'm here.
00:17:29I'm here.
00:17:35Where did you sleep last night?
00:17:37I didn't even come home.
00:17:40At the broadcasting station's dormitory.
00:17:45Did you eat breakfast?
00:17:55I broke up with Dora.
00:18:05Why did you do that?
00:18:10I still...
00:18:13I still can't believe you did that.
00:18:20At first, I wasn't going to do that.
00:18:24I went back to Dora without realizing it.
00:18:26I shouldn't have done that.
00:18:29No matter how much I like her, I shouldn't like Dora.
00:18:33I made a mistake.
00:18:35It's my fault.
00:18:41I'm sorry.
00:18:45I really didn't want to hurt your feelings.
00:18:51I'm sorry for hurting your feelings.
00:18:57I'm sorry, Mom.
00:18:59I'm sorry.
00:19:06Thank you for saying that.
00:19:11I have to go out because I have something to do.
00:19:14I'll be back.
00:19:29I'm sorry.
00:19:40I went to talk to him, so I'm sure he understood.
00:19:44He's a bad guy.
00:19:45If I see him again, I won't leave him alone.
00:19:51Mom, did you meet Pilseung?
00:19:56What are you talking about?
00:19:57Why would I meet him?
00:19:59He met me?
00:20:00I can't believe this.
00:20:02Mom, tell me the truth.
00:20:04Why would you break up with me when I'm not doing anything?
00:20:09He wants to break up with you?
00:20:11He finally realized what he's doing.
00:20:13That's good.
00:20:14Let's get this over with.
00:20:18You really didn't meet Pilseung?
00:20:20I really didn't!
00:20:24It's a good thing that he broke up with you first.
00:20:28People know you're dating him.
00:20:30What's good for you?
00:20:32It's a good thing that it's over now.
00:20:35And you have to give him a hard time when he comes in.
00:20:41Just think about work for a while.
00:20:42Don't think about him.
00:20:44It's a good thing.
00:20:45It's a good thing.
00:20:46How can you meet a guy like that?
00:20:50If it's not because of my mom,
00:20:52why would he suddenly...
00:20:56There must be another reason.
00:21:09The number you have dialed cannot be reached.
00:21:12Please try again later.
00:21:15He even blocked my phone.
00:21:19Is he really going to break up with me?
00:21:24I was shocked because of 10 million won.
00:21:26I was shocked because of Pilseung.
00:21:30My mom is the pillar of my family.
00:21:32I have to feed her this to cheer her up.
00:21:36How much does she like melons?
00:21:39Oh, the smell.
00:21:45Who is that?
00:21:47Isn't that the flower snake's daughter?
00:21:55Why are you two coming in turns?
00:21:58I can't say hello because of you and your mom.
00:22:02And what are you doing here?
00:22:05Isn't that enough for last night?
00:22:07My mom came here?
00:22:10She even came to someone else's house in the middle of the night.
00:22:13Pilseung went crazy because he was going to meet you.
00:22:17But what are you doing here?
00:22:19You two are so shameless.
00:22:22Get out of here.
00:22:25I'm sorry.
00:22:27Is Pilseung in there?
00:22:29I can't reach him.
00:22:32Why are you looking for Pilseung here?
00:22:35Are you going to make your mom come in here again?
00:22:38And you can't be with Pilseung even if you die.
00:22:44Pilseung's grandfather died because of your mom.
00:22:47Do you think you can be with Pilseung?
00:22:49Don't even dream about it.
00:22:51How can we see our enemy's daughter?
00:22:55We'll never see you either.
00:23:00What are you talking about?
00:23:03My grandfather died because of my mom?
00:23:14Oh, my God!
00:23:16Why are you screaming like that?
00:23:20Is it true that Pilseung's grandfather died because of your mom?
00:23:24Your grandfather collapsed because of your mom.
00:23:27That's why he died.
00:23:34I've been wondering all this time.
00:23:36Why did you run away at night?
00:23:38Is it because your grandfather died because of your mom?
00:23:44Mom, did you really...
00:23:46Did you really do that to your grandfather?
00:23:52Who said that?
00:23:54That's a lie.
00:23:56It's a lie!
00:23:57Mom, I heard everything!
00:24:00Mom, did you do it or not?
00:24:03You only believe what others say.
