• last year


00:00♪ Who wants to reach me? Home and away ♪
00:08Perry! Perry, come on, come on. You don't have to do this.
00:11Hey, hey, get out of my way, mate. Come on, mate, get out.
00:13What's your big plan, huh? You gonna put him to work? You gonna get in trouble?
00:15You know it's prison now, not juvie.
00:17People have been letting him down all his life. I just wanted to show him I'm in it for the long haul.
00:21The TPP were gonna call you, but I thought I should come by and talk to you face to face.
00:25They are happy to proceed with prosecuting your father.
00:27But Perry, they're not gonna proceed unless you agree to testify against him.
00:31Proud of you. And like I said, I'll be there right by your side next Thursday, okay? I promise.
00:36I rang the hospital earlier about booking in that scan. They can squeeze it in on Thursday.
00:40I can't make the scan.
00:42Why? So I can hear another excuse? No, I'm good, thank you.
00:46The scan has to be next Thursday. I'll work it out.
00:52Cash, wait a second.
00:54Are you okay? Let's get you sorted, huh?
00:58I am actually stuck in a consulate out of town at the moment.
01:01Love you too.
01:03That easy to lie to her, huh?
01:10Eden, it's a good thing Abby's asleep, okay? Take this as a chance to grab a breather.
01:15Go stretch your legs.
01:17Alright, I'll talk to you soon. Okay, bye.
01:21Oh, hi!
01:30I've really missed you these last couple of days.
01:32I've missed you too. Hey, have you got a second for a coffee?
01:35Yeah. Oh, you do look a bit tired.
01:40Oh, hey. Do you know that your patients must feel so lucky that you travel all the way to them?
01:46Enough work talk. I'm here with my beautiful girlfriend.
01:49Me? How lucky am I? Yes.
01:57You won't have to be in court the whole time.
01:59You'll be called in when it's time for you to testify.
02:01How am I meant to go through it all again with Dad sitting right there?
02:04You can leave straight after if that's what you want.
02:09Harriet, I can't pretend this is going to be easy.
02:12All you can do is stay calm.
02:15All you can do is stay calm and tell the truth.
02:19How about I just leave you for now?
02:22Yeah, okay.
02:23I can pass on your decision to the magistrate and we can reconvene on the details later.
02:29It would be good if you could have Tana here for support next time we talk.
02:33That would be good.
02:34Any questions, you've got my number.
02:38I'm making the finals. It's still a win.
02:40Is it though?
02:42Yeah, it just shows that putting your work out there paid off.
02:45I mean, people noticed you.
02:47Yeah, you're right. It's got carried away.
02:52Can you not mention it to Kirby?
02:55He's going to find out sooner or later.
02:57She'll be upset. She really thought I was going to win.
03:06Oh, what are you two looking so serious about?
03:08Oh, I was just saying, Amali, Flamin' Snappers aren't biting.
03:13Oh, I mean, that's devastating.
03:18You didn't have to walk me the whole way home.
03:20No, I wanted to. I haven't caught up in ages.
03:22Yeah, I'm sure you've got places to be.
03:24How are you doing?
03:26Um, I don't know. Life goes on.
03:31And you and Eden?
03:35Cash, what's going on?
03:36I don't really want to get into it.
03:38I'm sorry that things are tough right now.
03:40No, no, stop, stop. You don't have to worry about me, eh?
03:42Well, stop telling me what to do.
03:47Did I interrupt you and Tana before?
03:49No, you didn't.
03:52Seeing us together must be strange, right?
03:55We can talk about it.
03:56How did you get so...
04:00Fine, if you're not going to talk, I'm going to talk.
04:02Oh, wow. What a surprise.
04:03Hey, you might be Mr Stoic, but some of us need friends to unload their problems on.
04:08You have problems?
04:09I accidentally fell pregnant to my personal trainer. What do you think?
04:18Where have you been?
04:19I was just with Harper. Had a go at throws.
04:22Not good?
04:23So much for having my back.
04:24And being there when you're supposed to be.
04:26You can't even answer your phone.
04:28Well, I'm here now, so talk to me.
04:29What's the point?
04:30What's the point?
04:31I'm sorry, I wanted to answer your call, but Harper just has a lot on her plate at the moment.
04:35Great. Baby's not even here yet and you're already ditching me.
04:38Hey, that's enough. Okay?
04:40Now, I'm doing my best here.
04:42I'm sorry. I'm just freaked out.
