PT Metropolitan Land Tbk (MTLA) optimistis penjualan properti miliknya tetap tinggi, di paruh kedua tahun ini. Optimistis tersebut, menyusul telah diperpanjangnya insentif pajak pertambahan nilai ditanggung pemerintah hingga Desember 2024.
00:00BTE Metropolitan Land Tbk Optimistis' property sales are still high in the second half of this year.
00:11The optimism has been fueled by the extension of the increase in the government's value-added tax incentive until December 2024.
00:19BTE Metropolitan Land Tbk Optimistis' property sales are still high in the second half of this year.
00:29The optimism has been fueled by the extension of the increase in the government's value-added tax incentive until December 2024.
00:36This incentive is considered as the main driving force in increasing people's purchasing power for properties, especially apartments.
00:43BTE Metropolitan Land Tbk Optimistis' property sales are still high in the second half of this year.
00:44BTE Metropolitan Land Tbk Optimistis' property sales are still high in the second half of this year.
00:49This incentive not only relieves the burden of buyers, but also gives a significant boost to developers in marketing their property products.
00:58Until now, home purchases are pushed by the PPN DTP incentive, with the extension of the PPN DTP stimulus back to 100%.
01:05BTE Metropolitan Land Tbk Optimistis' property sales are still high in the second half of this year.
01:11BTE Metropolitan Land Tbk Optimistis' property sales are still high in the second half of this year.
01:18Until the first semester of 2024, MTLA managed to reach a marketing sale of Rp 914 billion, which reflects an 8% increase compared to the same period last year.
01:29The increase shows a stable demand in the property market, although the national economy is facing challenges.
01:38In the second semester of 2024, MTLA continues to develop its home project by launching several new products in various market segments.
01:45MTLA also notes an increase in property sales prices, especially households, which is largely due to an increase in building material prices and inflation trends.
01:55This increase in sales is due to the continuous development of the area carried out by MTLA to increase the added value of the offered property.