00:24:06What are you doing to me?
00:24:08Mom, did you do it or not?
00:24:10Tell me!
00:24:18I did it.
00:24:20I did it.
00:24:22I was going to eat and live.
00:24:23Then should I hit three kids and die in the Han River?
00:24:27After your dad died, he was always chased by debtors.
00:24:31If I hadn't done that, you'd all be dead.
00:24:34We're all dead.
00:24:35You couldn't come all the way here.
00:24:38But how could you do this to me?
00:24:41You shouldn't do this to me even if everyone else swears at you.
00:24:44How did I live with you?
00:24:46How did I live with you?
00:24:48How could you do this to me?
00:24:50But still...
00:24:52How can you play with a person's heart like that?
00:24:57I killed him on purpose.
00:24:59Did your grandfather die like that?
00:25:02I didn't know it would be like that.
00:25:04But I did my best.
00:25:06I couldn't even rent it, so I paid the money back to the house.
00:25:09But he said he didn't want to get it from the house.
00:25:11What am I supposed to do?
00:25:13Mom, until the end...
00:25:16I still don't know what I did to my grandfather.
00:25:19You're such a bad girl!
00:25:22How could you do this to me?
00:25:24How could you?
00:25:26Who did I do it for?
00:25:27Who did I do it for?
00:25:47Park Do-ra, get up.
00:25:49Mom, what's wrong?
00:25:50Pack your things.
00:25:52We have to get out of this house right now.
00:25:54Park Do-ra, what are you doing? Pack your things.
00:25:56Where are you coming from?
00:25:58I don't want to see your family.
00:25:59I don't even want to hear your voice.
00:26:00Don't ever come here again.
00:26:02If it's your family, I'll break my teeth.
00:26:05Go quickly. Don't ever come back.
00:26:40Are you there?
00:26:42Is anyone there?
00:27:09What's going on here?
00:27:12I heard you broke up with Pil-seung.
00:27:15You'll never see each other again.
00:27:20And don't ever come back.
00:27:30What are you...
00:27:31What are you doing?
00:27:34I'm sorry.
00:27:37Now I know that you died because of my mom.
00:27:43I'm really sorry.
00:27:47If I had known, I would have come earlier.
00:27:49I really didn't know.
00:27:52I'm really sorry.
00:27:56I apologize on behalf of my mom.
00:28:01I'm really sorry.
00:28:03I'm really sorry.
00:28:06I'm really sorry.
00:28:08I'm really sorry.
00:28:15I'm sorry.
00:28:29I'm sorry.
00:28:33I'm really sorry.
00:28:56What are you doing here?
00:28:59Now I know everything.
00:29:03The reason you rejected me at first.
00:29:08And the reason you wanted to break up.
00:29:12Why didn't you tell me?
00:29:17Why are you having a hard time alone?
00:29:25No, what's wrong with you?
00:29:27This is all because of my mom.
00:29:29I'm sorry.
00:29:32I'm really sorry.
00:29:35My mom...
00:29:37I hurt your family too much.
00:29:42I said I was sorry.
00:29:45I can't erase that scar.
00:29:49But I'm still sorry.
00:29:52I'm sorry I was the only one who could do it.
00:29:56I'm sorry.
00:29:58I'm sorry.
00:30:22Didn't we finish talking last time?
00:30:25We're not going to see each other anymore.
00:30:28I'm not here for coffee today.
00:30:31I'm going to keep my promise not to see you.
00:30:34Then why?
00:30:38I bought this bag for you.
00:30:42But I can't throw it away.
00:30:44I can't have it.
00:30:45I can't give it to another woman.
00:30:47So what I'm saying is...
00:30:49This is originally yours, so take care of it.
00:30:51Whether you throw it away, bake it, or boil it.
00:30:59Be happy.
00:31:28I'll use this bag well.
00:31:35You're trash.
00:31:40never see each other again.
00:31:56I'm going to change the machine.
00:32:02CEO Gong.
00:32:04Park Do-ra.
00:32:05I can't help it this time because I've already signed a contract with Diction Melody.
00:32:09After this contract is over, don't say it's a re-contract.
00:32:14This is your job.
00:32:16Do you say that even after you sign a contract with actor Park Do-ra and see the company's sales?
00:32:20You run the store, too.
