Allah Ko Kis Ne Banaya Khuda Ka Wajood Kesy Howa Birth Of Allah. Islamic & informative channel

  • 3 weeks ago
Islamic and informative video
00:00In the name of God, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful.
00:06Peace and blessings of God be upon you.
00:09I am Jameel Ahmed Jami.
00:11Certainly, all praise is for God.
00:14We praise Him.
00:17We ask for His help.
00:19I bear witness that there is no God but God.
00:24Ladies and gentlemen, in the world where there are many religions,
00:27the common value of those religions is that all of them believe in a universal God and a superior being,
00:34who is absolute and universal.
00:38Although the word God seems to be a general concept,
00:41however, if we study the concept of God in different religions,
00:46we find that this word has gone through a long process of evolution in different eras.
00:53Therefore, in the case of human beings, the basic concept of God,
00:57and then the stage of evolution,
00:59and finally, this word reaches the stage of oneness of God and completes its meaning.
01:05Since religion is a spiritual need of man,
01:08and what man observes in reference to God,
01:11its effect directly affects his character, behavior, morals, and society.
01:16For this reason, no religion has been able to completely ignore the elements of religion.
01:22And neither do we see such a civilization in history
01:25that has completely disappeared from religion and reached the peak.
01:29So, in the development of any society, religion and religious views play a very fundamental role.
01:36Therefore, in relation to religion, the center of all human activities is the concept of God.
01:41For this reason, in today's video, we will analyze the beliefs of different religions in this regard,
01:47and we will tell you what are the views of God of different religions.
01:51And what stages did the word God go through?
01:54What is its history?
01:56The video is very important and informative,
01:58so please stay with us until the end without skipping the video.
02:02First of all, let's talk about the ancient Babylonians.
02:05The Babylonians had different kinds of views about God.
02:09The Babylonians were of the opinion of polytheism in relation to God.
02:13However, they had different levels of God.
02:16Therefore, they were of the opinion of monotheism instead of monotheism.
02:20But they gave some individual status to the gods.
02:23But at the same time, they also believed in other gods.
02:26The gods of the Babylonians generally had different manifestations of the universe,
02:31of which the gods of the heavenly manifestations had a high rank.
02:36Therefore, the god of the stars, Anu, had a real concept of the universe.
02:41The second rank is of the gods related to the atmosphere and the winds.
02:46Therefore, Anil, who was a god related to the atmosphere,
02:50was ranked second after Anu.
02:53After that, the earth was the rank of the gods.
02:56Therefore, Anki, the leader of the earth,
02:58who was the owner of wisdom and wisdom and the power of creation,
03:01was ranked third.
03:03In addition to this, Anu's son Ashtar and Qamar,
03:06the moon, were considered to be his father's assistants in running the affairs of the universe.
03:11According to the Babylonians, Anki gave birth to man from water and earth
03:16and breathed the spirit of life into him.
03:19And Anki also asked his son Marduk for help in the creation of man.
03:24Similarly, the moon was also considered to be a god among them.
03:27Therefore, people worshipped the moon in the areas of the Arabian Peninsula and Syria.
03:32In addition to this, there were many other gods of the Babylonians,
03:35whose number is more than 4,000 according to religion.
03:39Therefore, it is written that the number of the Babylonian gods reaches up to 4,000.
03:45And apart from them, there were many devils and jinn who were the companions of those gods.
03:50Among the Babylonians was Otu, the sun, the god of justice and the god of truth.
03:56And among the Sumerians, this was the same god,
03:59who had inspired their laws on Hammurabi.
04:03The Babylonian people respected their gods very much,
04:07they were always afraid of them.
04:09Therefore, the famous Babylonian king Ashur, after making the statues of his gods,
04:14prayed in front of them like this,
04:16O my gods, I am certainly very afraid of you.
04:20Give me a long life and pleasure of the heart.
04:23Thus, the concept of the Babylonian people in relation to God
04:26begins with chivalry and ends with idolatry.
04:30The Babylonian people seem to be more of an individual than a monotheist in relation to God.
04:35In addition to this, some of their gods were considered to be the creators of evil,
04:40and some of the creators of both good and evil were imagined.
04:44In ancient times, the people of Egypt were the most religious.
04:48Therefore, all their activities and religion in everyday life
04:53had a lot of interference in religious concepts.
04:56Therefore, they can also be seen worshipping in front of a deity
05:00in the imaginary images of the experts of the ancient texts.
05:03Similarly, the manuscripts and books attributed to them
05:07are also a collection of a few religious books.
05:10Egyptian religious history has a special status for this reason
05:14because that nation adopted different kinds of religious theories in different eras.
05:19Therefore, at some time they were followers of the holy spirits.
