Hollyoaks 4th September 2024

  • 2 days ago
Hollyoaks 4th September 2024


00:00You two have got some explaining to do.
00:04It's you! You're just disgusting!
00:06Oi! Get off her!
00:08No, Alice, it was just... Get out of my way!
00:11I don't want you within ten feet of her, do you understand me?
00:14You're going to go home now.
00:15You're going to tell Suzanne you don't go to Hallyuk Tide anymore.
00:19Do you get that?
00:20You took my serious papers.
00:22I'm so sorry, Cindy.
00:24Not as sorry as I am.
00:26Not as sorry as I am.
01:56I told you not to come back. You'd better go, now!
01:58Right, listen, I am not pulling my son out of school
02:01because Frankie's cooked up some fantasy in her head.
02:03He was in my house last night.
02:05He was in Frankie's bedroom threatening her, weren't you?
02:08Who knows? I just wanted her to stop lying.
02:10Well, that was stupid! Now you've just added fuel to the fire!
02:13You know what, you're lucky. Frankie wants me to stay quiet.
02:16I'm not going to let you do that.
02:18I'm not going to let you do that.
02:20I'm not going to let you do that.
02:22I'm not going to let you do that.
02:24I'm not going to let you do that.
02:26I'm going to be quiet.
02:28Right. Well, you're not, are you? Because everybody's looking.
02:30Is everything all right?
02:32Oh, yes. No.
02:34Darren, stop it.
02:36Why don't we all go for a little quiet chat inside?
02:40Thanks for taking him to school, Nancy.
02:44Yeah, everything's fine. I'll speak to you later.
02:48Do you know what? I'm glad you know everything now.
02:50What I never knew about Blue.
02:52This whole time you've been lying to me.
02:54You've hurt people.
02:56Killed people.
02:58Hey, hey, hey.
03:00This is still me.
03:02Still the guy who loves you.
03:04That's not changed.
03:06Yes, it has.
03:08I have been sleeping in a bed
03:10with someone that I don't even know.
03:12I thought that I'd found someone.
03:14I thought that I'd found someone.
03:16I thought that I'd found someone.
03:18I thought that I'd found someone.
03:20I thought that I'd found someone dependable.
03:24That is why I loved you.
03:32Past tense?
03:36Do you think we can just carry on as normal?
03:38You killed Norma.
03:40You took Mercedes' twins.
03:42And I was never going to hurt the Marias.
03:44I just needed Warren to confess to Norma's murder.
03:46He's the reason why Lizzie's gone.
03:48What about Tom?
03:50Yeah, you can't leave him
03:52tied up in his room forever.
03:54He's been there all night.
03:56Your little brother had too much to say.
03:58I'm sorry, but he brought it on himself.
04:00And I've buried Blue once before, okay?
04:02Become a family man.
04:04A good husband, a good father.
04:06Something this big just doesn't stay buried.
04:10I don't think that I can live like this.
04:12Well, I'm sorry, but I'm not letting you go.
04:16I can fix this.
04:22You have lost me.
04:26I hate you.
04:30You don't mean that.
04:32You don't mean that.
04:44Changing schools is not an easy task.
04:48JJ's got his GCSEs this year.
04:50And having to acclimatise to a new school
04:52could hinder his progress.
04:54I don't want to go to a different school.
04:56Plus all his friends are here, and his sister.
04:58The problem is
05:02has been having issues
05:04with his behaviour
05:06over the summer.
05:08And it's been deeply impacting
05:10his sister Frankie, hasn't it?
05:12Well, actually, I would say that's the other way around.
05:16So what would make you comfortable?
05:20I don't know. Maybe Suzanne could drop him off
05:22and pick him up after school.
05:24What if I've got work or things to do?
05:26Oh, and he needs to be off
05:28with the football team as well.
05:30What? You can't do that.
05:32I already can't play for United. Isn't that enough?
05:34Maybe we could discuss...
05:36No, we already discussed this, didn't we?
05:38And we decided it's the right thing to do.
05:40Maybe if I had a clearer idea
05:42of the issue.
05:44It's fine.
05:46I'll quit the team.
05:54All right, Sandy.
05:56How's the trace of those burner phones going?
05:58Any leads on Blue?
06:00Well, there's no address,
06:02but it's been pinged in and around Holyoaks
06:04at all hours. Now, the only way
06:06that's possible is if...
06:08Blue lives here? Yeah.
06:10Cheers, mate. Later.
06:12Who was that?
06:14An old police mate of mine.
06:16Needed some background checks for me.
06:18Oh, jeez, you're not DBS-checking Ethan,
06:20are you?
06:22Now that you mention it, maybe I should.
06:24You've been with Dad for, like, what, ten minutes?
06:26Maybe we should focus on planning Mrs' birthday party
06:28instead of worrying about my love life, yeah?
06:30Is this a lie detector test?
06:32That is my
06:34polygraph machine.
06:38Well, that makes Never Have I Ever a little bit more interesting,
06:40doesn't it? Plus, we'll need an extra seat at the restaurant.
