Dajjal Zahair Ho Choka Hai True Story of Dajjal Dajjal Ki Amad Qiyamat Ki Nishani. Islamic & informative channel

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Islamic and informative video
00:00In the name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful.
00:03Peace and blessings of Allah be upon you.
00:07I am Jameel Ahmed Jami.
00:10All praise is for Allah.
00:13We praise Him.
00:15We ask for His help.
00:18I bear witness that there is no God but Allah.
00:23Ladies and gentlemen,
00:24a hidden reality from Israel has been exposed.
00:29According to the commentators,
00:31the only lake of sweet water in Israel,
00:34the lake of Tiberias,
00:36has started to run out of water due to the flood.
00:39According to the Hadith of the Holy Prophet,
00:43this is one of the major signs of the near future.
00:47Due to the lack of water in the lake of Tiberias,
00:50the island of Yajuj-Majuj has been exposed.
00:53The whole world is shocked to see this.
00:56Israel's own mistake is going to fulfill this sign of the near future.
01:01Yajuj-Majuj's Bayt-ul-Maqdas has been captured
01:05and the time has come for the seven wars of the people of the sky.
01:10Is the Israeli army also a partner of Yajuj-Majuj?
01:13We will tell you all these facts in today's video.
01:17In addition, we will tell you who Yajuj-Majuj was
01:21and we will also tell you some interesting facts about the island of Dajjal.
01:25The video is going to be very informative and interesting.
01:28Therefore, I request you to watch the video till the end.
01:32The lake of Tiberias is the only lake in Israel with fresh water.
01:36This is the 21 km long, 13 km wide and 43 km deep lake in the city of Tiberias.
01:44And Jesus Christ spent a lot of time on the shore of this lake.
01:49The mention of the lake is also found in the Hadith of the Holy Prophet.
01:54In addition, its mention is also found in the Torah and the Gospels.
01:59That is, this lake is very important for those who have a relationship with all three religions.
02:04A hadith of a true Muslim has been narrated about this lake.
02:08When a group of Yajuj-Majuj will reach this lake while running,
02:12they will drink all the water of this lake.
02:15Even when his other group will reach there,
02:18he will say that there used to be a lake here.
02:21This sign is considered one of the major signs of the nearness of the Day of Judgment in the Hadith of the Holy Prophet.
02:28Although the other signs of the nearness of the Day of Judgment are also of great importance,
02:33this sign is very important because the mention of other signs of the Day of Judgment
02:40is found in the Hadith of the Holy Prophet and the narrations of the companions.
02:46But the mention of Yajuj-Majuj is found in the Quran.
02:50According to the information derived from the Holy Quran and the Hadith of the Holy Prophet,
02:55Yajuj-Majuj will be a very powerful tribe.
02:58The Quran clearly testifies that Yajuj-Majuj were the names of two ferocious bloodthirsty tribes.
03:05Those people used to do a lot of injustice and oppression around them.
03:09The commentator Allama Tabatai has written in Al-Mizan that
03:14From all the narrations of the Torah, it is generally known that Yajuj-Majuj were one or more large tribes.
03:20They were people of the Jangju, Gharadgar, and Daku types living in the remote areas of North Asia.
03:27It was almost a daily routine that on the other side of the mountain,
03:31evil, barbarians, bloodthirsty Yajuj-Majuj would come in large numbers and attack the civilized people of the world
03:38and destroy everything.
03:41For them, killing people, looting property, and destroying the fields was a common thing.
03:48People would pray to their Lord in a state of great fear.
03:54One morning when they woke up, they saw that thousands of great foreign troops were camped in their open fields.
04:04At first, they were surprised and frightened.
04:07But then a few leaders of the people went to the side of the army,
04:11thinking that the Jangju army was a help and a savior for them.
04:15They asked the commander of the army to meet them.
04:17After permission, the local leaders were presented to the camp of the commander of the army.
04:22The commander of the army assured the people of the city that his army would not occupy their lands
04:28nor would it cause any harm to their crops and fields.