00:32:22That's it, but...
00:32:24Yeah, well...
00:32:25I admit that.
00:32:27But I don't like her.
00:32:29So change it.
00:32:30Not her, but someone else.
00:32:33I'm the CEO of the company, so I'll take care of it.
00:32:39Who made you the CEO position?
00:32:43I'm so happy to see you.
00:32:57I'll read it.
00:32:59See you next time.
00:33:06Sister, I'm here again.
00:33:07Mr. Park is here.
00:33:09See you next time.
00:33:10Yes, see you next time.
00:33:12You did a great job today.
00:33:14Thanks to you, our product has been promoted a lot.
00:33:19I'll go now.
00:33:22I was really sorry on the day of the drama.
00:33:26I'm sorry for making you feel uncomfortable.
00:33:29I apologize formally.
00:33:33It's already in the past.
00:33:47Bring Park Do-ra to me in a month.
00:33:52Otherwise, I'll bury your daughter forever.
00:34:00What should I do?
00:34:02The day I promised Mr. Gong is coming.
00:34:07Why are you calling me again?
00:34:12Hello, Mr. Gong.
00:34:15Mr. Baek didn't come to Do-ra's signing event today.
00:34:18It was an important event today.
00:34:20Did the signing event go well?
00:34:22I didn't go on purpose.
00:34:24I have a very important schedule today.
00:34:27The signing event went well.
00:34:31But what's going to happen?
00:34:34There's not much time left.
00:34:37Park Do-ra's attitude towards me today was too passive.
00:34:44I'm saying this because I don't think there's any progress.
00:34:48Please wait a little longer.
00:34:49Our Do-ra is busy with advertising and casting these days.
00:34:52I'll get in touch with the CEO soon.
00:34:56I'll get Do-ra's heart back no matter what.
00:34:59Don't worry.
00:35:01Let's trust Mr. Baek one more time.
00:35:03Of course.
00:35:05But I think I need to tell you this.
00:35:07I'm not just a debtor.
00:35:11You know that.
00:35:13Then I'll hang up.
00:35:21There's no other way.
00:35:23How can you stop people's blood like this?
00:35:26By the way, how do we persuade Do-ra?
00:35:29Now that you've broken up with him, open your heart?
00:35:36Why don't you eat? Do you want me to give you some?
00:35:40No, thank you.
00:36:05I'm sorry.
00:36:06I'm sorry.
00:36:07I'm sorry.
00:36:08I'm sorry.
00:36:09I'm sorry.
00:36:10I'm sorry.
00:36:11I'm sorry.
00:36:12I'm sorry.
00:36:13I'm sorry.
00:36:14I'm sorry.
00:36:15I'm sorry.
00:36:16I'm sorry.
00:36:17I'm sorry.
00:36:18I'm sorry.
00:36:19I'm sorry.
00:36:20I'm sorry.
00:36:21I'm sorry.
00:36:22I'm sorry.
00:36:23I'm sorry.
00:36:24I'm sorry.
00:36:25I'm sorry.
00:36:26I'm sorry.
00:36:27I'm sorry.
00:36:28I'm sorry.
00:36:29I'm sorry.
00:36:30I'm sorry.
00:36:31I'm sorry.
00:36:32I'm sorry.
00:36:33I'm sorry.
00:36:34I'm sorry.
00:36:35I'm sorry.
00:36:36I'm sorry.
00:36:37I'm sorry.
00:36:38I'm sorry.
00:36:39I'm sorry.
00:36:40I'm sorry.
00:36:41I'm sorry.
00:36:42I'm sorry.
00:36:43I'm sorry.
00:36:44I'm sorry.
00:36:45I'm sorry.
00:36:46I'm sorry.
00:36:47I'm sorry.
00:36:48I'm sorry.
00:36:49I'm sorry.
00:36:50I'm sorry.
00:36:51I'm sorry.
00:36:52I'm sorry.
00:36:53I'm sorry.
00:36:54I'm sorry.
00:36:55I'm sorry.
00:36:56I'm sorry.
00:36:57I'm sorry.
00:36:58I'm sorry.
00:36:59I'm sorry.
00:37:00I'm sorry.
00:37:01I'm sorry.
00:37:02I'm sorry.
00:37:03No, he's lying.