06:42I've invited Ethan.
06:48Are you sure I'm welcome here?
06:50Yeah, of course.
06:52Perfect opportunity for everyone to get to know
06:54each other a little better. Yeah?
06:56Right, come on. You can help me.
07:00Frankie, could I have a word?
07:02Miss, is this about
07:04the meeting you had with my parents earlier?
07:06No, but I did want to check up on you.
07:08Is everything okay?
07:10The team won't win without me.
07:12Everyone knows that.
07:14Hold on, Miss.
07:18Just give me a moment.
07:20Sally Sinclair?
07:22Are you happy?
07:24You've taken everything away from me.
07:26Just leave me alone, JJ.
07:28Look, we have a class going in there today.
07:30If you could please sort it out by at least 3 o'clock
07:32this afternoon, we can move forward.
07:36where are we even running to?
07:38Right, in here. Come on.
07:40Hurry up!
07:46We need to go to the police.
07:48Tom, Dave took on Warren Fox
07:50and won. If he is capable of that,
07:52what good is going to the police going to do?
07:54So what now?
07:56We need to get out of here.
07:58We need to leave the country.
08:00What? Where would we go?
08:02We could go to Jude's in Spain.
08:04She's just opened this new bar. She's got this giant
08:06six-bedroom villa with a pool.
08:08Jude? Last time we saw her,
08:10it didn't go well for either of us.
08:12What is in that bag, Cindy?
08:14Just passports and a few other bits.
08:16You planned this?
08:18Yes! Yes, I have!
08:20So now I'm going to go and get Hilton. You can go and get Steph.
08:22I can't!
08:24Do you think Dave is going to stop?
08:26We are never going to be safe here.
08:28So we need to leave the village today.
08:46You've got what you wanted.
08:48I'm off the team. Lucas Hayes, the captain.
08:50I've got nothing.
08:52You deserve less.
08:54You used to be so proud of me.
08:56It's in the genes, you said.
08:58How could you just
09:00throw me away?
09:04You're totally delusional.
09:06This isn't about you,
09:08OK? It's about Frankie.
09:10You made her home
09:12and live in hell.
09:14She lived in fear.
09:16Scared of going to bed.
09:18Scared of waking up.
09:20And that's all because of you.
09:22I can't even look at you now.
09:24Get out of my sight.
09:26Go on, get out of my sight!
09:44I just wanted to
09:46let you know that
09:48I'm going to be leaving the country for a bit.
09:50Oh, is that why you asked me to bring a passport?
09:52You guys going on holiday or something?
09:54We're going on holiday.
09:56Actually, it's looking like it's going to be more of a long-term thing.
09:58What do you mean?
10:02Steph, could you give me and your dad
10:04a minute to talk, please?
10:08I can't tell you everything right now.
10:10I have to leave today.
10:12Cindy and I, we're going to Spain to stay with Jude.
10:14Whoa. Right, Tom, hold on.
10:16Are you seriously
10:18going to pack up, take our daughter
10:20to another country and not give me a minute to get my head around it?
10:22I am sorry. It's so sudden.
10:24It's sudden for me, too.
10:26But I promise you,
10:28it's for the best.
10:30Well, what about Steph's school? Her friends?
10:32To be fair, Cindy's actually
10:34found a really good school for her.
10:36Which will make new friends.
10:38Tom, I don't...
10:40No, I don't know about this.
10:42Please, Perrie, it is so important that we go.
10:46There's always space for you, you know.
10:48You can come and visit her whenever you want.
10:50Trust me,
10:52it's dangerous to stay.
10:54What's a flight to Spain, eh?
10:56Two and a half hours?
11:00OK, fine,
11:02if you think it's for the best.
11:04Wow, I'm...
11:06I'm really
11:08going to miss you guys.
11:26I saw what happened earlier with Darren. Are you all right?
11:30It's Frankie.
11:32She's gone too far.
11:36I know she lied.
11:38I know that you
11:40didn't push her.
11:42And I'm sorry for going along with that.
11:44But now she's saying stuff about me.
11:46Well, we all know what Frankie's like.
11:48Darren'll come round.
11:50No, he won't.
11:52She's told him that I've hurt her.
11:56She said that I've sexually abused her.
12:00It's just like what happened with you and Jack.
12:02I told her to
12:04stop lying, that it was hurting everybody
12:06else and
12:08that's why me and Mum have moved out.
12:10You know, JJ,
12:12you are her brother.
12:14So an accusation like that,
12:18Everything was fine.
12:20Everything was so perfect.
12:22I just wish she'd leave it like that.
12:24But she just needs his constant
12:28I'll call Darren.
12:30You do believe me though, don't you?
12:32Of course I do.
12:38I tell you what,
12:40why don't you go back
12:42to school and we'll
12:44figure out a plan of how best
12:46to deal with this.
12:50Right, OK.
12:52OK, next question.
12:54Have you ever peed in a swimming pool?
12:56Er, who hasn't?
12:58Well, I don't mind.
13:04I don't know why you're laughing.
13:06He was in the pool too.