04:32The local leaders were pleased to see the good manners and kindness of the commander of the army,
04:39but when they were told that he was the great king of the world, Zulqarnain,
04:46they were very surprised.
04:48And they began to think that perhaps this person has come as a savior for us from the side of nature.
04:54Seeing the leaders lost in thought, Zulqarnain said,
04:57O my respectable friends!
04:59Although I am far away from my king, on a journey,
05:03but if I can serve you people, I will be happy.
05:06This was the moment when their heart's desire came to their lips.
05:10They all looked at each other and then one person said,
05:14O kind king! On the other side of that mountain lives a people called Yajuj Majuj,
05:19who are people who cause a lot of trouble on the ground.
05:22If we have to pay you some expenses,
05:24will you build a wall between us and them instead?
05:29The king said, O my respectable friends!
05:32Whatever God has given me is much better.
05:35However, if you people help me with strength and power,
05:39then I will build a strong wall between you and them.
05:43Zulqarnain filled the gap between the heads of the two mountains with thick iron sheets.
05:50Then he heated the sheets and put molten iron, copper and glass on them and closed it tightly.
05:56After crossing it, it became impossible for Yajuj Majuj to enter the human population on the other side.
06:02Dr. Israr Ahmed Tahrir says that the traces of that wall are still present
06:07along the western coast of the Capsian Sea between Daryal and Darband.
06:12This wall is 50 miles long, 29 feet high and 10 feet wide.
06:17It is certainly a great achievement to build such a big wall of iron and copper hundreds of years ago.
06:23There is a river valley between Daryal, Rus and Georgia.
06:27The road between Daryal and Darband is included on the Kohistan Dars.
06:32The territory of Yajuj Majuj was so vast that the people living below the Caspian Sea were victims of their atrocities.
06:41On the other hand, the residents of Tibet and China were always against them.
06:46In order to avoid the atrocities of Yajuj Majuj, numerous walls were built in different places in different times.
06:53Hazrat Abu Huraira narrates that the Messenger of Allah, peace and blessings of Allah be upon him, said
06:58that Yajuj Majuj dig the Zulqarnain wall every day.
07:03When they get close to putting a hole in the wall, their guard tells them to go back,
07:08tomorrow we will make a hole in it.
07:10There, Allah Almighty makes it stronger and firmer than before.
07:14The next day, they get busy with the work of digging, so they dig every day and Allah Almighty corrects it.
07:20This process will continue until the time comes for them to come out and Allah Almighty will order them to open.
07:28On that day, when they dig to the end of the wall, their guard will say,
07:33God willing, tomorrow we will cross it.
07:36The Messenger of Allah, peace and blessings of Allah be upon him, said that when they return the next day,
07:40they will find it in the same condition as they left it.
07:43Then they will break it and come out and fall on people.
07:47They will drink all the water and run away from people.
07:50Then they will throw their arrows towards the sky.
07:53The arrows will come back drowned in blood.
07:55They will say that we have overcome the people of the earth and we have increased in strength and height from the people of the sky.
08:01Then Allah Almighty will create an insect in their necks from which they will perish.
08:05From the explanations of the Qur'an and Sunnah, it is undoubtedly proven that
08:09Yajuj Majuj is not a strange thing.
08:12Rather, it is related to the human generation and it is from the children of Prophet Noah.
08:17Its sequence is similar to the progeny of Prophet Noah.
08:21In a hadith of Sahih Muslim, the Prophet of Allah, peace and blessings of Allah be upon him,
08:25has explained in detail about him, which is narrated from Hazrat Nawaz bin Saman, may Allah be pleased with him.
08:31It is narrated from Nawaz bin Saman, may Allah be pleased with him,
08:34that the Prophet of Allah, peace and blessings of Allah be upon him, said about Yajuj Majuj,
08:39that the appearance of Yajuj Majuj will be in his presence after the descent of Jesus Christ.
