General Hospital 9-4-24

  • 2 weeks ago
00:00Hey, Mel, are you okay?
00:21A little shaky, maybe.
00:22Yeah, it's been a hell of a day.
00:24Can I get you anything?
00:25A cup of tea?
00:27Ice cream sundae?
00:28You name it, I'm at your service.
00:29Alright, I just need some sleep.
00:30I appreciate you always looking out for me.
00:31Well, I'm your husband.
00:32Kind of comes with the territory.
00:34Hey, let's talk.
00:35You want to go see the news?
00:36Just be a little patient.
00:37I'm busy.
00:38Alright, I'll see you when we get there.
00:40What are you saying?
00:42Alright, I'll be there, too, so you can talk to me whenever.
00:43But you need to go.
00:46I'm leaving.
00:47Goodbye, child.
00:49And goodbye.
00:52Goodbye, Eva.
00:54Look, we're all going to put up with this.
00:55I want to say goodbye to you, but I'm not going to.
00:56I'd like to see you together.
01:03Thank you for coming.
01:05I knew you'd call.
01:08Oh, really?
01:09You're just that irresistible?
01:11Your words, not mine.
01:13Well, I have been wanting to call,
01:16and I definitely owe you a date.
01:20This isn't it?
01:22This is me asking for a favor.
01:34I thought you turned in for the night.
01:36I have a touch of insomnia.
01:39Put him there.
01:40Take the cuffs off, please.
01:48by the way you play cards,
01:50I take it you're a gambling man.
01:52I am.
01:53Friends and family.
02:04Merry Christmas.
02:06It's September.
02:08I'm early.
02:09There was a murder at the Quartermain Mansion.
02:13And, um,
02:15the perp is in here?
02:18There's plenty of suspects.
02:20How many?
02:21Half of Port Charles.
02:23But there's one that's at the head of the pack.
02:30Good evening, Commissioner.
02:33I take it my client's inside?
02:35Damien Kleins?
02:46Commissioner, may I have a word alone with my client and his plus one?
02:51By all means.
02:56Miss Jerome, I take it your own counsel is coming to your rescue tonight?
03:02Diane, I'm gonna need you to help us both.
03:12Make yourself at home.
03:15I'm gonna be clear.
03:17I'm not staying, Sonny.
03:21Okay, look.
03:25Cops are gonna be here in the morning.
03:27We're gonna have to get our story straight.
03:30I know where I was when John Cates was murdered.
03:34Where were you?
04:01You should agree on stakes.
04:04How about this? I win, I go free.
04:09How about if you win, you stay alive?
04:14If you lose, you die?
04:17Since I was gonna kill you anyway.
04:20Well, shall we?
04:26Who's this?
04:28I'm hoping you can help me find him.
04:30He's a John Doe.
04:32Victim of a hit and run earlier this evening.
04:35He's in General Hospital, unconscious.
04:38No ID.
04:40And the police are running his fingerprints, but nothing so far.
04:44So you think I can make an ID when the police can?
04:47Well, I'm sure of it.
04:49Fingerprints and two photos is not a lot to go on, Jordan.
04:52I know that I'm asking a lot of work from you, and you are a busy man.
04:58That is not it. That's not it at all.
05:01The guy just got admitted to the hospital tonight.
05:04It's entirely possible that by the time I track down his identity, he'll wake up and tell you himself.
05:10That's why I would appreciate it if you could get a start on the search.
05:14In case he doesn't.
05:19Anything for you.
05:24But there's a price.
05:27All that matters is Jagger's dead.
05:30Can't come after Christina or anybody I care about again.
05:35And while someone was killing Agent Cates, you were supposedly with me.
05:42I appreciate you backing me with the cops.
05:46I don't appreciate that you implied to the cops, to the quarter mains, and the whole world,
05:52that you and I were having some tryst upstairs in the bedroom, Sonny.
05:55I'm sorry. I should... I... You know what? I should...
05:58We're divorced.
06:02And now you've dragged me into the middle of a murder, and I want to know why.