04:45Yes, I know. But you've got to understand that more than one person needs me right now.
04:54Sorry about the mess.
04:57Oh, it's fine.
05:00I think I've got a clean glass, if you want.
05:07So, you must have questions about the pregnancy.
05:12Hey, we don't have to do that.
05:13Look, I might be hormonal. I'm panicking, but I'm still me. I'm an open book, so come on.
05:23Okay, um, how did you and Tanya go from being just friends to having a baby?
05:31We both thought Tanya was going to prison and it just happened.
05:36And that's it?
05:37That's it.
05:41Tanya wanted to be a father so badly it wrecked his marriage to my sister.
05:45We're not a couple. This isn't some great romance.
05:49Okay. What is it?
05:54We're co-parents, I guess.
05:56Are you happy?
06:01Is this how I pictured starting a family? No.
06:07But I'm going to be a mum.
06:09Yeah, you are.
06:12I'd kind of like your blessing.
06:17Because I want you to be a part of our lives.
06:20I'd love that.
06:24I really would.
06:29You're crying.
06:30Shut up. I'm pregnant.
06:33What's all this? You're going somewhere.
06:35Yeah, I was.
06:37I don't think I'm going to have time anymore. I've got too much stuff going on with Saul.
06:41So you're moving on without moving.
06:47Another four of those and you might actually start to feel human.
06:51As a cardiothoracic surgeon, I can't endorse that.
06:59No. No, no, no. Don't tell me.
07:03I need to check on a patient.
07:04Oh, come on. You only just got back.
07:08Okay, don't worry. I know I'm being selfish.
07:10I will make it up to you, though.
07:11Yeah, you better. I have work to do anyway, so you can go and be stupid after.
07:18Hello. Hey. How's Abigail doing? I heard she was back.
07:22I can't talk right now.
07:24I actually have to go.
07:25Okay, no worries. I'll check in with you later.
07:28Hey. What does Kirby know that I don't?
07:31What do you mean?
07:33Well, last I heard, Abigail was missing.
07:36Did she get in contact with you?
07:39She did.
07:40This patient that you just have to attend to wouldn't happen to be Abigail, would it?
07:45How are you not checking your phone every five seconds
07:47to see if they've made the announcement?
07:49It's called self-discipline. You should try it sometime.
07:55You rule.
07:57No phones while you're working.
07:58You could have already won and not even know it.
08:00Or lost.
08:01Marley, don't be like that. You know you've got this in the bag.
08:06Should we go?
08:07Yeah, let's go.
08:08Or lost.
08:09Marley, don't be like that. You know you've got this in the bag.
08:14Still no word?
08:16I have a lesson to run.
08:22I think his nerves are getting the better of him again.
08:28Bro said I should just stay calm in court and not focus on Dad.
08:32Easier said than done.
08:33Yeah, you're telling me. At least you'll be there.
08:36Yeah, look, we need to talk about that.
08:38Tarnet, have you got a moment?
08:40We can talk about it later.
08:44Is that all yours?
08:47Is he OK?
08:48Nah, he's just working some stuff out.
08:50What type of stuff?
08:51He'll be fine.
08:52Listen, I will sort out next Thursday, OK?
08:55I just haven't had a chance to yet.
08:58It means a lot to me.
08:59In case you didn't notice by the freak-out.
09:01Nah, it's alright. I get it.
09:03Now, how'd it go with Cash?
09:05He's just there in that whole house on his own.
09:08It's nothing but his memories.
09:10It's really awful.
09:17It's been a rough couple of days.
09:20She's stable now. Eden's with her at the motel.
09:28This silence is worse than you just yelling at me, so...
09:32You know, it's not just the fact that you lied.
09:35Which, by the way, is becoming a habit for you.
09:38That's hardly...
09:39The worst part is, I just feel really stupid.
09:45Like here I was, praising you for your hard work and your dedication to your patients.
09:50What was I meant to do?
09:52You'd made your judgement of Abby pretty clear.
09:54I knew that you wouldn't approve.
09:55My judgement?
09:56Oh, you know what I mean.
09:57You practically begged me for my opinion when Abigail went missing.
10:00Okay, that's not...
10:01And I gave it to you, because I was looking out for you.
10:03And now that you've lied, you're deciding to throw that back in my face.
10:09Wow. Okay.
10:14You know what, you should get back to your sisters, because I've got a restaurant to run.
10:17Hey, hey, hey.
10:20You have every right to be mad.