08:45Allah Almighty will say to Jesus Christ,
08:48that I have brought out the people I have created.
08:51No one has the power to fight them.
08:54You gather those who serve me and go to Kohitur.
08:58Then Allah Almighty will bring out Yajuj Majuj.
09:01They will come from every high place.
09:04They will destroy everything.
09:07When they reach the lake of Tiberias, they will drink all its water.
09:11This will be the time when Jesus Christ and his companions will be captured by Yajuj Majuj.
09:17Then Jesus Christ and his companions will pray to Allah Almighty.
09:22Then Allah Almighty will create an insect in the necks of Yajuj Majuj.
09:26This will destroy everything.
09:30Then Jesus Christ and his companions will descend from Kohitur.
09:34The earth will be covered with the dead bodies of Yajuj Majuj.
09:37There will not be a single place that is not covered with the dead bodies of Yajuj Majuj.
09:42Then Jesus Christ and his companions will pray to Allah Almighty.
09:46Allah Almighty will send a lot of small birds.
09:49Their necks will be like the necks of camels.
09:52They will pick them up and take them away.
09:54And they will throw them wherever Allah Almighty wants.
09:56Then Allah Almighty will rain rain.
09:58Every house, city, and jungle will be washed away.
10:01The whole earth will become clear like a mirror.
10:04Then Allah Almighty will order the earth to give fruits and flowers from its stomach.
10:09And give back its blessings.
10:11In those days, there will be such a blessing that a pomegranate will be enough for the whole community.
10:15And they will make an umbrella out of its skin and shadow it.
10:18And there will be such a blessing in milk that a cow that gives one milk will be enough for the whole tribe.
10:23And a goat that gives one milk will be enough for the whole family.
10:27In those days, Allah Almighty will send a happy wind.
10:30Because of this, a special disease will appear under the necks of all Muslims.
10:34And all the dead will be found.
10:36Only those bad people will remain.
10:38Who will do open mischief like animals on the ground.
10:41And the same will come to the people.
10:43And the humans were warned.
10:45Humans were warned that when this happens, they should wait for the Day of Judgment.
10:50Viewers, let me tell you that surprisingly,
10:52There is an increasing decrease in the flow of water in the Tiber Lake.
10:57When this decrease will reach such an extent that water can be filled in this lake again.
11:01Then it will be time for the extraction of the Yajuz Majuz.
11:04At that time, the Yajuz Majuz will come forward and spread destruction and destruction.
11:08Dear viewers, if you check a report published about the water level in the Tiber Lake.
11:14Then you will be surprised that from 2004 to 2012,
11:18The water level in the Tiber Lake has fallen to such an extent that it could never be filled to this level again.
11:24Israel tried a lot to keep this fact confidential.
11:27Because of this, this fact has not been revealed to the world.
11:31But after 2012, after so many years, there has been an increase in this level.
11:37And surprisingly, an island has also appeared in the Tiber Lake.
11:42According to reliable sources, the water level in the Tiber Lake of Israel has gradually decreased.
11:48Because of this, an island has appeared in the lake.
11:51Which is found on the map of the land of the Russian Voyager, Webga, Bendix and Mapcovest.
11:58However, even after some time, it is not visible on Google.
12:02Books of religion and history are full of this fact.
12:05That one of the big signs of the Day of Judgment is the dryness of this lake.
12:10The Tiber Lake, from where Israel gets water for itself, is about to dry up.
12:15And due to the terrifying potholes, the people of Ablut-al-Islam are being tormented.
12:21As a result, the sea that comes into existence, the Dead Sea, is drying up very quickly.
12:27There is also an extraordinary decrease in its water level.
12:31Experts believe that the Dead Sea will lose its existence long before 2050.
12:37The number of these potholes was only 40 in 1990.
12:40However, now only 300 potholes have been formed on the coast of Makbouza, Palestine.
12:45Which is a very worrisome area for Israel.
12:48Every possible attempt is to prevent its sea from drying up.