06:05Because after all this time, everything we've been through,
06:09I still trust you with my life.
06:13I am unable to reach my lawyer.
06:17Scott has been incommunicado for some time now, and frankly, I'm worried.
06:22For him or for you?
06:24Maybe a little both.
06:27I was hoping we could clear this up without involving lawyers at all.
06:31But your client here, he wouldn't say a word until you arrived.
06:35That's why he is my favorite client.
06:38Why did you think you didn't need an attorney at a police station?
06:43Because we didn't do anything wrong.
06:45I mean, this Boyle woman was going to kill me.
06:48And fortunately, Jason was there to stop her.
06:51Yes. Well, as compelling as all that sounds, I'm on Mr. Morgan's retainer.
06:56So I will be defending him.
06:59You are on your own.
07:01Okay, Diane, I would really appreciate it if you could help me with you.
07:06Why should I do that, Jason, even for you?
07:08Because we can prove that everything we're saying is true.
07:15Jagged Kites is dead.
07:18Sonny is the number one suspect.
07:21Robin's going to take this on.
07:23She should hear it from one of us.
07:25I'll call her.
07:27You sure?
07:28It's my job.
07:30I'll be the bad cop on this one.
07:32So, for once, does that make me the good cop?
07:36It makes you the father.
07:40It's Jagger.
07:43Well, John.
07:46He basically lost his way.
07:48Well, that's a nice way of putting it.
07:50I mean, it's one thing to go after Sonny.
07:53But basically, he was torturing Christina, Sonny's daughter, and there was nothing we could do about it.
07:58Plenty of motive for Sonny.
08:01Plenty of opportunity.
08:11Mom, are you here?
08:31Michael, there's something I want to tell you.
08:36Um, okay.
08:39When Drew first got the news about Congressman McConkie, he was very upset.
08:47And it dredged up a lot of feelings about...
08:51Drew was so upset, and I wanted to comfort him, and that's when...
09:03Oh, it's Christina again.
09:06Oh, that was her before? You should answer it.
09:11Hey, Chrissy, everything okay?
09:13No, Michael, I need you to come here, please.
09:15Um, I can't.
09:18No, Michael, I need you to come here, please.
09:20Um, I can't right now.
09:22It's bad, Michael. Please, just come here.
09:24How bad?
09:25I'm missing a gun.
09:29If you trust me so much, Sonny, then why did you blindside me?
09:33Why did you mess up your shirt, and the bed, and Tracy's room, and let everyone believe we had sex?
09:40Because that would account for your whereabouts when Gates was murdered, in a way that everyone would believe.
09:48Carly, if I say you're right, that's admitting that I did it.
09:54We're not married anymore. We don't have spousal privilege.
09:58I can't tell you any details unless, you know, I mean...
10:03You're willing to marry me again.
10:07So, uh, what is this about a gun?
10:11I had the gun. I had it, and now it's gone.
10:14Okay, whose gun is this, and what were you doing with it?
10:16This is bad, Michael. This is really bad.
10:18I had the gun in my bag, and I found my bag, but the gun is gone.
10:21Wait, is it possible your mom might have moved the bag, and she found the gun?
10:25I don't know. I hope so.
10:30Pick up. Pick up. I can pick up.
10:34Damn it, where are you?
10:37Diane, you've got to call me back.
10:40I have a client who may or may not have violated bail, and you've got to call me back.
10:47You've got five minutes. Five minutes.
10:48And if you don't, I'm going to have to make this decision by myself.
10:52Diane, please call me back. Please.
10:56Agent Cates insisted that I amend my statement and state that Christina Carinthos Davis tried to kill me.
11:06While I was there, you appeared to be speaking of your own free will.
11:10Well, I wasn't. I was being coerced.
11:15Cates wanted leverage against Sonny, and if he had to sacrifice me to achieve that, so be it.
11:22And then what happened?
11:23Cates knew that I had reservations. He was afraid that I would recant.
11:29So he put me in a hotel room with Agent Boyle, made me believe that I was in protective custody.