05:23Sometimes they became believers of punishment and punishment after death,
05:26sometimes they worshipped the dead,
05:29and sometimes they worshipped weapons,
05:32metaphysics, animalism and imperialism.
05:36Like the Babylonians, the Egyptians' gods were also metaphysical,
05:41such as the moon, the sun, etc., or the various manifestations of the earth.
05:45Similarly, in the case of the Egyptians, animalism was also on the rise for a while.
05:50However, in the beginning, they worshipped those animals as a symbol of different gods.
05:55For example, they used to call the head of a goat as a symbol of a god,
05:59similarly, they used to call the head of a calf as a symbol of a god,
06:03but gradually these symbols were removed from their symbolic sign
06:07and they began to worship them as real gods.
06:11In addition, in the case of the Egyptians,
06:13the concept of God was based on monotheism instead of monotheism,
06:16and they were believers of a great god being of multiple gods.
06:20Historically, the Persian religion is of fundamental importance among the people of Asia.
06:25Its fundamental reason is its special connection with the Hindu,
06:29Tauran, Babylonian and Greek religions.
06:32Therefore, even today, the Persian religion has a deep history with the Jewish and Christian religions.
06:38The Persian religion and its followers were based on the view of monotheism.
06:44In fact, the area of ​​Iran was deep in the philosophy of monotheism.
06:48Imam Shehrestani writes,
06:50Certainly, the mentioned doctrine of monotheism is a necessity for the Majusi religions,
06:55because it is evident in every school of thought of the Majusi.
06:59In the Majusi religions, Zoroastrianism is the most diverse religion with the concept of a god.
07:06Therefore, in the scriptures, the attributes of God are described in this way,
07:10he is one, no one is like him,
07:12he has no beginning and no end,
07:15neither his parents nor his children,
07:17he is above all concepts,
07:19he is closer to man than himself.
07:22The viewers talk about Zoroastrianism,
07:24its history is approximately 660 to 683 BC,
07:28their concepts were based on monotheism to a large extent in reference to God.
07:32Therefore, according to them, God is the name of that being who has no partner,
07:36nor does he have any equivalent.
07:38God is superior to both good and evil,
07:41however, he points to God in relation to good,
07:44and in relation to evil, he considers it to be due to being confused with the darkness of divine light.
07:52Before Zoroastrianism, monotheism and monotheism were prevalent in Iran.
07:56Because Iran's means of livelihood was agriculture,
07:58therefore, the Iranians worshipped all those manifestations of nature that were beneficial for their agriculture.
08:04Nazin Zoroastrianism was a firm monotheism,
08:06their god's name was Ahur-Amzad.
08:09Ahur means owner and Mazd means grain.
08:13Zoroastrianism says about God that you are God, I know this.
08:19O Powerful One, you were the first when life was born,
08:23as it is written in your eternal law that the outcome of evil is bad and the outcome of good is good.
08:29Until the Day of Judgment, this has been decided under your jurisdiction.
08:33In relation to the attributes of God, Zoroastrianism says that God is one,
08:38but his monotheism is not a number, but a personal unity.
08:42Hatma-Nidarat means he has no equal.
08:45Hech-Cheez-Bad-Namand means he has no equal.
08:49Hasti-Wahama means he is the one who makes everything happy.
08:53Zoroastrianism says that Zoroastrianism was based on monotheism.
09:03However, after the death of Zoroastrianism in 331 BC,
09:06after the death of Zoroastrianism in 331 BC,
09:10the great scholars of Zoroastrianism were formed in the mountains and caves.
09:15This is how the decline of Zoroastrianism began.
09:17After that, when the Zoroastrianism was revived,
09:20the books of Zoroastrianism were re-edited with the help of the hafiz of the elders.
09:26Therefore, it was a sure thing to find a description in those books.
09:29Therefore, where the literal description was made in the book of Zoroastrianism,
09:33the spiritual description was also necessary.
09:35Monotheism took the place of monotheism.
09:37An English historian writes that after Zoroastrianism,
09:40when this religion came out of the circle of prophets and came under the control of national politicians,
09:45then the imagination of the one and only God, Ahabur Mazda, became like an emperor.
09:50People have established a belief that he is the creator of the world
09:53and is in need of the help of many gods to become the master of the world.
09:56And they were imagined as small gods.
09:59And thus, this religion based on monotheism was also lost in the dark clouds of Buddhism forever.
10:05Now if we talk about the concept of God in Hinduism,
10:08then the existence of God is actually much older than their holy books, Vedas.
10:13In some historians, the roots of Hinduism are found in the Babylonian and Egyptian cultures.
10:19Therefore, Hinduism has also been involved in natural phenomena,
10:22soul worship, animal worship, tree worship, fire worship and wind worship.
