Surah Al Qalam | Tilawat quran pak | quran recitation | Bubak learn quran |

  • 2 months ago
In this video you will hear the recitation of Surah Al-Qalam in a very sweet voice

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Tilawat Surah Al-Qalam
Heart touching Tilawat
Lovely Quran
00:00I seek refuge in Allah from the accursed Satan
00:06In the name of Allah, the Beneficent, the Merciful
00:13The light, and the pen, and all that they conceal
00:19You are not, by the grace of your Lord, mad
00:27And indeed, for you is a reward that is not in vain
00:33And indeed, you are of a great character
00:38So you will see, and they will see
00:42Which of you is the chosen one?
00:46Verily, your Lord knows best those who stray from His way
00:55And He is most knowing of those who are guided
00:59So do not obey the deniers
01:03They wish that you would be humiliated, and they will humiliate you
01:08And do not obey every lowly, lowly person
01:14Humiliated, whoever wills, by Namin
01:23Who has no knowledge of good, a transgressor, a sinner
01:29A transgressor, after that, a sinner
01:34He has wealth and children
01:40When Our verses are recited to him, he says,
01:45The legends of the ancients
01:49We will name him after the Khortoum
01:53Verily, We tried them as We tried the companions of Paradise
02:03When they swore that they would cut it in the morning
02:09And they would not exceed
02:13So a group of your Lord went around it while they were sleeping
02:24And it became like a bed
02:28So they called one another in the morning
02:32That they should be satisfied with your imprisonment, if you are steadfast
02:40So they set out while they were sleeping
02:45That no poor man should enter it this day
02:53And they set out on a battlefield
02:59So when they saw it, they said,
03:05We are certainly astray
03:10Rather, we are deprived
03:14He said, among them, did I not say to you, why do you not glorify?
03:22They said, Glory be to our Lord, indeed we were wrongdoers
03:32So some of them turned to others, blaming each other
03:39They said, Oh, woe to us, indeed we were transgressors
03:48Perhaps our Lord will give us something better than this
03:56Indeed, we are to our Lord pleasing
04:03Such is the punishment
04:06And the punishment of the Hereafter is greater
04:10If they only knew
04:14Indeed, for the righteous among their Lord are gardens of pleasure
04:24So shall We make the Muslims like the criminals?
04:29What is the matter with you? How do you judge?
04:33Or do you have a book in which you study?
04:39Indeed, for you therein is that which you choose
04:45Or do you have oaths upon Us, lasting until the Day of Resurrection?
04:52Indeed, for you is that which you judge
04:57Ask them which of them is aware of that
05:03Or do they have partners? Then let them bring their partners, if they are truthful
05:15On the Day when a leg will be removed and they will be called to prostration, but they will not be able
05:25Their eyes humbled, humiliation will cover them
05:31And they will be called to prostration, and they will be sound
05:38So leave Me and those who deny this hadith
05:44We will cause them to go gradually from where they do not know
05:51And I will give them time. Indeed, My plan is strong
05:57Or do you ask them for a reward, so they are of a burden, burdened?
06:06Or do they have the unseen, so they write?
06:12So be patient for the judgment of your Lord, and do not be like the companion of the fish
06:19When he called out while he was distressed
06:24Had it not been that a favor from his Lord had reached him, he would have been cast into the sea while he was distressed
06:37But his Lord chose him, and He made him of the righteous
06:45And those who disbelieve will almost blind you with their eyes when they hear the reminder and say,
06:57Indeed, he is crazy. And it is nothing but a reminder for the worlds
07:10Allah Almighty has spoken the truth
