• 2 days ago


00:00The month of Eid Mubarak!
00:02Eid Mubarak!
00:03Eid Mubarak to you too!
00:05Smile a little and say it!
00:07Eid Mubarak!
00:08A little more!
00:09Eid Mubarak!
00:11That's it!
00:13O' Prophet, do you know that we have organized a party at our home for the Eid of the Prophet
00:18and we have arranged a party for the Eid of the Prophet.
00:21You must come to that party.
00:23God willing, I will come.
00:25You must come to that party.
00:27God willing, I will come.
00:30The one with light has come.
00:32He has come with light.
00:35O' people, look at the light that has spread.
00:40Peace and blessings be upon you, O' Messenger of Allah.
00:45Peace and blessings be upon you, O' Beloved of Allah.
00:51Glory to Allah!
00:53What is the month of Eid Mubarak?
00:55Spring comes in the season.
00:58Glory to Allah!
01:13Glory to Allah!
01:22O' Messenger of Allah, I have some questions about yesterday's statement.
01:25Can I ask?
01:27Yes, you can ask.
01:28Where did Gabriel put the flags?
01:32One in the east, one in the west, and one on the roof of the Ka'bah.
01:37Glory to Allah!
01:39Our beloved Prophet, peace and blessings be upon him, was born on the 12th of Rabiul Awal.
01:44How should we celebrate this day?
01:47Brother Faisal, the Amir-e-Rasul-Allah says about this day that
01:51we should celebrate this day with love and respect.
01:54We should do a lot of charity.
01:56We should do Niyaz and Fatiha.
01:58And we should recite the Holy Qur'an.
02:01And yes, we should recite the Holy Qur'an on our beloved Prophet, peace and blessings be upon him.
02:06Beloved brothers and sisters, the Amir-e-Rasul-Allah says that
02:10we should at least put 12 flags on our house.
02:15And along with that, we should put a flag on our motorcycle and car as well.
02:21We can't put the flags today.
02:25Today, we have put the flags in the world.