00:37:18I came here to see you.
00:37:24I thought I'd at least be able to see you pass by if I came here.
00:37:32So I came.
00:37:50I'm sorry.
00:37:51I'm sorry. I shouldn't be like this.
00:37:57I'm leaving.
00:38:21Oppa, do you want soju?
00:39:05Why are you home so late?
00:39:10Did you wait for me?
00:39:13I was worried because you were late.
00:39:17Mom, I'm not that old.
00:39:19I was worried that you wouldn't be able to come in.
00:39:23You drank a lot.
00:39:26Why did you drink so much?
00:39:29We had a get-together today.
00:39:32Everyone congratulated us on our success.
00:39:36The director gave us a card.
00:39:39I was in a good mood, so I had a drink.
00:39:42Mom, I'm in a really good mood today.
00:39:46Mom, I'm going to bed.
00:39:49Good night, Mom.
00:39:52Hey, Pil-seung!
00:40:17Are you crying?
00:40:20Why would I be crying?
00:40:32This is sweat.
00:40:35It's not tears.
00:40:37Mom, I sweat when I'm drunk.
00:40:41But why would you say that I'm crying?
00:40:46Can't you tell the difference between sweat and tears?
00:40:51Mom, I'm going to bed.
00:40:55Good night, Mom.
00:41:11Good night.
00:41:55Seon-young, you're here.
00:42:00Dad, it's been a while.
00:42:03I haven't been able to come these days.
00:42:07It's okay.
00:42:10I'm always by your side.
00:42:15You know why I'm here today, right?
00:42:31I still hate her so much that I want to kill her.
00:42:37I can't forgive her.
00:42:41Why are you still doing this?
00:42:44Dad said it's okay.
00:42:48Don't hate my daughter in your heart.
00:42:57But Dad...
00:43:02What about our Pil-seung?
00:43:09I don't want to see our Pil-seung in pain.
00:43:14I don't want to see him in pain.
00:43:18Dad said the same thing.
00:43:22If Seon-young is in pain, I'm in pain.
00:43:29Dad, I'm sorry.
00:43:32I'm sorry, Dad.
00:43:34I'm sorry.
00:43:39I'm sorry.
00:43:47Have you ever seen our Mari?
00:43:51I attended the anniversary of the founding of the chairman's company with my father last year.
00:43:57At that time.
00:43:59Did you?
00:44:02And it was very short, but I also talked to Mr. Gong Mari.
00:44:07With our Mari?
00:44:10We talked about the season.
00:44:14It was fun and nice.
00:44:16I don't know if Mr. Gong Mari will remember.
00:44:21But our Mari.
00:44:24You know it's a little different from any ladies, right?
00:44:27Even so, thank you for remembering me so well and wanting to meet me.
00:44:34Oh, no.
00:44:37In my eyes, Mr. Gong Mari looked much more pure, honest, and pretty than any of the ladies.
00:44:47And I and my father have always respected Chairman Gong Jin-taek.
00:44:54If I become the chairman's family, I think it would be a great honor.
00:45:05Blind date?
00:45:08What kind of person is it?
00:45:09There's a boss who's close to my dad, and he's her son.
00:45:15All right, I'll go.
00:45:16I wanted to meet my boyfriend, too.
00:45:19By the way, Mari is a little older than you.
00:45:24How old is he?
00:45:25It's a little bit, but how about it?
00:45:29Wouldn't it be better for Mari, the only child, to have someone like an older brother?
00:45:34Well, I like someone like an older brother, too.
00:45:42Mom, what's going on?
00:45:45Why? Are you going on a date with this son?
00:45:49But what should I do? I have a meeting later.
00:45:57Why, Mom? Is something wrong?
00:46:00Oh, no.
00:46:03I'm on my way to my grandfather's grave.
00:46:08Your grandfather's grave?
00:46:10Mom alone?
00:46:15Pilseung, meet Dora.
00:46:19I'll give you permission.
00:46:22If I allow it, Dad will say yes.
00:46:29Mom, what's wrong?
00:46:31I broke up with Dora.
00:46:36Mom was wrong.
00:46:38I was wrong.
00:46:40I was the only one who thought about you.
00:46:45I don't want to give you the pain of breaking up with someone you love.
00:46:51I don't want to see you suffer.