10:28Brahmi Mith believes in reformationism and materialism.
10:33In addition, this sect is also animalistic, especially cow-loving and snake-loving.
10:38According to this sect, there is no distinction between humans and animals
10:41because according to it, each of them is a symbol of a soul.
10:45And since souls are transmitted between humans and animals,
10:48therefore, each of them can become superior.
10:52And in this way, it is a series of gods.
10:54In addition, since Hinduism is a belief in co-ordinated souls,
10:58and from its soul, a person can be reborn in the form of an animal by transforming into a jinn.
11:04For this reason, it is impossible for any person to be reborn in the form of an animal to be punished for his sins.
11:11Then it is also possible to some extent that the aforementioned animal is someone's father or a close relative in the first jinn.
11:19According to Prof. Mix Moller, in fact, before the development of the Vedas,
11:23there was a concept of a god in Hinduism, which was a combination of three gods or gods.
11:29The first god was Barhama, who was the sun god, to whom all things were attributed.
11:35The second was Sipa and Seva, who were the gods of destruction and destruction, and were attributed to fire.
11:42The third god was Vishnu, who was considered the protector of all creatures, and his personality was attributed to Krishna.
11:50After this, on a Christian basis, this concept was accepted by Barhama as a separate entity.
11:58Barhama also claims that God created humans at different levels,
12:03therefore, God created Barhaman with his mouth.
12:06So his status is also the highest, so Barhaman can become a teacher, magician and judge.
12:11God created Kshatriya with his arms, so he was born to be a soldier.
12:16He created Vishnu with his tusks, so he is responsible for agriculture and farming.
12:21And he created Shodhar with his feet, so his responsibility is to serve the first three classes.
12:28This general concept of God is still present in the Hindu society.
12:32However, with the passage of time, another sect came into existence among the Hindus, which is called Jinn-Mith.
12:39Actually, Jinn-Mith was also a reaction of Hindu-Mith like Budh-Mith.
12:43Therefore, the Jinn do not believe in the division of personality and idol worship, nor do they believe in any worship or God.
12:50This is why they were called Malahida.
12:53However, with the passage of time, the Jinn also began to worship the idols of Mahavir, their religious leader.
13:00Viewers, if we talk about Budh-Mith, then it was not an independent religion in the beginning,
13:04but it was a social movement against the class system and cruel customs of the Hindu community.
13:09Therefore, we do not get a strong opinion about the teachings of Gautam Buddha directly in the concept of God.
13:14About Gautam Buddha, his followers have almost the same belief as they have about Jesus Christ.
13:22Therefore, Gautam Buddha rejected the concept of multiple gods.
13:26However, the simplicity of humanity could not only be achieved by worshiping God.
13:31Rather, it is necessary for man to crush his psychological desires and avoid evil and attain the highest level of purity and purity.
13:39Gautam Buddha gave a ten-pointed teaching for the salvation of man,
13:44which is based on right belief, determination, truth, right action, right way of living, perfect wisdom, right opinion and good thinking.
13:53The famous teachings of Gautam Buddha are completely similar to the Ten Commandments of the Torah.
13:59It seems that the whole philosophy of Gautam Buddha revolves around peace and love.
14:04However, as time passed, the followers of Gautam Buddha forgot their true teachings, which were purely social teachings.
14:12And at the same time, they began to worship Gautam Buddha by giving him the title of God.
14:16The Buddhist followers made big statues of Gautam Buddha and bowed down in front of them,
14:21while they strictly refused to worship the Buddha.
14:24If we talk about Sikhmat, then the belief of Sikhmat about God is the same as that of Islam and Hinduism.
14:31Sikhmat is a belief of one God and considers idolatry to be forbidden.
14:35In Sikh teachings, love between humans is taught.
14:39However, Sikhmat is also believed to be permissible, as well as the harmony of souls.
14:44In the Sikh religion, any Sikh's concept of God is best described in Mantra.
14:52The Maul Mantra is a collection of basic beliefs of the Sikhs,
14:55and it has been described in the beginning of their religious book Guru Granth Sahib.
15:01The first line of Sri Granth Sahib, the first mantra of Jipoji, indicates the doctrine of monotheism.
15:08There is only one God, who is the creator of reality.
15:12He is free from fear and hatred.
15:14He was not created by anyone, but He is infinite.
15:17He is infinite from Himself.
15:18He is great and merciful, who has existence from Himself.
15:21From this Mantra, it is clear that there is monotheism in Sikhmat.
15:26There is only one God, and He is present in an unclear and vague form.
15:33Now let's talk about the Sikh religion.
15:36The religious book of the Sikhs starts with the count of one.
15:39Guru Nanak uses the count of one to explain the last reality, the unity of God.
