Surah Al Qamar | Tilawat Al qamar | quran recitation | learn quran |

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Surat Al Qamar
Surat ul qamar


00:00I seek refuge in Allah from the accursed Satan
00:06In the name of Allah, the Beneficent, the Merciful
00:13The Hour is drawing near, and the moon is bright
00:19And if they see a sign, they turn away and say,
00:25There is magic in the air
00:29And they deny and follow their desires
00:36And every matter is settled
00:42And there has come to them from the news
00:50What is in it is full of confusion
00:53A great wisdom, but they died of waiting
01:01So turn away from them
01:04On the Day when the Caller will be called to a terrible thing
01:10Their eyes will be dimmed, they will come out of their graves
01:16As if they were locusts spreading
01:22Rushing to the Caller
01:26The disbelievers will say, This is a difficult Day
01:32The people of Noah denied before them
01:37They denied Our servant, and said, He is crazy and mad
01:44So he called upon his Lord, I am overcome, so take refuge
01:54So We opened the gates of heaven with flowing water
02:05And We caused the earth to burst forth with springs, and the waters met a decree that was decreed
02:17And We carried him on boards, and he was lifted up
02:24Running through Our eyes
02:27As a reward for those who were disbelievers
02:34And We left it as a sign, so who will remember
02:44So how was My punishment and My warning
02:48And We made the Qur'an easy to remember, so who will remember
02:58Aad denied, so how was My punishment and My warning
03:05Indeed, We sent upon them a scorching wind
03:15On a day of continuous calamity
03:21Spreading among the people as if they were strange date palms
03:32So how was My punishment and My warning
03:36And We made the Qur'an easy to remember, so who will remember
03:45Thamud denied the warning
03:49So they said, Is there one of us who will follow him?
04:00Indeed, then we will be in error and dismay
04:08Was the reminder cast upon him from among us?
04:14No, he is a liar, a liar
04:18They will come to know tomorrow who is the most evil liar
04:24Indeed, We will send the she-camel as a trial for them, so watch over them and be patient
04:33And inform them that the water is a division between them
04:43Every drinker is a drunkard
04:47So they called out to their companion, and he came to a circle of fire
04:53So how was My punishment and My warning
04:57Indeed, We sent upon them a single scream, so they were like drunken drunks
05:12And We made the Qur'an easy to remember, so who will remember
05:20The people of Lot denied the warning
05:25Indeed, We sent upon them a storm, except the people of Lot
05:37We saved them by magic, a blessing from Us
05:46Thus do We recompense those who are grateful
05:50And He had already warned them of Our punishment, but they refrained from warning
06:00And they had already turned away from His guest, so We wiped their eyes, so taste My punishment and My warning
06:12And early in the morning there will be a straight punishment, so taste My punishment and My warning
06:26And indeed, We made the Qur'an easy to remember, so who will remember
06:35And indeed, the people of Pharaoh came to see
06:42They denied Our signs, all of them, so We seized them with a mighty, powerful seizure
06:52Are your disbelievers better than those of you, or do you have iniquity in your hearts
07:05Or do they say, We are all equal
07:12The assembly will be defeated and they will turn their backs
07:19Rather, the Hour is their appointment, and the Hour is more beautiful and bitter
07:26Indeed, the criminals will be in error and difficulty
07:34On the Day when they will be dragged into the Fire on their faces, taste what will befall them
07:44Indeed, We have created everything according to a decree
07:50And Our command is only one, like a blink of an eye
08:02And We have certainly destroyed your communities, so is there any who will remember
08:12And everything they did was in waste
08:18And every small and great will be made to stand
08:25Indeed, the righteous will be in gardens and rivers
08:34In a seat of truth near a Sovereign Powerful
08:42Allah Almighty has spoken the truth