00:46:55No, Mom.
00:46:57I'm fine.
00:46:59I'm really fine.
00:47:01You like Dora a lot.
00:47:03Dora likes you a lot, too.
00:47:09Pilseung, Dora didn't do anything wrong to us.
00:47:15She didn't do anything wrong.
00:47:19I told your grandfather, too.
00:47:22Your grandfather will like it, too.
00:47:27Mom, I already broke up with Dora.
00:47:32Don't talk about it anymore.
00:47:34And Mom, I'm really fine.
00:47:36I forgot about Dora.
00:47:39I have a meeting, so I have to go.
00:47:42See you at home.
00:48:06I'm sorry on behalf of my mom.
00:48:10I'm leaving.
00:48:15Why are you crying?
00:48:36I'm sorry.
00:48:54Ma'am, I'm here.
00:48:57Dora, will Pilseung go there soon?
00:49:03What do you mean?
00:49:05I allowed you two to meet.
00:49:09So you two meet again.
00:49:16You two have fun on a date.
00:49:30Mom, where are you? I'm here.
00:49:33Pilseung will be there.
00:49:37What is that?
00:49:40Eat something delicious with Dora and have fun on a date.
00:49:43Cheer up, my son.
00:50:33Oh, my head.
00:50:42I trust you, Mr. Baek.
00:50:44But I think I need to tell you this.
00:50:46I'm not a man of empty words.
00:50:49You know that.
00:50:52I have to get Dora's heart back somehow.
00:50:55Oh, I don't have any medicine left.
00:50:58Oh, my head.
00:51:00Oh, my head.
00:51:03Mom, I'm here.
00:51:06Talk to me.
00:51:10Let's talk about work tomorrow.
00:51:13Mr. Gong.
00:51:15Please meet him just once.
00:51:16It's my wish.
00:51:17My wish.
00:51:21Are you talking about him again?
00:51:23Mr. Gong is a little angry.
00:51:25But isn't that because he likes you?
00:51:28So, Dora.
00:51:30I decided to meet Pilseung again.
00:51:33So please don't do this.
00:51:36What did you just say?
00:51:39Don't ever talk about Mr. Gong in front of me again.
00:51:42I really hate him.
00:51:43I really hate him.
00:51:44Wow, this girl is really crazy.
00:51:47This girl is really crazy.
00:51:50No, you broke up with him.
00:51:53But what kind of bullshit is this?
00:51:55Why is the girl who doesn't even like a man like Mr. Gong?
00:51:58Why is it that guy?
00:51:59Why is it that guy?
00:52:01I'm not going to leave that guy alone.
00:52:02I'm not going to leave this guy alone.
00:52:03I'm really going to...
00:52:05Do that.
00:52:06Do whatever you want.
00:52:08Instead, if you come out like this,
00:52:09I'm going to retire.
00:52:11I'm going to quit everything I learned
00:52:12and live in the U.S. with Pilseung.
00:52:14Then you won't be able to see me again.
00:52:17Do you understand?
00:52:18What do you mean?
00:52:25Wow, that girl.
00:52:26That girl.
00:52:27That's not a lie.
00:52:29Wow, if she's mad,
00:52:30she might retire and go to the U.S.
00:52:32She can't leave him like that.
00:52:45Dora, yeah.
00:52:46Do whatever you want.
00:52:47Do whatever you want.
00:52:48But whether it's Go Pilseung or Go Daejoong,
00:52:50don't let people know that you're dating him.
00:52:54If you date him,
00:52:55if there's a scandal,
00:52:56you're going to pay for it.
00:52:57You're going to pay for it.
00:53:03What am I going to say to Mr. Gong?
00:53:04What am I going to do?
00:53:06Wow, Mr. Gong.
00:53:09What am I going to do?
00:53:18Excuse me.
00:53:23What is this?
00:53:25It's the 500 million won
00:53:26I borrowed last time.
00:53:31Mr. Gong.
00:53:32I'm really sorry.
00:53:36You're sorry?
00:53:40Mr. Gong.
00:53:41You know I like you a lot, right?
00:53:45That's why I was greedy for you.
00:53:48I still feel the same way.
00:53:51But you said I can't do what I want.
00:53:54I can't do what I want.
00:53:57Mr. Gong.