12:51That is why a connecting canal from the Suez Canal is being dug to the Dead Sea.
12:56It should be clear that the Dead Sea is 400 meters higher than the Dead Sea.
13:01In addition to the connecting canal, the Ahmar-Kulthum Canal is planned to be connected to the Dead Sea via a pipeline.
13:07This project is called the RSDSC project.
13:10Billions of dollars will be spent on this project.
13:13Scientists say that the Dead Sea is drying up rapidly due to environmental change.
13:18Viewers, today the whole world has come to know of the fact that the water of the Tiber Lake has decreased to a dangerous extent.
13:25And that time has arrived when the potholes will be visible to the world.
13:29You must be thinking that if Gog and Magog are drinking the water of this lake, then why is it not visible to anyone?
13:35And is there no importance of this lake for Israel?
13:38Then why are they hiding the truth about it?
13:41Viewers, the Tiber Lake is very important for Israel.
13:44Because Jesus Christ has spent most of his life here.
13:49And he considers Jesus Christ to be his religious guide in the coming days.
13:55In addition, this lake is located near the Temple of God.
13:58This is the only lake of sweet water in Israel.
14:01And a third of the population of Israel is based on this lake of sweet water.
14:06In addition, a mega project is being started in Israel.
14:09Because of this, this lake is very important for them.
14:13Some people think that this mega project in Israel is going to play an important role in making the water of the Tiber Lake completely disappear in the future.
14:24The commentators have also pointed this out.
14:26And they say that drinking water from the lake of Gog and Magog does not mean drinking water like we drink.
14:33Rather, it means that the water of this lake will be completely exhausted due to use.
14:39And today everyone knows that Israel has admitted to the whole world that the work that could not be done in Saudi Arabia, we will complete the whole world.
14:49Israel has also announced to the whole world that they will turn the deserts here into green and fertile deserts.
14:57They have also revealed the fact that they intend to use the areas around the Tiber Lake for this purpose.
15:05In the near future, they will use the Tiber Lake with new technology and turn the deserts around it into green and fertile areas and take it to the Arab countries.
15:15Because the water of the Tiber Lake will be used in large quantities to work on this project.
15:20That is why they tried to keep the situation of lack of water under control.
15:25But they do not know that this is the reality that is taking us closer to the time when the water of the Tiber Lake will be completely exhausted.
15:35And the direction of Gog and Magog will be towards the Temple of Paradise.
15:39And there they will conquer the sky.
15:41Today we see that on the one hand, the preparations to conquer the Temple of Paradise are in full swing.
15:46Israel is advancing towards the Temple of Paradise with the support of all superpowers.
15:51So on the other hand, the world's superpowers are running to capture other planets as soon as possible.
15:57India has reached the moon and is now busy preparing to go to the sun.
16:02The other superpowers of the world are trying to get other information about the moon and the stars from India.
16:09The purpose of these superpowers is to reach Mars as soon as possible so that they can capture these stars.
16:16Satellites around the earth have been set up by those countries.
16:20Everyone is trying to get ahead of each other in space.
16:24A race is going on to somehow reach the vehicles in space and capture them.
16:30So that they can also rule over those vehicles along with the earth.
16:34Let me tell you that there is a hadith in which it is said to throw arrows towards the skies of Gog and Magog.
16:40Its description is stated in such a way that these nations of Gog and Magog will first conquer the earth,
16:46then they will fight each other to conquer the skies.
16:49Viewers, these superpowers of the world have taken control of the whole world through the Dajjali system.
16:55They have succeeded in setting up such a secret trap from which no one can escape now.
17:01Everyone is becoming a part of their Dajjali system and secret world system even though they do not want to.
17:07No one has the strength to confront them.
17:10Whoever goes ahead to confront them, they destroy and destroy them.
17:15These are the people about whom it is being said that these are the people of Gog and Magog
17:20who will turn towards the skies after complete control of the earth.
17:24And their goal will be to take control of the skies.