11:36But when she stepped out of the room, I found a wad of cash in her bag, and knew pretty quickly she was not an agent at all.
11:43And why do you think Cates was trying to mislead you on Boyle's identity?
11:48Well, once he got what he wanted from me, I was a liability, right?
11:52So Boyle put me in her car. She was headed out to the Pine Barrens.
11:58At one point, I fought her for the wheel. We swerved.
12:03She hit someone with her car, and she didn't stop.
12:08We reached the Pine Barrens, and I think Jason can take it from there.
12:13Yeah, I called 911 for the guy they hit. I went to the Pine Barrens. I found them not far from Boyle's car.
12:20We were able to disarm Boyle, and then I called the cops.
12:24That's it? That's all you've got to say?
12:28That's all there is to say.
12:34So when I got the news about my conky, it really shook me up.
12:41And it just seems so silly coming out of my mouth right now.
12:45Well, say it out loud anyway.
12:47Well, I just started thinking about my father, how I never knew my father, Alan.
12:54How I never really had a father. I never had a father figure whatsoever.
12:57And I just kind of got all these motions came up, and then...
13:03Willow was there when I found out, and she was there for me.
13:11Now, when you say Willow was there for you...
13:14Willow and I kissed.
13:18Willow and I kissed.
13:40I'm gonna be really clear. I'm not marrying you again.
13:44Well, I guess that's settled.
13:47It's not settled, Sonny, because we still have to deal with the federal murder investigation.
13:52Well, at least the FBI will be coming after me and not using my daughter.
13:58I'm gonna be in the crosshairs. No one else.
14:02No one else except for your alibi, and that's me.
14:05I'm sorry about that.
14:07But you gotta admit, us working together tonight, it just seemed like old times.
14:18We took statements from the Quartermain family members and others present, including staff.
14:24Sonny might be hard to nail down.
14:26I guess the Teflon hasn't quite worn off the dun just yet.
14:30Yeah, well, take this statement for example.
14:33Cody was in the stables, which is well within earshot of the boathouse, and he didn't hear a thing.
14:41I silenced her on a stormy night. Might be hard to hear.
14:47What are you thinking?
14:51It took Cody a year to come to you and tell you that you were his father.
14:58And that hardly makes for a reliable witness.
15:03Okay, what is this gonna cost?
15:05Just an answer. Why is this John Doe so important to you?
15:11Well, if he has a family, they need to know what happened to him.
15:16I'm sure that's part of it, but not all.
15:19All right, you got me.
15:22It was the way this guy was injured. He ran out in front of a car on a road that gets almost no traffic.
15:30You think he's being chased?
15:32Well, a good investigator doesn't lock into a theory the first night, but yeah, I do.
15:40I do think he was being chased.
15:42You say don't you? Being an investigator?
15:48Ever think about going back to police work?
15:53What about you? You ever think about going back to what you did before?
15:58How do you know what I did before?
16:01You're right. I don't.
16:05Are you ever gonna tell me?
16:09So, insomnia. What's keeping you up?
16:14You care about my well-being?
16:17No. It's a distraction tactic. Just saying.
16:24There's only one reason that would cost me any sleep. Women.
16:30And in this case, an exceptional one.
16:33Yeah? Exceptional how?
16:37Well, we met at the tables in Monte Carlo. She has beauty, charm, elegance.
16:45The kind of woman you'd never forget.
16:49You okay?
17:06Been there, my friend.
17:09Thinking about a lady of your own?
17:12I doubt she's ever been to Monte Carlo, but with her beauty, she'd fit right in.
17:18Yeah, my lady's what I'd call a winner.
17:23You mean like this?
17:27More like this.
17:37You have put me in quite the pickle, Jason, having to defend Ms. Jerome for even one night.
17:44Eve is innocent. This time.
17:47Well, thank you, Jason. And thank you, Diane, for your services.
17:53Commissioner, what happens after I leave here tonight?
17:58Boyle was working for Kate's, and he is not going to stop until I'm dead.
18:03I don't think you have to worry about that anymore.