13:08I was six.
13:12Happy birthday!
13:14Hey, film again.
13:20It's our first one together.
13:22I wanted to make it special.
13:24I've made some reservations at a restaurant
13:26in town.
13:28Right then.
13:30What's all this?
13:32This is my polygraph machine.
13:34How did you get your hands on one of those anyway, Donny?
13:36It's from Dad's police days.
13:38Police days, is it?
13:40It's er, cool.
13:42Anyone want to go next?
13:44I think Ethan should have a try.
13:52JJ came to see me.
13:56He said he was sorry about
13:58the whole
14:00lying about me pushing Frankie down the stairs
14:06He said some other things too.
14:12What did he say?
14:15I want to know what you know.
14:22Oh, Nancy.
14:26I promised Frankie.
14:30That girl
14:32has suffered enough.
14:34Because of that brother
14:36of hers.
14:38My son.
14:41You know,
14:43she's been terrified for months.
14:45He said
14:47it was all a lie.
14:51But he kept talking.
14:54Kept coming up with excuses.
14:56And I knew something wasn't
15:02He hurt her, didn't he?
15:06And she had to get the morning
15:08after pill. It was because JJ
15:10had raped her.
15:14That's insane.
15:18I've been trying to protect her.
15:22But I don't know what to do.
15:24She doesn't want anyone to know.
15:26She doesn't want her life to change.
15:29But this can't stay buried.
15:33What am I supposed to do?
15:36I'll send my son to prison.
15:38You know, social services
15:40will know what to do.
15:42They will have dealt with this before
15:44they are trained.
15:46We aren't.
15:48We need help.
15:50Frankie needs help.
15:52Please, Nancy.
15:54Don't do this.
15:56But you can't go to the police.
15:58Not until she's ready.
16:00She's got to be able to trust me.
16:02I know.
16:04I know.
16:07I know what we have to do.
16:14Okay, last question.
16:16Am I the hottest girl you've ever
16:18hooked up with?
16:24How did I do?
16:26Tell her the truth.
16:30Look, the boys have been at the restaurant already
16:32I've seen Tom off.
16:34We'd better make a move if we're going to catch up.
16:36Yeah, okay, let me just grab my bag.
16:42I may have had an ulterior motive
16:44for getting you on the machine.
16:46Let me guess, your next question was
16:48what are your intentions with my daughter?
16:50And what are your intentions with my daughter?
16:54Okay, I'm only messing.
16:56You're just a guy.
16:58I mean, it's not like my daughter's
17:00dating a murderer, is it?
17:06Have you ever killed anyone?
17:12Who are you, Ethan?
17:14Look, I admit I've had a bit of a shady past.
17:16Okay, but I would never hurt Vicky.
17:22Are you blue?
17:26Hey, they're coming.
17:28I've just got to give these keys to Uncle Tony.
17:30Go and sit down, we'll be long.
17:34Perry called ahead and told us the news
17:36so we couldn't let you go without saying goodbye.
17:38Where's Tom?
17:40He's just putting the bags in the car.
17:42He wanted me to give you the keys to the cafe.
17:44But we really can't stay, we've got a flight to catch.
17:46What, you can't spend an hour to say goodbye
17:48to some of your closest friends?
17:50Yeah, I'm going to miss you. Why do you need to leave so fast?
17:52Well, it was just a now or never thing.
17:54Jude made us an offer that we can't refuse, so...
17:56Cindy, you haven't committed a crime, have you?
17:58We're not going to find a dead body in the woods, are we?
18:00Is my dad joining you?
18:02Hey, where's Dave?
18:04Um, I don't really want to talk about it,
18:06but we're not together anymore
18:08and we really, really need to go, so...
18:10Cindy, I need to talk.
18:20I love you.
18:22I can't let you leave.
18:24And I can't turn a blind eye to what you've done.
18:26I can't live a lie.
18:28I'm not going to let you go.
18:32Why are you going to stop me?
18:34You're going to kill me.
18:36People are watching.
18:40What about Tom?
18:42Will you go?
18:44When no one says anything.
18:48I don't want him to hurt you, Cindy.
18:50You're all I have left.
18:52Kids, we've got to go.
18:54We are going to miss you all so much,
18:56but we'll be there
18:58to see you off, won't we?
19:20I love you.
19:50I love you.
20:20I love you.
20:50I love you.
21:20I love you.
21:22I love you.
21:24I love you.
21:26I love you.
21:28I love you.
21:30I love you.
21:32I love you.
21:34Take a minute.
21:40Hurry up.
21:42This is Rachel.
21:44She's a social worker.
21:46Who are they?
21:48I don't know.
21:50William's definitely a peace officer, though.
21:54How much more do you want to take away from me?
21:56I knew you'd do this to me!
21:58She's lying! I didn't touch her!
22:00Get off me!
22:02She's a liar! She's lying!
22:04Just stop it!
22:06I didn't do it!
22:08I'm arresting you for assault.
22:10You do not have to say anything,
22:12but it may harm your defence if you do not mention
22:14something that you later rely on in court.