17:28From this step of theirs, the prophecy of Prophet Muhammad PBUH in Hadith Pak is also being fulfilled.
17:35In which he said that Gog and Magog will turn their arrows towards the skies after taking control of the world.
17:42Today everyone is well aware of this fact that after their domination in the world,
17:46the arrows of these superpowers have turned towards the skies.
17:50And the fast pace with which the water of the lake of Tiber is running out,
17:54there is still one or two years to pass.
17:57Its water will completely run out.
17:59And the prophecy of Prophet Muhammad PBUH which has started to be fulfilled,
18:05will be completely fulfilled.
18:07Dear viewers, if we talk about the island of Dajjal here,
18:10then in the Arabian Sea, there is an island called Sakhtari which is a part of Yemen.
18:16And it has many secrets hidden in it.
18:19Although its beauty has the ability to clear the eyes,
18:22in the light of Hadith, no particular place has been designated for the appearance of Dajjal.
18:28However, in four places, in the form of apparent contradiction,
18:32its verification has been stated in such a way that
18:34Dajjal's exit will be first from the valley between Syria and Iraq.
18:39But at that time, he will not be famous.
18:41His Aawans and Ansar helpers will be waiting for him in the Jewish villages.
18:46There he will go and take them with him in the first stage in Khuzo Kerman.
18:50Then his exit against the Muslims will be from Khorasan.
18:53If there is Yemen in the north of that island, then in the west there is the African country Somalia.
18:57If there is the Indian Ocean in the south, then in the north-west,
19:00there is the world's most important trading base.
19:02This island was actually a part of Africa,
19:05but 50 million years ago, when it was separated from all the other continents of the world.
19:10The plants, birds and other environment here are quite different from every part of the world.
19:15Viewers, it is proven from the Hadith that Dajjal will appear from the east
19:20and it will be from such a place that it will be able to affect the entire east of the world.
19:25In addition to this, if the location of his residence is unique,
19:28then because of all those signs, people call that island the island of Dajjal.
19:33Not only this, the official name of that island is Galapagos of Arabia.
19:38It is also called Alien Island.
19:41The soil of that island is considered to be the most fertile soil in the world,
19:45in which not only the power of growing is very high,
19:48but the plants that grow here are different from other parts of the world,
19:53which cannot grow in any other part of the world.
19:56A special type of tree is found in this island, which is called the Dragon Blood Tree.
20:00Locals also call that tree Dammul Akhwain,
20:04which means a tree with the blood of two brothers.
20:07A juice of blood comes out of the trunk of this tree,
20:10which feels as if blood is flowing from the tree.
20:14The juice of blood coming out of this tree was used in the past as sacred for various purposes.
20:21And it is also used in cosmetics and various objects in recent times.
20:26There are deserts, beaches, mountains and caves in the island at the same time.
20:30There are beaches of white soil on one side of this island,
20:33and there are also 1,500 meters high mountains on the other side of this island.
20:39There are such caves in which the signs of ancient humans are present,
20:44which prove that this island was the residence of humans from day one.
20:48This island is also full of magnificent shaped valleys,
20:51in which clean rivers flow from the coasts of the white sand.
20:56The population of Suktra is approximately 80,000,
20:59and it is inhabited since ancient times,
21:01because many very old inscriptions have been found from its caves.
21:04In the past, it was also the refuge of those who fled slavery.
21:07The situation in Yemen is not good.
21:09The civil war has destroyed the country.
21:12But Suktra is a peaceful place away from the central areas of the country.
21:17Taking advantage of the situation in Yemen,
21:19the United Arab Emirates and Saudi Arabia have increased their influence and influence here.
21:24Perhaps because this island is very common in terms of design.
21:29Currently, both countries are winning the hearts of the people.
21:33Thanks to the efforts of the United Arab Emirates,
21:36the people here got basic facilities such as electricity, water and gas.
21:40Then, Suktra has become easier to communicate with the whole world through the Emirates.