15:46After that count, the word Aum comes, which is pronounced as Aumkar.
15:51The reality that has been revealed through Aum is one.
15:55If you want to give it a name, then call it Sita, the eternal truth.
15:59It is the file of everything.
16:01In the Sikh religion, for a God, Waheguru, the words of a true God, also come.
16:06In Sikhism, there is another mantra that explains the firm belief of monotheism.
16:11In this, Guru Gobind Singh Chipp Ji says,
16:14In the Sikhs, the importance of Guru Gobind Singh Chipp Ji is the same as that of Guru Nanak Jipu Ji.
16:21God is one, Sita is great, there is no doubt about it.
16:27There is no sign, no color, no personality or lineage.
16:31No Kaka, no method can describe Him in any way.
16:35He is immobile, fearless and luminous.
16:38His power is unimaginable.
16:40He is the king of kings.
16:42Dr. Gopal Singh says,
16:44It can be seen that the Sikh community is firmly convinced of monotheism.
16:49It does not believe in anything except a higher and greater God, who is Mawara.
16:54Despite this, it is embedded in everyone.
16:57He is eternal and eternal.
16:59He is the creator.
17:00He is the cause of all.
17:01He is free from hatred and enmity.
17:03He is the environment.
17:04He is the music.
17:05He is not a God of a nation or a religion.
17:10His special feature is that He is not a God who is jealous or just.
17:16Rather, He is a merciful God.
17:18He did not create man to punish him for his sins.
17:23Rather, so that he can achieve his true purpose in the universe.
17:27Viewers, now let's talk about the God of the Chinese.
17:30According to the vast geography of China,
17:33according to the population and the number of tribes,
17:36almost all kinds of theories are found about God.
17:40However, the Chinese, Egyptians, Babel, Hindus, Persians and Arabs
17:45who have many theories could not give any message of invitation to the world.
17:51The basic reason for this was that historically,
17:54the Chinese civilization did not present any theory about God.
17:58Instead, they derived all their theories from other nations,
18:01such as Buddhism, Judaism, Islam and Christianity.
18:05Only Japan is the only nation that derived Confucius' theories from China.
18:11The importance of religion in the Chinese society was not more than traditional arts.
18:15In general, Chinese have a custom of worshipping spirits.
18:18However, in spirits too, the worship of parents and ancestors is the top priority.
18:22Therefore, these spirits are worshipped in different spiritual manifestations considering it difficult.
18:28The highest rank among them is that of the God of the heavens, Shang-Ti.
18:32After this, comes the rank of the Sun God.
18:35In the beginning, the Chinese people only worshipped Shang-Ti.
18:38But later, due to the political situation,
18:41Shang-Ti gradually disappeared.
18:44And people started worshipping the King of China as the successor of Shang-Ti.
18:50At the same time, the King's orders were given the rank of the heavenly laws.
18:55However, Confucius came and once again solved the problems of the family and the empire.
19:02Shang-Ti is a combination of two elements.
19:04One is yang, which is the element of peace.
19:07And the other is yang, which is the element of action.
19:10The element of peace is actually a sign of comfort and blessing.
19:14And the element of reality is considered to be a sign of misfortune and torment.
19:18After this, in the 12th century AD, the famous philosopher Shou-He presented the concept of God similar to Buddhism.
19:25And he invited to such a religion in which only one true god's existence was accepted.
19:31As far as Confucius is concerned,
19:33according to most thinkers, this is not an independent religion.
19:37Rather, it is a collection of a few wisdoms and sayings related to worldly affairs,
19:41which were derived from Confucius.
19:43Confucius used to travel to different places and convey his message.
19:47Like other religions, no specific teachings or worship is attributed to Confucius.
19:53And neither is there any mention of a specific place for worship in his teachings.
19:58But in general, he also seems to be a believer of the heavenly god Shang-Ti.
20:04Like Gautam Buddha, the believers of Confucius also deviated from his true teachings
20:09and after his death, they began to worship him as a statue.
20:13And this process is still going on.
20:15As far as Taoism is concerned,
20:17Laozui's views were generally very different from Confucius.
20:21Because according to Laozui, the most important thing for a happy life was to believe in Tao.
20:28But after Laozui's death, his teachings were distorted.
20:33And then it went beyond animalism.
20:36And finally, Buddhism spread to a large extent in China, influenced by Taoism.
20:42The Japanese did not have their own concept of God.
20:46In fact, we can call it a repetition of Chinese scenarios.
20:50Therefore, in the Japanese,
20:53Abao, ancestral worship and religious worship have been going on for centuries.
20:58Apart from Chinese religions, the Japanese were also influenced by Hinduism, Buddhism and Islam to a large extent.
21:04Therefore, with the reference of the gods,
21:06with the worship of many gods,
21:08they were also convinced of the interpretation of a great god.