18:09I just feel awful. I mean, Michael is my nephew.
18:13Willow's his wife, the mother of his kids, this position that puts her... an emotional moment that got out of hand.
18:25But it's more than that.
18:28It's... Willow and I have...
18:32We've been getting closer these last few months.
18:36And there's...
18:39There's an attraction, and...
18:43It's only getting stronger.
19:09Okay, first you need to start at the beginning. Where did you get the gun?
19:12It was one of Dad's. I grabbed Mom's keys, I went over to Dad's, and I took his gun.
19:17And then I went to my daughter's grave, and I don't know, Michael, maybe it fell out of my bag into the car or something.
19:23I honestly, I have no idea where this gun might be.
19:26Christine, you're starting in the middle here. You need to tell me, why did you need the gun?
19:31To get justice.
19:42What's up?
20:13Did you use the gun? Did you shoot somebody?
20:16No, but I wanted to.
20:19Two people, actually. Ava and Agent Cates.
20:21Only I didn't know where to find Ava, and I knew exactly where to find Agent Cates.
20:24He was at the quartermaids.
20:25How did you know that?
20:26Because I overheard him saying it to Anna Devane.
20:28He was at the police station. He arrested me again.
20:31He's charging me with killing my baby. Can you believe that?
20:34He is so cruel.
20:38Agent Cates is dead.
20:40He startled me.
20:42Didn't expect to see you here. Hi.
20:44How are you?
20:46Hi, Alexis.
20:47Hey, Rick.
20:49Look at you. You got two of your three ex-wives on the bridge.
20:52Yeah, school world.
20:55What brings you out tonight?
20:58To be honest, I was feeling kind of stressed, and I wanted some fresh air and a walk.
21:04I think we just witnessed you littering.
21:07My phone.
21:09You caught me.
21:12It wasn't working.
21:14I tried to make calls. I tried to receive calls.
21:16Wouldn't work.
21:18Turned it off and on. Still didn't work.
21:21Try factory reset?
21:24Nope. Just got frustrated and tossed it.
21:28Kind of wish I hadn't.
21:31Well, here's hoping it...
21:33The new phone is better.
21:35Yeah, me too.
21:37I better go get one.
21:39Your ice cream's melting.
21:41Enjoy your walk, guys.
21:51That look like a phone to you?
21:55That was definitely a gun.
22:00Definitely a gun.
22:03Yes. Cody lied about being my son.
22:06It was wrong.
22:08You think?
22:09And not the best way to start things off.
22:12But I realize life is too short to hold grudges against family.
22:17And Cody saved James' life, so there was that.
22:20Well, it's a good thing you gave him a second chance.
22:23How about you? Are you giving him a second chance?
22:28Why do I care? He's not my kid.
22:31Yeah. You've never been one to cast any stones.
22:35You've forgiven some seriously questionable antics.
22:37You mean Robin?
22:39No, not Robin. Robin is perfect. Always has been, always will be.
22:43What's that got to say?
22:45Yeah, I'm talking about the adults in your life.
22:49One of the two great loves of your life has a pretty colorful past herself.
22:56Agent Cates is dead.
23:00He was shot at the boathouse at the quarter main estate.
23:05Well, good riddance.
23:07But he was going to have that woman kill me.
23:09Speaking of that woman, I had my team check into Agent Boyle, not her real name.
23:14She's not affiliated with the FBI or any law enforcement.
23:18She has quite a checkered past, which brings me to the good news,
23:24which is that we were able to corroborate everything you said.
23:28And both you, Mr. Rome, and Mr. Morgan, you're free to go.
23:34All right. Well, thank you, Anna.
23:37Thank you, Diana and Jason.
23:40Thank you so much for everything.
23:47Jason, a word.
23:50Should I speak to this?
23:54No, it's fine.
23:56I was afraid you'd say that.
24:09I'm proud of you.
24:15You called the police.
24:18Made more sense than the alternative.
24:21It's good to know.
24:23While you're here, what can you tell me about the murder of Special Agent Cates?