21:45In fact, now people say that Suktra is actually ruled by the United Arab Emirates.
21:50Viewers, this is an island that is much more amazing, strange and poor than Bermuda.
21:58This is such a unique place that people say that
22:00if the Dajjal appeared on an island, it would be the same.
22:04Anyway, only Allah knows where this mischief will come from.
22:07But this island is really very strange.
22:11It is such a world that it seems that we have come to another planet, not this earth.
22:18Dajjal is the character that has been mentioned in many hadiths of our Prophet.
22:24And it has been declared as the worst mischief from Adam to the Day of Judgment.
22:35For the Islamic world, the appearance of the Dajjal will be the most difficult and mischievous.
22:40The Dajjal will have satanic powers.
22:43The world will be full of powers.
22:45And through them, it will cause destruction in the world.
22:50Dajjal in Arabic language is also called a deceiver.
22:55And it is also said to pour gold water on a fake thing.
22:58The name of the Dajjal was given because lying and deceiving will be the most prominent characteristics of his personality.
23:04And every action of his will be shadowed by deception and falsehood.
23:08Nothing, no action, no word will be free of the effects of that satanic habit.
23:13The meaning of Dajjal is the one who hides the truth.
23:16The biggest deceiver and deceiver.
23:19The root of Dajjal is Dajjal, which means to mislead.
23:23That is, to deceive and deceive others with satanic tricks.
23:28To fabricate, to hide the truth, to lie and to make false statements.
23:33So, all the negative qualities are found in Dajjal.
23:38In Islamic terminology, Dajjal means a false messiah.
23:42Which is one of the main signs of the Day of Judgment.
23:45It will appear in the end times and will claim prophethood and divinity.
23:49And many signs of Dajjal have been mentioned in the blessed hadith.
23:53Hazrat Abu Umama, may Allah be pleased with him, says,
23:56The Prophet, peace and blessings of Allah be upon him, gave us a sermon and gave a long speech.
24:02In it, he also described the state of Dajjal.
24:04The Prophet, peace and blessings of Allah be upon him, said,
24:07Since Allah has created the children of Adam,
24:10Since then, no mischief has been created other than the mischief of Dajjal.
24:15All the Prophets have been making their Ummah afraid of Dajjal.
24:19Because I am the last of all the Prophets, and you are also the last Ummah.
24:24Therefore, Dajjal will be born from you.
24:27If it had appeared in my life, I would have faced it from all of you.
24:32But since it will appear after me, every person will protect himself from his ego.
24:38Allah will protect him from my side.
24:41Listen, Dajjal will be between Syria and Iraq from Maqam Qulla,
24:45And he will spread mischief in his right and left countries.
24:48O servants of Allah, be steadfast in faith.
24:51I will tell you the state of Dajjal, which no one has ever told me before.
24:56First, he will claim to be a prophet.
24:58Then he will say, I am God, I seek refuge with Allah.
25:00You cannot see God before you die.
25:03Then how did Dajjal become God?
25:05Apart from this, he will be Qana.
25:06Your God is not Qana.
25:08On his forehead will be written Ka, Fe, Re,
25:11Which every believer, scholar or ignorant will read.
25:14The Prophet said,
25:17When Dajjal will pass through the desert, he will be ordered to take out his treasures.
25:23Then his treasures will destroy him as honeybees destroy their leader.
25:30And with him, there will be heaven and hell.
25:33But in reality, heaven will be hell and hell will be heaven.
25:37So whoever is put in his hell,
25:39He should read the initial verses of Surah Kahaf,
25:42Then that hell will become a garden for him,
25:45As it was on Abraham.
25:47One of his mischief will be that he will say to a villager,
25:50If I revive your parents, will you believe me as God?
25:54He will say yes.
25:55Then two devils will come in the form of his parents,
25:58And will say to him, Son, obey him.
26:00He is your Lord.
26:02And one of his mischief will be that he will kill that person,
26:04And will tear him into two pieces,
26:06And will say, Look, I will unite this man now.