21:11Therefore, they thought of a great god as a great god.
21:17Shintoism, in terms of this concept, is derived from two things, i.e. Shun and Tao.
21:22Shun means sacred souls and Tao was the religion that Laozui introduced to China.
21:28Therefore, in the Japanese, the souls have been gaining special importance.
21:32In Shintoism, there is a manifestation of human purity and purity.
21:36Therefore, in this religion, along with physical purity,
21:39the worship of sacred places for spiritual purity and the worship of many gods is also an essential matter.
21:45In Shintoism, although there is a concept of a great god in the presence of other gods,
21:50however, in their opinion, the worship of this great god is not necessary
21:54because it does not fall into human affairs.
21:57However, since the king is involved in human affairs in their opinion,
22:01therefore, his worship is an essential matter for his approval.
22:05Until the Second World War, the people of Japan remained on the king's worship.
22:09However, after the defeat in the Second World War,
22:11the belief of the people of Japan in the kings' worship has deteriorated.
22:16Therefore, the inclination towards patriotism has increased.
22:19Similarly, in the case of God, the belief of the people of Greece has passed through many stages.
22:24First of all, in the case of God, the people of Greece were influenced by the Cretan religion,
22:29which was actually a completely idolatrous religion.
22:32Therefore, the Greeks accepted various natural phenomena,
22:35i.e. fossils, animals and birds as God.
22:38In the second stage, the people of Greece developed and established this concept
22:42that God is actually a natural force and it is necessary that he is in his best and perfect form.
22:48Therefore, they imagined God as a beautiful and beautiful human being
22:52who wears a very beautiful garment.
22:55Later, they adopted the concept of a great god and named him Zovos.
23:01The Greeks were idolatrous like the people of Babylon in their reference to their gods.
23:05Therefore, they associated their gods with all human attributes,
23:08i.e. the form of the body and the food and drink, etc.
23:12However, since they had immortality and did extraordinary things beyond human power,
23:18they were different from humans in this respect.
23:21The Greeks did not have a holy book or Sharia,
23:24so their religious teachings were based on the sayings of different philosophers and intellectuals.
23:31In the third stage, the Greeks turned to monotheism.
23:35This stage was relatively confusing from a historical point of view.
23:38Probably, this period was called the period of Orpheus,
23:43which means the period of monotheism.
23:46Religiously, the fourth stage of the Greeks is of great importance,
23:51because in that period, God raised his head from the Greek philosophy and philosophical theories
23:55in reference to the explanation of the universe.
23:59Therefore, from the contemporary point of view of philosophy,
24:02all the elements of the universe were attributed to the time.
24:05As far as the philosophical issues are concerned,
24:08they were coincidentally active from this philosophical point of view
24:11and as a result of the period, the material element had a mutual connection.
24:17And there was no special reason for it.
24:19However, the philosophers of Plato only emphasized the existence of one God
24:24and claimed that there is actually a reason for the universe, which is Zeus, i.e. Allah,
24:29and the material element in itself is dependent on a driver,
24:32whose argument in Plato's case was the great system of the universe,
24:37whose occurrence was coincidentally impossible.
24:40According to Plato, God is free of action,
24:43because according to him, if something is free of action,
24:46there is no possibility of change in it,
24:48and that thing can actually be perfect, eternal, and eternal.
24:52Aristotle's concept of God was also similar to Plato's.
24:56According to Aristotle, God is a fixed, non-moving entity for this universe,
25:01because the change of a moving thing is inevitable.
25:04Like the Chinese, the Romans were also influenced by external theories from a religious point of view.
25:10The Romans were initially convinced of various assumptions and superstitions in terms of religion.
25:14At one time, the Romans were also convinced of the illusion of the universe, like the Greeks.
25:21However, their view of running the system of the universe was that many gods run it together.
25:28Therefore, they adopted the view that this system is under the arrangement of various vehicles,
25:33i.e. Mercury, Saturn, and Aries, etc.
25:36However, the Romans had no concept of specific places or the bodies of the gods for worship,
25:42and all their worship was based on some private gatherings and rituals,
25:46which were carried out inside the houses, and special things were cooked and observed by their gods.
25:52Their concept of God was only that one of the natural forces was considered to be under their influence,
25:58in which people had the ability to benefit or harm, like a storm or a storm, etc.
26:03Later, due to various wars and political conflicts,
26:07in Rome, the concept of the east was replaced by the concept of God,
26:12as the Egyptian and Babylonian theories gave birth to the concept of the second life in the Romans.
26:18In this concept, they went so far as to worship the dead.
26:22These different theories, which were born from the concept of God,
26:26made the Romans very widespread in religious terms,
26:29and the meaning of God was adopted in a very controversial form among them,
26:34due to which some non-religious elements also started to raise their heads.
