The annual Isle of Man Football Writers Awards 2024
00:00If we're all ready, we will present the first award.
00:04First of all, I'd like to say thanks very much for coming,
00:07and also I'd like to thank those members who are here who were members of the panel,
00:12and there are several of them,
00:14because without the members of the panel, we wouldn't have points for the players,
00:19and we wouldn't have these awards to present, because we wouldn't have a winner.
00:23But we have.
00:25What I've done, just to add something a bit different to it,
00:29I'm going to announce three persons for each award,
00:35who were candidates and could well have won it.
00:39And then the winner will be announced by the person making the presentation.
00:45So it's going to work as simple as that.
00:48So here we go, the first award is for the under-21, or Young Player of the Year,
00:58and the presentation will take place and will be done by Tom Kerfield,
01:06from Alabama Newspapers.
01:08So Tom,
01:13is that the first time you've received a round of applause?
01:16It is.
01:19You never know, you might win one at some point.
01:24Anyway, Tom, the Young Player of the Year is...
01:29Oh, sorry, I'll tell you who the candidate is.
01:39I know how it works, but I can't do it.
01:43The players who have scored most points in this section are
01:52Thomas Brown of Peel,
01:54Harley Jackson of Douglas Royal,
01:57and Therese Thompson of St. Mary's.
02:01And the winner of the award is...
02:04Thomas Brown.
02:13Congrats, Tom, thank you very much.
02:15Well done, well done.
02:19Oh yes, I need to get a helmet.
02:21Do you want this one?
02:22Yeah, yeah, well, yeah.
02:23Do you want to hold that one?
02:24It's good for you, isn't it?
02:31Well done, Tom.
02:33Well done.
02:38Right, the second award tonight is the Goalkeeper of the Year,
02:43and to present the award is the man who came up with the idea
02:47of having a goalkeeper's award.
02:49It's Alf Rivi.
02:57And the leading scorers in this particular section,
03:00Harry Callen of Bramham,
03:03Alex Haddock of St. John's,
03:06and James Rice of Ramsey.
03:09And the winner is...
03:12James Rice.
03:21Well done, James.
03:23There you go now.
03:26I've probably got this now.
03:28See if I can write it.
03:33Well done, Royce.
03:41Right, so the third award tonight goes to a very important person,
03:46the Referee of the Year.
03:49And the leading contenders for this award were Stuart Lean,
03:54Andy Lodge,
03:56and Rob Slinger.
04:00And the man who was making the presentation, hopefully,
04:04is Mr. Andy Dalrymple.
04:16To roll?
04:17The winner is Andy Lodge.
04:19Right, so Andy...
04:22Massey will leave you.
04:26Andy, unfortunately, is away.
04:31So Mr. Kevin Maitland, if one or two of you might know,
04:36received the award on his behalf.
04:44Just let me say a few words.
04:46Oh, you say a few words.
04:48Don't worry, we'll keep you on that.
04:49On behalf of Andy, can I thank everybody concerned.
04:54I know the players like this particular awards ceremony,
04:58and certainly the referees do as well,
05:01and they do appreciate it.
05:03So to all who make the effort to get referees involved,
05:06thank you very much.
05:07Obviously, Andy has won this many, many times,
05:10and that's to say the reason why he's won it,
05:13because he probably is still one of the best referees on the Isle of Man,
05:16and he's continuing to referee this season, which I'm delighted about.
05:19Hopefully, you're all going to have referees this season.
05:22It is going to be tough,
05:24but I know there's one or two extras coming in,
05:28so hopefully you won't have a problem,
05:29but it is another tough season for you guys,
05:31so just bear in mind,
05:32you probably won't have assistance for the majority of the season,
05:34or at least you're going to get a referee,
05:36but thanks on behalf of Andy.
05:44Right, moving on now to the fourth award,
05:47and that goes, once again, to a very important person in the club.
05:52It's the Manager of the Year,
05:56and the three key contenders were
06:00Danny Bell of Peel,
06:02Anthony Cooper of Ramsey,
06:05and Nick Hurt of Air United,
06:08and to make the presentation
06:11is a man who's twice been an FA Cup winner in his day.
06:17It's Mr. Colin McGee.
06:23And the winner is...
06:25Danny... Oh, no, it's not, it's Nick Hurt.
06:31That'll be the first thing you hear.
07:04Right, the final award tonight
07:07is the Player of the Year,
07:11and the winner collects the Gordon Clegg Memorial Trophy.
07:16Now, anyone who doesn't know who Gordon was,
07:20he was an original member of the panel,
07:23which started in 2006,
07:25but sadly passed away three years later,
07:28and Trish, his wife, donated this trophy in his memory.
07:33Now, unfortunately, Trish can't be here,
07:36she's away visiting somebody,
07:38but her brother, Ron,
07:40Ronan, who was an outstanding footballer
07:44for Castletown and the Isle of Man a few years ago,
07:48has been invited to present the trophy on her behalf.
07:54So, Ron, if you could come forward,
07:57and I will tell you...
08:02..that the three leading contenders for the trophy
08:07were Luke Doherty of Peel,
08:10Lee Gale of Peel,
08:13and Danny Oram of Air United.
08:17And the winner is...
08:19Lee Gale.