24:33You knew Cates was dead all along.
24:35So I bring Diane back in.
24:38Not necessary. I don't know anything about what happened to Cates.
24:43Well, what we both do know is that Cates went bad.
24:47You know, there's nothing worse than an officer of the law using the power of his badge to settle personal scores.
24:56It's not good.
24:58A lot of people in this town wanted him dead.
25:02You and Sonny at the top of that list.
25:05I couldn't have done it.
25:09Establish that beyond a shadow of a doubt.
25:12As a suspect, you're in the clear.
25:16Sonny is not.
25:19They're gonna grill us about this alibi at some point.
25:22We gotta get this one night stand story down pat.
25:28So what happened?
25:30How'd you seduce me this time?
25:33Well, I think what we have to do is, like we say, we were in the mansion and there was no one there.
25:40We saw each other and then things started to heat up, you know?
25:50That's a terrible story. I mean, totally unbelievable.
25:54What do you want? Rose petals and soft music? It's an alibi. You think you can do better?
26:00Be my guest.
26:02Uh, well, we saw each other here in the morning when I dropped the girls off.
26:08And it felt better being around each other than it had in a long time.
26:14And then we ran into each other at the quarter mains.
26:18Incorporating timeline. I like that.
26:20Yeah. And you didn't want to overstay your welcome, given your history with the quarter mains.
26:25So I walked you outside and we were talking and we got caught in the rain.
26:31And then I brought you upstairs to dry off and we kissed.
26:37And it was sweet and nostalgic and we made love.
26:43Something like that.
26:47Gotta admit, I like your version better.
26:52Everyone makes mistakes. You and Willow are only human.
26:56Yeah, I just feel like I'm taking unfair advantage of her gratitude.
27:00What do you mean? You saved her life.
27:03You put your own life in danger to bring her donor back to her.
27:06She didn't just randomly put you on a pedestal.
27:09My man, you legitimately earned it.
27:13I do have to admit, I mean, I like the way it makes me feel, you know, being someone's...
27:18Being someone's hero.
27:21It's cringeworthy when you say it out loud, but the truth is that I admire her.
27:26I admire her as much as she admires me.
27:31Well, at least you both have gotten that admiration out of your system.
27:40Which means, Drew, you can put a stop to this before it goes way too far.
27:49Before today, I might have agreed with you.
27:52But why not now?
27:55The kiss...
27:58I mean, it wasn't just two people getting caught up in a moment.
28:04There are feelings there. There are...
28:06There are real feelings there.
28:10And I can't deny them anymore.
28:13What would Alexis be doing out here, alone at night, getting rid of a gun?
28:19I don't know.
28:21I know Alexis, and I think I do, probably has something to do with one of her donors.
28:26I'm just hoping it's not mine.
28:28Okay, but we don't know what she was doing.
28:32Even so, we clearly saw something that we shouldn't have.
28:39What do you suggest we do about it?
28:43I didn't do it, Michael, I swear.
28:47I wanted to kill Agent Cates, but I didn't. I went to my daughter's grave instead.
28:52Christina, I believe you.
28:56You're sure he's dead?
28:57Yes, the police in the corner came out.
29:00They have already taken his body away.
29:03Then it's over.
29:06Oh, thank God.
29:10I've always worked for security.
29:13Jay, thank you for filling me in.
29:18All right, Jordan.
29:20Military first, then a three-letter agency.
29:24But after that, I became disillusioned.
29:28Let's just say too much power in the wrong hands is a very dangerous thing.
29:32So I decided to freelance.
29:34Choose whom I would work with.
29:37What methods I would want to employ.
29:40If I don't like somebody or the situation, I can always walk away.
29:44So you break laws left and right.
29:47But you have a code.
29:48That's half right.
29:50I have a code.
29:52Also, I have a lot of work to do.
29:54I'm going to ID your guy.
29:56So, regretfully, I have to cut this evening's show.
30:03Well, I will have to make it up to you.
30:07With a real date?
30:09If that's what you want.
30:11Is that what you want?