26:38Later, instead of calling Christianity of Constantine a government religion,
26:44such theories gave way to some extent.
26:48Viewers, now let's talk about the concept of God in Christianity.
26:51We know that the Jews are eagerly waiting for Jesus Christ,
26:57in the hope that Jesus Christ will be a rich man,
27:00who, according to them, will be the greatest saviour of Judaism,
27:04and will punish the enemies of the Jews in every way.
27:07Therefore, when it was too late for the coming of the Messiah,
27:10they became convinced of the spiritual and conceptual Messiah in the world of hopelessness.
27:14In this complex spiritual environment, the Messiah, son of Mary, was born.
27:18At the time of his birth, the Messiah was 30 years old,
27:21and God Almighty sent him to the world with various miracles and signs.
27:27The Messiah gave him the concept of such a God,
27:30who was an eternal being and an eternal holy being.
27:41Man knows only as much about his actions and intentions,
27:45as he is allowed to believe in that great being.
27:49He is such a being who has intended to give birth to this universe,
27:53and all this happened only with his intention,
27:56which man is observing in the form of this universe,
27:59and which is beyond this observation.
28:01Therefore, in the Gospel of Matthew, it is clearly stated that
28:04God is our only Lord and there is no other God.
28:08Jesus Christ did not call himself a Messiah anywhere,
28:11but after his name was taken from the world,
28:14his followers became attached to him.
28:17In this way, even the Angels could not enter his life,
28:21and about 300 years after being taken from the world of Jesus Christ,
28:25he was crucified.
28:27In this way, according to God, the Christian concept of the beginning
28:30remained on the basis of pure unity.
28:32However, after Jesus Christ,
28:34a man named Saul, who later changed his name to Paul,
28:39became the symbol of Christianity,
28:41who was a strict Pharisee Jew,
28:43who had never seen Jesus Christ,
28:45nor had he had the opportunity to hear anything from him.
28:48Therefore, that man started preaching Christianity,
28:51because that man had a lot of knowledge about Christianity,
28:54and at the same time, he also had a lot of influence in political terms.
28:57Therefore, in order to get the attention of the Jews,
29:00he started a lot of Jewish teachings in Christianity,
29:04and with reference to Jesus, he adopted this view
29:06that he is such a being who is a liberator,
29:09he is a leader, and salvation and salvation are in his hands, etc.
29:14Therefore, the teachings of Paul had such an effect
29:17that in a short while, in the world of Christ,
29:19with reference to God, the Torah was presented as a single view,
29:23and three doctrines were included,
29:25and it turned into a polytheistic unity.
29:28And the view of polytheism with reference to God
29:30was actually inherited from Paul's Buddhist Greece.
29:33On such wrong views,
29:35Paul laid the foundation of modern Christianity.
29:38The oldest sect of Christians,
29:40which is now called the Jews, is considered a monotheist.
29:43They consider Jesus Christ to be only the messenger of God,
29:46and attribute the status of polytheism to the divine entity.
29:51In the early centuries, many such letters were available to people,
29:54in which Jesus Christ, like other prophets,
29:58was called the only prophet and God.
30:01There are two strange and strange points worth mentioning in these letters.
30:04Firstly, in most of the letters,
30:06Jesus Christ has been presented as the messenger of God and the prophet,
30:10and the word God, creator, or God has not been used.
30:14In the beginning of Second Christianity,
30:16such letters are found,
30:17in which there was opposition to the support of the revolutionaries,
30:19and the capitalists and the people of the government.
30:22In the past few centuries,
30:24the revival of the sects bearing the unity of God in Europe began again.
30:28In the 16th century,
30:30in the 16th century, a protestant individual school was born,
30:34which attacked the true school of Christians.
30:37The name of that school was Socianism,
30:40because its founder's name was Socionos.
30:44The followers of Socionos accepted the Holy Book,
30:47but they were also convinced of its shortcomings.
30:50They saw a lot of mistakes in it.
30:52These people emphasized that
30:54whatever is the doctrine of theology,
30:58which, according to their beliefs,
31:00was influenced by the deficient doctrine of Greek philosophers,
31:04had entered their beliefs,
31:06they considered it to be rejected.
31:08They did not accept Jesus Christ's divinity,
31:11but they considered him to be the best person.
31:13As far as the existence of God is concerned,
31:16he also accepts God with almost the same attributes,
31:19which are stated for him in other religions.
31:22Maurice Relton writes that
31:24Christianity has this idea about God,
31:27that there is a living, eternal existence,
31:29which is associated with all possible attributes of perfection.
31:32It can be felt, but it cannot be fully understood.