00:53:58Find a better woman.
00:54:00I feel sorry for Mr. Gong,
00:54:03but what can I do?
00:54:04Dora doesn't want to date anyone
00:54:06and just wants to work.
00:54:13I see.
00:54:15I understand.
00:54:17I'm sorry, Mr. Gong.
00:54:19What can I do?
00:54:28Yes, here.
00:54:35Knock, knock.
00:54:36Chicken is here.
00:54:42It's really here.
00:54:43It's here.
00:54:46I'm finally eating chicken at Han River.
00:54:48Wow, I'm so excited.
00:54:51You were excited in a weird place.
00:54:53Last time, you were excited about the grilled eel.
00:54:55Are you excited about chicken today?
00:54:57I've only done it in dramas.
00:54:59It's my first time eating chicken in a place like this.
00:55:04Dad, let's eat this quickly.
00:55:06We have a lot to do today.
00:55:08I'm so busy.
00:55:09What do you have to do?
00:55:13Don't cry or anything. Just follow me.
00:55:18You're the best at everything.
00:55:20I'm letting you go because you're pretty.
00:55:22What are you going to do if I don't let you go?
00:55:26Honey, eat this quickly.
00:55:27Eat it quickly.
00:55:33Why is it so delicious?
00:55:34It's so delicious that it makes me cry.
00:55:40It's so crispy.
00:55:42Is it crispy?
00:55:52How does it feel?
00:55:53It's so nice to try it, right?
00:55:56I like it because it's soft.
00:56:01It's my first time doing this.
00:56:13Honey, let's come to places like this often.
00:56:15It's hard for you to go out and run around every day.
00:56:19I'll take care of you.
00:56:21Thanks to you, I'm happy.
00:56:23I've done everything.
00:56:24That's right.
00:56:25This isn't the end.
00:56:27There's a special event left.
00:56:29What else is left?
00:56:31You told me to leave the event to me today.
00:56:34Are you crazy?
00:56:35Okay, okay, okay.
00:56:37Do whatever you want.
00:56:41Where are you going?
00:56:43We're almost there.
00:56:45Hang in there a little longer.
00:56:57Where are you going?
00:56:59Wait a minute.
00:57:02There's something I want to ask you.
00:57:12I really love you.
00:57:15What about you?
00:57:18Why are you asking me that?
00:57:20But honey.
00:57:21Everything in the world changes.
00:57:24Love changes, too.
00:57:26But I don't want our love to change.
00:57:31I don't change.
00:57:37Then, honey.
00:57:39Let's leave evidence of love.
00:57:45Even if there's a difficult situation,
00:57:47I'll see it when I'm having a hard time.
00:57:49Even if we fight later,
00:57:51I'll see it and make up.
00:57:56Evidence of love?
00:57:58Where is that?
00:58:02Let's get a tattoo.
00:58:07Let's get a tattoo?
00:58:10It's really pretty.
00:58:14It's so pretty.
00:58:18You're my star.
00:58:20I'm your moon.
00:58:23Don't say that.
00:58:25Who can listen to it and go crazy because it's so cringy?
00:58:28What's wrong?
00:58:30It's really pretty.
00:58:34We can never be apart like the moon and the star in the sky.
00:58:38So don't think about running away from me.
00:58:41I think I went too far today.
00:58:46Do you regret it already?
00:58:48No, no.
00:58:49It's a joke.
00:58:57We're going to have a hard time from now on.
00:59:02If you had met an ordinary person, it wouldn't have been a big deal.
00:59:06But if you meet me,
00:59:07you'll have a hard time and uncomfortable things.
00:59:17We've been through the hardest thing.
00:59:20What's harder than that?
00:59:26just in case.
00:59:29Even if you have a hard time,
00:59:32trust each other, rely on each other,
00:59:35and protect each other like the stars and the moon.
00:59:39Never let go of this hand.
01:00:20You said you were going to sign a contract for cosmetics today.
01:00:23But why haven't you contacted me yet?
01:00:27CEO, I'm in trouble.
01:00:30What's wrong?
01:00:31What's the big deal?
01:00:33No, it's not that.
01:00:35All the advertising appointments are being canceled all of a sudden.
01:00:39The cosmetics advertisement that we agreed to sign today is also canceled.