10:21Oh, good. We agree.
10:22I know I made a mistake, but I am not leaving here until I've made things right.
10:32Get in here.
10:39What's up?
10:40This came for you. A courier dropped it in earlier.
10:43I think it's your painting.
10:55What's that?
10:56Nah, it's nothing.
11:01Certificate of commendation?
11:04Mate, you ought to be really proud of that.
11:09Can I just leave this here until later?
11:11Why don't you just tell Kirby, eh?
11:13The cat's well and truly out of the bag.
11:15She's going to find out sooner or later.
11:17I will. Just...
11:19Not right now.
11:21Mate, I don't want a tongue lashing from her over this.
11:24Just sort it out, eh?
11:35I've heard back about the competition.
11:39Is this one of those moments where you psych me out
11:41into thinking that you didn't win, but you actually did?
11:44This is one of those moments where...
11:48I just didn't win.
11:51You got a commendation?
11:53Marley, that's huge!
11:55Come off it.
11:57This is amazing.
11:58You're a finalist on your first try.
12:00That's a massive deal.
12:02Isn't it...
12:04kind of embarrassing?
12:06Not at all.
12:07Mate, you killed it.
12:09Come here!
12:12Oh, congratulations.
12:17Door's open.
12:21So, uh...
12:24Harper's worried about you.
12:27Is she right to be?
12:32Yeah, I miss her too.
12:37Must be pretty lonely living here on your own.
12:40I'll get you a swig.
12:43Well, I was thinking,
12:45you know,
12:46I'll get you a swig.
12:49Well, I was thinking,
12:51maybe I can move back in.
12:58Would you want that?
13:01You and I need somewhere to be, and...
13:04this is a good fit.
13:07Don't know if that works for you.
13:24Want some help?
13:26Pretty sure you shouldn't be lifting gym equipment.
13:28I'll live.
13:29You're going through a lot at the moment, huh?
13:34Come on.
13:35Today's my day of forcing people to be honest.
13:37Help me out or my average goes down.
13:42Tanya tell you that I'm testifying against my dad?
13:45No, he didn't. That's full on.
13:47I don't know what I'm going to do.
13:49Well, you won't be alone. Tanya will be there with you.
13:53It's not that I'm backing out.
13:54It's just, if I stuff up, dad walks free.
13:57Well, if you're worried about it,
13:58we could go through your statements together.
14:00Get you feeling a bit more confident.
14:02Yeah, maybe.
14:06It's Tanya. I should call him back.
14:07Yeah, go ahead.
14:11Perry, how long do we have to prepare for court?
14:13It's next Thursday.
14:32Sorry about the wait.
14:33It's all good. You alright? Bad day?
14:35Oh, you have no idea.
14:38Can we grab just a few minutes to talk?
14:40You know that table is for paying customers only, right?
14:43Then I'll take your finest order.
14:45That is not as cute as you think it is right now.
14:47Can you just hear me out?
14:48I don't have time, Levi. You messed up, so just deal with it.
14:59I was going to stop by to check on you.
15:00It's good to see you.
15:01Yeah, it's good to see you too.
15:02I think things are starting to fall into place.
15:04Does it?
15:05Yeah, things are starting to fall into place.
15:07Does that mean you're going to be heading back to Mangrove River Station soon?
15:09No, no. Taking care of salt is my priority right now.
15:12Like Flick would have wanted.
15:14I've got to get moving, yeah?
15:15Okay. See ya.
15:16See ya.
15:20Hey, hey. I've been going through our list of supplies and I reckon I've come up with a few ideas on how we can cut costs.
15:24Oh, I don't really have time right now.
15:26Well, I can wait.
15:28Do you want me to jump on the floor?
15:30No, I can't train you right now. I'm too short staff, Cash.
15:32Okay, well I can jump behind the bar if you like. You can sit down and have a read over my notes.
15:36No, Cash. You can't jump behind the bar because you don't have an RSA.
15:40Fair enough.
15:41Uh, okay. I will stock the shelves.
15:46Yeah, sure.
15:53Shoes off. That's how we do it in this house.
15:55Oh, okay.
15:58Cash said he'd clean up. He really meant it.
16:02Which room is mine?
16:08I'll take that one. Yours is just over there.
16:12Sweet ass.
16:19Hey, I'm gonna go check out the back.
16:27So, why didn't you tell me about his court date? Perry mentioned it.
16:34Well, I didn't want to put more on your plate and I did say you and the baby would be my focus.