30:16I really do.
30:18That means I'll make it happen.
30:21I'm sorry.
30:41You know, if you're cheating, I can't see it.
30:44And I can always see it.
30:47I do have a little more to lose than you do.
30:52Any chance we can change the stakes?
30:55Play for my freedom?
30:56Stakes stay the same.
30:59We play until I win and you die.
31:02You know, if I knew that was the situation, I never would have agreed to play.
31:08Well, then you'd already be dead.
31:10And I'd be wandering the compound awake and bored.
31:14This is much more fun.
31:16Is it?
31:18You know, I hate to admit it, but sooner or later I'm going to lose.
31:21That's just basic odds.
31:23Well, then, you'd better find a way to beat those odds.
31:37For Willow, Willow may have feelings for you, but true.
31:42Feelings aren't actions.
31:44Feelings are not a betrayal.
31:47And feelings don't make you a bad person.
31:50I sure don't feel like a good person.
31:53I didn't just mess up, I messed up Willow.
31:56Like, she's in pain because of me.
32:00I'm sure she'll forgive you.
32:02Maybe she shouldn't.
32:04I mean, the worst part is, is she won't forgive herself.
32:09Well, maybe you should forgive yourselves, both of you.
32:13And then you can forgive each other.
32:16But either way, beating yourselves up is only going to make things worse.
32:21Drew, forget it ever happened.
32:27Let it go.
32:30One thing I can't make sure of, acting on my feelings for Willow.
32:36That, that can't happen again.
32:40That won't happen.
33:11Come on.
33:24Let's go.
33:50Thinking of you, babe.
33:52Just sitting here.
33:54I hope you're staying out of trouble.
33:58Call me.
34:03Robert, we need to talk about Special Agent Cates.
34:09He's been abusing my daughter, Christina.
34:12He's prosecuting her.
34:13He's using her as a weapon in his obsession to take Sonny down.
34:18Well, Agent Cates isn't going to be your problem anymore.
34:22He was shot dead tonight.
34:25What did you do when you found Cates?
34:28I called Chase.
34:30I knew he was up at the house.
34:32And while I waited for the police to arrive, Willow and Drew showed up.
34:34They were on their way to the gatehouse.
34:37They must have been really freaked out.
34:39Maybe not for Drew, but Willow, Willow was upset.
34:41I mean, she was shaking.
34:43So while I waited for the police to show up, they, they went to the main house.
34:48And Cates was dead when you found him?
34:52But you didn't see who shot him?
34:58Do you think it was Dad?
35:01No, no.
35:03Look, Agent Cates, he had a lot of enemies, Christina.
35:06I mean, it could have been anyone.
35:12If Sonny didn't do this, he better have a very good alibi.
35:16What about you?
35:19You don't seem to be too broken up.
35:22What I am is thankful that you survived John Cates.
35:28Once upon a time, he was a good man.
35:31He was a good friend to Robin.
35:34I don't know what happened to him.
35:38Whatever was worth saving in John was gone a long time ago.
35:43Nevertheless, Jason, he was an FBI agent.
35:48So when we find his killer, they will go to prison for the rest of their life.
35:56You got everything straight?
35:58Yes, yes, everything is straight, but I do need to get home.
36:01Well, maybe you should stay because it makes the alibi stronger.
36:06I hate that that makes sense to me.
36:10Okay, fine, fine, I will stay.
36:13I'm going to stay in the guest room.
36:26I'm going to stay.
36:45Son of a bitch.
36:51What have you got?
36:56Well, if it isn't the very reason for my insomnia.
37:01Hello, darling.
37:03Oh, is this Poker?
37:06You know I love Poker.
37:08It's our bet.
37:11You simply must deal me in.
37:17What a new hand.
37:26You think that's the key to finding out who he is?
37:28I am going to pursue every avenue of this investigation that I can think of.
37:32Jason's misadventure is the Davis family good fortune.
37:35Is this your idea of a joke?
37:36I'm not going to take this any further than I absolutely have to.
37:38One down, one to go.