31:36Therefore, the exact analysis of its reality
31:39is beyond our mind.
31:41It is clear up to this point,
31:43but later in the Christian world,
31:45the details of the concept of God
31:47that have been presented are very confusing.
31:49It is not easy to understand them.
31:51In fact, in the Christian religion,
31:53God is composed of three egos,
31:56which is called the doctrine of conception.
31:58But in the explanation of this doctrine,
32:00the statements of the Christian scholars themselves
32:02are so different and contradictory
32:04that it is certainly very difficult to say one thing,
32:07that who are those three egos,
32:09the group of which, according to them, is God.
32:12There is also a difference in the designation of those egos.
32:15Some say that God, Father, Son and Spirit
32:18are the name of the group,
32:20and some say that Father, Son and Virgin Mary
32:22are the three egos, the group of which is God.
32:25Then what is the individual status of each of these three egos?
32:29And what is the relationship between the group of God,
32:32which is called the Trinity?
32:34There was a great disagreement in the answer to this question,
32:38which no Christian scholar has ever been able to solve.
32:42And thus, the concept of God
32:44remained a dream in the Christian religion.
32:47Viewers, now let's talk about the last and true religion in Islam,
32:50that is, the concept of God.
32:52We know that in terms of historical context,
32:55there was a general practice of idolatry in the Arabs.
32:58However, despite this idolatry,
33:00the concept of God was clearly present in them.
33:03Therefore, they used to worship idols
33:05in order to gain nearness to God.
33:07Islam was revealed at a time
33:09when various kinds of evil had spread
33:11even beyond the concept of God in the Arabs.
33:14Now the need was that the concept of God
33:18and at the same time,
33:20the Arab society should be purified from those spiritual diseases.
33:23In light of this situation,
33:25the philosophy of monotheism of Islam
33:27not only purified the widespread ideas of humans about God,
33:31but also corrected many other intellectual defects.
33:34The concept of God is the same
33:36as the philosophy of the Qur'an and the second book of revelations.
33:39However, due to the distortion in the second book of revelations,
33:42the concept of God had gone into obscurity.
33:45Therefore, it is clearly stated in the Holy Qur'an,
33:48O Muslims, do not argue with the People of the Book,
33:51but in the best manner,
33:53except those of the oppressors,
33:55and say, We have believed in Him
33:57who was sent down to us,
33:59and who was sent down to you.
34:01And we and your Lord are one,
34:03we are obedient to Him.
34:05And this is also clearly stated
34:07in the book of Torah,
34:09Listen, O Israel,
34:11our Lord is only one God.
34:13Islam has given a complete concept of God,
34:16in which there is no doubt of any kind.
34:19From the point of view of Islam,
34:21Allah is the Creator of the Universe,
34:23in the practice of this creation,
34:25no one is His partner.
34:27Now, if this concept is established with reference to God,
34:30then there is no doubt of polytheism and similarity.
34:33Islam is the relationship of man with God,
34:35the Creator and the creature.
34:37And the direct contact with the Messenger of God
34:39is a complete revelation.
34:41It was completed after the departure
34:43of the Messenger of God from this world.
34:46From the point of view of Islam,
34:48God did not take a physical form at any time,
34:51nor did He make anyone a partner in divinity.
34:55Therefore, the Qur'an,
34:57in a full way,
34:59refuting this physical point of view,
35:01clarified the humanity of Jesus Christ
35:03and the Prophethood.
35:05Ibn Sina says that Allah Almighty
35:07is preceded by His Essence, rank,
35:09and superiority.
35:11It is impossible for the universe
35:13to be behind Allah Almighty
35:15for this reason,
35:17because in this case it would mean
35:19that Allah Almighty decided
35:21to create this universe at some time.
35:23That is, first Allah did not intend it,
35:25then He intended to make it.
35:27However, in the intention of Allah Almighty,
35:29there is no change of any kind.
35:31Thus, the concept of God
35:33is included in Islam's view
35:35of unity,
35:37in which there is no doubt
35:39about polytheism and polytheism.
35:41In the Holy Qur'an,
35:43Allah has been mentioned
35:45in several places
35:47with the word Wahid,
35:49and the use of it
35:51has also been kept in mind.
35:53Viewers, the concept of God
35:55and the point of view of man
35:57has been an ancient intellectual issue
35:59on which the horses of reason
36:01were raced in different times.
36:03Therefore, according to the social
36:05and political conditions,
36:07changes took place.
36:09Therefore, some people think
36:11that with the advent of Islam,
36:13this concept of unity
36:15came to an end,
36:17and according to some people,
36:19changes are still taking place.
36:21In different advanced cultures,
36:25with the concept of God,
36:27it is clearly seen
36:29that every time this concept
36:31of unity came to an end
36:33from the time of Abraham
36:35to the time of Muhammad
36:37in the light of Wahid.