26:09So after that, will you believe any other God other than me?
26:13God will revive him again to fulfill the mischief of that Dajjal.
26:17Dajjal will ask him, Who is your Lord?
26:19Then he will say, My Lord is Allah,
26:21And you are the enemy of God, Dajjal.
26:23By God, now I have complete faith that you are Dajjal.
26:27And one of the mischief of Dajjal will also be that,
26:29If Dajjal commands the sky, it will shower rain,
26:32And if Dajjal commands the earth, it will grow green.
26:35The animals that will climb that day will be very fat and fresh,
26:38They will be full of holes, they will be full of cold milk,
26:41Except for Mecca and Madinah,
26:44There will be no part of the earth where Dajjal has not reached.
26:48As soon as he enters Mecca and Madinah,
26:50Angels will stop him with bare swords.
26:52Dajjal will settle near a small red mountain.
26:56In the Hadith, Imam Mehdi will be busy in the arrangement of the country,
27:02That the Dajjal of Afa-Udigi has destroyed the Muslims.
27:05As soon as Imam Mehdi hears this news,
27:07He will prepare for Syria.
27:09And for the investigation of this news,
27:11He will send 500 or 900 riders,
27:13For whom the Prophet of the universe said,
27:17I know the names of those Mujahideen,
27:19And I also know the names of their forefathers.
27:22And I also know the color of their horses.
27:24They will be better than the people of the world,
27:27They will not find the Dajjal anywhere,
27:29And when they return, they will inform Imam Mehdi that this news is wrong.
27:33And then after a few days, the Dajjal will be revealed.
27:36The Dajjal will be from the Jewish nation.
27:38The majority of his followers will be Jews and women.
27:42He will be a young man,
27:44He will be a man, he will have a heavy body,
27:46He will be the owner of red color,
27:47His name in the public will be Messiah,
27:49Sahih Bukhari and Muslim.
27:50He will be black with one eye,
27:52Sahih Muslim.
27:53His hair will be short and curly.
27:55There will be a big donkey in the ride,
27:57It will be between the country of Iraq and Syria,
28:00Where he will claim to be a prophet and messenger.
28:02Then Isfahan will go from there,
28:04Sahih Muslim.
28:05There will be 70,000 Jews with him,
28:07He will claim to be God from here,
28:09He will spread disorder all over,
28:11And in most places of the earth,
28:13He will gather people and make himself God.
28:16For the test of people,
28:18God will reveal his great, great, strange and strange deeds.
28:21Sahih Muslim.
28:22On his forehead,
28:23Ka-fe-re will be written,
28:26Only the believers will be able to identify it.
28:28There will be a fire with him,
28:30Which will be interpreted as hell,
28:32And there will be a garden,
28:33Which will be called heaven.
28:34He will put the opponents in the fire,
28:36And the hypocrites in heaven.
28:38Sahih Bukhari.
28:39He will have a very large collection of food and drink,
28:42He will give to whoever he wants,
28:44The sect that will be his opponent,
28:46He will stop the mentioned things from him.
28:48He will convey many such rituals to the Muslims,
28:51But by the grace of God,
28:52The remembrance of God,
28:53And the sanctification and sanctification of the Muslims,
28:55He will give the task of eating and drinking.
28:57Abu Dawood.
28:58Two years before he appeared,
29:00He would have been imprisoned,
29:01And the third year,
29:02During the imprisonment,
29:03He will appear.
29:04Abu Dawood.
29:05The buried treasures of the earth,
29:07By his command,
29:08Will be with him.
29:10Sahih Muslim.
29:11Some people will say to him,
29:12I can revive your parents,
29:14So you should see my power,
29:17And believe in my divinity.
29:19And in the same way,
29:20He will pass through many countries,
29:22Until he reaches the border of Yemen,
29:24And many people will be with him,
29:27Then returning from there,
29:29He will settle near Makkah Mukarramah.