01:00:42The furniture company that we agreed to do the day after tomorrow
01:00:44is suddenly changing to a different model.
01:00:46It's a big deal that we decided to re-contract the beverage.
01:00:51Does that make sense?
01:00:52Is this kind of appointment a joke?
01:00:54Yes, CEO.
01:00:55Then this must be real.
01:00:58What are you talking about?
01:00:59What do you mean it's real?
01:01:00No, in the morning,
01:01:01my friend who works at an advertising company told me.
01:01:04CEO Gong Jin-dan of Angel Investment
01:01:06said that if we use Park Dol-ah,
01:01:08the advertising company and furniture company
01:01:11will be cut off.
01:01:15What did you just say?
01:01:16Did CEO Gong Jin-dan of Angel Investment say that?
01:01:20I don't know why he said that.
01:01:22Anyway, what should I do if this is all true?
01:01:29Okay, CEO Song. You can go.
01:01:36Yes, this is Ms. Baek.
01:01:38Hey, CEO Baek.
01:01:40You keep saying that you'll give it to me tomorrow or the day after tomorrow.
01:01:42When are you going to give it to me?
01:01:45If you don't solve it by this week,
01:01:47I'll sue you for fraud.
01:01:49If you don't solve it by this week,
01:01:51I'll sue you for fraud.
01:01:56What should I do?
01:02:01Mr. Choi.
01:02:02What are you doing here?
01:02:04Ms. Baek.
01:02:05Why are you making me come all the way here?
01:02:08What are you trying to do?
01:02:10Why isn't the money coming in?
01:02:12Mr. Choi.
01:02:13How can you come all the way here?
01:02:15The interest is not coming in.
01:02:16It's just crushed.
01:02:18It's not like that right now.
01:02:20Call Park Do-ra. Park Do-ra.
01:02:22Park Do-ra is doing well these days.
01:02:24I told you to get it from Park Do-ra, not your sister.
01:02:27Where's Park Do-ra?
01:02:28Where is she?
01:02:30I'll give it to you.
01:02:31I'll give it to you.
01:02:32Let go of this.
01:02:33Let go of this.
01:02:38Let go of this.
01:02:39Let go of this.
01:02:40CEO Kong.
01:02:41I'm sorry. Let go.
01:02:42Let go.
01:02:43Let go.
01:02:44Let go.
01:02:45Secretary Cho.
01:02:46Get out.
01:03:04CEO Kong.
01:03:06Did CEO Kong do that?
01:03:08Our Do-ra advertisement.
01:03:10CEO Kong canceled everything.
01:03:13Is that right?
01:03:15I told you.
01:03:17Park Do-ra in this field.
01:03:20I'm going to bury it.
01:03:23I'm going to delete it forever.
01:03:28What did CEO Kong do?
01:03:30What did CEO Kong do?
01:03:32What did I do wrong?
01:03:33What did our Do-ra do wrong?
01:03:35This isn't it.
01:03:36This isn't it.
01:03:37Where is this?
01:03:41Don't look at me.
01:03:45Play with this Gongjindan.
01:03:48And then you guys.
01:03:51I didn't even prepare this.
01:04:03CEO Kong.
01:04:05CEO Kong.
01:04:07Save me.
01:04:09Save me just once.
01:04:10If CEO Kong saves me.
01:04:12I can't do it.
01:04:13I'll do anything.
01:04:17Save me.
01:04:22CEO Kong.
01:04:43It's hard.
01:04:45It's hard.
01:04:47It hurts a lot.
01:04:50I erased everything.
01:04:54Because it's not enough.
01:05:01I finally met a man by fate.
01:05:03My heart is beating so fast.
01:05:05What if I can't even make eye contact?
01:05:07I'm going to Ganghwa-do to shoot a pictorial with my mom.
01:05:09Didn't you say you didn't have anything to do today?
01:05:11CEO, what are you doing here?
01:05:13Didn't you see this picture?
01:05:16The light is out.
01:05:17This is a place where I give you a chance.
01:05:20Seol-ah, please let me go tonight.
01:05:22Please let us all live.
01:05:24No matter what happens to me in the future.
01:05:26You'll be by my side, right?
01:05:28Of course.
01:05:29I'll be right next to you.
01:05:32I'm never going anywhere.