1960s Lorne Greene (as Ben Cartwright - "Bonanza") PSA Savings Bonds TV commercial

  • 2 days ago
1960s Lorne Greene (as Ben Cartwright - "Bonanza") PSA Savings Bonds TV commercial


00:00This is Lorne Green, and this is a United States savings bond. Looks big, doesn't it?
00:07Well, this one is, but all of them are big in benefits to you and our country.
00:12Bonds can build a new home, pay for education for your children, give you a more comfortable retirement.
00:17And bonds can do even more, like backing up our fighting men in Vietnam.
00:22President Johnson calls United States savings bonds the most important investment any American can make.
00:28Your bank sells savings bonds, so does your company or the payroll savings plan.
00:33And today is a real good day to start to buy bonds regularly.