29:31But because of the guarded angels,
29:33He will not be able to enter Makkah Sharif.
29:36Bukhari and Muslim.
29:37And then he will head to Madinah.
29:39At that time,
29:40There will be seven doors of Madinah.
29:41Sahih Bukhari.
29:42For the protection of every door,
29:44God will appoint two angels,
29:48Because of whose fear,
29:49The army of the Dajjal will not be able to enter Madinah.
29:52And in Madinah Munawwara,
29:53There will be three earthquakes.
29:55Because of which,
29:56The disbelievers,
29:57The hypocrites,
29:58Because of fear,
29:59Will leave the city,
30:00And will be trapped in the trap of the Dajjal.
30:02At that time,
30:03An old man from Madinah Munawwara,
30:04Will come out to meet the Dajjal.
30:06And he will say to the Dajjal,
30:07You are the same Dajjal Maloon,
30:09Whom the beloved of Allah,
30:11Peace and blessings of Allah be upon him,
30:13Had informed us.
30:15So the Dajjal,
30:16In anger,
30:17Will cut the old man into two pieces,
30:19And throw them separately.
30:22And then,
30:23To make him believe in his claim of God,
30:25He will revive the old man's piece again.
30:28But after the old man is revived,
30:30He will say to the Dajjal,
30:31Now I am completely convinced,
30:33That you are the same Dajjal Maloon.
30:36The Dajjal will again come in anger,
30:37And will order the old man to be killed.
30:40But now he will fail.
30:42Then he will put the old man,
30:43In his prepared hell.
30:46With the power of Allah,
30:48He will become a shelter for you.
30:50After that,
30:51The Dajjal will not be able to revive any dead person.
30:54And will leave for the country of Syria.
30:56And before going there,
30:58Imam Mahdi would have come to Damascus.
31:00And he would be preparing to fight the Dajjal.
31:03That is,
31:04He will distribute the army,
31:05And the war equipment.
31:07One day,
31:08People will be preparing for the prayer.
31:10Jesus Christ,
31:11Kneel on the shoulders of two angels.
31:13From the sky,
31:14The Jama Masjid of Damascus,
31:15On the eastern minaret,
31:16The Jalwa will be distributed.
31:19He will meet Imam Mahdi,
31:20The true Muslim Sharif.
31:22And Imam Mahdi,
31:23Will be very humble,
31:24And will be with you,
31:25With happiness.
31:27The Muslim Sharif.
31:28And he will say,
31:29O Prophet of Allah,
31:30Lead the prayer.
31:31Jesus Christ,
31:32Will say,
31:33Lead the prayer.
31:35This honor,
31:36God has given to this Ummah.
31:38Imam Mahdi,
31:39Will lead the prayer.
31:40And Jesus Christ,
31:41Will lead the prayer behind you.
31:42After completing the prayer,
31:43Imam Mahdi,
31:45Will say to Jesus Christ,
31:47O Prophet of Allah,
31:50The army is in your hands.
31:51Do whatever you want.
31:53He will say,
31:54You do this work.
31:55I have only come to kill the Dajjal.
31:58I am destined to kill him.
32:00When the night will pass,
32:02In the morning,
32:03Imam Mahdi,
32:04Will come with his army,
32:05To the battlefield.
32:07Jesus Christ,
32:08Will say,
32:09Bring me a horse and a spear.
32:10So that,
32:11I can clear the land from their evil.
32:14Jesus Christ,
32:15Will attack the Dajjal,
32:16And the Islamic army,
32:17Will attack the Dajjal's army.
32:19There will be a fierce battle.
32:20At that time,
32:21In Dam-e-Isri,
32:22There will be a speciality,
32:24As far as you can see,
32:26Will kill.
32:27Muslim Shari'ah.
32:29The disbeliever,
32:30To whom your breath will reach,
32:32He will be destroyed.
32:33The Dajjal,
32:34Will run away from you.
32:35You will follow him.
32:37You will go to Maqam-e-Lad.
32:39You will kill him.
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