36:39However, despite the clear teachings
36:41of the Prophets,
36:43every time,
36:45due to some political
36:47and social conditions,
36:49changes took place.
36:51As a result of this debate,
36:53it became clear that
36:55unity is something
36:57that plays a fundamental role
36:59especially in the time of Akhtanun
37:01in the people of Egypt,
37:03the concept of God
37:05reached its peak
37:09On the other hand,
37:11the concept of unity
37:13in the Majusi and Farsi
37:15societies gradually
37:17deviated from unity
37:19to solidarity,
37:27However, Islam presented
37:29this concept of unity
37:31in a very clear and complete way
37:33which made the concept of unity
37:35clear in every way.
37:37Viewers, this was today's video.
37:39Finally, we pray to Allah
37:41to keep us on the path of unity
37:43and enable us to spread it.
37:45We hope that you
37:47must have liked today's video.
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38:09You can also send us your questions
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38:13May Allah keep you in His protection.
38:17At the end, dear friends,
38:19at the end of every video,
38:21we have started a series of prayers.
38:23In the name of Allah,
38:25the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful.
38:53Allahumma salli ala Muhammadin wa ala aali Muhammadin
39:01kama sallayta ala Ibrahima wa ala aali Ibrahima
39:09innaka hamidun majeed
39:11Allahumma barik ala Muhammadin wa ala aali Muhammadin
39:17kama barikta ala Ibrahima wa ala aali Ibrahima
39:23innaka hamidun majeed
39:47Allahumma barikta ala Ibrahima wa ala aali Muhammadin
39:57kama barikta ala Ibrahima
40:01innaka hamidun majeed
40:05Allahumma barikta ala Ibrahima
40:11Allahumma barikta ala Ibrahima
40:17innaka hamidun majeed
40:21Allahumma barikta ala Ibrahima
40:27innaka hamidun majeed
40:31Allahumma barikta ala Ibrahima
40:35innaka hamidun majeed
40:39Allahumma barikta ala Ibrahima
40:43innaka hamidun majeed
40:47Allahumma barikta ala Ibrahima
40:51innaka hamidun majeed
40:55Allahumma barikta ala Ibrahima
40:59innaka hamidun majeed
41:03Allahumma barikta ala Ibrahima
41:07innaka hamidun majeed
41:11Allahumma barikta ala Ibrahima
41:15innaka hamidun majeed
41:19Allahumma barikta ala Ibrahima
41:23innaka hamidun majeed
41:27Allahumma barikta ala Ibrahima
41:31innaka hamidun majeed
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41:55innaka hamidun majeed
41:59Allahumma barikta ala Ibrahima
42:03innaka hamidun majeed
42:07Allahumma barikta ala Ibrahima
42:11innaka hamidun majeed
42:15Allahumma barikta ala Ibrahima
42:19innaka hamidun majeed
42:23Allahumma barikta ala Ibrahima
42:27innaka hamidun majeed
42:31Allahumma barikta ala Ibrahima
42:35innaka hamidun majeed
42:39Allahumma barikta ala Ibrahima
42:43innaka hamidun majeed
42:47Allahumma barikta ala Ibrahima
42:51innaka hamidun majeed
42:55Allahumma barikta ala Ibrahima
42:59innaka hamidun majeed
43:03Allahumma barikta ala Ibrahima
43:07innaka hamidun majeed
43:11Allahumma barikta ala Ibrahima
43:15innaka hamidun majeed
43:19Allahumma barikta ala Ibrahima
43:23Allahumma barikta ala Ibrahima
43:27innaka hamidun majeed
43:31Allahumma barikta ala Ibrahima
43:35innaka hamidun majeed
43:39Allahumma barikta ala Ibrahima
43:43innaka hamidun majeed
43:47Allahumma barikta ala Ibrahima
43:51aur tu hame apne noor se dhaap le
43:55wo noor jo hamare seene ko munawwar karte
43:57wo noor jo qabr ko roshan karte
43:59wo noor jo pul-e-siraat par roshni ban chaye
44:03aye hamare rab
44:05hamko bhi unkhush naseebon mein shamil farma
44:07jinki tauba tu kabul karta hai
44:09jinke gunahon ko tu apne fazl-o-karam
44:11aur rahmat se nekiyon mein tabdeel karta hai
44:15ya Allah
44:17hamare paas koi amal nahi hai
44:19hume sirf teri rahmat ka aasra hai
44:21aye parvardigar
44:23hume apni rahmat mein dhaap le
44:25aye bulandiyon ke baadshah
44:27aye rab-e-kainat
44:29hamare dil aur hamare kadam
44:31apni raza ki tarah pher de
