Imprinting and Nose work day 1

  • last week
Imprinting dory to odor and using her nose
00:00So I'm about to do my first free shaping session with Dory
00:05In regards to having the odor in there and the scent to show you the setup. I'll be using
00:12Going to have
00:17Source right there and I'm going to put a couple pieces of kibble in the back here to kind of get her interested and
00:23Start pairing together the idea that the food and the scent
00:28Go together and she'll get rewarded for then after a little bit
00:31I'll pull out that food and just have that odor in there and that's how we'll do the imprinting
00:34I keep the food in a back container and not with this because you don't want the food to get on here and actually
00:40Contaminate your source odor. Okay, so I'm gonna grab the dog and get started
00:53Just gonna start with free shaping this behavior. I just want to show you have her show any
00:58Good girl. So she's showing interest in the box already. She smells the food in there. She's hungry
01:02I just want her to take it just a really quick sniff and
01:08Bring it back. I'm waiting to almost to hear from her and then I mark and I bring her back to me
01:17Don't want to let her paw at it. It needs to be really fast. So she just takes a quick
01:21Sniff and then back to me and we're good
01:30I'll walk her around it a little bit
01:36Good girls, I
01:39Heard her take a big sniff there and that's what made me mark it once again
01:43We're just free shaping this behavior. We're not, you know, sending her or luring her
01:47It's just I want her to naturally go up and smell it and I'll mark and reward back to me for that
01:54There's a couple different ways to do this
01:56You can mark at you can mark at odor or you can mark back at you. I mark back at me
02:01It's just the way I like to do it
02:03And I'm even using a little bit of opposition reflex to let her pull and do it to the box a little bit
02:09Good girls, so I just want to
02:15Go ahead really really fast
02:18Marks and rewards. I don't want to wait too long. She might get frustrated to pass it up
02:21I literally just want to shape the behavior of her face
02:24Sticking on that box right now and taking a sniff and that's it
02:29That wasn't a well-timed mark but her face should have been down I think there's a fly that's distracting her
02:40A girl it's just her face down in it smelling it. That's what I want her to be picking up
02:56Even if you're just shaping this initial behavior of going to this box to smell it is
03:01Even a good start regardless of whether odors in there or not
03:04Good girls, all right
03:15So I think that right there is a good first session couple good hits I hear her sniffing at it
03:19I know she's picking up with the scent in there
03:23Looking at me
03:26Good girls, what we're doing is just connecting these
03:31Good girls
03:32All we're doing is just connecting these scents to being rewarded, right?
03:36You're associating the food with or you're associating the smell and the source with getting rewarded food
03:44Good girls
03:50So next up what I'll do is I will bring a second box out that has nothing in it and I will only
03:57mark and
03:59reward for when
04:01She smells the box with the stuff in it. So she knows it's not just the box
04:07All right
04:09I'm gonna take her to the cold box first and then the
04:12Warm box or the hot box and we'll see if she recognizes
04:19Listen I want it better. I don't think she really sniffed that she kind of just went through the
04:57Yeah, good girls now she's just doing it on her own that's what I like to see
05:02That's the whole point of free shaping is I want her just to go find go find source for me right now
05:09Without having to use commands or lures or anything like that and she's starting to just hunt for food
05:14So that's how I know it's probably time
05:16To call a session soon
05:23Good girls
05:25I'll walk her by this one nothing in there. Good girls. All right
