• last year
Violent gang wars in El Salvador have earned the central American nation the label of "the most dangerous country in the world". The country's president has come up with a solution - declare a ruthless war on the gangs and lock up their members in the world's biggest and toughest prison. This week Foreign Correspondent goes inside El Salvador’s mega prison, described by critics as a "black hole of human rights".


00:00In El Salvador, a special military operation is being staged for the world.
00:11This is the country's newly built maximum security prison, SECOD.
00:20500 heavily armed soldiers are preparing to greet a convoy of 2,000 prisoners.
00:30These men are gang members, known as Maras.
00:40The crimes of murder, sexual assault and racketeering have wreaked havoc across El
00:51They're being publicly paraded and humiliated.
01:04This is their new home, the world's largest prison.
01:13The El Salvadorian government wants everyone to know it's waging a full-scale war against
01:19these gangs.
01:25They're crammed together in communal cells in a prison big enough to house 40,000 inmates.
01:35This is the government's solution to ending the country's reputation as the most dangerous
01:41nation in the world.