16:39I can move the appointment.
16:42Yeah. Perry testifying against his father, that's huge.
16:47He'll need you.
16:50Are you sure?
16:51When you said you had plans, I thought you were just going camping again or something.
16:55I should have given you a chance to explain.
16:58Well, you and the baby are my family now, so that's my priority.
17:05Even if I'm a scary pregnant lady?
17:07Hey, those are your words, not mine.
17:10Well, from now on, I'll try and give you the benefit of the doubt.
17:14You try and communicate better. Deal?
17:19I can try.
17:20Tonic, get out here!
17:22You didn't tell me this place has a pool.
17:25Is that such a big deal?
17:26Yes, right?
17:28Huge deal.
17:29So, are we getting in or what?
17:32What, right now? In my clothes?
17:36Why not?
17:45Okay, what do you want me to do?
17:47Look, why don't you just go and clear some tables, okay, and get away from the bar. Thank you.
17:59Eden told me what happened.
18:01Did she?
18:03Yeah. I don't really understand what's behind the decision.
18:05Well, I don't expect you to understand, but...
18:09I'm glad you and her are talking again.
18:11Yeah, me too.
18:13Sorry, Cash, you need to get away from behind the bar.
18:15You do not have an RSA, so technically, it's illegal.
18:18Okay, let's just stop that right there.
18:19If you want me to get an RSA, I'm going to go get an RSA,
18:21but please do not lecture me about what is and isn't legal.
18:24I am perfectly within my rights to be back here as long as I'm not serving alcohol.
18:27Let's all just take a break.
18:28Stay out of it.
18:29Why are you here?
18:30Excuse me?
18:31You don't know who I am, do you?
18:32I don't know who you are.
18:33I don't know who you are.
18:34I don't know who you are.
18:35I don't know who you are.
18:36I don't know who you are.
18:37I don't know who you are.
18:38I don't know who you are.
18:39Why are you here?
18:40Excuse me?
18:41You don't know the first thing about running a restaurant, Cash.
18:44If you're angry at me, just be angry at me.
18:45Can everyone who doesn't work here please stop telling me what to do?
18:48Thank you so much.
18:49Mac, I'm trying to help.
18:50I don't want your help, Cash.
18:51I don't want you to be here.
18:56Think about what you're doing right now.
19:10Don't say it.
19:11I will apologise.
19:12I just need a second.
19:17Where'd that come from?
19:19I might have been harsh, but I wasn't wrong.
19:21It was bad enough when Cash was doing all this from home.
19:23I just, I can't have him here like this.
19:25I cannot cope with him under my feet.
19:27He's just trying to help.
19:28No, he's not, Levi.
19:30He's trying to find a problem that he can fix.
19:33Maybe talk to him about it.
19:34Oh, yeah.
19:36Because that seems to be working out so well for me today.
19:38Don't do that, please.
19:40You were the one blocking me.
19:41I was trying to fix things.
19:42Right, yeah.
19:43Of course.
19:44Of course.
19:48You know what?
19:49It's clear.
19:50I'm making things worse.
19:51I'm just going to go back to the motel.
19:53Off you go.
20:05It's me, the jerk.
20:08I was angry at Levi and I took it out on you.
20:11And I'm really sorry.
20:14It wasn't professional or kind or fair.
20:19We both miss Felicity.
20:24And for the record, you know, I think you're going to make an excellent silent partner.
20:34I mean, Cash, I know you've got good intentions, but you're a cop.
20:37This isn't your world.
20:38But we can absolutely make it work.
20:40Maybe if you're just a little bit more hands off and trust me to run the business.
20:48Right, well, I don't know that much about running a business.
20:52But this was my sister's restaurant.
20:54This is the thing that she was the most proud of.
20:56Of course, I get that.
20:57You don't.
20:58And you clearly don't know me very well.
21:02I will not be pushed away from this.
21:08Good morning.
21:10I forgot you lived here.
21:11Oh, my morning got so much better for seeing you.
21:14How can I live here with him?
21:15Hold on, hold on.
21:16She's moving in.
21:17Remy, please.
21:18She needs somewhere to stay.
21:19There's absolutely no way that I'm living with you.
21:22Works for me.
21:23Why does she hate you so much?
21:24She hates Kirby, too.
21:25She must have done something.
21:26Trust me, we are not the problem.
21:29Where are you going to go?
21:30I don't care.
21:31I can't stay with him.
21:34What did he do?
21:37I don't know.